by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 242

“God desires all men to be saved, and come to an accurate knowledge of the Truth... the man Christ Jesus gave Himself a ransom in behalf of all – the testimony in its own seasons.” (1 Tim. 2:4-6, Dia.) “The testimony in its own season” is very signifi­cant, and often overlooked by those who would have “all men” to be saved during this Faith Age. Salvation is not offered to “all men” during this Faith Age, but only for those who have sufficient faith to walk a “narrow way.” A “narrow way” is for the elective salvation, and all those who travel this “narrow way” will receive a ‘better resurrection’ than the world of mankind. The world of mankind – the non-elect – must await for their “accurate knowledge of the Truth” until their “due time.” Their due time is when the New Covenant is inaugurated and the Highway of Holiness is available for them – at which time they will also receive sufficient knowledge for their works’ salvation. There are two distinct salvations – the Great Salvation for the elect, and the Common Salvation for the non-elect.

It was not so very long after St. Paul died that the Truth on this text was first perverted by the crown-lost leaders of that time, and then completely lost – just as was also the Truth on the “restitution of all things” as given by St. Peter in Acts 3:21-23. So completely were these truths lost that the wiser of the Interim Preachers ignored them altogether – just kept silent; it was by far the safer and more discreet policy. But, when the “due time” came for the Harvest Truth to be proclaimed, Bro. Russell made crystal clear the Apostles, words, and explained the “Ransom for all” so ably that an unbiased child could understand it. However, since his death a situa­tion has arisen similar to the one after St. Paul’s death: The clear truth on the Ran­som has once more become dim to some, confusing to others, perverted or completely set aside by many of the crown-lost leaders – particularly on the “testimony in its own seasons.”

It is not our intention to analyze all the variations that have arisen since 1916, and we shall make rather brief comment only on the two extremes of “the pesti­lence that now walketh in darkness.” (Psa. 91:6) The first of these extremes prompted detailed and prolonged discussion in the Present Truth when Frederick Robison (one of the eight Society leaders who was sent to Atlanta penitentiary in 1918) left the Soci­ety and allied himself with Concordant-Versionism four or five years after the demise of Brother Russell. This system of error proclaims the belief of Universal Salvation – with even the Devil and his angels to be eventually saved. One of their ‘strong, points is that no spirit being or descendant of Adam can be lost, as that would mean that God suffers loss; and He would be failing if He failed to rescue from the meshes of sin those beings now involved in it; and this, they say, is impossible, because God is omnipotent, He cannot fail in anything. And this flimsy argument has ensnared a goodly number of the shallow, the unlearned, and the Sinners (crown-losers).

The simple answer to them is that God has said of Adam, “Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Therefore, when Adam returned to “dust” 930 years after his creation, God had not lost anything; He had exactly what He had when He started – a certain quantity of dust. There are a number of very clear and convincing Scrip­tures to refute Universalism, but these are completely ignored by the believers of this “Pestilence.” We have had extended correspondence with some of them, but they cling tenaciously to the false, and reject just as tenaciously the true. Yes, “Wisdom is justified of all her children.”

To make this presentation comprehensive and clear we believe it is in order to advance the query, “From what does God desire all men to be saved?” The plain impli­cation of salvation is that man now occupies some adverse position, from which it is desirable to free him. St. Paul also answers this point: “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men.” (Rom. 5:12) Clearly enough, all of us came under the death sentence through no cause of our own; it was an inheritance passed on to us because of what “one man” did in the Garden of Eden; and it is this sentence that God desires to nullify through the vicarious atonement of one other man – The Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a Ransom for all. This, then, will be the ultimate accomplishment; but there is just no hint at all here that, once that sentence is set aside, it cannot once more be repeated. In fact, the condition of each man – after his first sentence is set aside – will have the same legal signifi­cance as a jail-bird of our day who has been pardoned. He may then select for himself which way he will go – either back to further crime, or a resolve to sin against soci­ety no more. If he chooses the latter, the prison walls have no more terror for him; he is free to enjoy “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” as avowed to every law-abiding citizen by our Constitution.

And in identical fashion every man, as an individual, will also be free to “choose life that he may live” after he has been saved from his present inherited sentence of death. “I will redeem them from death; I will ransom them from the power of the grave.” (Hos. 13:14) However, this will be a matter of choice, which the “sheep” will gladly accept, but which the “goats” will reject. (Matt. 25:32, 33; Acts 3:23)


The antithesis of the Universalism teaching is the one now being promulgated by the Jehovah’s Witnesses; namely, Adam will have no further opportunity for salva­tion – that he is not included in the “all men” of our caption text: St. Paul did not know whereof he spoke when he said, “God desires all men to come to an accurate knowl­edge of the Truth.” And this same situation will apply to millions and millions of others – particularly those of this our day who refuse their ideas of “an accurate knowledge of the Truth,” so they say. Of course, it does not require much conversa­tion with the great bulk of their members to learn that they themselves are sorely lacking in “an accurate knowledge of the Truth,” so it is certainly not just cynicism when we inquire how such people can pass on to others “an accurate knowledge of the Truth” when they do not have it themselves. Of course, their lack of such “accurate knowledge” can be charged against the leaders of that organization, because the major­ity of their “large crowd” never received the Truth as taught by That Servant. It is their leaders (of error) who will receive the greater condemnation. (James 3:1)

In this, as well as the first-mentioned extreme – and in all the intermediate variations of error on this subject – we emphasize that such teachings are a direct denial of the Ransom, even though such teachers may emphatically deny such guilt. But let us notice there was only one man involved in the original sin – just as there is only one man involved in the Ransom from that sin. These two must be the exact equiv­alent of each other if logic is to apply at all, because the Greek antilutron (Ransom) means a perfect duplicate, an exact equivalent. And Adam has been the only man ever to live on this earth who was ever the exact duplicate of the man Jesus when He presented Himself for baptism at Jordan. At that time He was 30 years of (the Jewish and Biblical age of maturity); and He was the exact counterpart of Adam in Eden when God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” And, if this be true, Jesus could not possibly offer a true Ransom – an exact equiva­lent – for the rest of us, because none of us are perfect; therefore, Jesus would be paying more than an anti-lutron for any of us through Adam – just as our inherited sin was handed on to us through Adam. “As by the offense of one (Adam) judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one (Jesus) the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.” (Rom. 5:18) The “all men” here does not exclude Adam.

Therefore, we repeat that Universalism, and the rejection of Adam in the redemp­tive process, are both direct denials of the Ransom – wittingly or unwittingly, as the case may be. It does not require great intelligence to realize that Adam could not possibly have received “justification to life” through Jesus, when Jesus did not appear on this earth as the “Ransom (corresponding price) for all” until some three thousand years after Adam had entered the tomb. In passing, we stress that the Ransom for all has been efficacious only for the Elect and the prospective Elect during this Faith Age this Gospel (good news) Age, which is still with us, and will continue to be with us for some years – until the finished picture of this Epiphany period. More on this later.


The May 1966 Bible Standard (this article was first published in our No. 146, September 1966 paper) in its treatise of the Ransom is very good, and we offer no criticism of it, so far as it went – because it is the Truth as taught by both Messengers. However, it should not be overlooked that some of the worst renegades of this Parousia-­Epiphany period have retained enough of “Present Truth” (2 Pet. 1:12) to give them a certain appearance of respectability. If this were not true, then nobody would be de­ceived by them or their systems of error. Over the years it has come to us a number of times that certain preachers admit privately to a close scrutiny of the Six Volumes of Scripture Studies (although we have never heard one of them make such public admission); and they use much of the Truth in those books, palming it off as their own, as they mix into it much of their own error. In due course we may elaborate on some of these.

We believe it well that we consider St. Paul’s words that “Satan himself is trans­formed into an angel of light.” This is a technique he adopted about two hundred years ago – when he began to realize a change in tactics became necessary. And he has not only done this in the religious world, but he is also doing it in the political and civic circles. Recently we were much impressed by a newspaper item along this line, some of which quote:

“Yes, the Soviet Constitution guarantees religious freedom, but that is part of your problem. You use good words and then endow them with your own meanings. The Communists deal in slogans as bootleggers deal in faked spirits; and the more innocent the customer, the more easily he becomes a victim of the ideolog­ical hootch sold under the trademark of Peace, Democracy, Progress, or what you will.... While freedom may be given verbal praise in Russia... freedom there is just a hollow phrase.”

In identical fashion to the foregoing, many leaders in the Truth groups today make loud profession of “brotherly love,” all the while they “cast out” their breth­ren (Isa. 66:5); and make loud profession of harmony with the teachings of That Ser­vant (Brother Russell) – “only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach” (Isa. 4:1) – let us also parade as “angels of light.” And, when any of these repro­duce any of the superb articles of Brother Russell or Brother Johnson, let none reach hasty conclusion that the publishers are in that same elect company with those breth­ren, or that they are even in full heart harmony with the general system of doctrine and symmetry of interpretation which they presented. However, we do not charge the Editor of the Bible Standard with these tactics in his presentation of the Ransom in his May 1966 paper. As we have said, it is the Truth and we heartily subscribe to that Truth; and because it is the Truth, we now offer some supplementary attacks on Ransom errors that we feel meet our present-day needs.

The Standard article attacks the gross errors so prevalent in our day, but doesn’t include subtle errors that are being promulgated, which just as surely impinge against the Ransom as do these gross errors – and many times have a more evil influence upon some of our brethren who would not be ensnared by the grosser errors. We especially refer to those groups who now teach consecrated classes for this Age other than the Elect – a gross repudiation of both Messengers, teachings thereon – that all consecra­tors between the Ages (after spirit-begettal is no longer available, and before the Highway of Holiness is opened) will share with the Ancient Worthies in honor and ser­vice, if faithful to their consecrations while sin is in the ascendancy. Of course, the Editor of the Bible Standard couldn’t attack others for such deflections and im­pingement against the Ransom when he himself has a similar class.

Thus, in that May Bible Standard the Editor does say that the “large multitude” is a spiritual class, as he makes general attack upon the errors of the Witnesses; yet he fails to expose the fallacy of that non-existent class of Jonadabs because he himself has an almost identical twin in his Consecrated Campers. And, he who lives in a glass house must hesitate to throw stones. Also, in some respects at least, his Consecrated Campers are even more ridiculous than the Witnesses, Jonadabs. He proposes for his non­existent Class tentative justification in the Camp, which in turn forces him to have Christ divided – part of His merit in the Court, and part in the Camp. And, since he also admits that his Campers are strictly Restitutionists, and not included in the real Elect Classes of this Gospel Age, he once more has Christ “divided” – part of His merit applying now on behalf of the Elect “faith” classes, and part of it now applying to his Mediatorial-Age “works” class. It seems these two partners in error have completely forgotten Jesus’ words, “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” Just where is Jesus to be found in the Tabernacle Camp? Near the gate of the Court, or anywhere in the Camp? And, if the Witnesses’ “large Multitude” has no present faith justification, what pos­sible standing can they then have before God? “Mine own righteousness is as filthy rags.” (Isa. 64:6) However, it should be noted that the Jehovah’s Witnesses rejected altogether That Servant’s teaching on Youthful Worthies, but the LHMM continues to teach there is such a Class, although entrance into that elect class was closed in 1954. So they now teach two classes of consecrators “between the Ages,” one elect and one non-elect. The Jehovah’s Witnesses has been consistent in teaching one class after the ‘remnant’ has been selected, even though they have changed the name from Jonadab to “great crowd.”

However, by way of encouragement to those “dedicated” Witnesses who have accepted their position “in sincerity and in Truth,” and who are honestly trying to abide by the “dedication” they have made of themselves to serve the Lord, it may eventually be found that they all along have had that “righteousness that cometh of faith in Jesus” – that they do have a faith justification, even though they have been unaware of it. Of those, the scales will eventually drop from their eyes – just as will be true of Campers Consecrated or Quasi-elect Consecrated who came in with honesty of purpose. Such persistent and sincere ones will eventually awake to a realization that they have been stand­ing in the antitypical Court right along, and will be rewarded in honor and service with the Ancient Worthies, just as That Servant taught us regarding those consecrators “be­tween the Ages” before Restitution sets in. Then they will be able to do an accept­able work to God having an acceptable standing in THE RANSOM as applicable to this Age of Faith.

Of course, we should not forget that antitypical Saul (the crown-lost leaders we see all about us) cannot offer clear and complete refutation of the errors of their kinsmen so long as their own skirts have not been cleansed from the defiling errors (“the pestilence that walketh in darkness” of this Epiphany night) that now beset them. This is particularly true of the Editor of the Bible Standard, who presently is engulfed in such a quagmire of false doctrine (“strange fire”) with his own Campers Consecrated that he cannot offer the annihilative Scriptural refutation of Jonadabs – or the “large multitude,” however you wish to express it – that the error deserves. Prior to 1950, when he still embraced the clear Parousia and Epiphany Truth on the Elect and the Non­elect, he was quite forceful in his attacks on the non-existent Jonadabs (just as we now attack his non-existent class of Campers Consecrated), as they were then described in the Present Truth – the same magazine he continues to designate as Present Truth of which he is now also editor. It is this omission in the May Bible Standard that has motivated us to supplement his Ransom treatise therein.

Especially do we direct attention to p. 36, col. 2, par. 1, where the elect and the non-elect are clearly and correctly delineated. We are in complete accord with this paragraph because it, too, is exactly as Brother Russell has given it to us. But, inas­much as the Editor is making a frontal attack upon the Jehovah’s Witnesses, why does he not proceed to prove why his statement regarding the “great multitude” is correct, and that the Witnesses, contention concerning this class is incorrect? Of course, the real reason is that the Editor himself has invented a counterpart class of the Witnesses’ false “large multitude,” so he dare not expose their ridiculous teaching without expos­ing himself to similar ridicule. We have examined this subject in detail in our papers No. 130 and 131; but we stress once again that our analysis is not primarily concerned with the Bible Standard’s presentation of the Ransom (with which we ourselves concur), but our fault is found with his glaring failures in not giving full value to the “gold” in his hand. Actually the Editor himself does not concur with his published state­ments cited therein! If he did so, we would have no cause at all to present this paper; but his own invention of a non-existent Restitutionist (“works”) class in this “faith” Age is an error in some respects more vile than the Witnesses’ Jonadabs or “large crowd”; it is a vitiation and denial of the Ransom – whether he is aware of it or not. Christ’s merit is on embargo for the Elect and in the Court, and cannot be divided.

Perhaps it is well to note here, too, that any who are at all familiar with Parou­sia Truth have little difficulty in recognizing the Witnesses’ denial of the Ransom, as they place Adam, the Scribes and Pharisees, and countless others in the second death. But it is the subtle errors, such as Campers Consecrated, the tools of the sixth Slaugh­ter-weapon man that are creating havoc among erstwhile adherents to the sober teachings of That Servant. But dividing Christ’s merit between Restitutionists now in this “faith” Age and Restitutionists later on during the “works” dispensation is just as much a denial of the Ransom as the Witnesses’ “large crowd” – and decidedly more cul­pable because it has been done against much greater light.

Note the clear Parousia teaching on this point, as given on p. 7 of the Foreword in Vol. 5, October 1, 1916 (one of the last expressions by That Servant on the matter):

“This imputation of the merit of His sacrifice to the Church (to the Little Flock and the Great Company—JJH) by Jesus might be likened to a mortgage, or an encumbrance, upon the Ransom-sacrifice, which would hinder it from being applied to the world (of which Campers Consecrated are a part—JJH) until its application to the Church shall be completed.”

At one time – before the Epiphany Messenger’s demise – The Standard Editor be­lieved the above statement by the Parousia Messenger – at least he gave lip service to this teaching; and this is just one more Parousia and Epiphany Truth against which he is now revolutionizing. However, we believe there are quite a few brethren in other Truth groups who “continue in this Truth.”

As we have already stated, the May article is certainly excellent in everything it says so far as it goes; but this omission arouses our pity for this member of anti­typical Saul – much as our sympathy also is extended to typical King Saul. “When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel, and the Lord anointed thee King over Israel?” (1 Sam. 15:17) Saul had come from the smallest tribe in Israel, so “little in his own sight” that he “hid himself among the stuff” (1 Sam. 10:22) when the people would make him their king. Thus, he was a man who came from nothing, arose to the highest honor in a great nation, then relapsed into ignominious defeat, and death, and the loss of Israel’s throne for his posterity ­back once more to nothing. Indeed, a tale of deep tragedy! As we write this, it is our sincere hope and prayer that the Standard’s Editor may not continue “in his path of error” (James 5:20, Dia.) to the full fatality experienced by King Saul; and we now quote from his statement concerning the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which applies in full force to him: “While we commend them (him) for the Scripturally supported truths that they (he) present, we decry their (his) many errors, some of which are against the car­dinal doctrines of God’s Word.”

It should be emphasized here that the Editor of the Bible Standard is now himself grossly and persistently perverting a “cardinal doctrine of God’s Word” as he “offers strange fire before the Lord,” and REVOLUTIONIZES against vital Truths he once accepted, upheld and defended, before the Epiphany Messenger’s demise in 1950 – as he then at­tacked the Witnesses’ “strange fire” of “Great Crowd,” or Jonadabs, and upheld Tentative Justification in the Court. Now he himself perverts the doctrine of tentative justifi­cation, as he extends it to the Camp – outside the linen curtain of Christ’s Righteous­ness. We should note carefully that there are Two Distinct uses of Christ’s merit, the same as there are Two Distinct Salvations: namely, Christ’s merit is an imputable thing during the Gospel Age – and an applied thing during the Kingdom reign. Tentative Justification is an imputable thing, and will cease at the end of the Gospel Age, as we have often quoted from the Messengers, writings.

When we reassert the Truth on the Court, the Camp, Tentative Justification and the different uses of the merit for Gospel-Age purposes and Kingdom purposes, we are “contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints” – the Truth as taught by both Messengers. They repeatedly emphasized in very definite manner that the Gospel-­Age tentative justification is an imputable thing – and that it will cease to operate when the faith classes (the elect) no longer need it (at the end of their course); that it cannot possibly operate when the “works” dispensation is inaugurated, because Christ’s merit will then be an applied thing – in its entirety and in a finality that will con­sume all of it in its application for the New Covenant. In this it differs from its use now in this Faith dispensation, because in no case has it ever been imputed in its entirety for any individual – only enough of it being used to supply the deficiency of the respective recipients who come under it; and in each and every case when it is applied, it is eventually returned to its depository (in the hands of the Heavenly Father), so that the full completion of this Faith Age will find Christ’s merit in ex­actly the same condition as it was when He proclaimed on the cross, “Father, into thy hands I commend (deposit) my spirit.” During the Kingdom the merit will be actually applied – used up.

And, as Brother Russell and Brother Johnson have both stressed repeatedly: If we keep clear on the doctrine of Justification in its relation to the Ransom, we are not likely to stray too far from “Present Truth.” Our own experience corroborates this. Of the many letters we receive almost all of the writers still show a sound retention of Parousia Truth, if they are still clear on the doctrines of Justification, the Ran­som, the Court and the Camp.

Also, letters and reports come to us from widely-separated localities (England, Scotland, Poland, Trinidad, Jamaica, the U.S., etc.) that many of the brethren in the LHMM do not accept or teach his Campers Consecrated “strange fire”; and we urge all who have a sympathetic interest in the Editor’s eternal welfare to inform him of their disagreement with this “pestilence that walketh in darkness.” We believe that would be a major kindness to him on their part.

“My Brethren, if any one among you wander from the Truth, and some one turn him back; know you That He who turns back a Sinner from his Path of Error, will save his Soul from Death, and will cover a Multitude of Sins.” (James 5:19-20, Dia. – See Berean Comment)

Sincerely your brother,

John J. Hoefle, Pilgrim



Dear Brother: Ps. 89:1

I heard an interview on T.V. recently which interested me much. Dr. Toffler was giving his view-point of world conditions. Since he is an author, I purchased his new book, “Eco-Spasm.” It is a small paper-back but full of dire predictions. I thought you might appreciate a few quotes from it.

With your knowledge of finance and your knowledge of Biblical prophecies, there is nothing new, but psychology students, thinkers, readers, are very aware of our pre­carious situation. The Lord’s army will soon be on the march!

While money still has some value, I’m sending a donation for the Lord’s work. God bless you in all your worthy endeavors. Christian love ------- (FLORIDA)


Dear Friends:

I am searching for Bible Truth, and I believe you have it. Please send me all the Bible literature you can. Put me on your mailing list. Send samples of your mag­azine. I want to subscribe to it. Send me a complete list of all the literature you can. (1) Please answer: Is Jesus God? (2) Are these the last days? (3) Who is the Holy Spirit? Write soon.

Sincerely ------- (PENNSYLVANIA)


Dear Brother Hoefle: Grace and peace be multiplied!

Your recent letter received, and as always very glad to hear from you. I under­stand the pressure on you, with so few to carry on the Lord’s work.... But as you have said in your precious letters, you are doing the best you can.

We did enjoy our visit to your home. You have a lovely place with the beautiful lake. We had no intention of staying overnight. As we said in our previous letter, we were just passing through, and would it be convenient for us to stop over for a couple of hours........ God bless you all as you continue to serve the Lord – and we know we are all richly blessed.

Your brother by His Grace, ------- (NEW JERSEY)


My dear Brother Hoefle: Jude 2!

Thank you for your letter of March 18 and copy of letter sent to Bro. and Sr. ------- ­I am sure it will be a comfort to them. Sr. ------- and I spent a very blessed time at the Memorial, as well as in our preparation for it. The tie that binds our hearts in Christian love for those who were celebrating March 25 after 6 p.m. was indeed blessed!

Both of us were able to deliver a few tracts – and two ladies said “Thank you!” We hope to go again when the weather permits.

Our news of Sr. Davies is rather sad. She has broken her thigh in a fall outside and is in the Infirmary... Phoned last night and she is to be moved to another hospital for an operation. Your message was sent to her and Sr. Rooke before the Memorial. Sr. ------- let us know about Sr. Davis.

How you must have suffered for so long since the flood of 1913! And you must appreciate very highly your relief now. We wish for you good health and happiness in the Truth and its service. In spite of your sufferings, you have gained and kept the Truth! God bless you!

Last Sunday morning I put on the radio and a J.W. began to speak. He said this year 1975 is the end of the world, and if you don’t get into the Ark – their organi­zation – you were lost. Another day I saw a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I was going to have a word with them – but they opened their books and said, “We don’t have time to talk to you.”

Your February issue is excellent on the Millennium. We are in harmony with it. The rubbish must be swept away to make way for a clean way. The blessings of the New Covenant begin with the Jews and then to the Gentiles: Whoever will, let him take of the water of life freely. Much love to you and all with you.

Sincerely, ------- (ENGLAND)


Dear Sir:

I was surely moved by one topic on the following list, and I would like to share this information with other friends. So please send me five copies of each of the following papers listed. Thank you for everything!

Yours respectfully ------- (TRINIDAD)


Epiphany Bible Students Ass’n

Att.: Brother John J. Hoefle,

We have been the recipients of so many blessings all of our lives, and we are asking if you can assist us in getting at least one more. Will you please send us a copy of your paper, No. 237, March 1, 1975, on “Some Thoughts for the Memorial.” A copy was loaned to us and we would like a copy for our file (the present copy must be returned). We are enclosing something to pay postage and packing.

Yours in the One Hope, ------- (FLORIDA)


Dear Brother Hoefle:

We have just received the two packages of tracts, and in spite of their being late for the Special Effort, we were glad to have them to distribute.......

We are all fairly well and trust you and Sister Hoefle are keeping fit. Bro. ------- would like to have the book entitled Photo Drama of Creation. If you can get one for him, I’m sure he will be thankful.

The friends join me in sending warm Christian love to you and all the friends there.

Your sister By His Grace, ------- (TRINIDAD)


Dear Sir:

Please send me a list of your publications. I am especially interested in the Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures by P. S. L. Johnson, or other Bible Student literature. Thank you in advance ------- (OHIO)



In harmony with the arrangements of the Epiphany Messenger for the Epiphany, we suggest Sunday, October 19 through Sunday, November 16, for our Fall Special Effort in antitypical Gideon’s Second Battle in the “good fight” against the two King Errors: Eternal Torment and Consciousness of the Dead. Please see Epiphany Vol. 5, pp. 236­234 – Antitypical Zebah and Zalmunna.

Our tracts, Where are the Dead, What is the Soul, and the Resurrection of the Dead are especially appropriate for this witness work – also the books, The Divine Plan of the Ages and Life-Death-Hereafter can be used to good advantage. All who wish to join with us in this Special Effort, please order the literature in time. Our tracts are free, postage paid.

We honor the Lord by continuing in His Truth and Arrangements – and we honor His faithful Mouth­pieces as we “bear witness” to these timely Truths. (1 Sam. 2:30) We invite all of like mind to join with us in the prayer, God bless their memory! (1 Tim. 5:17)