by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 69

My dear Brethren: – Grace and peace through our Beloved Master!

In 2 Pet. 1:5‑7 are presented the essentials of Christian character, the which, if one lacks, “he is blind” (v. 9); but by the doing of which “you will never fall” (v. 10). A sober consideration of such a character structure should be the constant striving of all who are determined “not to fail.” That knowledge (the “Know‑how”) is the primary requisite herein needs no elaboration. It is not only the beginning, it is the constant companion during our earthly pilgrimage. At the consummation of his ministry St. Paul wrote, “for I know whom I have believed.” (2 Tim. 1:12) Follow­ing is Brother Rus­sell's statement of the matter in Parousia Vol. 5, p. 238, par. 2:

“As we mature, 'grow in grace,’ we will desire, seek and obtain, in addition to the milk of the Word, the 'strong meat’ which the Apostle declares is for those of fuller development. (1 Pet. 2:2; Heb. 5:13,14) The development in the “graces” of the Spirit, faith, fortitude, knowledge, self‑control, patience, piety, brotherly kindness, love, will bring us into closer fellowship with the Father and with Jesus, so that the Lord will be able and willing to communicate to us more and more clearly a knowledge of his gra­cious plans, as well as of his own gracious character.”

In giving us the Seven Higher Primary Graces, as Faith, Self‑control, Patience, Piety, Brotherly Love, Charity, Brother Johnson differs slightly from the above; but in E:1‑71, he distinctly tells us that Knowledge is an ingredient of Wisdom: "The third element of God's character is His graces. Usually we speak of the main attributes of God's character as WISDOM, POWER, JUSTICE and LOVE. But, as St. Peter shows us in his famous addition problem (2 Pet. 1:5‑7), these are capable of being re­solved into their parts as follows: Wisdom is a combination of faith, hope (which is the heart of forti­tude) and knowledge. Power (will power as distinct from omni­potence, which is an attribute of be­ing and not of character) is a combination of self‑control and patience. Justice is a combination of pi­ety (duty‑love to God; in God's case this goes out to good principles, not to any person, which, if it did, would imply that God has a superior – an impossibility) and Brotherly-Love (duty‑love to the neighbor). St. Peter does not analyze love; he simply mentions it as charity. These seven graces we call higher primary graces, because they are graces that, act­ing through the religious affections as qualities, are the chief and dominating graces. These graces in God are holy; they act in a holy man­ner and attach themselves to holy objects only."

We know that none of us can obtain 'knowledge of God' without developing it through the Holy Spirit; that no one, no matter how brilliant– even as brilliant and cunning as Satan– can obtain such 'knowledge of God' without God's help. God does not help the wicked to secure 'knowledge of God.' Nor does He help the Great Company while they are in the hands of Azazel. It would only injure them and others, while in that uncleansed condition, so they not only do not receive additional 'knowledge,' but the knowledge they have already received becomes dim, obscure and warped – includ­ing many "strong delusions."

In all such discussions it should be kept clearly in mind that none of these graces– except agape love– can be developed to perfection in ourselves or in others. During the Gospel Age the only grace required in perfection is agape love; therefore, St. Paul admonishes, "Put on love, which is the bond (or seal) of perfectness." It is the crowning top stone of character structure– just as the extreme tip of a pyra­mid is itself a perfect pyramid; and, if severed from the pyramid's top would in Feb. 1, 1961 – itself still present a full and complete and perfect pyramid. This is also grandly portrayed in the personality of Jesus, who is "above all" (except the Father Himself), Lord over all, but Himself a perfect unit, even though embracing the whole saved contin­gent of the human family in a perfect struc­ture under Him.

Altho, we believe there are but Seven Higher Primary Graces, as that is the number for Divine perfection, yet God's attributes are: Wisdom, Power, Justice and Love. He promises the Faithful that He will give them this, as much as they are able to receive. So, Love (Charity) is what we call a per­fect character, the end of all development of the Graces. Perfect Love (agape) in the heart, and that crystalized, is all God requires of His Saints. When we attain that and crystalize it, then we have actually "attained the mark" while yet in the flesh. But God tells us that He will give us the spirit of "power and of love and of a sound mind" (here are His four great attributes: Power, Love, Sound Mind – a sound mind would include Justice and Wisdom); and He gives us these attributes because of our faithfulness in develop­ing Faith, Fortitude, Knowledge. Self‑control, Patience, Piety, Brotherly Kindness‑­which if we develop and practise will give us that (Agape) love desired to the ex­tent of our capacity.

The Saints all have the capacity to develop that Perfect Love, otherwise none of them would be 'more than conquerors'; and the Great Company, after their cleans­ing, will also have to develop that Perfect Love if they gain Eternal life, although theirs will be forced by their adverse experiences during their abandonment process; otherwise, they would go into the Second Death. Brother Johnson tells us that some of the Youthful Worthies will be able to develop that Agape Love, and they should do it if they are able. But no doubt some of them won't be able to do that in this life, although they should do it as much as it is possible for them. However, they are not on trial for life – Character Per­fection – even as the Ancient Worthies were not on trial for life, but on trial for their faith (their faith­fulness in obedience to His Word and Providences). So some of the Youthful Worthies can and will be faithful who do not perfect Agape Love, even as was true of the Ancient Worthies, because their trial is not so crucial in that respect, to refine and develop character for Eternal Life at this time. While we have no proof for it, it would seem reasonable conclusion that those Youthful Worthies who do have the capacity to develop perfect agape love, but who fail to do so through indolence or wil­fulness, will in the final summation be counted as unfaithful and will not gain that Kingdom Prince­ship which will be the reward of all the faithful Worthies.

Brother Russell has this to say in Parousia Vol. 5, p. 239: "Each should ask himself whether or not he has this witness of the Spirit, this testimony to his growth as a new creature in Christ Jesus, and whether or not he is developing and maturing the kind of fruit here specified. Let us remember also that our growth in love and in all the Spirit's fruits is dependent largely upon our growth in knowledge; and our growth in knowledge of divine things is dependent also upon our growth in the Spirit's fruits. Each step of knowledge brings a corresponding step of duty and obediences and each step of duty and obedience taken will be followed by a further step in knowdedge, for so, the Spirit witnesseth, shall be the experience of all who shall be taught of God in the school of Christ. If we have this witness of the Spirit of growth, both in grace and in knowledge, let us rejoice therein, and let us follow on in the same pathway until it shall bring us, under divine guidance, to perfection, both in knowledge and in grace."

However, no one will ever reach perfection in Wisdom, which has as its ingredient Knowle­dge, because God reserves such Wisdom and Knowledge for Himself alone; even His only begotten Son will never achieve all‑knowledge. Nor will any of the Saints achieve Justice, Wisdom and Power that is inherent in God only– although they will re­ceive sufficient of these three attributes to do the Fa­ther's will. But in the attri­bute of Love, they will achieve that in its perfection for them; they will de­velop (and receive) perfect (Agape) love while in the flesh, because no one will be of the First (chief) Resurrection (to Divine Nature) unless they have developed a perfect character (perfect Love). We are told that God will give "it" (this perfect character) a "body as it has pleased him." (1 Cor. 15:38) Of course, we all know that the Saints have varying degrees of knowledge, but each one has sufficient knowledge to develop in himself Perfect (Agape) Love: each one during the Harvest came into the Parousia Truth and received enough developing Truth to perfect himself in Love (the lend of the commandment'); however, some of the Saints needed more knowledge than enough to develop their characters, as they were given further knowledge for the purpose of the work the Lord had for each of them. We cite Brother Johnson and others in the Epiphany Truth as examples. They were given additional Truth to serve Him (which they would do, because they were in complete heart‑harmony with the Lord's plans and purposes for them).

In keeping with the foregoing, the expression is often heard, ''He knows too much for his own good!" While this may sometimes be true, it was certainly not true of St. Paul, nor of any of the Star Members, nor of any of the Gospel‑Age fully faith­ful. Brother Russell has well stated that we should esteem most highly those whose zeal for the Truth – "as the hart panteth after the water brook" – goads them constantly to the acquisition of more of that blessed Truth. It is a true observation that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Often do we read of novices crippling themselves and others by attempting to construct bombs and the like with their meagre knowledge. Thus, instead of knowing too much, they know too little. Quite often the Truth is injured also by those who know too little, yet insist upon appearing ''wise.'' The ideal, of course, is to possess the virtues and graces in perfect bal­ance, something which only Jesus Himself was able to do. But, by a system of checks and balances, to be found in Holy Writ, all the fully faithful achieve enough of bal­ance to gain the inheritance they seek. Thus, the Scriptures tell us, "Knowledge puffeth up (in one not properly balanced), but love buildeth up." In similar vein, "the generous heart shall be made fat," and "God loveth a cheerful giver"; but, generosity carried to extreme, may make one a spendthrift or an "easy mark" for the world's greed. Therefore, the admonition for "stewards to be found faithful."

It needs no argument that our Heavenly Father is perfect in generosity, and He has the wherewith to be generous – "the gold is mine, and the silver is mine; and the cattle on a thousand hills are mine." Yet we find Him also perfect in economy‑­nothing wasted. Some twenty years ago we were talking to a Government supervisor in one of the large national parks in the West. "When we first moved in here," he said, "we thought weld improve upon nature; so we made war on the mountain lions because they were eating the deer. Before long we had so many deer that great herds of them died by winter starvation; there wasn't enough food to go round. We also cleaned up the fallen logs, only to find there was no breeding ground for bugs, which deprived the birds of their food, and drove them from the park. Now the only thing we regu­late here is Man; everything else keeps in perfect balance if we just leave things alone." Yes, generosity needs economy to give it proper balance!

And what shall we say of the virtue of courage! God's army is no place for the cowardly; yet it is a proper observation that "Prudence is the better part of valor." We once knew a man who boasted he had never felt fear at any time in his entire life. Yet one night he heard a marauder at his back window, rushed right out the door with the light at his back, affording a perfect target for the gun in the burglar's hands. His courage that night was actually a liability, as it resulted in his death. Just a little prudence would have prompted a different approach to his problem. God never requires His people to be 'show‑offs'; and we need never fear we are lacking in cour­age if we attempt a sound and prudent evaluation of any difficulty before rushing to grips with it.

Much more might be said, but we offer now the words of St. Peter, 2 Pet. 1:8­(Dia.): "These things (the graces he enumerates) being in you and abounding, they will not permit you to be inac­tive (ever ready to "preach the word, in season and out of season") nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus." Here is a clear con­clusion that growth in the other graces must of a certainty yield growth in knowledge; and each advance in knowledge increases and crystalizes all our other graces– if that knowledge is received in "the love of the Truth." Knowledge is the first requirement to came into God's Household; and it must continue prominent in our progress until we hear that final "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joys of thy Lord."


In the November‑December 1960 Present Truth (which reached us Dec. 15– too late for any comment in our January 1 paper) there is more volume of words by R. G. Jolly tending to bolster his bedraggled Consecrated Epiphany Campers. On. p. 90, col. 1, par. 3, he states "there is nothing in E:10‑672 that militates against the teaching that there is a class in the antitypical Camp that has been consecrating since 1954." No, there isn't anything specifically in that statement on p. 672; but there certain­ly is something definitely against it on p. 209 of that same book, where Brother Johnson states "the Epiphany Camp in the finished picture is the condition of truly repentant and believing, but not consecrated Jews and Gentiles." Repeatedly we have quoted this statement; and just as repeatedly have the Jolly‑Krewson twosome main­tained complete silence on it. WHY? It's because they have no answer for it.

Furthermore, this question is just another example of R. G. Jolly's ''Azazelian cunning" (See E:10‑646, top). On p. 672 Brother Johnson clearly states "Youthful Worthies, not yet consecrated are to be won after Babylon is destroyed." Has Baby­lon yet been destroyed? If not, is R. G. Jolly still try­ing to win Youthful Worthies, or is he denying this teaching by the Epiphany Messenger? And with this cunning is commingled that admixture of nonsense that is to be found so often in so many of his statements. In the present instance he is relying upon the short memories of so many of his readers, and relying upon their apparent incapacity to analyze the fundamental premise he is presenting. Had he said eleven years ago (while Brother Johnson was still with us) that "nothing in E:10‑672 militates against the teaching" that there would be Consecrated Epiphany Campers after 1954, the folly of his observation would then have been apparent to even the very immature among Epiphany Truth people. Why do we say this? It's because Brother Johnson never heard of Consecrated Camp­ers‑­has specifically taught just the contrary. Clearly and emphatically had he told us that, so long as the Epiphany Tabernacle was in existence, the place of justifica­tion and consecration would be found in the Court, and the Camp would contain the unconsecrated in the finished picture. Having made himself so clear in the matter, it would have been self‑evident surplus to add on p. 672 – or anywhere else in his writings – that there would not be any Consecrated in the Camp. It would have been self‑evident nonsense to refute a statement that did not then exist; and Brother Johnson was not given to nonsense – just the reverse of R. G. Jolly, from whom we have always the nonsense– just never any end to it!

Both Star Members taught Consecration in the Tabernacle Court. When any one steps figuratively one inch inside the Gate, he is in a tentatively justified condi­tion, just as he is fully without it one inch outside that Gate. But that is not nearly the end of it: One must progress toward the door of the Tabernacle as he advances toward Consecration; and Brother Russell clearly teaches it would be im­possible for any to make an intelligent consecration without first washing at the antitypical Laver. Therefore, since there is no Laver in the Camp, an acceptable consecration would be impossible in the Camp. Nor is there one hint anywhere in direct Scripture, type, picture or prophecy that there would be such a Class as Campers Consecrated in the end of this Age. That is purely and exclusively an invention of the Jolly‑Krewson twosome. No, the Parousia Messenger and the Epiphany Messen­ger could not see consecration without washing at the Laver; but R. G. Jolly has no trouble at all in seeing that. Why is that? Because he is in the hands of Azazel, and, as Brother Johnson says, when they are completely abandoned to Azazel they can't think clearly on the Truth. Nor has R. G. Jolly himself faithfully used that laver daily. Had he done so he would have retained his crown.

In this connection, we should never forget that all during the Age it was the crown‑losers who lusted for large numbers, even though the Spirit of the Truth was negligible in so many. To have the worldly (the "mixed multitude" – See Ex. 12:38) counted among the Fully Faithful has ever been det­rimental to both classes. And it has bien false promises and false hopes that have ever been the hon­eyed hoax that has attracted the "mixed multitude," and who have always continued as "Egyptians" at heart. This is pointedly noticeable in the Epiphany converts of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the promise that has won them. "Just join us," they say, 'And you'll live right through Armageddon, and never die." R. G. Jolly has hinted a similar reward for Campers Consecrated; but our continued sharp and stinging exposures have placed a measure of restraint upon him. As it is, he is saying very little to them about "a narrow way," because he is acutely aware that his "reward" for them is all out of keeping with the trying "covenant by sacrifice" that the Fully Faithful now experience. The "safety in numbers," which has ever been the goal of Big and Little Babylon, was never men­tioned by the last Star Members. Rather, they stressed the narrow way, which could be maintained unto a completion only by those who faithfully imbibed the Truth and the Spirit of the Truth.

As we have so often quoted from various of Brother Johnson's writings, we now offer some more from that very same 10th Volume upon which R. G. Jolly now attempts to lean:

"This Scripture (Ex. 19:21‑25) proves that, generally speaking, Jesus as God's Mouthpiece, and thus the exclusive Interpreter of the Word, would use in the end of this Age the Parousia and Epiphany Messengers as antitypi­cal Aaron ... to interpret to the brethren the Word as due, especially on new doctrines, prophecies and types. And any attempt of others to unravel these three things as new matters would be the prohibited gazing – specula­tion – of Ex. 19:21‑25, and would meet with a cutting off from their stand­ing, if not stopped."

Inasmuch as Campers Consecrated is a new doctrine – a weak, futile and erroneous attempt to of­fer a new interpretation of certain types – it is certainly "GAZING." Let the Jolly‑Krewson twosome persist in their Revolutionism; in view of the repeated and detailed warnings we have issued, their blood is certainly upon their own heads. To offer a new doctrine or type would in itself be serious enough; but it becomes doubly serious when such attempt also flagrantly vitiates the clear interpre­tations of both Star Members on the Parousia and Epiphany Tabernacles. Brother Johnson has clearly taught that on anything that upsets, or negates, the Tabernacle setting, the Lord's people should be very skeptical of it – i.e., if they believe and continue in these Truths. J. F. Rutherford disposed of Tabernacle Shadows altogether, and it certainly looks like the Jolly‑Krewson twosome are leaning in the same direction. To demoralize the orderly and sober interpretations on the Tabernacle by the last Star Members is in some respects even worse than denying in toto what they have presented.

As a further warning, we now offer some more from E:10‑XXV: "We are sure that during the Parousia and Epiphany, particularly during the latter, among Truth people, typing has been the most abused of all seven lines of Bible thought. Satan, knowing that by typing he could introduce error perhaps more effectively than by other means, has made this his favorite way of spreading error among the nominal and real people of God."

In his letter of Nov. 15, 1910, R. G. Jolly admitted his incapacity to interpret types (it probably caused him to lose his crown then); but it seems his costly and colossal failures in the past have taught him just nothing– he still plunges head­long into further "gazing"! And this same R. G. Jolly continues loudly and repeat­edly to shout "The Errorist" at one who is exposing his nebular visions! This is in keeping with what he continued to "repeat, repeat, and repeat" to Brother Johnson when he was telling him that he (Bro. Johnson) was wrong to oppose his erroneous course. (See E:10‑588; also E:10‑545 where J. F. Rutherford taught his followers to 'avoid' Brother Johnson's teachings, and 'avoid' him also. We don't do that to R. G. Joily, nor to his teachings, because we feel sure the more the Lord's faith­ful people look into his erroneous teachings the better enabled they will be to dis­cern between "truth and error." Let R. G. Jolly continue to 'avoid' naming the "errorist" and follow in the footsteps of J. F. Rutherford. As for us, we prefer to follow in the open and direct course of the Epiphany Messenger, so that our readers may be sure of whom and whereof we speak.)


Then on p. 90, col. 2, R. G. Jolly attempts to offer a "parallel" between the lapping of the Parousia‑Epiphany, and the Epiphany‑Basileia. He says that since 1954 new consecrators can no longer have their standing in the Court, but must be in the Camp– a "parallel" to no new consecrators in the Holy after 1914. By October 1916 there was no longer any Parousia Tabernacle at all. Is he now telling us there is no longer an Epiphany Tabernacle at all since 1956? For his "parallel" to make any sense at all, that's the only logical conclusion to draw from his contention. As we have said pre­viously, miscalculations of time features by the last two Star Members do not in any sense disrupt God's arrangements for His people. Either we are in the Epiphany Tabernacle, or we are not. Back in the 1914‑16 lapping, the place of Justification remained the same. But in R. G. Jolly's 1954‑56 "Parallel" it is not the same; but that doesn't make any difference to him (R. G. Jolly). He's as able to ''make" types and parallels today as he was in 1910, it seems! Perhaps more so, as he doesn't have the restraining hand of a Star Member over him.

There is another point which applies here with indestructible force to annihilate his entire posi­tion, and it is this: Cod's "times and seasons" always accomplish what God designs they should ac­complish. Thus, when the "Parousia came to a full end by October 16, 1916" (see E:4‑20(13) – those features of the Harvest work that were to be finished by that date had been fully accomplished; and this same premise will apply to the Epiphany. In 2 Thes. 2:8 (Dia.) St. Paul writes that "the lawless one (the Man of Sin) the Lord Jesus will annihilate by the appearing (Epiphany – see Berean Com­ment) of His presence" (the large Parousia). The Man of Sin certainly was not "annihilated" by Octo­ber 1956, which proves clearly enough we cannot now be in an Apokalypse period (as claimed by one of the "cousins", J. W. Krewson); nor can we yet be in the Basileia period, as is now claimed by the other "cousin" – R. G. Jolly. That "son of destruction" (2 Thes. 2:3 – Dia.) is reserved for "destruction" in the period of destruction – namely, the Epiphany.

"The Epiphany is used to designate the period of the great tribulation, the Time of Trouble" says Brother Johnson in E:4‑21 (14). The destruction of "the lawless one" is in no sense a Basileia work; that must be accomplished in the Epiphany – ­before the Basileia begins to "judge the dead." In this same epistle where Paul foretells "the Man of Sin," he also predicts that those who "admitted not the love of the Truth (The Great Company and the Second Deathers) will be sent "an energy of delusion"; and "some of these delusions may come closest upon those possessing the most light of Present Truth," says Brother Russell. (See Berean Comment) Certainly, those in the Epiphany Movement have possessed "the most light of Present Truth"; and this Epiphany period (which ''makes manifest the counsels of heart") is indeed manifesting those who received not "the love of the Truth." Campers Consecrated‑­the Apokalypse as a period distinct from the Epiphany– and the Basileia as the per­iod of destruction for the Man of Sin – none of these items are to be found anywhere in the Present Truth teachings of Brother Russell or Brother Johnson. Therefore, those who champion these "strong delusions" are being manifested by the period de­signed for mani­festation and destruction – the Epiphany.

On p. 91, col. 1, he offers "Scriptural evidence respecting 1954," one of these being "Moses' twofold stay in the mountain." If our readers will refer to the Berean Comments for Ex. 34:29‑35, they will note Brother Russell correctly interprets the vail on Moses' face after the second forty days as "typifying the Ancient Worthies." Apparently, R. G. Jolly is not familiar with this teaching of That Servant, or he would not have offered his present nonsense on this item. Let him produce his 1954 "parallel" for that! His perversions of one teaching after another of the Star Mem­bers have indeed "become issues and tests upon God's (Epiphany‑enlightened) people"‑­as he states it; and his perver­sions are manifesting "who shall be able to stand" (Mal. 3:2) in this Epiphany trial time in "the things they have learned, and been assured of" at the feet of the Parousia and Epiphany Messengers.

In this connection, we cite Brother Johnson's interpretation of Numbers 7 on the offerings of the Gospel‑Age princes. Not a one of them presented a "Cup" in his offering– which is a clear and strong directive that no Crown‑loser would ever be favored by God with a new doctrine. And certainly if no Crown‑loser could do this, one now in Azazel's hands could not be so favored! This teaching also R. G. Jolly now perverts (Azazel means Perverter). And, when the Jews gathered enough Manna on the sixth day to last over the Sabbath, that also typed no new doctrines during the antitypical Sab­bath. R. G. Jolly now perverts that teaching also!

On p. 91, col. 2, he makes a pseudo‑comparison between us now and J. F. Ruther­ford in 1920; but here again he is thinking in reverse– nothing new for him! Back in 1920 the Society adherents denied a class that the Parousia Messenger had taught; R. G. Jolly is now advocating a class that the Epiphany Messenger did not teach, but in fact clearly contradicted his (R. G. Jolly's) Campers Con­secrated by his teach­ing on p. 209 of Vol. 10 that the Epiphany Camp in the finished picture would contain the unconsecrated. And by presenting this glaring dissimilarity he hypocritically shouts once more he is upholding the "true teaching of the Epiphany star‑member"! Although the crown‑losers are not full hypocrites, many of them are forced to partial hypocrisy because of their sins of teaching and practise. Brother Russell has this to say about them in the August 1, 1910 Reprints 4655: "These are not hypocrites, however, but since the time of trouble is properly for hypocrites, they will have their portion with the hypocrites..... As a result (of the "time of trouble"‑JJH) they will be granted the palm branches and the place before the throne, to serve God in his Temple."

Furthermore, we are not denying Tentative Justification – as was done in 1920. We simply contend that such justification must be obtained in the same place (the Court), and in the same way so long as the Epiphany Tabernacle continues with us. This R. G. Jolly is now denying, so it is he that is paral­leling J. F. Rutherford, et al, at present, and NOT US! He is actually perverting the faithful teaching of both Star Members by his false doctrine ("strange fire") – Consecrated Epiphany Campers. And when Brother Johnson "swept aside" the no‑covenant argument re Youthful Worthies, he produced a number of clear Scriptures to prove his point. This R. G. Jolly has not been able to do for his Camp­ers Consecrated. Let him produce just one Scripture setting forth such a class! Joel 2:28 actually names the "Youthfuls" as such; so the Scripture was there for Brother Johnson to interpret and de­fend – a very clear Scripture; but R. G. Jolly has no such Scripture for his Campers Consecrated. The name, as well as the class, are purely the Jolly‑Krewson twosome invention. While J. W. Krewson has tacitly remained mostly silent all during this altercation, even he still apparently has enough spiritual discernment to realize that Tentative Justifi­cation in the Camp is a perversion of the Truth; so the two of them now contradict each other on this point. It would be most interesting to know whether this same dis­agreement existed at the time they were first brewing this unholy libation. Will they answer this question, or just give it the silent treatment– as they both have done with so many of our exposures of their errors. Their silence on those Pyramid cal­culations as "proof" that Brother Johnson would be here until 1956 (presented in the January 1947 Present Truth), to­gether with their calculations on the Pyramid to "prove" the last Saint was glorified in 1950, is an­other manifestation of their weakness. They are ever ready to produce "proofs" for their Scripturally unsupported presentations.

On p. 92, col. 1, there is the statement that "soon after the fall of 1914 Bro. Johnson began teach­ing...the door of entrance into the High Calling closed." At best, this statement is a very loose use of the truth. Why doesn't R. G. Jolly give the date when Brother Johnson began to preach "the High Calling closed"? Or doesn't he know it was not until well into 1918 – almost four years after the fact – that Brother Johnson first saw this Truth? His shoddy sleight‑of‑hand here is habitual technique with him – in keeping with his Question re p. 672 of Vol. 10, which we discussed on page 1 of this paper.

And now, ''Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." "The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants; and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate." (Psa. 35:28)..

Sincerely your brother,

John J. Hoefle



Our dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace, Mercy and Peace be your portion;

We would be grateful to have your complete papers, as mentioned in your Nov. 1960 article. Eagerly do we look forward to your monthly papers, and thank the Lord for your lucid explanations. We continue to pray the Lord to grant to you wisdom and understanding– His Holy Spirit to guide you into all Truth; that we, too, will be teachable, through the light of the Holy Spirit. His Word and Providences in our lives remind us of the Psalmist – "I will lift up mine eye unto the hills," etc. Psa. 121 and Hymn 12 – the latter verse applying to the Little Flock particularly.

As it is nearing Christmas and the New Year 1961, we wish you and Sister Hoefle, and all the dear ones with you, a happy holiday season and a good New Year ahead of you in the service of the Lord. 2 Thess. 2:16,17.

Your brethren by His grace – – – – - England


Dear Brother Hoefle: – Loving greetings of Grace and Peace!

It was a real pleasure to hear from you today, and I thank you for all the answered questions or thoughts. The tracts came in the best condition yet, and later my Advance Copy. So I feel that you have given much time to me.

As I read the letter I realized, dear Brother, that you are troubled on every side, (Bro. Gough's letter– JJH) I did not know you had such strong opposition in Jamaica. I hope that brother will be profited by your good reply.......

It is a privilege to defend his true teachings (Brother Russell's) by this renewal of Gideon's Second Battle. This is the comfort the people will need as this evil day grows more evil. May the dear Lord bless you both in your zeal amid so much affliction from those who were once brethren.

Thank you for explaining re the Volumes for loaning. I have some now on hand and assume that I can get more from you when needed,

Have read the December number once and expect to study it later. I will be glad to be of any as­sistance to Mrs .... that I can. Thank you for the opportunity.

With love in the Lord and continued prayers for your blessing and deep joys from Him, to you both and the kind friends who sent me their love....

Sister – – – – - Mass.


Dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace and peace through our Beloved Lord!

We continue to look forward to your monthly articles and pray the Lord's con­tinued blessing on your efforts to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (the last two Star Members in particular).

We note that R. G. Jolly published the same letter twice– first in his Sept­Oct. P.T., and again in his Nov‑Dec. P.T. If he had published this letter again several months later (as a repeat), that would be bad enough (but perhaps excusable), but to publish the same letter in two Present Truths (one right after the other) cer­tainly indicates that he is in bad need of letters to publish (against the sifters!). This Sister from New Jersey advises the Lord's people not to read the sifters' lit­erature. "They are playing with fire, and surely will get burnt" (if they do!), she says. This sounds very much like the same Sister (from New Jersey) who once was a "staunch supporter" of J. W. Krewson; he was her "Pastor and Teacher" then (upon the advice and leadership of Pilgrim Gavin). Now it seems her eyes are opened to see that R. G. Jolly is really the "Pastor and Teacher" (the Lord's Mouthpiece!). "Ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the Truth"! It would seem that such an unstable person should be happy just to keep silent; but they usually want to be heard– to advise others; and they always seem to re­ceive plenty of support and encouragement from "Pastors and Teachers" of the Jolly type! (being sure they are heard– just as Brother Motley and Brother Gough must be heard). R. G. Jolly is so ever ready to "repeat, repeat, and repeat" even in his publishing letters (if they are knocking the "sifters"). We heartily wish that he would "repeat" the Truths he once accepted and not try to run ahead of the Lord with his new (false) doctrines and his own ideas.

We here participated in the Special Effort (in Memory of the Two Messengers)‑­served several churches with Where are the Dead (Antitypical Gideon's Second Battle). We also had a blessed Me­morial service for Brother Russell and Brother Johnson, using Brother Johnson's funeral discourse and comments in Brother Russell's memory – ­and using your funeral discourse for Brother Johnson, in Brother Johnson's memory. We also had testimoies from all (there were 10 present). We don't know whether you want reports on these Special Efforts or not. If so, we will send you a more detailed re­port. (Note: We are always pleased to receive such reports – JJH)

May the Lord bless you as you continue your able refutations against the errors so prominently advocated by the two would‑be "Pastors and Teachers," and may you continue to bless His people with the Truth and its Spirit.

Your Brother by His Grace – – – – - N.C.


Dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace and peace be multiplied unto you!

We take this opportunity in extending our warm and sincere Christian greetings and wishes for a prosperous New Year. May the dear Lord continue His blessings, keep and direct you both throughout your stay on earth.

As it pleased the Lord to direct you for the leading of His people, we pray that he will help you to be faithful as Joshua of old. We though little but a united company here, are striving to be faithful in serving the Lord and His cause. We have served quite a number of tracts......It is our desire to sow beside all waters, for we know not whether will prosper.

With this comes our prayers for you both and the dear ones with you.

Yours by His Grace, – – – – - ,Ecclesia – Jamaica

No. 69

My dear Brethren: – Grace and peace through our Beloved Master!

In 2 Pet. 1:5‑7 are presented the essentials of Christian character, the which, if one lacks, “he is blind” (v. 9); but by the doing of which “you will never fall” (v. 10). A sober consideration of such a character structure should be the constant striving of all who are determined “not to fail.” That knowledge (the “Know‑how”) is the primary requisite herein needs no elaboration. It is not only the beginning, it is the constant companion during our earthly pilgrimage. At the consummation of his ministry St. Paul wrote, “for I know whom I have believed.” (2 Tim. 1:12) Follow­ing is Brother Rus­sell's statement of the matter in Parousia Vol. 5, p. 238, par. 2:

“As we mature, 'grow in grace,’ we will desire, seek and obtain, in addition to the milk of the Word, the 'strong meat’ which the Apostle declares is for those of fuller development. (1 Pet. 2:2; Heb. 5:13,14) The development in the “graces” of the Spirit, faith, fortitude, knowledge, self‑control, patience, piety, brotherly kindness, love, will bring us into closer fellowship with the Father and with Jesus, so that the Lord will be able and willing to communicate to us more and more clearly a knowledge of his gra­cious plans, as well as of his own gracious character.”

In giving us the Seven Higher Primary Graces, as Faith, Self‑control, Patience, Piety, Brotherly Love, Charity, Brother Johnson differs slightly from the above; but in E:1‑71, he distinctly tells us that Knowledge is an ingredient of Wisdom: "The third element of God's character is His graces. Usually we speak of the main attributes of God's character as WISDOM, POWER, JUSTICE and LOVE. But, as St. Peter shows us in his famous addition problem (2 Pet. 1:5‑7), these are capable of being re­solved into their parts as follows: Wisdom is a combination of faith, hope (which is the heart of forti­tude) and knowledge. Power (will power as distinct from omni­potence, which is an attribute of be­ing and not of character) is a combination of self‑control and patience. Justice is a combination of pi­ety (duty‑love to God; in God's case this goes out to good principles, not to any person, which, if it did, would imply that God has a superior – an impossibility) and Brotherly-Love (duty‑love to the neighbor). St. Peter does not analyze love; he simply mentions it as charity. These seven graces we call higher primary graces, because they are graces that, act­ing through the religious affections as qualities, are the chief and dominating graces. These graces in God are holy; they act in a holy man­ner and attach themselves to holy objects only."

We know that none of us can obtain 'knowledge of God' without developing it through the Holy Spirit; that no one, no matter how brilliant– even as brilliant and cunning as Satan– can obtain such 'knowledge of God' without God's help. God does not help the wicked to secure 'knowledge of God.' Nor does He help the Great Company while they are in the hands of Azazel. It would only injure them and others, while in that uncleansed condition, so they not only do not receive additional 'knowledge,' but the knowledge they have already received becomes dim, obscure and warped – includ­ing many "strong delusions."

In all such discussions it should be kept clearly in mind that none of these graces– except agape love– can be developed to perfection in ourselves or in others. During the Gospel Age the only grace required in perfection is agape love; therefore, St. Paul admonishes, "Put on love, which is the bond (or seal) of perfectness." It is the crowning top stone of character structure– just as the extreme tip of a pyra­mid is itself a perfect pyramid; and, if severed from the pyramid's top would in Feb. 1, 1961 – itself still present a full and complete and perfect pyramid. This is also grandly portrayed in the personality of Jesus, who is "above all" (except the Father Himself), Lord over all, but Himself a perfect unit, even though embracing the whole saved contin­gent of the human family in a perfect struc­ture under Him.

Altho, we believe there are but Seven Higher Primary Graces, as that is the number for Divine perfection, yet God's attributes are: Wisdom, Power, Justice and Love. He promises the Faithful that He will give them this, as much as they are able to receive. So, Love (Charity) is what we call a per­fect character, the end of all development of the Graces. Perfect Love (agape) in the heart, and that crystalized, is all God requires of His Saints. When we attain that and crystalize it, then we have actually "attained the mark" while yet in the flesh. But God tells us that He will give us the spirit of "power and of love and of a sound mind" (here are His four great attributes: Power, Love, Sound Mind – a sound mind would include Justice and Wisdom); and He gives us these attributes because of our faithfulness in develop­ing Faith, Fortitude, Knowledge. Self‑control, Patience, Piety, Brotherly Kindness‑­which if we develop and practise will give us that (Agape) love desired to the ex­tent of our capacity.

The Saints all have the capacity to develop that Perfect Love, otherwise none of them would be 'more than conquerors'; and the Great Company, after their cleans­ing, will also have to develop that Perfect Love if they gain Eternal life, although theirs will be forced by their adverse experiences during their abandonment process; otherwise, they would go into the Second Death. Brother Johnson tells us that some of the Youthful Worthies will be able to develop that Agape Love, and they should do it if they are able. But no doubt some of them won't be able to do that in this life, although they should do it as much as it is possible for them. However, they are not on trial for life – Character Per­fection – even as the Ancient Worthies were not on trial for life, but on trial for their faith (their faith­fulness in obedience to His Word and Providences). So some of the Youthful Worthies can and will be faithful who do not perfect Agape Love, even as was true of the Ancient Worthies, because their trial is not so crucial in that respect, to refine and develop character for Eternal Life at this time. While we have no proof for it, it would seem reasonable conclusion that those Youthful Worthies who do have the capacity to develop perfect agape love, but who fail to do so through indolence or wil­fulness, will in the final summation be counted as unfaithful and will not gain that Kingdom Prince­ship which will be the reward of all the faithful Worthies.

Brother Russell has this to say in Parousia Vol. 5, p. 239: "Each should ask himself whether or not he has this witness of the Spirit, this testimony to his growth as a new creature in Christ Jesus, and whether or not he is developing and maturing the kind of fruit here specified. Let us remember also that our growth in love and in all the Spirit's fruits is dependent largely upon our growth in knowledge; and our growth in knowledge of divine things is dependent also upon our growth in the Spirit's fruits. Each step of knowledge brings a corresponding step of duty and obediences and each step of duty and obedience taken will be followed by a further step in knowdedge, for so, the Spirit witnesseth, shall be the experience of all who shall be taught of God in the school of Christ. If we have this witness of the Spirit of growth, both in grace and in knowledge, let us rejoice therein, and let us follow on in the same pathway until it shall bring us, under divine guidance, to perfection, both in knowledge and in grace."

However, no one will ever reach perfection in Wisdom, which has as its ingredient Knowle­dge, because God reserves such Wisdom and Knowledge for Himself alone; even His only begotten Son will never achieve all‑knowledge. Nor will any of the Saints achieve Justice, Wisdom and Power that is inherent in God only– although they will re­ceive sufficient of these three attributes to do the Fa­ther's will. But in the attri­bute of Love, they will achieve that in its perfection for them; they will de­velop (and receive) perfect (Agape) love while in the flesh, because no one will be of the First (chief) Resurrection (to Divine Nature) unless they have developed a perfect character (perfect Love). We are told that God will give "it" (this perfect character) a "body as it has pleased him." (1 Cor. 15:38) Of course, we all know that the Saints have varying degrees of knowledge, but each one has sufficient knowledge to develop in himself Perfect (Agape) Love: each one during the Harvest came into the Parousia Truth and received enough developing Truth to perfect himself in Love (the lend of the commandment'); however, some of the Saints needed more knowledge than enough to develop their characters, as they were given further knowledge for the purpose of the work the Lord had for each of them. We cite Brother Johnson and others in the Epiphany Truth as examples. They were given additional Truth to serve Him (which they would do, because they were in complete heart‑harmony with the Lord's plans and purposes for them).

In keeping with the foregoing, the expression is often heard, ''He knows too much for his own good!" While this may sometimes be true, it was certainly not true of St. Paul, nor of any of the Star Members, nor of any of the Gospel‑Age fully faith­ful. Brother Russell has well stated that we should esteem most highly those whose zeal for the Truth – "as the hart panteth after the water brook" – goads them constantly to the acquisition of more of that blessed Truth. It is a true observation that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Often do we read of novices crippling themselves and others by attempting to construct bombs and the like with their meagre knowledge. Thus, instead of knowing too much, they know too little. Quite often the Truth is injured also by those who know too little, yet insist upon appearing ''wise.'' The ideal, of course, is to possess the virtues and graces in perfect bal­ance, something which only Jesus Himself was able to do. But, by a system of checks and balances, to be found in Holy Writ, all the fully faithful achieve enough of bal­ance to gain the inheritance they seek. Thus, the Scriptures tell us, "Knowledge puffeth up (in one not properly balanced), but love buildeth up." In similar vein, "the generous heart shall be made fat," and "God loveth a cheerful giver"; but, generosity carried to extreme, may make one a spendthrift or an "easy mark" for the world's greed. Therefore, the admonition for "stewards to be found faithful."

It needs no argument that our Heavenly Father is perfect in generosity, and He has the wherewith to be generous – "the gold is mine, and the silver is mine; and the cattle on a thousand hills are mine." Yet we find Him also perfect in economy‑­nothing wasted. Some twenty years ago we were talking to a Government supervisor in one of the large national parks in the West. "When we first moved in here," he said, "we thought weld improve upon nature; so we made war on the mountain lions because they were eating the deer. Before long we had so many deer that great herds of them died by winter starvation; there wasn't enough food to go round. We also cleaned up the fallen logs, only to find there was no breeding ground for bugs, which deprived the birds of their food, and drove them from the park. Now the only thing we regu­late here is Man; everything else keeps in perfect balance if we just leave things alone." Yes, generosity needs economy to give it proper balance!

And what shall we say of the virtue of courage! God's army is no place for the cowardly; yet it is a proper observation that "Prudence is the better part of valor." We once knew a man who boasted he had never felt fear at any time in his entire life. Yet one night he heard a marauder at his back window, rushed right out the door with the light at his back, affording a perfect target for the gun in the burglar's hands. His courage that night was actually a liability, as it resulted in his death. Just a little prudence would have prompted a different approach to his problem. God never requires His people to be 'show‑offs'; and we need never fear we are lacking in cour­age if we attempt a sound and prudent evaluation of any difficulty before rushing to grips with it.

Much more might be said, but we offer now the words of St. Peter, 2 Pet. 1:8­(Dia.): "These things (the graces he enumerates) being in you and abounding, they will not permit you to be inac­tive (ever ready to "preach the word, in season and out of season") nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus." Here is a clear con­clusion that growth in the other graces must of a certainty yield growth in knowledge; and each advance in knowledge increases and crystalizes all our other graces– if that knowledge is received in "the love of the Truth." Knowledge is the first requirement to came into God's Household; and it must continue prominent in our progress until we hear that final "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joys of thy Lord."


In the November‑December 1960 Present Truth (which reached us Dec. 15– too late for any comment in our January 1 paper) there is more volume of words by R. G. Jolly tending to bolster his bedraggled Consecrated Epiphany Campers. On. p. 90, col. 1, par. 3, he states "there is nothing in E:10‑672 that militates against the teaching that there is a class in the antitypical Camp that has been consecrating since 1954." No, there isn't anything specifically in that statement on p. 672; but there certain­ly is something definitely against it on p. 209 of that same book, where Brother Johnson states "the Epiphany Camp in the finished picture is the condition of truly repentant and believing, but not consecrated Jews and Gentiles." Repeatedly we have quoted this statement; and just as repeatedly have the Jolly‑Krewson twosome main­tained complete silence on it. WHY? It's because they have no answer for it.

Furthermore, this question is just another example of R. G. Jolly's ''Azazelian cunning" (See E:10‑646, top). On p. 672 Brother Johnson clearly states "Youthful Worthies, not yet consecrated are to be won after Babylon is destroyed." Has Baby­lon yet been destroyed? If not, is R. G. Jolly still try­ing to win Youthful Worthies, or is he denying this teaching by the Epiphany Messenger? And with this cunning is commingled that admixture of nonsense that is to be found so often in so many of his statements. In the present instance he is relying upon the short memories of so many of his readers, and relying upon their apparent incapacity to analyze the fundamental premise he is presenting. Had he said eleven years ago (while Brother Johnson was still with us) that "nothing in E:10‑672 militates against the teaching" that there would be Consecrated Epiphany Campers after 1954, the folly of his observation would then have been apparent to even the very immature among Epiphany Truth people. Why do we say this? It's because Brother Johnson never heard of Consecrated Camp­ers‑­has specifically taught just the contrary. Clearly and emphatically had he told us that, so long as the Epiphany Tabernacle was in existence, the place of justifica­tion and consecration would be found in the Court, and the Camp would contain the unconsecrated in the finished picture. Having made himself so clear in the matter, it would have been self‑evident surplus to add on p. 672 – or anywhere else in his writings – that there would not be any Consecrated in the Camp. It would have been self‑evident nonsense to refute a statement that did not then exist; and Brother Johnson was not given to nonsense – just the reverse of R. G. Jolly, from whom we have always the nonsense– just never any end to it!

Both Star Members taught Consecration in the Tabernacle Court. When any one steps figuratively one inch inside the Gate, he is in a tentatively justified condi­tion, just as he is fully without it one inch outside that Gate. But that is not nearly the end of it: One must progress toward the door of the Tabernacle as he advances toward Consecration; and Brother Russell clearly teaches it would be im­possible for any to make an intelligent consecration without first washing at the antitypical Laver. Therefore, since there is no Laver in the Camp, an acceptable consecration would be impossible in the Camp. Nor is there one hint anywhere in direct Scripture, type, picture or prophecy that there would be such a Class as Campers Consecrated in the end of this Age. That is purely and exclusively an invention of the Jolly‑Krewson twosome. No, the Parousia Messenger and the Epiphany Messen­ger could not see consecration without washing at the Laver; but R. G. Jolly has no trouble at all in seeing that. Why is that? Because he is in the hands of Azazel, and, as Brother Johnson says, when they are completely abandoned to Azazel they can't think clearly on the Truth. Nor has R. G. Jolly himself faithfully used that laver daily. Had he done so he would have retained his crown.

In this connection, we should never forget that all during the Age it was the crown‑losers who lusted for large numbers, even though the Spirit of the Truth was negligible in so many. To have the worldly (the "mixed multitude" – See Ex. 12:38) counted among the Fully Faithful has ever been det­rimental to both classes. And it has bien false promises and false hopes that have ever been the hon­eyed hoax that has attracted the "mixed multitude," and who have always continued as "Egyptians" at heart. This is pointedly noticeable in the Epiphany converts of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the promise that has won them. "Just join us," they say, 'And you'll live right through Armageddon, and never die." R. G. Jolly has hinted a similar reward for Campers Consecrated; but our continued sharp and stinging exposures have placed a measure of restraint upon him. As it is, he is saying very little to them about "a narrow way," because he is acutely aware that his "reward" for them is all out of keeping with the trying "covenant by sacrifice" that the Fully Faithful now experience. The "safety in numbers," which has ever been the goal of Big and Little Babylon, was never men­tioned by the last Star Members. Rather, they stressed the narrow way, which could be maintained unto a completion only by those who faithfully imbibed the Truth and the Spirit of the Truth.

As we have so often quoted from various of Brother Johnson's writings, we now offer some more from that very same 10th Volume upon which R. G. Jolly now attempts to lean:

"This Scripture (Ex. 19:21‑25) proves that, generally speaking, Jesus as God's Mouthpiece, and thus the exclusive Interpreter of the Word, would use in the end of this Age the Parousia and Epiphany Messengers as antitypi­cal Aaron ... to interpret to the brethren the Word as due, especially on new doctrines, prophecies and types. And any attempt of others to unravel these three things as new matters would be the prohibited gazing – specula­tion – of Ex. 19:21‑25, and would meet with a cutting off from their stand­ing, if not stopped."

Inasmuch as Campers Consecrated is a new doctrine – a weak, futile and erroneous attempt to of­fer a new interpretation of certain types – it is certainly "GAZING." Let the Jolly‑Krewson twosome persist in their Revolutionism; in view of the repeated and detailed warnings we have issued, their blood is certainly upon their own heads. To offer a new doctrine or type would in itself be serious enough; but it becomes doubly serious when such attempt also flagrantly vitiates the clear interpre­tations of both Star Members on the Parousia and Epiphany Tabernacles. Brother Johnson has clearly taught that on anything that upsets, or negates, the Tabernacle setting, the Lord's people should be very skeptical of it – i.e., if they believe and continue in these Truths. J. F. Rutherford disposed of Tabernacle Shadows altogether, and it certainly looks like the Jolly‑Krewson twosome are leaning in the same direction. To demoralize the orderly and sober interpretations on the Tabernacle by the last Star Members is in some respects even worse than denying in toto what they have presented.

As a further warning, we now offer some more from E:10‑XXV: "We are sure that during the Parousia and Epiphany, particularly during the latter, among Truth people, typing has been the most abused of all seven lines of Bible thought. Satan, knowing that by typing he could introduce error perhaps more effectively than by other means, has made this his favorite way of spreading error among the nominal and real people of God."

In his letter of Nov. 15, 1910, R. G. Jolly admitted his incapacity to interpret types (it probably caused him to lose his crown then); but it seems his costly and colossal failures in the past have taught him just nothing– he still plunges head­long into further "gazing"! And this same R. G. Jolly continues loudly and repeat­edly to shout "The Errorist" at one who is exposing his nebular visions! This is in keeping with what he continued to "repeat, repeat, and repeat" to Brother Johnson when he was telling him that he (Bro. Johnson) was wrong to oppose his erroneous course. (See E:10‑588; also E:10‑545 where J. F. Rutherford taught his followers to 'avoid' Brother Johnson's teachings, and 'avoid' him also. We don't do that to R. G. Joily, nor to his teachings, because we feel sure the more the Lord's faith­ful people look into his erroneous teachings the better enabled they will be to dis­cern between "truth and error." Let R. G. Jolly continue to 'avoid' naming the "errorist" and follow in the footsteps of J. F. Rutherford. As for us, we prefer to follow in the open and direct course of the Epiphany Messenger, so that our readers may be sure of whom and whereof we speak.)


Then on p. 90, col. 2, R. G. Jolly attempts to offer a "parallel" between the lapping of the Parousia‑Epiphany, and the Epiphany‑Basileia. He says that since 1954 new consecrators can no longer have their standing in the Court, but must be in the Camp– a "parallel" to no new consecrators in the Holy after 1914. By October 1916 there was no longer any Parousia Tabernacle at all. Is he now telling us there is no longer an Epiphany Tabernacle at all since 1956? For his "parallel" to make any sense at all, that's the only logical conclusion to draw from his contention. As we have said pre­viously, miscalculations of time features by the last two Star Members do not in any sense disrupt God's arrangements for His people. Either we are in the Epiphany Tabernacle, or we are not. Back in the 1914‑16 lapping, the place of Justification remained the same. But in R. G. Jolly's 1954‑56 "Parallel" it is not the same; but that doesn't make any difference to him (R. G. Jolly). He's as able to ''make" types and parallels today as he was in 1910, it seems! Perhaps more so, as he doesn't have the restraining hand of a Star Member over him.

There is another point which applies here with indestructible force to annihilate his entire posi­tion, and it is this: Cod's "times and seasons" always accomplish what God designs they should ac­complish. Thus, when the "Parousia came to a full end by October 16, 1916" (see E:4‑20(13) – those features of the Harvest work that were to be finished by that date had been fully accomplished; and this same premise will apply to the Epiphany. In 2 Thes. 2:8 (Dia.) St. Paul writes that "the lawless one (the Man of Sin) the Lord Jesus will annihilate by the appearing (Epiphany – see Berean Com­ment) of His presence" (the large Parousia). The Man of Sin certainly was not "annihilated" by Octo­ber 1956, which proves clearly enough we cannot now be in an Apokalypse period (as claimed by one of the "cousins", J. W. Krewson); nor can we yet be in the Basileia period, as is now claimed by the other "cousin" – R. G. Jolly. That "son of destruction" (2 Thes. 2:3 – Dia.) is reserved for "destruction" in the period of destruction – namely, the Epiphany.

"The Epiphany is used to designate the period of the great tribulation, the Time of Trouble" says Brother Johnson in E:4‑21 (14). The destruction of "the lawless one" is in no sense a Basileia work; that must be accomplished in the Epiphany – ­before the Basileia begins to "judge the dead." In this same epistle where Paul foretells "the Man of Sin," he also predicts that those who "admitted not the love of the Truth (The Great Company and the Second Deathers) will be sent "an energy of delusion"; and "some of these delusions may come closest upon those possessing the most light of Present Truth," says Brother Russell. (See Berean Comment) Certainly, those in the Epiphany Movement have possessed "the most light of Present Truth"; and this Epiphany period (which ''makes manifest the counsels of heart") is indeed manifesting those who received not "the love of the Truth." Campers Consecrated‑­the Apokalypse as a period distinct from the Epiphany– and the Basileia as the per­iod of destruction for the Man of Sin – none of these items are to be found anywhere in the Present Truth teachings of Brother Russell or Brother Johnson. Therefore, those who champion these "strong delusions" are being manifested by the period de­signed for mani­festation and destruction – the Epiphany.

On p. 91, col. 1, he offers "Scriptural evidence respecting 1954," one of these being "Moses' twofold stay in the mountain." If our readers will refer to the Berean Comments for Ex. 34:29‑35, they will note Brother Russell correctly interprets the vail on Moses' face after the second forty days as "typifying the Ancient Worthies." Apparently, R. G. Jolly is not familiar with this teaching of That Servant, or he would not have offered his present nonsense on this item. Let him produce his 1954 "parallel" for that! His perversions of one teaching after another of the Star Mem­bers have indeed "become issues and tests upon God's (Epiphany‑enlightened) people"‑­as he states it; and his perver­sions are manifesting "who shall be able to stand" (Mal. 3:2) in this Epiphany trial time in "the things they have learned, and been assured of" at the feet of the Parousia and Epiphany Messengers.

In this connection, we cite Brother Johnson's interpretation of Numbers 7 on the offerings of the Gospel‑Age princes. Not a one of them presented a "Cup" in his offering– which is a clear and strong directive that no Crown‑loser would ever be favored by God with a new doctrine. And certainly if no Crown‑loser could do this, one now in Azazel's hands could not be so favored! This teaching also R. G. Jolly now perverts (Azazel means Perverter). And, when the Jews gathered enough Manna on the sixth day to last over the Sabbath, that also typed no new doctrines during the antitypical Sab­bath. R. G. Jolly now perverts that teaching also!

On p. 91, col. 2, he makes a pseudo‑comparison between us now and J. F. Ruther­ford in 1920; but here again he is thinking in reverse– nothing new for him! Back in 1920 the Society adherents denied a class that the Parousia Messenger had taught; R. G. Jolly is now advocating a class that the Epiphany Messenger did not teach, but in fact clearly contradicted his (R. G. Jolly's) Campers Con­secrated by his teach­ing on p. 209 of Vol. 10 that the Epiphany Camp in the finished picture would contain the unconsecrated. And by presenting this glaring dissimilarity he hypocritically shouts once more he is upholding the "true teaching of the Epiphany star‑member"! Although the crown‑losers are not full hypocrites, many of them are forced to partial hypocrisy because of their sins of teaching and practise. Brother Russell has this to say about them in the August 1, 1910 Reprints 4655: "These are not hypocrites, however, but since the time of trouble is properly for hypocrites, they will have their portion with the hypocrites..... As a result (of the "time of trouble"‑JJH) they will be granted the palm branches and the place before the throne, to serve God in his Temple."

Furthermore, we are not denying Tentative Justification – as was done in 1920. We simply contend that such justification must be obtained in the same place (the Court), and in the same way so long as the Epiphany Tabernacle continues with us. This R. G. Jolly is now denying, so it is he that is paral­leling J. F. Rutherford, et al, at present, and NOT US! He is actually perverting the faithful teaching of both Star Members by his false doctrine ("strange fire") – Consecrated Epiphany Campers. And when Brother Johnson "swept aside" the no‑covenant argument re Youthful Worthies, he produced a number of clear Scriptures to prove his point. This R. G. Jolly has not been able to do for his Camp­ers Consecrated. Let him produce just one Scripture setting forth such a class! Joel 2:28 actually names the "Youthfuls" as such; so the Scripture was there for Brother Johnson to interpret and de­fend – a very clear Scripture; but R. G. Jolly has no such Scripture for his Campers Consecrated. The name, as well as the class, are purely the Jolly‑Krewson twosome invention. While J. W. Krewson has tacitly remained mostly silent all during this altercation, even he still apparently has enough spiritual discernment to realize that Tentative Justifi­cation in the Camp is a perversion of the Truth; so the two of them now contradict each other on this point. It would be most interesting to know whether this same dis­agreement existed at the time they were first brewing this unholy libation. Will they answer this question, or just give it the silent treatment– as they both have done with so many of our exposures of their errors. Their silence on those Pyramid cal­culations as "proof" that Brother Johnson would be here until 1956 (presented in the January 1947 Present Truth), to­gether with their calculations on the Pyramid to "prove" the last Saint was glorified in 1950, is an­other manifestation of their weakness. They are ever ready to produce "proofs" for their Scripturally unsupported presentations.

On p. 92, col. 1, there is the statement that "soon after the fall of 1914 Bro. Johnson began teach­ing...the door of entrance into the High Calling closed." At best, this statement is a very loose use of the truth. Why doesn't R. G. Jolly give the date when Brother Johnson began to preach "the High Calling closed"? Or doesn't he know it was not until well into 1918 – almost four years after the fact – that Brother Johnson first saw this Truth? His shoddy sleight‑of‑hand here is habitual technique with him – in keeping with his Question re p. 672 of Vol. 10, which we discussed on page 1 of this paper.

And now, ''Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." "The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants; and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate." (Psa. 35:28)..

Sincerely your brother,

John J. Hoefle



Our dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace, Mercy and Peace be your portion;

We would be grateful to have your complete papers, as mentioned in your Nov. 1960 article. Eagerly do we look forward to your monthly papers, and thank the Lord for your lucid explanations. We continue to pray the Lord to grant to you wisdom and understanding– His Holy Spirit to guide you into all Truth; that we, too, will be teachable, through the light of the Holy Spirit. His Word and Providences in our lives remind us of the Psalmist – "I will lift up mine eye unto the hills," etc. Psa. 121 and Hymn 12 – the latter verse applying to the Little Flock particularly.

As it is nearing Christmas and the New Year 1961, we wish you and Sister Hoefle, and all the dear ones with you, a happy holiday season and a good New Year ahead of you in the service of the Lord. 2 Thess. 2:16,17.

Your brethren by His grace – – – – - England


Dear Brother Hoefle: – Loving greetings of Grace and Peace!

It was a real pleasure to hear from you today, and I thank you for all the answered questions or thoughts. The tracts came in the best condition yet, and later my Advance Copy. So I feel that you have given much time to me.

As I read the letter I realized, dear Brother, that you are troubled on every side, (Bro. Gough's letter– JJH) I did not know you had such strong opposition in Jamaica. I hope that brother will be profited by your good reply.......

It is a privilege to defend his true teachings (Brother Russell's) by this renewal of Gideon's Second Battle. This is the comfort the people will need as this evil day grows more evil. May the dear Lord bless you both in your zeal amid so much affliction from those who were once brethren.

Thank you for explaining re the Volumes for loaning. I have some now on hand and assume that I can get more from you when needed,

Have read the December number once and expect to study it later. I will be glad to be of any as­sistance to Mrs .... that I can. Thank you for the opportunity.

With love in the Lord and continued prayers for your blessing and deep joys from Him, to you both and the kind friends who sent me their love....

Sister – – – – - Mass.


Dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace and peace through our Beloved Lord!

We continue to look forward to your monthly articles and pray the Lord's con­tinued blessing on your efforts to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (the last two Star Members in particular).

We note that R. G. Jolly published the same letter twice– first in his Sept­Oct. P.T., and again in his Nov‑Dec. P.T. If he had published this letter again several months later (as a repeat), that would be bad enough (but perhaps excusable), but to publish the same letter in two Present Truths (one right after the other) cer­tainly indicates that he is in bad need of letters to publish (against the sifters!). This Sister from New Jersey advises the Lord's people not to read the sifters' lit­erature. "They are playing with fire, and surely will get burnt" (if they do!), she says. This sounds very much like the same Sister (from New Jersey) who once was a "staunch supporter" of J. W. Krewson; he was her "Pastor and Teacher" then (upon the advice and leadership of Pilgrim Gavin). Now it seems her eyes are opened to see that R. G. Jolly is really the "Pastor and Teacher" (the Lord's Mouthpiece!). "Ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the Truth"! It would seem that such an unstable person should be happy just to keep silent; but they usually want to be heard– to advise others; and they always seem to re­ceive plenty of support and encouragement from "Pastors and Teachers" of the Jolly type! (being sure they are heard– just as Brother Motley and Brother Gough must be heard). R. G. Jolly is so ever ready to "repeat, repeat, and repeat" even in his publishing letters (if they are knocking the "sifters"). We heartily wish that he would "repeat" the Truths he once accepted and not try to run ahead of the Lord with his new (false) doctrines and his own ideas.

We here participated in the Special Effort (in Memory of the Two Messengers)‑­served several churches with Where are the Dead (Antitypical Gideon's Second Battle). We also had a blessed Me­morial service for Brother Russell and Brother Johnson, using Brother Johnson's funeral discourse and comments in Brother Russell's memory – ­and using your funeral discourse for Brother Johnson, in Brother Johnson's memory. We also had testimoies from all (there were 10 present). We don't know whether you want reports on these Special Efforts or not. If so, we will send you a more detailed re­port. (Note: We are always pleased to receive such reports – JJH)

May the Lord bless you as you continue your able refutations against the errors so prominently advocated by the two would‑be "Pastors and Teachers," and may you continue to bless His people with the Truth and its Spirit.

Your Brother by His Grace – – – – - N.C.


Dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace and peace be multiplied unto you!

We take this opportunity in extending our warm and sincere Christian greetings and wishes for a prosperous New Year. May the dear Lord continue His blessings, keep and direct you both throughout your stay on earth.

As it pleased the Lord to direct you for the leading of His people, we pray that he will help you to be faithful as Joshua of old. We though little but a united company here, are striving to be faithful in serving the Lord and His cause. We have served quite a number of tracts......It is our desire to sow beside all waters, for we know not whether will prosper.

With this comes our prayers for you both and the dear ones with you.

Yours by His Grace, – – – – - ,Ecclesia – Jamaica