by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 126

My dear Brethren: Grace and peace through our Beloved Master!

At the Philadelphia labor-Day Convention R. G. Jolly discoursed on the above subject, parts of which were excellent so long as he adhered to the Truth. In fact, many of those present – unskilled in the Word of Truth – were loud in their praise of his service; which should occasion no surprise, as he always seems to have plenty of applause regardless of how atrocious his errors may be. This same characteristic has been in evidence in Big Babylon throughout the Gospel Age. All error must have some Truth in it, otherwise no one would believe it; and the case we now consider bears marked evidence of this truth.

The basic Scripture discussed was Psa. 24, with special emphasis on vs. 3 and 4: “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?” He generalized on this question in a very misleading manner, never at any time offering the real truth on it. Half-truths are more misleading than whole errors; and the present in­stance is vivid proof of this conclusion. David's answer to his own question clearly demonstrates it would be only the Fully Faithful, the Little Flock, who would attain this glorious triumph: “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.” Thus, when attempting to palm this Psalm off as a promise to any crown-loser, it offers a very misleading error.

The word “hill” in the text is from the Hebrew “har” – meaning a mountain, or range of hills. In this instance we believe it is clearly apparent David was re­ferring to a specific mountain – Jehovah's mountain, Mount Zion. This is graphi­cally confirmed in Psa. 2:6: “I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion” ­which the marginal references would read better thusly: “I have anointed my king (Jesus) upon Zion, the hill (“har,” mountain) of my holiness.” The word “hill” in this text is from the Hebrew “har” – the same word contained in Psa. 24:3. This same thought is also found in Psa. 72:3 (although the Hebrew “gibah” here for mountain): ''The mountains shall bring peace (prosperity) to the people.” As Brother Johnson has so convincingly shown, the mountains in this text refer to Mount Zion and Mount Moriah, and “the little hills” are Acra and Bezetha – all four of these promontories being found within the walls of the City of Jerusalem, the same being representative of the four elect classes who will indeed bring last­ing “peace and prosperity to the people” of earth: Little Flock (Mount Zion), the Ancient Worthies (Mount Moriah), the Great Company (the Hill Acra), and the Youth­ful Worthies (the Hill Bezetha). While Moriah is mentioned first in the Old Testa­ment, Zion – which later becomes prominent, especially after the Jews captured Jeru­salem at David's direction – is the higher peak of the two, picturing forth the superior position of the Little Flock over the Ancient Worthies in the Messianic Kingdom. Thus, it requires little elaboration to determine that “the Hill of the Lord” in Psa. 24:3 is just another way of saying, “Who shall ascend into Mount Zion”; that is, who shall attain to the glory of the Little Flock.

The specifications for this attainment are also Little Flock requirements and characteristics: (1) “clean hands” – “An honest life, clean actions, clean conduct, determined opposition and resistance to sin in all its forms,” etc. (See Berean Comments); (2) “a pure heart” – good intentions, “a single-hearted purpose” (not the double mind of the Great Company); (3) “who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity” – “humble, meek, modest, candid and sincere” (not the over-weaning appro­bativeness found in some crown-losers – See E-10:585, top); (4) “nor sworn deceitfully” – “has not made a solemn covenant of consecration with the Lord and willfully despised or ignored it” (a charge recorded against all “Sinners,” or crown-losers). As Brother Russell has so aptly stated, “there is no excuse for any one to be in the Great Company,” because the Lord gave each and every one full cooperation and help to retain their place in the High Calling.

The Hebrew word “har” is the same word found in Isa. 2:2,3: “The mountain (har) of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains” (har) – ­that is, the Lord's Kingdom shall overtop or overrule all earthly kingdoms. And verse 3 clearly corroborates our conclusions aforegoing that “the hill of the Lord” is indeed only Mount Zion: “Let us go up to the mountain (har)of the Lord.... for out of Zion shall go forth the law” – visibly from the Ancient Worthies in Jerusalem, and invisibly from the glorified Christ (the spiritual Mount Zion).

These thoughts receive further proof from Isa. 25:7: “He will swallow up in this mountain (har) the face of the covering (of death) cast over all people, and the veil (of ignorance, superstition and fear) that is spread over all nations.” Here again “this mountain” (har) is from the same word as “the hill” (har) in Psa. 24:3. It is truly tragic to observe such an uplifting and delightsome reve­lation perverted in the manner it was done at Philadelphia; but Azazel means Perverter, and it seems almost impossible for R. G. Jolly to touch any Truth since his abandonment to Azazel in 1950 without injecting some perversion into it. Of course, this evil of perverting the Truth (Azazel means Perverter) is of long stand­ing, having come into prominence in the days of Samuel the Prophet. “Samuel's sons walked not in his ways but turned aside.... and perverted judgment” (1 Sam. 8:3) – perverted the true teachings of the Star Members into error. And this same evil has persisted all during the Gospel Age, as the wayward sons (crown-lost ministers) of antitypical Samuel (the Star Members) have perverted every steward­ship doctrine and large parts of right practice that the Star Members established. And, since 1950 R. G. Jolly is doing his best to conform to the evils of his kinsmen of the past. And because we point this out R. G. Jolly labels us “chronic fault-finder” – ­although we realize, of course, that is the only answer left to him. Clearly enough, the Lord found the same fault with him (perversion of the Truth and its Spirit), when He ejected him from the Little Flock. None of those “who lifted up his soul unto vanity” was permitted to “ascend into the hill of the Lord” – Mount Zion; and none of those who were ejected from the Holy belong to the “pure in heart,” and to those who had “clean hands.”


On Sunday morning October 31 some pointed questions, not originated or prompted by us, were submitted for answer by R. G. Jolly. The nature of those questions indicated very clearly that some of those present are doing some thinking – just as the answers also demonstrated very clearly that R. G. Jolly is still firmly in the clutches of Azazel, and is still motivated by “strong delusion.”

One such question was something after this manner: If we are to condemn any one as a sifter, should we not read some of his opinions ourselves, rather than just taking some one else's word for it? R. G. Jolly's answer (not verbatim): “When Jesus labeled Judas a sifter, did the other eleven Apostles decide they wanted to hear Judas' side of the matter?” This is the sort of answer the Jesuits have offered against all the Fully Faithful Reformers; and demonstrates, even to a novice, Azazel's sophistry. When St. Paul counseled “Prove all things,” was it his thought that our “proof” should be established by taking the word of a self-admitted crown-loser as sufficient? Just how many would have accepted the “Present Truth” during the Epi­phany had they followed such advice? In fact, early in the Epiphany R. G. Jolly himself strongly condemned the Society people for doing the very thing he is now advising. “How are the mighty fallen!” Such counsel is exactly what the Jesuits advise benighted Catholics to do – if they expect to continue as “good” Catholics. Of course, we realize only too well that he fears our papers, because he is not so befuddled by Azazel that he cannot recognize what would happen – and what in fact is happening – with those who do “prove all things” by reading our presentations without prejudice: They soon develop a distinct aversion for R. G. Jolly's “strong delusions.”

He also condemned us for ridiculing his Attestatorial Service, which early in 1954 he based upon the 1914 “parallel.” When such people as he fall into the hands of Azazel, they talk all sorts of nonsense; and the nonsense is so apparent in the present instance that even R. G. Jolly was crafty enough not to mention the “parallel.” In 1914-1916 every Little Flock member eventually engaged in that service; and it was accompanied by such marked success that no unbiased mind has the slightest doubt about its veracity. R. G. Jolly's 1954 effort was no “parallel” whatever in point of time (he claims his Attestatorial Service is still proceeding after eleven years, as against the 25 months in 1914-1916); it bears not the slightest resemblance in results (only an infinitesimal fraction of the Great Company has engaged in it, having even less of them now than he had at its inception in 1954); the “signs of the times” have not provided one iota of corroboration for his effort, whereas, there was unmis­takable proof in 1914 of that true Attestatorial Service. Thus, is it at all strange that we should ridicule his contention? It does not require a savant to recognize his claims for just what they are: Nonsense – “strong delusion” – counterfeit! They are so shallow, empty, non-existent that we would not even give them passing notice were it not that we consider it our obligation to issue a witness against him ­and against those who support him in his evil ways. “Had I not spoken unto them, they had not had sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.” (John 15:22--margin)

Another question asked if we now have the Epiphany or the Basileia Tabernacle if the Epiphany ended in any way in 1954. Of course, this inquiry forced him to admit we are still in the Epiphany, even though he insists we have also entered the Basileia. Was there any such “parallel” in 1914? once we reached the Epiphany as the last special period of the Gospel Age, was not Brother Johnson very definite that the Gospel-Age Tabernacle was no more, the Epiphany Tabernacle had then re­placed it? And this is in keeping with his teaching in E-11:591 that only one Tabernacle operates at a time. And in all of this irresponsible prattle R. G. Jolly was very profuse in his accusation that we falsely claim our harmony with Brother Johnson; whereas, he claims he is the one who is adhering to the Epiphany Messenger's conclusions! It seems unbelievable that those people who were schooled in the sober teachings of the last “Principal Man” could now swallow such “Strong delusion”; but we should “think it not strange,” because the Epiphany is the time for “making mani­fest the counsels of hearts”; and we would be foolish indeed to believe this same “manifestation'' must not occur with those in the LHMM. “The mills of the Gods grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine!”


There was also the Question: Do the Youthful Worthies and the Consecrated Epiphany Campers begin to inscribe their names in the Book of Life at their conse­cration in this life? To this R. G. Jolly answered, Yes – for both classes – and gave quite some elaborate “proof.” Well, here is Brother Johnson's dis-proof of R.  G. Jolly in answer to what is meant by names being written in the Book of Life:

“Sometimes it may refer to one's office activities in God's arranged plan... but the usual meaning is that of one's character being inscribed into a cov­enant. By this we mean developed a character in harmony with a covenant, thus enabling us to become a partaker of the covenant's promises. During the Gospel Age, every consecrated and Spirit-begotten one (except the 12 Apostles, who, before Pentecost, Luke 10:20, because of their pre-anointing were treated in the same way as the Spirit-begotten) at the time of his entrance into the High Calling began to inscribe his character into the Covenant in its Sarah features, which develop the Christ class. Some failed to continue this work, through allowing sin, error, sel­fishness and worldli­ness to interfere to such an extent that they fell into the Great Company. Thus they were blotted out of their places as Little Flock members. If unfaithful as Great Company members, they will be blotted out of their places as such, and out of existence entirely, i.e., go into the Second Death; but if faith­ful as Great Company members, they will inscribe their characters into those features of the Covenant typed by Rachel. The Ancient Worthies begin and Youthful Worthies also at consecration begin to inscribe their characters into the earthly features of the Oath-bound phase. If faithful, they will have their names written in heaven (Heb. 12:23) at the beginning of the Little Season, for they are among the antitypical Millennial-Age first born (Levites) who had no inheritance in the land.... Thus all the elect classes will ulti­mately have their characters inscribed into the all ­embracing Abrahamic Covenant in one or another of its features. In the Millennium, the non-elect, the Restitution class, will have to develop their characters in harmony with the NEW BOOK OF LIFE, the New Covenant revelations, which will then be given. As they progress up the highway of holiness, they will be symbol­ically writing their names in this OTHER Book of Life – inscribing their characters into the New Covenant.”

The foregoing is certainly in harmony with God's character, with itself, and with all Scripture; and R. G. Jolly's answer regarding his Campers Consecrated is in harmony with his “strong delusions” (pseudo-spiritually inspired). It will enable us better to understand the Epiphany Messenger's answer if we remember that the Little Flock is developed by Antitypical Sarah – the Little Flock and Great Company are com­prehended in the Rachel type – the Little Flock, Great Company and Youthful Worthies are embraced in the Hannah type (See E-13:19/11). The clear explanation of these various features of the respective types and antitypes offer not the slightest hint that any restitution class is included in them – be they supposedly consecrated now, or after the Mediatorial reign begins. And R. G. Jolly's inclusion of such in a Book of Life, which is not yet opened to any Restitutionist, is simply more of his nonsense (similar to the Jehovah's Witnesses frantic 'gathering' of their specialized brand of non-elect).

There were other questions, which we may treat in later papers, the answers to which were grossly perverted by R. G. Jolly. And throughout his parade of error there was interwoven his usual diatribe against the “sifters” in our midst – in exact fashion as was done by the “cleansed” Jews with Jesus in their Temple gatherings. But perhaps most tragic of all was to note the smiles of approval for his nefarious course by those in the audience who should know better – a precise duplication of the conduct against Brother Johnson early in the Epiphany. The chief priests, Scribes et al, falsely accused our Lord as they crucified him, while the ledlings were ''wagging their heads.” (See Mark. 15:29, 31) And as we observe the cup of “strong delusion” now being drained by those people who treated Brother Johnson and others so shamefully, it should cause no surprise that the same portion is also sent by the Lord to similar persons today; and we may be certain this will continue to a comple­tion. “Because they poured out the blood of saints and of prophets, thou gavest unto them also blood (error) to drink; they deserve it.” (Rev. 16:6, Dia.) However, we are strongly moved to issue a caution to our own readers that we “be not overcome of evil,” lest the same poisonous draft be meted out to us. Brethren, “Keep yourselves in the love of God”; and we keep ourselves in the love of God so long as we keep “the love of God” in us.

If there be any who think others may be retrieved from “the snare of the fowler” by this paper, they need only request additional copies – which will be sent free; or give us names and addresses, and we shall mail from here.

“Now, thanks be to that God, who always leads us forth to triumph with the Anointed one, and who diffuses by us the fragrance of the knowledge of him, in Every Place. Because we are a Sweet odor of Christ to God, among those who are being saved, and among those who are perishing; to these, indeed, an Odor of Death to Death, and to those, and odor of Life to Life; and for these things who is qualified? For we are not like the many, trafficking the Word of God; but really from sincerity, and as from God, in the presence of God, we speak concerning Christ.” (2 Cor. 2:14-17, Dia.)

Sincerely your brother,

John J. Hoefle Pilgrim



In our June paper No. 120, p. 8, we faulted J. W. Krewson for giving erroneous information regarding Christendom's Easter date; and one of his adherents wrote us a rather pointed note to the effect that we were in bad taste in our June comments because J. W. Krewson was simply quoting Brother Johnson, and she felt we should offer public apology for our offense. However, Brother Johnson's statement in the 1940 Present Truth is substantially identical to Brother Russell's comment in Parousia Volume Six, p. 480, which we quote in part: “The method of calculating the date for Good Friday and Easter Sunday in vogue among Lutherans, Episcopalians and Catholics differs from the foregoing in this: They usually, but not always, e.g., this year, celebrate as Easter Sunday the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring equinox, and the preceding Friday is recognized as Good Friday.” The follow­ing letter is our answer to her, as well as our statement for all our readers:

Dear Sister -------. Grace and peace through our Beloved Lord!

Referring to your recent letter in answer to mine of August 30, I think J. W. Krewson would be well advised to declare when he is quoting Brother Johnson – instead of copying from either Messenger as though it were from his own pen ­as it seems he is now following once more in the steps of R. G. Jolly. In the present instance, however, it has rebounded to his decided disadvantage.

Anyway, we have before us two statements: One from Brother Russell in Parousia Volume Six, p. 480, and one from Brother Johnson in Present Truth 1935, p. 35, col. 1 – one of which is right, and one of which is wrong. Is there any doubt whatever in your mind which one is right? If there is, you may find in any public library that Brother Russell's statement is the correct one. Brother Johnson knew this, too, as he read Volume Six; and he probably had been well-schooled on this point in his seminary education at Columbus, Ohio. Therefore, I must conclude – and I hope you will agree with me – that his 1935 statement was just a slip of the pen, a mistake he would readily have acknowledged had it been brought to his attention. In fact, my conclusion is verified by Brother Johnson himself on p. 35 of the March 1940 Present Truth, where he gives the answer much the same as Brother Russell gives it in Parousia Vol. 6, p.480.

So here we have a man (J. W. Krewson) claiming to be a teacher in the General Church, who has before him a correct statement and an incorrect statement – the in­correct statement later corrected by Brother Johnson himself; and of those three statements he chooses to publish the incorrect one for the information of his readers. Honestly now, my dear Sister, don't you think, under the circumstances, he is justly deserving of criticism? And don't you think I would be lax in my own obligations if I said nothing about such a distortion? I'm inclined to think he had you believing he was right until I informed you it was wrong. His statement is self-evident nonsense, regardless of where he got it, as his rule would make it impossible for Easter ever to come in March. Therefore, even had he said he was quoting Brother Johnson, I would still feel obligated to state the truth on it – for the benefit of my own readers, as well as for those of his adherents who read our papers.

Our November paper is already complete and has been forwarded to you and mother; but I shall endeavor to clarify what I have published by reproducing this letter, with terse comment in our December paper. Our December paper will not go to the printer for a few weeks yet, which will give you time to answer further if you wish.

While I am grateful to you for bringing this to my attention, I am sorry if it has disturbed you; and I hope you will believe that I have only your elective-­salvation welfare at heart when I send you my papers as I do.

Sister Hoefle and the others here join me in sending you and Mother our Christian love, with the assurance of our prayers that you may “know the Truth” and the freedom that is sure to come with it.

Sincerely your brother, John J. Hoefle



Dear Brother Hoefle:

I received your letter of Sept. 1 entitled, “Ten Years in Retrospect” – also the July 1 letter (The Roman Church and Its Little Twin). I read them, I feel, with profit. You and I see the Truth very much “eye to eye” – and that is to follow closely to what Brother Russell taught us concerning “God's Plan of the Ages.” I feel the doctrines he taught are Scriptural and true..... He thought Armageddon would be over in 1914, rather than just beginning............

 I assume you think I am one of the Jehovah's Witnesses. For a time I tried to go along with them.... but in Jan. 1917 Brother ------- and I went to the annual meeting of the Watch Tower in Pittsburgh... Brother and I felt Bro. Rutherford was the best suited to take over – and we voted for him. I tried to go along with them for a time, but became so thoroughly disgusted with the way Bro. Rutherford advertised him­self, rather than the Truth, that I fell away and associated with no one until Bro. Knorr took over. I like his attitude much better. When I married I began associat­ing with them again. I still believed the Truth, however, and had to tell them the Truth. This got me into trouble..... I told them I would keep still in their meetings (Prov. 6:16-19), but not outside. That is the way we stand today.

I love those Witnesses. Their zeal and earnestness sometime make me feel ashamed of myself. But they are blind, being led by blind leaders..... When we talk, to the average Jehovah's Witness we learn how little they know concerning the deep things of the Scriptures. (Note: We find they know very little about their own errors ­when faced with themJJH)

The Society brethren believe they are going through Armageddon and will be the nucleus of Christ's visible government here on earth. How foolish such an idea! And they think they will have to teach the Ancient Worthies their brand of present truth! Oh, how could they get so far astray from God's way – when it is made so plain in His Word? They reject the Ransom..... They reject the Resurrection and Restitution, disbelieving that the “Father judgeth no man,” but has put all judg­ment in the hands of His son Jesus Christ. They teach that God has been judging every individual that came into the world since Adam, and will resurrect and give life to only such as are in the “Memorial tombs.” (Note: These are some of the teachings many of the Jehovah's Witnesses deny – when faced with these errors. One Sister – who came into the Truth under Brother Russell – denied that the Jehovah's Witnesses teach these doctrinesJJH)

Now the question is – if Jehovah is using these Witnesses to do this work, why are they kept in such a measure of ignorance?......

I have been rambling on here at considerable length, and no doubt, you are getting tired.... I located in..... in 1954 when I retired, because they had a class already established here. After working with them for two or three years, I began to see that their doctrines were dishonoring my Father. It had been about 40 years since I had studied the “Scripture Studies.” But I still had the Truth in my mind. I was in a quandary. I felt the Society was the Channel the Lord was using, and yet they were so woefully wrong in their views – so far from the Truth taught us by Brother Russell. I began praying to Jehovah to give me the Truth – His Truth – right from His Word. Almost every night on my knees I pleaded with Jehovah to give me His Truth from His Book.... All this time I was reading and studying the Scrip­tures. The result is some of the things I have been telling you about. I began to feel elated, sort of patting myself on the back. Some of these things I didn't recall seeing in Brother Russell's writings. Then when I began checking with Brother Russell to see if he had these ideas, my ego surely dropped. He had all these things in print when I was in knee britches. I was glad, for I knew then Jehovah had answered my prayers. (When we seek the Lord in His appointed channels He will answer all who seek him in sincerity of purpose – from a pure heartJJH)

And now, Brother, may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, richly bless you and yours, and all in your house, as you strive to do His will.

Sincerely your brother and sister in Christ ------- (FLORIDA)


Dear Brother Hoefle: Loving greetings in our Redeemer's Name!

Thank you so very much for the lovely birthday greetings, which was forwarded to me... I do appreciate your remembering me. Now I am fairly sure I wrote you telling you I planned to come here Sept. 10, but there was so much confusion I am not sure. It may have been after I found out about this trip, so I may be just repeating what I have told you. August 27 N's Uncle ------- 91 years old, died. The same day J's mother (86 years old) died........

I think I told you I have been so happy to have my bound ‘Hoefle’ papers and was re-reading them. Got up to about half-way in the 1960 articles...... so I hope to continue reading them.

With much Christian love to both of you and to all the family, I am

Your sister by His Grace, -------  (OREGON)


Epiphany Bible Student Ass'n

Mount Dora –

Dear Gentlemen:

My friend shared with me a Special edition of the Herald of the Epiphany. I was interested so much. It was an inspiration to me. Please send me a copy. I shall try to follow as it may seem to me good.

Yours truly ------- (MICHIGAN)


Dear Brother Hoefle:

I'll try to answer your letter as soon as I get some data on Brother ------- his arrival in ------- and I feel better in head to write. I hope your brother-in-law is not in much pain, and the rest of your family are in good health.

I'll write a letter, D.v., last of October. Weather here is cooler.

No news from Brother ------- or from Sisters -------

Christian love from

Sister ------- (CALIFORNIA)