by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 81

My dear Brethren: ‑ Grace and peace through our Beloved Master!

Motivated by a number of requests for further elucidation of Conse­crated Epiphany Campers as presented by R. G. Jolly, and Quasi‑elect Consecrated as desig­nated by J. W. Krewson, we now present a concise resume of this subject, using the Question and Answer form of analysis.

Question: – Did either of the last two Principal Men ever teach such a class in the end of this Age?

Answer: – No, neither of them even hinted that we should look for such persons in the Household of Faith, although Brother Johnson clearly taught that the Epiphany Camp in the finished picture would contain the "formerly faith-­justified ones who hold to the Ransom and practise righteousness, and Converted Israel." However, of these he clearly states in E:10‑209 that they would be the "not" consecrated Jews and Gentiles.

Question: – Is such a class designated in any direct Scripture, or indicated in any type or prophecy?

Answer: – No, there is nothing anywhere in the Bible that even hints at such a class. And be it remembered that a type that might seem to allow such interpretation would in itself be insufficient, because it is clearly stated on p. 25 of the Berean Topical Index under Types and Figures that "A type must not be used to teach a doctrine, but merely to illustrate one that is already taught in plain terms."

Question: – If there is no direct Scripture, type or prophecy to prove Campers Consecrated, how did the idea originate?

Answer: – It is a pure invention of the Jolly‑Krewson twosome.

Question: – Should we expect them (R. G. Jolly and J. W. Krewson) to see a new doctrine?

Answer: – No; their attempt in this matter is a part of the "gazing" so clearly forbidden in Ex, 19:21‑23. Here's Brother Johnson's comments on such matters: "All the brethren, except the star‑members, are forbidden direct Biblical study on new doctrines, types and prophecy, which is 'gazing' for them." (E:10‑XXIV)  And again on page XXVI: "Nonsense upon nonsense has been produced by the typing of the Toms, Dicks and Harries during the Parousia and the Epiphany." Campers Conse­crated is just some more of that "nonsense."

Note further in E:11‑495: "None of these brothers were the first to see new doctrines, which under Jesus is the exclusive privilege of star‑members .... They have been privileged to find new confirmations of doctrines previously made known by Jesus to His star‑members." And further in E:11‑369: "This was a pro­hibition to brethren now inventing new teachings as true (such as Campers Conse­crated – JJH) and from God, a prohibition which the six classes of sifters and others have disregarded. (This should prove to all the Fully Faithful just who are the real "sifters" since Brother Johnson's death – JJH). It impliedly charges that the teachings that God gives by Jesus be held, AND NO OTHERS."

Question: – Could there possibly be a place for Campers Consecrated in the Epiphany Tabernacle?

Answer: – Not if the Epiphany Messenger gave us the Truth on the Epiphany Tabernacle. In E:6‑199/202 he clearly states there can be no justification outside the linen curtain. And in the same book, p. 348, he says Tentative Justification – ­which comes only to those inside the linen curtain – must precede the call to conse­cration.

Question: – Are we still operating under the Epiphany Tabernacle?

Answer: – So far as we know, neither of the Jolly‑Krewson twosome can deny that the Epiphany Tabernacle is no longer with us; but they impliedly deny it by their Campers Consecrated "strange fire" (false doctrine). We say this be­cause the Epiphany Messenger never placed such a class in or about the Epiphany Tabernacle. Note his comments in E:11‑591: "There is a threefold set of antitypes of the Tabernacle type: (1) the Gospel‑Age antitype, (2) the Epiphany antitype and (3) the Millennial‑Age antitype. Only one of these three antitypes operates at a time; i.e., only one of them can be visible as working at any one time, and the other two are kept out of sight at such a time." In view of such clear comments by the Epiphany Messenger, those who now attempt to change the Epiphany Tabernacle are forced into one of two positions: (1) They must admit they no longer accept the truth on the Epiphany Tabernacle, as given to us by the Epiphany Messenger himself; or (2) They must contend we are no longer operating under the Epiphany Tabernacle. If this latter is true, then the Millennial‑Age, or Basileia, Tabernacle must logi­cally be present with us.

Question: – What is Brother Johnson's interpretation of the complete Epiphany Tabernacle?

Answer: – In the finished Epiphany Tabernacle the Most Holy represents the condition of Divine beings; the Holy represents the condition of crown-retaining New Creatures – members of the Body of Christ; the Court represents the condition of the Great Company and Youthful Worthies; the Camp represents the con­dition of the formerly faith‑justified (those people who lost their Tentative Justi­fication in the Court by being forced from the Court, thus receiving the "grace of God in vain" for elective purposes); and outside the Camp represents the unbeliev­ing world, and the excommunicated.

Question: – Is there any evidence that the Basileia Tabernacle has come into existence?

Answer: – No evidence whatever! And to demonstrate the confusion of those who succumb to the Sixth Slaughter‑weapon Man (Revolutionism) we cite p. 8 of the January 1962 Bible Standard, col. 1, bottom, where R. G. Jolly states the "Epiphany signs are now plainly manifest in our midst." This statement is indeed the Truth; and those signs were clearly apparent in 1914 when the Epiphany period began. "The Epiphany and the Time of Trouble are identical," says Brother Johnson; and the Time of Trouble (one of the more pronounced "signs" of the Epiphany) made its appearance at precisely the same time as did the Epiphany period. With this "word behind thee" as a sure guide, we may definitely conclude that equally strong "signs” of the Basileia will also appear when the Basileia Tabernacle is erected and the Basileia is ushered in. Thus far, R. G. Jolly has not pointed out a single one of those signs.

Question: – What outstanding feature makes a clear distinction between the Epiphany and Basileia Tabernacles?

Answer: – There is total absence of New Creatures in the flesh in the Basileia Tabernacle. In the Millennial Tabernacle Brother Johnson sets forth the Most Holy and the Holy as containing Divine beings operating Godward and manward; the Court containing only Levites – the Great Company as spirit‑being Merarites, the Ancient Worthies as Kohathites, and the Youthful Worthies as Gershonites, none of which can be described as New Creatures from the Gospel‑Age viewpoint; the Camp containing the World undergoing Restitution; and outside the Camp having those not yet beginning Restitution, and those second‑deathers who die at one hundred years of age. Therefore, we may know with absolute certainty that, so long as even one New Creature remains on earth in the end of this Age, it would be utterly impossible for the Millennial‑Age Tabernacle to begin operation. Therefore, R. G. Jolly's teaching that we are now in the Epiphany‑Basileia overlapping in the same sense as was true of the Gospel‑Age Epiphany overlapping from 1914 to October 1916 is just some more of his nonsense.

Clearly enough, R. G. Jolly is forced to straddle the Epiphany‑ Basileia "fence" because of his Campers Consecrated. In his headlong rashness and bungling ("Bungling is the usual and natural activity of the Great Company," says Brother Johnson), to foist his Consecrated spiritual "hybrids" upon his trusting followers, he is "manifest­ing his folly to all" (2 Tim. 3:9) – running ahead of the Lord in identical fashion to That Evil Servant, who said in his heart, "my Lord delayeth." Of course, it is a character feature of the members of antitypical Saul (type of the crown‑lost leaders up to Armageddon) that they learn nothing from their own mistakes, or the mistakes of others. The typical King Saul bungled from each mistake to a more serious mistake – ­a sad spectacle indeed, finally driven in dire extremity to the Witch of Endor; thence, to a most humiliating end at the hands of the detestable Philistines. “How are the mighty fallen!” (2 Sam. 1:25)

Another indictment of R. G. Jolly by the Epiphany Messenger on his Campers Consecrated is to be found in E:7‑138, as follows: "Nor are the Great Company to seek to discover 'new Light' and spread it before the Church, as that would be attempting to go into the Holy, from which they have been excluded, and would re­sult in their offering strange fire."

These prohibitions against "strange fire" (false doctrine) have been repeatedly and pointedly directed to R. G. Jolly's attention; yet he still persists. Those of his adherents are to be commended who refuse to be dragged into the "bottomless pit" (error) with him. When he was expelled from the Holy in 1938 under the most humi­liating circumstances, it would seem it should have taught him a lesson he would never forget; but he, like his type King Saul, has learned just nothing from his bungling mistakes. Is it any wonder other uncleansed Levites in other groups refuse to give him any attention? Is it any wonder he has experienced abject failure with his $5 Correspondence Course – his Flying Saucer tract – his attempts at those 'chop­suey' conventions – his attempt to convert Israel, etc,, etc.? Like others of his kinsmen during this Epiphany period, he has inherited gold and he has quickly turned it into ashes; and we may be sure the Lord will continue to give him "blood to drink" (Rev. 16:6) until he manifests a true repentance, cleanses himself resolves never again to attempt to re‑enter the Holy, from which he has been definitely excluded for this Epiphany period.

And, as Brother Johnson also tells us in E:11‑383 (29), when Revolutionists seek to set aside those truths that once sanctified them and made them "clean" (John 15:3), they are soon forced by the Fully Faithful's defense of those truths to give up other formerly‑held truths. Thus, the invention of Consecrated Epiphany Campers (or Quasi‑elect Consecrated) by the "cousins" (Jolly‑Krewson) has forced the both of them to abandon the truth on Tentative Justification, as presented by both of the last Star Members. "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it!"

"Come not among these nations that remain among you" (those groups that suc­cumb to the Sixth Slaughter Weapon Man – Revolutionism) – Josh. 23:7; "That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge" (the proven and tried teachings of the Star Members) – Prov.5:2.

Sincerely your Brother,

John J. Hoefle, Pilgrim



Dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace and peace be unto you and yours!

Our L.H.M.M. brethren here in Britain are having adverse experiences at this present time, which of course we realize may be some of their 'fit man' experiences from the Lord's hand, which we trust will be for the good of such when they "cry unto the Lord in their (great) distress" (Psa. 107:11‑13). Also, Mal. 3:2, 3 has already been experienced by some brethren....

Your No. 76, October 1961, article on "The Star of Laodicea" brought vividly to my mind the many privileges the Lord gave us in those now far‑off days when both Brother Russell and Brother Johnson ministered to us the 'Word of Truth.' ...... As I have told you, I accepted the Truth in 1904, but it was not until 1913 when our Pastor came to London that I was privileged to symbolize my con­secration by baptism. It was at that Convention, along with 83 brethren, the right hand of fellowship was given to me from "That Servant" himself. What a blessed memory of that sacred occasion I still retain! I am ever grateful to the dear Lord for arranging remarkable experiences for me soon after I came into the Truth. Many times when I went along the seashore at Southport where I was born, after reading Parousia Volume 1, I found myself offering my humble thanks to the Lord for His love and favor – and especially for the blessing of Brother Russell's visit to my home town, at which time he gave his talk on "Beyond the Grave" to between 700 and 750 attentive people at Southport. Furthermore, I was privileged to be the first brother to welcome Brother Russell on that occasion – on the steps of the hall in which he was to speak....... He asked me if any one was conducting the afternoon meeting......... I told him Brother Hemery was speaking. Brother Russell then said he had to go to a chemist for medicine for himself, so I told him the best place......

It might be well to state that I was by myself for five years, tracting and colporteuring as best I could.... Then two dear Sisters came along in the colporteur work.... They called upon a lady and her husband in Southport who had recently lost their son. This man had been given opportunity to embrace the Truth 20 years before. He wrote for some tracts and when he received them he also received a communication from Brother Russell. But somehow he lost – to some extent – his interest in the Truth. It was the two colporteurs, together with the loss of his son, which rekindled his interest in the Truth – so much so that he ordered the Six Volumes of Scripture Studies, as well as throwing open his home for meetings each Sunday. Soon a class of eight was increased to thirty, regularly meeting in a room specially engaged for the study, spread and practise of the Truth.

Now, in conclusion, I come to what has always been a great source of comfort, joy and peace throughout my entire consecrated life – the privilege of asking Him daily to richly bless their memory (dear Brothers Russell and Johnson) to all of us. May all God's people be blessed with a knowledge of the 'Divine Plan of the Ages' through their faithful ministry!

I want to tell you how it all came about that Brother Russell was sent to my home town – which, I believe was undoubtedly in answer to my prayers made nine years previously as I walked along the seashore with my Volume in hand, requesting the dear Lord, that if it be His will, He would overrule matters so that our Pastor would in 'due time' come to Southport. This he did in 1913 at which time he gave the talk on "Beyond the Grave," which was greatly appreciated by all present. After this meeting, Brother Hemery called me to him and explained the reason for Brother Russell's presence in my home town. It seems there was one vacant date open, and Southport and Barron in Furness.... were the two places Brother Hemery thought of. Southport was decided upon. In this way our dear Lord remembered my prayers and blessed that visit to us all.

Faithfully your brother --------- ENGLAND

P.S. I might add that my first introduction to all Brother Russell's writings was during the years 1901‑1904, at which time I was interested in Physical Culture and health matters generally – and obtained books written by Melville C. Keith of Ohio, USA, on various physical complaints. He issued a magazine called the "King's Command," and evidently was a deeply religious man. In this paper he mentioned that if any of his readers were interested in Biblical matters they could not do better than write to Mr. C. T. Russell for tracts. This I did and read them more than once – then ordered all the Volumes.... if I remember correctly, there was a Pilgrim appointed by Brother Russell whose name was Keith, and I have often wondered whether he was in anyway a relation of this Doctor Keith.


Dear Brother Hoefle: – Grace and Peace!

I am enclosing an article on the subject of Silver. It appeared shortly after I received your January paper and thought that you might enjoy reading it. I enjoyed your article on this subject, as well as others. It seems to me that things are developing so very rapidly on all fronts that momentous events are ominous.

Please greet Sr. Hoefle and the other brethren.

                                                Your brother in His service --------- ILLINOIS


Dear Brother Hoefle: Sincerest greetings to all in our dear Redeemer's Name!

I am so very anxious to hear from you that I find the papers take so long to reach us. So does Bro -------- He anxiously awaits them. I pay him a visit every other day. His first greetings are "I have not heard from Brother Hoefle." ......

I am beginning with ourselves here. I do wonder how the friends have studied Tabernacle Shadows – one of our very important books. If our hearts and minds are not rightly exercised, or if we do not pray for a wise and understanding heart, we will only have empty Theory. Taber­nacle Shadows speaks of the Wave Offering (p. 45, par. 2 to p. 46 first 12 lines). If a sincere study and understanding had taken place, applying it to ourselves, we would not speak of Brother.... as being old and deaf and should give up and allow the younger ones to take over; If the Lord is working out that part.... all we have to do is to rejoice to see the things that we study are working out among us. We should try to get all the corrections we could get from him, and rejoice in the Lord and wait patiently upon Him. Why is so much haste to thrust him out? I cannot see why. All I can say is, if we have read enough to understand, this is the time of the MANIFESTATION of Persons, Principles and Things. May God help us (especially those higher than we are) to be faithful (he cannot stop till the Lord takes it from him – ridiculing him for his physical fitness or unfitness is doing exactly as the modern young who do not know better). We should learn to understand who we are – why we are – where we are – and apply the teachings to ourselves in the proper order..... We are to fight to kill the old nature and not allow it to be or have superiority over the new....

Now for Brother Jolly, who has suspended our dear Brother --------- as his repre­sentative. I can discern the 'old man' very much at work. I am shocked to know that he, of all persons, should pay a secret visit to Rome. I read this with grave concern. Was it to convert the Pope? What then? This is a jig‑saw puzzle. I read of Saul in 1st Samuel 28:6‑8. Why try to throw dust in our eyes, telling of different personages' visits..... I do wonder if he is fighting against the Lord's teachings and arrangement. We know what Judas went to them for. Truth has foundation – is Spirit and is Life Eternal. Error has no foundation – the Scriptures tell us it is the Bottomless Pit.... How can any one, in all the advancing light, be so blind? I feel we should be glad to know we have a kind Brother who would show us that we are straying from a right path, and show us where and how we can retrace our steps. I read what David said (Psa. 51)

Note R.G.Jolly's comments in the Jan‑Feb 1962 P.T, p. 14 under Questions of General Interest: Consecration now and after Highway opens and Consecrated Epi­phany Campers; also Letters of General interest, p. 15, par. 4 – the few discontented ones of 1954, etc. (whole par. 4). They themselves do not understand this is a public witness against them. What a pity Brother Blaine was not strong enough in character to tell him (R. G. Jolly) to his face of his doubts and fears as to the false teachings he is spreading over the world. He is throwing, or thinks he is throwing, dust in our eyes, when he says he is strictly dealing with Star Members' teachings – when in truth and in fact he is by a very wide margin by‑passing them and fooling himself while leading others astray.

May the Lord bless you and keep you humble, steadfast, unmoveable. The Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.... May the Lord wonder­fully bless you, Sister Hoefle and all the brethren. I do rejoice that you earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the Saints.

Yours by His Grace – Sister ---------, TRINIDAD


New York, Feb. 20, 1962

Postal Card

Are you so hard up for a mailing list that you must persist in sending your stuff to those who have repeatedly asked to be removed from your mailing list?

Please do not ignore this 4th (at least) request to stop sending your literature which is every bit as unwelcome as is your presence at LHMM gatherings.

Your lack of taste and bad manners in both respects are sickening to those who know that God's special servants never forced their presence or writings on others.

I repeat, please do not send your stuff from your place or from any other town or person either.

(From) ---------------– ,-------------------

(Note: In 1956 -----------------complimented and commended us for exposing some of the evils in the L.H.M.M. About that time also ------------------had made full acceptance of J. W. Krewson; then somersaulted back to R. G. Jolly. Both of these people now believe in Campers Consecrated – although they cannot explain why. Apparently, they also do not know that Brother Johnson did just the reverse of what they claim for him (treated such as they with the same love and long‑suffering as we have, and would have helped them had they permitted him); so we have here a modern example of the "unstable and the unlearned" – 2 Pet. 3:16; and, as is usual with such people, they seem determined to remain that way. We are also amind to consider St. Peter's counsel: "It is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish persons." – 1 Pet, 2:15 It is apparent that these two would have been strong supporters of the Scribes and Pharisees who felt Jesus had no right in their synagogue. Of course the Lord's presence to 'bear witness to the Truth' would have 'sickened' them had they been in the audience with those sectarians. Yes, this Epiphany time is "making manifest the counsels of hearts"!


The 1962 MEMORIAL – If any of our readers observed the 1962 Memorial on the wrong date of March 18 – and now wish to correct their mistake – it would be quite "decent and in order" to perform the service again after 6 p.m. April 17 – which we consider the correct date. This is in keeping with Brother Russell's advice after he had given the brethren a wrong date for the Memorial under similar circumstances. (See Z. 1913, p. 66, col. 2, par. 1)