No. 681
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Col. 3:16,17)
Things familiar to us on the natural plane often symbolically illustrate many of the deep things of God – the spiritual things. Thus, for instance, the resurrection, both natural and spiritual, finds an illustration in the processes of vegetation (1 Cor. 15:35-38); and the processes of the beginning, development and final perfecting of the spiritual sons of God find a remarkable illustration in the begetting, quickening and birth of the natural man. (James 1:18; Eph. 2:1; John 3:3)
When we read these symbols or illustrations of spiritual things, we cannot abandon and dishonor our God-given reason by accepting palpable absurdities as their interpretation. By doing so, we would deceive ourselves. Our Lord taught his disciples in parables and dark symbolic sayings, expecting them to use their common sense in either interpreting them themselves, or in judging of the correctness of any interpretation offered by others. And when, on one occasion, the disciples asked for the interpretation of a parable instead of using their own reasoning powers to draw from it the implied lesson, Jesus reprovingly replied, “How then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13)
He would have us think, consider and put our God-given mental faculties to their legitimate use.
Consider the Apostle’s meaning when he speaks of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27) He uses the same figure again in his letter to the Galatians (Gal. 4:19), saying, “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” Here the Apostle likens his care and labor for those who had been begotten by the Truth to the new nature, to the physical endurance of a mother in nourishing and sustaining the germ of human life until the new human creature is formed and able to appropriate for itself the life-sustaining elements of nature. So the Apostle sought to nourish and sustain those germs of spiritual being with his own spiritual life until, apart from his personal work and influence, they would be able to appropriate for themselves the God-given elements of spiritual life contained in the Word of Truth; until the Christ-character should be definitely formed in them.
In no other reasonable sense could the Apostle “birth” those Galatian Christians; and in no other reasonable sense could Christ be formed in them, or in us. The thought is that every true child of God must have a definite individual Christian character which is not dependent for its existence upon the spiritual life of any other Christian. He must from the Word of Truth, proclaimed and exemplified by other Christians, draw those principles of life, etc., which give him an established character, a spiritual individuality of his own. So positive and definite should be the spiritual individuality of every one, that, should even the beloved brother or sister whose spiritual life first nourished ours and brought us forward to completeness of character fall away (which the Apostle shows is not impossible – Heb. 6:4-6; Gal. 1:8), we would still live, being able to appropriate for ourselves the spirit of Truth.
Paul feared, with good reason, that the Galatian Christians had not yet come to this condition of established character – that the Christ-life was not yet definitely formed in them. He said, “I am afraid of you [I fear for you], lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain” (Gal. 4:11); for already they were giving heed to seducing teachers and departing from the faith, showing that they were not established in the Truth, and consequently not established in the spirit of the Truth, which is the spirit of Christ, and, hence, that Christ was not yet formed in them.
Alas, how often we see among those who bear the name of Christ, that they have not yet reached that degree of development which manifests a distinct spiritual individuality! They depend largely upon the spiritual life of others, and if the others’ spiritual life declines these dependent ones suffer a similar decline; if the others go into error, these follow, as did many of those Galatian Christians to whom Paul wrote.
How is it with us? Let us apply the question to ourselves. Is the Christian character formed in us so fully that none of these things can move us or affect our spiritual life, even though they may grieve us at heart?
The great Adversary of the Truth and the Church has thrown a cloak of mystery and superstition around the Apostle’s words by implying that, in some secret way known only to the initiated, Christ personally comes to the consecrated and uses them simply as machines, which become almost infallible because Christ is using them. Those so possessed are considered to be merely passive agents who speak, think, act, and interpret the Scriptures for Christ.
With this idea they generally go further, and claim that Christ personally talks with them and teaches them independently of his Word; and some go so far as to claim that they have visions and special revelations from the Lord. Some speak of this presence as Christ; some as the Holy Spirit; and some speak of them interchangeably.
While there is a semblance of truth in all this, and while we remember that Jesus said, “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them...shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him...and we will come unto him and make our abode with him” (John 14:21,23), it is true that a more serious error could scarcely be entertained than this idea of personal infallibility because of the supposed mysterious presence of another being within.
Notice that this promise of the abiding presence of the Father and the Son is to those who have and keep the commandments of the Lord Jesus. Those who ignore the Word of the Lord and have not his commandments but who follow their own imaginations and all the changing states of their own feelings (mistaking them for the voice of the Lord) are quite mistaken in claiming this promise. Under their delusion they are following another spirit than the spirit of Truth; and unless recovered from the snare they must inevitably plunge deeper and deeper into superstition and error.
If it is true that God talks with them and answers their questions not through his written Word, the Bible, but through mental inspiration, or by dreams, or by audible sound, then the Bible is to them a useless book, and time spent in its study is time wasted. Who would “search the scriptures” as searching for hidden treasures, as the Lord directed and as all the Apostles searched, if they could merely shut their eyes, or kneel, and have God make a special revelation to them? Certainly any sensible person would prefer a special revelation on a subject, rather than to spend days and months and years examining and comparing the words of our Lord and the Apostles with those of the Prophets and the Book of Revelation (“Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ…did signify” – 1 Pet. 1:11), if they could ask and have an inspired and infallible answer in a moment.
None of God’s consecrated ones should be thus misled of the Adversary. It is the stepping-stone to pride and every evil work: to pride, because those who are thus deceived soon feel themselves honored of God above the Apostles, who judged of the mind of the Lord as read in his Word and in his providential leadings in harmony with his Word (Acts 15:12-15); to every evil work, in that those thus puffed up fancy themselves infallible, and, separated from the anchor of Truth, the Bible. Satan can soon lead them rapidly into the outer darkness of the world, or into yet darker delusions.
But the testimony of the Scriptures is quite contrary to this vaunting spirit. Paul says, “Know ye not...that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” and then he exhorts that we examine ourselves whether we be in the faith, or whether we have rejected the faith and thus become reprobates – no longer acceptable to God. (2 Cor. 13:5)
Every true child of God has respect to the commandments of God: he searches the Scriptures that he may know them, and is not left in ignorance of them; and, learning them, he endeavors to keep them, and the abiding presence of the Father and the Son is with all such so long as they continue to hold and to keep (obey) his commandments – to hold the Truth in righteousness.
To have the Truth and to keep it is not merely to accept it on the recommendation of some friend, because it gives some comfort and costs nothing, and to hold it until some other presumed friend dazzles the unsettled mind with some fanciful theory. The promise of the abiding presence of the Father and the Son is not to such. Christ is not in them; Christ is in the humble and sincere ones. He and the Father love and abide with them.
But how? To illustrate: a friend accompanies another to a railway station saying, as he is about to board the train, “Remember, I will be with you all the way.” He means that his thoughts will be with his friend and that he will be concerned for his welfare, etc. In a similar, and yet in a fuller and broader sense, the Lord is ever present with his people. He is always thinking of us, looking out for our interests, guarding us in danger, providing for us in temporal and spiritual things, reading our hearts, marking every impulse of loving devotion to him, shaping the influences around us for our discipline and refining, and hearkening to our faintest call for aid or sympathy or fellowship with him. He is never for a moment off guard, whether we call to him in the busy noon hours or in the silent watches of the night. And not only is the Lord Jesus thus present, but the Father also.
How blessed the realization of such abiding faithfulness! And no real child of God is devoid of this evidence of his adoption. Sometimes it is more manifest than at others; as, for instance, when some special trial of faith or patience or endurance necessitates the special call for special help, and forthwith comes the grace sufficient with a precious realization of its loving source.
Every true child of God has these precious evidences of sonship, and the roughest places in his pathway are so illuminated with divine grace that they become the brightest, and memory continues to refer to them with thankfulness; and faith and hope and love grow strong and inspiring.
Our Lord always links the progress and development of our spiritual life with our receiving and obeying the Truth. Every child of God should beware of any teaching which claims to be in advance of the Word, or claims Christ or the Holy Spirit speaks to such advanced Christians independently of the Word. The snare is a most dangerous one. It cultivates spiritual pride and boastfulness, and renders powerless the warnings and expostulations of the sacred Scriptures because those so deluded think they have a higher teacher dwelling in them. Satan, taking advantage of the delusion, can lead them captive at his will.
These symbolic expressions of the Scriptures must be interpreted as symbols, and to force any unreasonable interpretation upon them manifests a culpable willfulness in disregarding the divinely appointed laws of our mind, and the result is self-deception. When we read, “He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him” (1 John. 4:16), the only reasonable interpretation is that we dwell in the love and favor, and in the spirit or disposition of God; and that his spirit or disposition dwells in us. Thus God, by his indwelling spirit, works in us to will and to do his good pleasure. (Phil. 2:13)
Let us endeavor to have more and more of the mind, the Spirit of God, to have his Word abide in us richly (John 15:7; Col. 3:16) – to have and to keep his commandments, that the abiding presence of the Father and the Son may be with us. How careful then should we be in seeking both to know and to do the will of God, having no theories or works of our own whereof to boast.
(The above was adapted from Pastor Russell Reprint 3250.)
Many Christians take symbols, parables and types literally, but they are not literal statements. There are many texts in the Bible that are literal, however. Our Bibles are only the translation of God’s inspired Word – the real Bible. We believe that most of our translators were sincere in their efforts. But all of them were prejudiced because of their belief as to how it should be translated.
The Emphasized translation by Dr. Rotherham is one of the best. The King James Version is one of the most beautiful, although it contains many mistakes. Most all of the translations contain some of God’s inspired Word – enough that we will find God has a Plan of Salvation for all mankind, as pointed out in Eph. 3:11. The Diaglott translation of this verse renders the text “Plan of the Ages,” while the King James translation renders it “eternal purpose.”
When a text does not harmonize with God’s character of Wisdom, Love, Justice and Power, it is either misinterpreted, or spurious. The mistakes are not inspired. Only God’s Word is inspired.
There are seven axioms we should follow in Bible study: (1) A doctrine must harmonize with itself; (2) With all Truth; (3) With all Scriptural doctrine; (4) With God’s character; (5) With the Ransom; (6) With facts; (7) With the purposes of God.
There is much confusion on the interpretation of the Bible. God is not the Author of confusion – man is. He is a God of Truth and harmony. We are thankful for these texts: “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” (1 Tim. 2:3-6) These texts are literal. God is faithful that promised. (Heb. 10:23)
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15)
The term “world” in this text refers neither to the human race or the planet on which we live. The thought of the text seems to refer more particularly to the present order of things, for the Greek word here translated world is kosmos, signifying arrangement. We are to appreciate the beauties of nature. We are to love the human family, whom God also loves, though not in the sense in which He loves the Church of Christ. We read, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
St. John cannot therefore be understood to refer to the world of mankind, when he says, “Love not the world.” We should have sympathy for mankind similar to that which the Heavenly Father has for the fallen race. The Scriptures inform us that the present order, or arrangement, of things on earth is entirely out of harmony with God’s will, or purpose; for the world is ruled by selfishness. The Divine arrangement is that love shall be the rule among God’s creatures. “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God...” (1 John 4:16)
The world operates along lines different from those of love. Each one strives selfishly to heap together treasure for himself, even if meantime his neighbor goes destitute. Many live in luxury, while realizing that there are others who lack the necessities of life. Many seek for power to control men, not with the thought of their uplift, but with a view to using them for selfish ends and motives. This spirit of selfishness belongs to the present order of things. We see it in operation everywhere.
The spirit of the world lays hold of all the forces of nature and seeks to control these, to adapt them to its own selfish interests. It is true that much good has resulted indirectly from this spirit of selfishness. For instance, a man with a great amount of vainglorious spirit may benefit others for his own selfish purposes. A general might have so much pride in his service that in order to win praise for himself he would care for his soldiers and have them well dressed. Some of our great captains of industry have done the world good service, and incidentally have blessed many, while carrying out their own designs.
If all of the great worldly enterprises were undertaken with a view to the betterment of mankind, the spirit of these would not be selfish. We know, indeed, that much is done to help those who are needy, and that where there is a motive of this kind, it is often misinterpreted and misjudged to be selfish, “but the Lord looketh on the heart.” (1 Sam. 16:7) Those who have selfish hearts, selfish intentions, will continue to love the things of the world, and if shown there is a new order of affairs coming, will not be in sympathy with the change of dispensation.
Anyone who conducts a large enterprise for the benefit of those who would have opportunity to share such blessings would rejoice that there is a better time coming. Anyone who would truly rejoice to have a better arrangement of affairs would not have the spirit that dominates in the present order of things. He would have the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Love, the spirit that will dominate the new order of things, the spirit that will control during the thousand years of Christ’s reign.
Many are in the attitude of mind which would say, “My employer is rich. Whenever I get the opportunity to help myself to some of his money, I will do so and get as much as possible.” Such people, whether rich or poor, love the present order of things. A great many poor love the things of this world, and hope someday to get their share.
There are people who say, “Oh, I do not love the world and its selfish spirit – I am completely opposed to it! I tell my husband, ‘This is a very selfish world, John.’ Then he replies, ‘Yes, Mary, it is. Everywhere people are only looking out for their own self-interests and selfish desires. But while you condemn the ways of the world, you still delight in the good things of life provided by industry – the luxury automobile, the comfortable home, etc.’ And I must acknowledge that he is right. I’m afraid I could not be happy without them.” Such a person certainly loves the things of the world, even while objecting to its selfish ways.
It seems to be a serious charge to say that anyone who is in the attitude of mind which loves the world and the things belonging to it has not the love of the Father in him. We do not understand, however, that such a one has no love for the Father or that the Father has no love for him. The Apostle seems to be addressing this message to the Church. Those who have been adopted into God’s family must continue to love Him or they would not be counted as members of that class.
What, then, is the full import of this expression – “The Love of the Father is not in him”? To us it would mean that the Love of the Father had not gotten full control of his heart, and this would mean that ultimately, unless he should gain a victory over his selfish disposition, he would not be accepted as a son.
Everywhere about us is this spirit of selfishness. Every child of God should be on guard against it and against willingness to participate in the things of this world. We should strive to be in that condition which is pleasing to the Father. We are to try to rid ourselves of the spirit of the world and to be filled with the Spirit of the Father. This would not mean that we are not to appreciate beautiful things, or that we are not to appreciate others striving to benefit the world; but that we should not be satisfied with any of these things so far as we ourselves are concerned.
Whatever talents we possess we should use for the good of humanity in any kind of work that would be for the glory of God. Even a good work could be engaged in from the spirit of the world rather than from the Spirit of God; that is, it might be done for what we could get from others in the way of money, honor or influence; or, on the other hand, it might be for the good we desire to do for others.
The highest of all services is that of the ministry of the Word of God. Even this noble service might be pursued from either of two motives – the love of the Father or the love of self. Apparently there are some engaged in the ministry purely for the sake of the loaves and fishes, for the honorable position it gives them in the world, or because they do not know of anything that would serve them better.
Again, there are those, no doubt, who have entered the ministry, not for selfish reasons, but because they desire to serve God, to serve the Truth, to serve His people. The Lord alone knows what has induced any one to enter the ministry. But since we are living in the day that will “try every man’s work of what sort it is” (1 Cor. 3:13), God will show what motive is behind the deed.
Those who are serving merely from the worldly spirit will be annoyed with anything that promotes the Truth; and to whatever degree their earthly interests suffer because of it, they will be angry. Those who are of the right spirit, however, will rejoice in everything that will be helpful to humanity, in everything that is to the glory of God, in everything that will make the Bible more easily understood.
In fact, we may suppose that the real testing is the making manifest whether we love the world – the things of the present time – or whether we love God supremely. As time goes on, it will be even more impossible to harmonize the spirit of love and the spirit of selfishness. Those who love God will be fully out of harmony with the spirit of the present evil world.
“Love not the world!
He in whose heart the love
Of vanity has found a place, shuts out
The enduring world above.
“Love not the world!
However fair it seem;
Who loveth this vain world – the love of God
Abideth not in him.”
(The above was adapted from Pastor Russell Reprint 5138.)
The Bible reveals the only ideal plan of salvation for all mankind. This great Plan of Salvation revealed therein commends itself most strongly as of Divine origin, and not the design of man. It is the embodiment of God’s four great attributes: Wisdom, Love, Justice and Power. No one else could come up with anything so sublime. “God is love” (1 John 4:8), and “He is faithful that promised.” (Heb. 10:23) “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:3-4)
This does not mean that all men will be saved eternally, as some believe. Some believe that not only all men will be saved, but that even the Devil also will be saved; but those of us who have the “spirit of truth” also know the “spirit of error” (1 John 4:6): we know that the Devil, as well as all evil doers who do not turn from their path of error will be destroyed. “That through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil.” (Heb. 2:14) All those who will not obey when they “come unto the knowledge of the truth” will be “destroyed from among the people.” (Acts 3:23)
So when God tells us He will have “all men to be saved,” we need to rightly divide the word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15) in order to understand that from which “all men” will be saved. All men will be saved from the curse that came upon all through the disobedience of Father Adam; and He will save all men from ignorance of the Divine Plan. “The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not” (2 Cor. 4:4) during the Faith Age – but during the next Age, the world to come – when “thy judgments [correct instructions – the knowledge of the Truth] are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” (Isa. 26:9)
There are many who do not know there are Two Distinct Salvations – one for the elect during the Faith Age, and one for the non-elect (all others – the Restitutionists) during the next Age, the World to come.[1] God’s Plan is in evidence in the various Dispensations and Ages. In the first world (Kosmos), from the fall to the flood, the intention evidently was not to save all men. Had God attempted to save all men, He would have done so, because God never fails of any of His purposes. (Isa. 55:10,11)
There are two worlds thus far, but there are three Ages in this second world: (1) the Patriarchal Age, (2) the Jewish Age, and (3) the Gospel Age. God’s purposes in all of these Ages have been elective, but in each Age along different lines from those of the others. Instead of dealing on a covenant basis with all men during these Ages, He selected out of the world certain ones with whom He has so dealt. This selection or election was not done arbitrarily, as Calvinism teaches, for God never acts arbitrarily, but always in harmony with His character – the blending of Wisdom, Love, Justice and Power.
Broadly speaking, the human family consists of two classes: those who trust Him (by faith), even when they cannot trace Him, and those who will not trust Him out of sight – that is, a faith class and an unbelief class. This faith class can stand the trial-some training necessary to qualify them for their work of uplifting the non-elect in the third world – “that which is to come.” (Eph. 1:21) The non-elect, who lack sufficient faith to be put on trial under present unfavorable conditions, will then have their trial in the third world under most advantageous conditions.
There are some of the non-elect who have faith in God, but not sufficient faith to do the Lord’s will during the time when sin and evil are in the ascendancy. We all know such noble worldlings, and we know that God is not unmindful of their good qualities. “The Lord looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men. From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth.” “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy.” (Psa. 33:13,14,18) So He has “appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” (Acts 17:31) We believe we are drawing nearer to that Day – so we continue to pray: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matt. 6:10)
The third world will be the order of affairs that God will establish after the destruction of the present order of affairs in this second world. Thus there will be in the world to come “new heavens” (new ecclesiastical ruling powers) and a “new earth” (new social order) in which righteousness will be established. (2 Pet. 3:7,13) Thus the completed Plan of Salvation for all men – the elect and the non-elect – will result to God’s glory, and the blessing of eternal life for all mankind who love righteousness. They will have full opportunity – an accurate “knowledge of the truth,” and the ability to walk in the paths of righteousness, if they so desire.
“And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.” (Gal. 3:8) This “Plan” is so ideal and sublime that it is beyond the realm of human imagination. Some say it is too good to be true; we say it is too good NOT to be true! Thus it is conceived as a Divine inspiration.
(John J. Hoefle, Reprint No. 240 excerpt)
The Spring 2014 issue of the Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement publication, The Present Truth and Herald of Christ’s Epiphany, refers numerous times to a “fifth” elect class called “Consecrated Epiphany Campers,” but cites no scriptural evidence to support the existence of such a class. On page 12, the claim is made that such a class was “taught by Pastor Johnson,” quoting E 11, page 336:
“God also charged Jesus to make a distinction between the people as to their relations to the Kingdom. He severed the classes from one another by the peculiar teachings, activities, gatherings and siftings, belonging to each one: the Little Flock distinct from the Great Company, the Great Company from the Youthful Worthies, the Youthful Worthies from the Justified, the Justified from the Campers, and the Campers from those beyond the Camp.
“The charge was to each class to keep within the bounds set for it and not grasp for powers as to the Kingdom not belonging to it nor contaminate anything pertaining to the Kingdom either by false doctrine or wrong practice. Whoever would contaminate Kingdom matters would die from his standing in his class: Little Flock members so doing would drop out of it into the Great Company; any of these doing it would drop out of it into second-deathers; Youthful Worthies doing it would drop out of their class into the Justified, the justified doing it would drop out of their class into Campers; and Campers doing it would drop out of their class into heathen.”
There is nothing in the above comments by Brother Johnson that even remotely suggests that he “taught” a class called “Consecrated Epiphany Campers.” In E 10, page 209, Brother Johnson says this about the Camp:
“The Gospel-Age Camp is the condition of the unjustified people of God, while the Epiphany Camp in the finished picture is the condition of truly repentant and believing, but not consecrated Jews and Gentiles” (emphasis added).
As we have pointed out numerous times, Brother Johnson taught there can be no justification outside the linen curtain. As he stated in E VI page 199:
“…the Court curtain represents things connected with faith – the outside of it a ‘wall of unbelief’ in Christ’s righteousness to those outside, the inside of it a ‘wall of faith’ in Christ’s righteousness to those inside.”
Dear Marjorie,
Greetings from Israel in our Lord who is faithful and true!
Thank you for your letter I got at the end of August. Due to all the Jewish holidays I delayed a reply since this is a period of mail slow-down in Israel…
What can I say about Israel now, but “wait and see day by day!” It was amazing that the Obama interference with Syria didn’t affect the many tourists that came to Israel last month. But I think it has really opened the door for Russia to again be a big “player” in this part of the world. It puts the Gog/Magog prophecy on the screen again, especially with Israel’s new resources of natural gas off the coastline. Time to watch, pray and trust God’s Plan!
Shalom and love, ……. (Israel)
Dear Sister Marjorie,
Greetings in the name of our Redeemer!
My health is improving, and as I cannot sit up for long periods the friends come and we have prayer meetings when it is possible. The daily texts, the vows, the “Poems of Dawn” keep me steadfast. There are favorites which I use daily, such as “Lead me”, “Communion with our Father.”
Please excuse my writing. I have been overdoing it.
Please accept our love and prayers to you and all others.
Your sister by his Grace, ……. (Trinidad)
Warm Christian greetings!
Thank you for the two attachments that you have sent to me. I am blessed through the messages. I would like to ask you that if you have any spiritual literatures, may you feel free to send them to me.
I’ve been doing some studies in the web of Bible Students. I have been leading 4 Bible classes.
So I would highly thank you for having welcomed us as brothers in the brotherhood of readers.
I’m glad to thank you about the Memorial. We will be gathering on the 12th April evening for the Passover. We are all getting ready for the Memorial.
Otherwise may the almighty God bless.
The publication that I already have is “The Divine Plan of the Ages.” It is a wonderful publication which has made me to learn a lot about the mystery that lies ahead of us during the reign of Christ on earth. It has made me learn a lot about the plan of God…
By His Grace, Br. ….... (Kenya,)
(Several emails)
[1] See Two Distinct Salvations on our website at