by Epiphany Bible Students

“If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.” (John 12:26)

The‑anniversary of our dear Pastor’s passing beyond the veil, October 31, 1916, will always be a date of special sacredness to God’s people. It has been 85 years since his departure and so that his memory remains still fragrant and blessed to us, let us briefly review the activities, achievements and attainments of this eminent saint of God.

SCHOLAR: He was certainly a scholar in the true sense of that term. Those who require a university diploma as indispensable evidence of learning will deny him the merit of scholarship. However, there are not a few cases of scholars that were self‑made, gaining their knowledge apart from the schools of world repute. Among such our Pastor won a high place. Apart from English he was not a linguist, though he learned how to use well the gains of the best scholarship in Greek and Hebrew for his Biblical works. He was deeply versed in History, as his writings attest. So thoroughly did he understand business that able financiers eagerly sought and paid for his advice. His writings show that he was at home in the perplexing questions of industry, economics, sociology, capital and labor. However, his eminence in learning was in the domain of theology, in which he was without a peer since the days of the Apostles. His knowledge of the Bible was phenomenal; and when other theologians will have been discarded, he will be recognized as a standing authority in this, the greatest of all sciences.

AUTHOR: Naturally such a scholar would be a writer. Very few human beings have written more than he. His correspondence alone was sufficient for the life work of an industrious and talented man. When it is remembered that some years over 300,000 letters and post cards were written to him, and that he supervised the answers to this huge mail, and attended to no small share of it himself, we can realize something of the amount of his correspondence and the time and labor involved. As an author he produced six unrivaled books on the Bible whose combined circulation during his life aggregated 10,000,000 copies. He published a number of booklets of great value, one of which on Hell, has been circulated more widely than any other booklet ever written. He produced over 200 tracts, some of which attained a circulation of over 50,000,000 copies. His sermons, appearing regularly every week for thirteen years, were published part of that time simultaneously in over 2,000 newspapers, having a combined circulation of over 15,000,000 copies. This is only a small part of the vast literature he wrote during his lifetime.

LECTURER: Nor was his work as a lecturer on a small scale. Most well‑known lecturers have only a few lectures that they use year in and year out. Not so with him. He lectured on hundreds of subjects which were of compelling interest as well as of recognized difficulty. His lectures were direct, clear, simple, logical and convincing. His powers of exposition and proof were of the first order, and were so well in hand as to appeal to the learned and unlearned alike, an unequaled proof of genius. Wherever he was announced to speak the largest and best auditoriums were crowded, and frequently thousands and usually hundreds were turned away, unable to gain entrance. He did not depend on the tricks of oratory to win his hearers. He appealed to their heads and hearts in that simple and direct manner which wins the hearer without oratorical fireworks. He was the most cosmopolitan lecturer that ever lived, having addressed audiences in this capacity in almost every country on earth, traveling between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 miles to meet his appointments.

PREACHER: As a preacher he was even more widely known than as a lecturer. Wherever he worked as lecturer he addressed more private audiences as a preacher. This acquired for him the title, The Ubiquitous Preacher. It can be more correctly said of him than of any other preacher that the world was his parish. His spoken sermons were published in newspapers, reaching millions of readers weekly. These sermons appeared in many languages; and before he died his pen products had been published in some forty languages. As a preacher he appealed to the hearts of his hearers through their heads; and his ability to strike home to the hearts and heads of his hearers through suitable Bible verse or illustration the thoughts that he was seeking to impress was marvelous. His genuine and unaffected love for God and man gave a power to his utterances that drove them home, where mere eloquence and oratory would not have been effective. His sermons, therefore, always elevated head and heart.

PASTOR: He was the most notable of Pastors. His clearness of insight into the problems of his day, his knowledge of human nature, his intuition of the condition and needs of the individuals, his single‑hearted consecration to God and devotion to the interests of His people, his large sympathy, benevolence and hope as respects others, his grip on the purpose of his ministry, and his knowledge of the spiritual dangers of his times and of the safeguards needed by those in danger made him a real pastor, a genuine shepherd of God’s sheep. As many as 1,200 different churches at one time claimed him as their pastor. He had the “care of all the churches.” As a pastoral adviser he was expert; as a pastoral comforter he was inspiriting; as a pastoral corrector he was tactful and fruitful; and as a pastoral leader he was unobtrusive, yet all‑persuasive and effective. These qualities made him a part of the very life of those whose pastor he was, and bound him to them by ties that death itself has not severed. This is why the tens of thousands that chose him as their pastor have, up to the present, 85 years after his death, chosen no successor to him.

REFORMER: No review of him would be complete without treating of his activities as a reformer. He was every inch a reformer and stood in the front rank of the reformers of all Ages. Error never had an antagonist more to be dreaded than he, who with thoroughness of disproof of error’s claims combined tact, sympathy, gentleness and charity that left no personal sting after his onslaughts. If he hated error greatly, he loved the errorist more greatly, and always sought to help him, while overthrowing his wrong theories. The superstitions connected with the penalty of sin and the state of the dead were the especial objects of his attacks; and he never let an opportunity of attacking them pass by unused. The superstitious and the infidel alike felt the logic of his attacks; and the devout student of the Word found in him a champion who knew how to vindicate the truthfulness of the Bible and refute the errors of the superstitious and the unbelief of the infidel. His insistence on a faith harmonious with Scripture, Reason and Fact was an inspiration to Bible believer, and a terror to the creedist and infidel. His forty‑five years of continued attack on the strongholds of error and superstition largely undermined them for real students of the Word. But his work as a reformer was more than destructive of error and superstition. It did not leave his hearers victims of unbelief. On the contrary, he unfolded a harmonious, reasonable and Scriptural view of the Bible that evidences the inspiration of the Scriptures. Thus he gave others a sound and reasonable basis for their faith in “The impregnable Rock of the Holy Scripture,” while destroying caricatures of Scriptural teachings handed down by the superstition of the Dark Ages. Consequently, those who looked to him as their leader in reform were not left with stately ruins as the sum total of his and their labors. Rather, beside and instead of the ruins of the Temple of Error he erected the Sanctuary of Truth as a refuge against all the storms of doubt, superstition, and unbelief. And in this fact his real worth as a reformer is recognizable.

EXECUTIVE: He was great as an executive. A phrenologist once seeing his picture, but not knowing whose it was, remarked that he was either a merchant prince or the president of a Theological Seminary! Already in his teens his executive abilities made him the owner and director of a large business which was soon increased until it occupied four large stores in various cities. As a business man he acquired experience that fitted him for his future work. His executive abilities were such as enabled him to grasp the details as well as the generalities of his many enterprises. He was profitably interested in dozens of enterprises aside from his great religious work, to which he gladly devoted the profits of his secular business. Aside from his purely secular business interests, his religious activities required high and varied executive ability. He not only produced the vast literature of his movement, but he directed its publication and distribution. Hence he saw to the publication and circulation of his books, booklets, tracts, sermons, lectures, scenarios, Sunday School lessons, magazines, lecture records and magazine articles, assisted, of course, by an able staff of co‑laborers. He organized and directed seven branch offices in foreign countries. He supervised a Biblical correspondence school. At least two hours daily he gave to directing a Theological School in the Bethel home. For twenty‑two years he controlled a Lecture Bureau that for several years had a staff of over 300 lecturers. For thirty years he managed a propaganda work that at times had 1,000 colporteurs in its service. For twenty‑five years he directed a tractarian movement in which at times nearly 10,000 individuals took part. For three years he directed the preparation, and for two and a half years managed, the exhibition of the Photo‑Drama of Creation in hundreds of cities, and in many countries before more than 15,000,000 people. He was the guiding spirit in over 1,200 churches, and at the headquarters of his work daily presided as the head of the family over his laborers who, for many years averaging 175 members, lived together as a family. In this capacity he took cognizance of all sorts of details in storehouse, kitchen, laundry, dining and living rooms, hospital, library, study, drawing room and parlor. So versatile was this remarkable man.

Had he been eminent in any one of the seven capacities in which we have viewed him (and we could profitably view him from others, so many‑sided was this remarkable man), he would properly be considered a great man. But to have been eminent in all of them, and to have been in some of them without a peer, proves him to have been a genius of the first order. History will yet give him a place among the very greatest of men. In writing of him it is necessary to use superlatives in order to do him justice. If we were to reduce his qualities to two, we would use none more truly and fittingly to characterize him than those used of him by Him whose steward he was: “Faithful and Wise.” His life was a great success to him and a great blessing to others; his death was a great loss to others and a great gain to him; and his memory has been and is a benediction and an inspiration to us, and in due time will be to the world. “God bless his memory!” So let us pray.


“Loved and hated! Revered and Reviled!

Spurned and courted! Flattered, defiled!

With never a falter and never a frown

He kept to his moorings, and laid his life down.

In the place where God put him, What more can be said

For soldier or hero? For living or dead?

He wept with the anguished; he smiled with the glad;

He lifted the fallen; he heartened the sad;

He pitied the sinner, inspired the saint;

He strengthened the feeble, recovered the faint,

God gave him a message – he gave it to men;

He patiently told it again and again.


“When man’s eyes were blinded and ears could not hear,

And men’s souls were stunted ‘by folly or fear,

When minds were beclouded by dullness or doubt

He maneuvered the Message and turned it about

Till ‘the wayfaring man, though a fool,’ could behold

And hear the Glad Gospel he patiently told.

And yet will like rabble as stood by the Cross,

Not knowing their folly, not sensing their loss,

Flouting and scouting and wagging their head,

Stand by in contempt while we weep o’er our dead,

Dishonoring the prophet of this, their own time,

And crowning him saint when the world sees their crime.


“Behold now the man? – Or wait world‑old way

To pay him the tribute we owe him today?

Stand reverently now, with uncovered head,

And look on ‘that servant’ and honor the dead!

A man has gone from us, leaving none in his place,

Yet his Message of Truth men can never efface,

He’d the mind of a master, the heart of a child,

The courage of Caesar, a soul undefiled,

He’d the love of a father, a shepherd’s kind care,

The faults of a human and sympathy rare.

He lifted a standard and held it up high.

He lived – ready to live and ready to die!”

While we consider the office and work of the Parousia Messenger were much more important than that done by the Epiphany Messenger, we would stress our warm approval and appreciation of his character and the work he did. He valiantly and tenaciously retained and defended the Parousia Truth as given through That Servant, and built his Epiphany structure upon that Truth. He emphasized that Advancing Truth is not intended to destroy fundamental Truth already established, but simply enlarges and strengthens the Truth we already have. So we say of him also, God bless his memory! We honor these faithful servants when we keep the faith. “once delivered unto the saints.” God honored them by making them His mouthpieces, and it is our pleasure and privilege to honor whom God honors.


“The present is the time for the sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads, before the storm of trouble bursts (Rev. 7:2,3); and every wise virgin should appreciate this privilege of the present, both for his own intellectual sealing with the present truth, and also for engaging in the harvest work of sealing others of the wheat class and gathering them into the barn of security, before the night cometh and the door of opportunity to labor is shut.

“That the present, most favorable opportunity is a brief one, is manifest from the fact that only twenty‑four years of the harvest period remain [written 1890 + 24 = 1914], after which we will witness the end of the reign of evil and the ushering in of the glorious Millennial Day. After this period the dark night of the world’s great tribulation must find place. The great darkness, which must precede the glorious day, is drawing on: ‘the morning cometh, and also the night’ – a time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation. [See Matt. 24:21,22]

“Observe that, when this night cometh, when the reapers must cease their labors; it will prove that this final work of the Gospel Age is accomplished; that the elect number of the Bride of Christ have all been ‘sealed,’ and ‘gathered’ into a condition of separateness from the worldly – into the barn condition (Matt. 13:30); for God will not permit anything to put an end to His work until it is finished. Then, all the true and faithful servants of God will have been sealed in their foreheads; and, the work of the Gospel Age being finished, no more can enter into that work or reap its rich reward, foretold in the ‘exceeding great and precious promises’ as the reward of the faithful who enter while the ‘door’ is open (2 Peter 1:4).” (Volume 3, p. 211, par. 2‑212 top)

“When, therefore, the Lord’s servants hear His voice, through His Word, declaring that the time has come to stop sowing and begin reaping, to stop catching and go to sorting the fish, to stop calling and preach the harvest message now due to those already called, they will, if faithful, gladly and promptly obey. Such, therefore, instructed of the Master concerning His plan of the ages, and not in darkness on the times and seasons in which we are living, should no longer be going forth seeking to sow the good seed of the Kingdom in the field or world of mankind, but should be ‘giving meat in due season to the household of faith’ scattering among the Lord’s professed children the good tidings of the Kingdom at hand, and of the great joy and blessing it will soon bring to all people.” (Volume 3, p. 215, par. 2)

“Shortly the harvest will be ended, and then both he that sowed and he that reaped will rejoice together. Now, the reapers must hasten the work, and should feel so concerned about its completion as to pray the Lord of the harvest, the Chief Reaper, to send forth more laborers into His harvest. It will not be long before the plowman of the next dispensation (the great trouble foretold, which will prepare the world for the Millennial seed‑sowing) shall overtake the reaper of this dispensation (Amos 9:13).” (Volume 3, p. 216, par. 2)

“Since the Church of Christ, which has been developing during the Gospel Age, is to be associated with her Lord in the great restitution work of the Millennial Age, the first work of Christ at the Second Advent must be the gathering of His elect Church, to which reference is made by the Prophet (Psa. 50:5), saying, ‘Gather my saints together unto me, those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.’ This gathering or harvesting time is in the lapping period of the two ages. As will be shown, it is a period of forty years, which both ends the Gospel Age and introduces the Millennial Age.” (Volume 2, p. 104, par. 2)

“The next chapter will present Bible evidence that 1874 was the exact date of the beginning of the Times of Restitution, and hence of our Lord’s return. Since that date He has been verifying His promise to those in the proper attitude of watchfulness, ‘Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily, I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.’ (Luke 12:37) Even so, he has opened unto us the Scriptures, showing us truth, concerning His present glorious nature, the object, manner and time of His coming, and the character of His manifestations to the household of faith and to the world. He has drawn our attention to the prophecies which definitely locate us in the stream of time, and has shown us the order of His plan of operation in this harvest time. He has shown us, first of all that it is a harvest of saints, a time for their full ripening, and for their separation from the tares; and secondly, that it is a time for the world to reap its whirlwind harvest – for the reaping of the vine of the earth, and the treading of its fruitage in the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God. He has shown us that both of these ripenings (Rev. 14:1‑4,18‑20) will be completed in the year AD 1914.” (Volume 2, p. 170, par. 3 to p. 171, par. 1)

“The truth now due is the sickle in this harvest, as a like sickle was used in the Jewish Harvest. The reapers, the angels, or messengers, now, are the Lord’s followers, just as a like class was the reapers in the Jewish Harvest. Though others, throughout the age, were told not to attempt the separation of the wheat from the tares, yet those now ready, worthy and obedient will be shown the Lord’s plan and arrangement so clearly that they will recognize His voice in the time of the harvest, saying ‘Thrust in the sickle’ of present truth, and ‘gather my saints together unto me, those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.’ ‘They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels.’ (Psa. 50:5; Mal. 3:17)” (Volume 3, p. 139, par. 1)


“It will be remembered that Israel’s ‘seventieth week,’ the last seven years of their favor, was very exactly marked at its beginning, middle and close; and we believe for the purpose of giving us clearly defined dates in the close of the Gospel Age of favor to Spiritual Israel. We have seen that the beginning of that week was to Fleshly Israel the date of the beginning their harvest testing, in 29. It was marked by our Lord’s baptism and recognition as Messiah at Jordan, when the reaping work began, the parallel to which, here, is the recognition of the presence of the Lord, in 1874, at the beginning of this harvest.

“The middle of that covenant week, AD 33, was the date of the rejection of Israel as a system or church‑nation, and was marked by our Lord’s death on the cross, and by His words just before His death, ‘Your house is left unto you desolate.’ And the parallel to that, here, is the rejection from favor and fall of the sectarian systems, called Christendom or ‘Babylon,’ in 1878.

“The last half of Israel’s covenant week (3 and one‑half years, from 33 to 36) was not a period of national or sectarian favor, but of individual favor, granting the Israelites (not as formerly through the channels of the nominal Church, but individually, if they would receive it) all the favors and special privileges of the Abrahamic Covenant, down to the end of the seventy symbolic weeks, the limit of their favor, marked by sending favor to Cornelius and Gentiles in general. So in the parallel, here: 3 and one‑half years from April 1878, where so‑called Christendom, or ‘Babylon,’ was rejected from favor, to October, 1881, was the closing period of the favor of the high‑calling limited to individual believers in Babylon. Thus, the general ‘call’ ceased with October, 1881, just as the corresponding date, October 36, witnessed the end of Jewish favor.

“The Jewish favor consisted in the (exclusive) offer to Israel of the Kingdom – the call of the natural children of Abraham to avail themselves of the privileges and opportunities given them under their Law Covenant. This call, favor or privilege ceased totally and forever with the end of their covenant week. The Gospel favor consisted in the offer of the Kingdom, exclusively, to believers in Christ, the high‑calling of all reconciled to God under the Grace Covenant, who might avail themselves of the opportunities thus given, and become members of the Abrahamic ‘seed’ which is to bless the world by joining with Christ Jesus, their Redeemer, in His covenant of self‑sacrifice, the test that must demonstrate their worthiness to share in Christ’s coming work and glory. And it is this favor, the ‘call’ or invitation, which we have seen ceased, totally and forever, in October 1881, the parallel point of time to the end of the Jewish call or favor.” (Volume 3, p. 216, par. 3 through p. 217, par. 3)

“The remnant chosen from Fleshly Israel at its fall, and the faithful few of the Gospel Age, including the living remnant at its end, alone constitute the true Israel of God. These are the Elect, justified by faith in Christ’s redemptive work, called to joint‑sacrifice and joint‑heirship with Christ, chosen in the sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth, and faithful unto death. With the completion of the selection of this company, in the harvest of this age, quite a commotion may be expected among the wheat and tares; for many Divine favors, specially granted because of the faithful few, will be withdrawn from the nominal mass, when the Little Flock, for whose development they were granted, has been completed. [The record shows that there was a great commotion between the wheat and tares at that time.]

“We should expect the order here would be, as in the typical Jewish Harvest, a separating work, fulfilling the words of David, ‘Gather my saints together unto me, those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.’ (Psa. 50:5) As AD 33 marked the giving over of the nominal Jewish house, as a system, to disfavor, disruption and overthrow, so the corresponding date, 1878, marked the beginning of the disfavor, disruption and overthrow of nominal Spiritual Israel, of which we shall have more to say in succeeding chapters.” (Volume 2, p. 229, par. 1, middle, par. 2)


“ROME – Pope John Paul II, turning to the future after a yearlong celebration of Christianity’s 2,000th birthday, has summoned the largest and most diverse group of cardinals ever to come to Rome, to advise him about the challenges facing the Roman Catholic Church.

“For the ‘Extraordinary Consistory,’ beginning Monday, the Vatican has offered seven questions for the cardinals to ponder: from how to combat New Age spirituality to how to ensure greater compliance with church teachings on sexual morality, all under the umbrella of how to spread Rome’s faith and values further through the world.

“Beyond the walls of Vatican City, where the princes of the church will meet behind closed doors, Catholics in pews and pulpits pose a different set of questions, from how to address a shortage of priests in the United States to how to improve the quality of Sunday homilies.

“These questions – those addressed in Rome and those talked about by the broader church – are spurred not just by the symbolism of a new beginning at the start of the third millennium, but also by the growing awareness, in the face of the pontiff’s frailty, that many of these challenges will be addressed not by John Paul, but by his successor.

“Friday was John Paul’s 81st birthday, but he allowed no public celebration. Instead, he talked about the need to move forward after the celebration of the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus, an occasion that was at once joyful, as millions of pilgrims streamed through Rome, and repentant, as the pontiff apologized for historic wrongs by the church in an effort to achieve what he calls a ‘purification of memory.’

“‘The Jubilee should not be merely an exceptional moment in the fife of the church, after which everything returns to normal, so to speak,’ the pontiff told a visiting group of Pakistani bishops. ‘It is now time to build on the gains of the Great Jubilee in order to plan for the future.’

“Still, expectations among Vatican‑watchers are low for this Extraordinary Consistory, the sixth since John Paul II began holding such gatherings in 1979. The meeting is more of a conversation than a congress, and some argue that the hierarchical nature of the church prevents honest debate even behind closed doors.

“‘The fundamental problem they face is that when they come to Rome they’re supposed to advise the pope, but they find it very difficult to tell the pope or the Vatican that something should change, because that implies that what they’re doing currently is wrong, and then they get portrayed as being against the pope,’ said the Rev. Thomas J. Reese, editor of America magazine, a Catholic weekly. ‘The pope calls these people in for advice, but then they end up quoting the pope back to himself.’

“But the Consistory, which John Paul II will kick off with remarks Monday and conclude by hosting a lunch for the cardinals on Thursday, gives the prelates a chance to contemplate challenges that Rome’s Catholicism faces in an increasingly global church.

“The 183‑member College of Cardinals is now the least Western it has ever been, in part because of dozens of appointments the pontiff made this year, and it faces a complicated array of issues.

“Some issues arise from the West, where the church’s position on topics such as abortion, gender, and sexuality are often at odds with majority values. Others come from the developing world, where poverty, health, and education are primary concerns, and where the church faces tough competition from other denominations.”

(By Michael Paulson, Boston Globe, May 20, 2001)


Author Cal Thomas, in his current LA Times syndicated column, sharply scores Yasir Arafat’s sinister blueprint for the “piecemeal destruction” of Israel.

His article is worth recording: “The latest of many upheavals in and bordering on Israel was planned by Yasir Arafat and his friends in the Arab world. That is what Palestinian political analyst Khalil Shikaki told the October 4 Jordan Times as he observed the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Fatah participation in the violence.

“How many more examples of intransigence are necessary before apologists in Israel and enablers in Washington understand that the enemies of Israel want nothing less than the destruction of the Jewish state?

“This has been a piecemeal process and not one that will lead to peace. Israel has given up land it seized for its own protection after wars started by its enemies. Still, Arabists in the State Department and leftists in Israel proceed with the fiction that peace can be achieved between peoples whose outlooks are irreconcilable.

“It was a mistake to give up land without reciprocity. It was a mistake to release terrorists from Israeli prisons so they could rejoin their armed comrades. It was a mistake to allow for the creation of a Palestinian ‘police force,’ which has been turned into an army.

“The vandalizing of Joseph’s Tomb on the eve of Yom Kippur, while the ‘police’ did nothing, is proof that the ‘police’ won’t control a mob determined to carry out Arafat’s orders. And the abandonment of that tomb can only encourage Israel’s enemies that the Jewish people’s strong resolve may be crumbling.

“Rioting for the benefit of world television cameras has long been an Arafat ploy. He has orchestrated terrorism and unrest to force concessions out of Israeli leaders that could not be won through war. The visit of Ariel Sharon to the Western Wall was merely a convenient excuse for the rioting to begin. It had been preceded with roadside bombs that killed an Israeli soldier guarding a civilian convoy. Later a Palestinian policeman (terrorist?) killed his Israeli partner in cold blood while they were on a point patrol. Arafat explained that the Palestinian was ‘unstable.’

“There’s more violence coming. Iraq has taken a ferocious stand against Israel, unmatched by any state in the region. Iraqi Foreign Minister Muhammad al‑Sahaf referred to Israel as a ‘midget entity, a usurper and a claw of colonialism... Iraq does not, and will not, recognize this usurper entity.’

“On October 3, Iraqi TV broadcast remarks by Saddam Hussein: ‘An end must be put to Zionism. If they cannot, then Iraq alone is able to do so. Let them give us a small adjacent piece of land and let them support us from afar only. They will see how we put an end to Zionism in a short time.’

“What piece of land might he have in mind? Some analysts say that Hussein has his eye on Jordan ‘since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993.’ Congress has appropriated $900 million in foreign aid for the PLO. The speaker of the Palestine National Council says the United States has promised $30 billion to help resettle Palestinian ‘refugees,’ meaning that they’ll be settled in Israel from where, as we are seeing, they will be used by Arafat to undermine the Israeli government.

“There is no evidence that Israel’s enemies wish to live in peace. Anti‑Jewish incitement in PLO school textbooks continues. The PLO Teacher’s Guides read: ‘The student should learn (that) racist superiority is the heart of Zionism, Fascism and Nazism.’ Among the ‘important values’ that follow is: ‘Wrath unto the alien thief (Israel) who obliterated the Homeland and dispersed its people.’

“New leadership is needed in Israel, as is a new policy by both Israel and the United States. The current one is an obvious failure. If war comes, Israel had better win this one, too, grabbing as much land as it can and never again letting go of it. There will be no peace between Israel and her enemies. The best she can hope for is to maintain order.” (By David Horowitz, The Jewish Press, June 15, 2001)

“Arafat A War Criminal: In what some see as a reaction to charges against Prime Minister Sharon, an Israeli legislator said he plans to bring war crimes charges against Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat in Belgium. Likud Knesset member Avraham Herschson said he has evidence that Arafat was behind recent violence against Israel and could be tried for war crimes. Belgian law allows war crimes trials for attacks carried out on foreign soil.” (The Jewish Press, June 29, 2001)