No. 254
My dear Brethren: Grace and peace through our Beloved Master!
“If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8) This query by St. Paul is undoubtedly prompted by the record of the two silver trumpets which the Lord told Moses to make (See Numbers 10), and which typify the Old and New Testament Bible messages. That these would be typical is evidenced by the fact that they had to do with the Law and the Tabernacle arrangements and the march of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan. They were to be blown “for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps.” That these trumpets served more than one purpose is clearly stated in v. 5 – “blow an alarm”; and in v. 10 – “in your day of rejoicing and in your appointed seasons.”
While the main purpose of this article is the feature of v. 5, we first offer some comment on the second feature – the “appointed seasons.” Chief of these was the sounding of the Jubilee Trumpet every fiftieth year, which was to proclaim a special year of rest for man and land; and to set at liberty such of the Israelites whose improvidence had forced them into a state of slavery with their brethren. This Jubilee trumpet year was typical of the great year of Jubilee, the great thousand-year day, the reign of the Christ which is to free mankind from the slavery of sin and death now more than six thousand years gone. This is described in Revelation 10 and 11 as the “seventh trumpet,” whose sounding began in 1874 and will continue throughout the entire thousand-year day during which Satan, who “has the power of death” (Heb. 2:14), is to be bound that he may deceive the nations no more. Thus, we ourselves are now living during the sounding of this trumpet.
In Num. 10:6 it is stated that “the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets”; and it is worthy of note that in each of the seven epochs of the Gospel-Age Church it was the priests – the leaders in the Church, the Star Members – who began to blow the trumpets. In the first epoch (the church of Ephesus) it was the Lord and the Apostles; and they were quickly joined by the lesser lights in the Church as they embarked on their march toward the Heavenly Canaan. And this same condition prevailed with each Star Member during the Age. When Luther began to trumpet “Justification by faith” (early in the Philadelphia – sixth – epoch), he was soon joined by many capable brethren. This was pointedly true also after 1874 (when the Laodicean period began), when the seventh trumpet began to sound. That Servant soon attracted to him quite an assembly of able men and women – some of them skilled in Hebrew and in Greek, and other branches of secular learning. This situation is clearly emphasized in Josh. 3:6: “Joshua spake unto the priests, Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people.” This typified the final march of the Church into the Heavenly Canaan during the sounding of the seventh trumpet.
And, since we are so directly concerned with the seventh trumpet’s sounding, it is well that we consider a few of its more important messages. Among the first of these is that given in Rev. 10:6: “There should be time no longer.” This statement has been accepted literally by the great bulk of Christendom, even to using the hymn, “When my work on earth is ended, and time shall be no more.” Just a little reflection must impress us that time must continue so long as there is any intelligence remaining to note and be influenced by time; and, since Jehovah Himself is without beginning or ending, so also time itself must be. Therefore, the hymn is a self-evident inanity.
That Evil Servant also offered a perversion of this text almost equally ludicrous when his “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” and his 1925 deadline were time–proven error. To divert attention from his colossal blunder on that date he proposed the interpretation that, since so many mistakes had been made on time interpretations, therefore, no more consideration should be given the subject. This also caused him to cast aside the Pyramid with its many time-feature truths.
To answer this revolting perversion we direct attention to the proper translation of the text from the Diaglott: “The time shall be no longer delayed” – that is, the long-awaited “manifestation of the sons of God,” for which the slave-burdened human race has been waiting with groanings and travailings, would begin to be made manifest by their proceeding to establish the Mediatorial Kingdom in power and great glory for the “blessing of all the families of the earth.” And among the first blasts of the Seventh Trumpet was That Servant’s declaration that the Millennial morning had most certainly appeared to eliminate the rule of sin and death; and he began to sound the seventh trumpet with great clarity and energy.
Although the seventh trumpet began to sound in 1874, it will continue until the complete separation of the sheep and the goats has been accomplished at the end of the Little Season. This will probably extend then over more than 1040 years. Over such a long period of time it should be evident that the message of “Present Truth” will not be the same at all times. Immediately after 1874 the cry went forth “Behold the Bridegroom,” which not only began the Gospel-Age Harvest message and work, but also thundered forth the message that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. This was accompanied by “voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.” (Rev. 8:5) These identical words are repeated in Rev. 11:19 and 16:18, with the last text adding the words, “there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty and so great.” Some of these things have been in evidence now for a hundred years, with other parts still to occur – some in the immediate future, and some many years beyond this time.
Another of the initial features of the Seventh Trumpet is given in Rev. 10:7, “The mystery of God should be finished” – that “mystery which was kept secret since the world began” (Rom. 16:25) that the Christ is not an individual, but a composite company (See Berean Comments). It was this text that furnished the name for Volume Seven, “The Finished Mystery,” and which caused the sorest of trials upon God’s people in 1917–1918. That book, which was made a test of fellowship by the Society then, has since become “expurgatus,” with the present–day Society adherents forbidden to read it. Those of us who became involved in that grievous trial should have learned well the lesson that we should approach with much trepidation and minutest scrutiny any new publication by crownlost leaders; but, sad to relate, so very few profited by the experience. At that period were there not only “great voices in Heaven, but the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged.” (Rev. 11:15–18)
But, not only did the seventh trumpet announce “your day of rejoicing,” it also gave out the call for all spiritual Israel to gird themselves for the battle of this Great Day, and to wholeheartedly respond to the Harvest message of Present Truth, to proclaim the controversial messages of the Harvest time – the Truth against Error. “And if ye go to war in your land (the sphere of the Truth and its spirit)... ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.” (Num. 10:9) Here, then, is the promise of victory to all those who wholeheartedly respond to the Trumpet’s call – “saved from your enemies” – the same being sin, error, selfishness and worldliness.
And the rules of the conflict are the same for all – “Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger (the Youthful Worthies), as for one of your own country” – the Church of the Firstborn. (Lev. 24:22) Typical of the conflict in the beginning of this Millennial day is the record of Gideon and his fully faithful band of three hundred (Judges 7:15-23), wherein the Truth people went forth to do battle with the antitypical Midianites (present–day errorists). And in that type it was Gideon blowing his trumpet (v. 18) that signaled the others to blow with their trumpets, which brought consternation and complete demoralization to the Camp of Midian. The blowing of the trumpet was the call to Battle.
While the sounding of the Old Testament trumpets called Israel to actual physical combat, the New Testament trumpets have been a call to spiritual combat – by the “sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Eph. 6:17) And the same Apostle tells us that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (not intended to do bodily harm), but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” (2 Cor. 10:4) But this change in Gospel-Age technique is in no sense to be interpreted as teaching a calm complacency, an indolent satisfaction with any belief we are inclined to accept. Complaints occasionally come to us about our controversial writings, so we consider it in order here to quote what That Servant had to say on the subject in Reprint 735:
“So error of every kind wants to be let alone. The Scribes and Pharisees and devils of Jesus’ day, all wanted to be let alone; but Jesus and the Apostles would not let them alone. They exposed them, and declared it to be part of their mission to bear witness to the truth and let the light shine which reproved the darkness of error. Every member of the body of Christ should be controlled by the same spirit of opposition to error from love of truth and of those who are made to stumble by the errors.”
Also our Lord warns us – “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you: for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” (Luke 6:26) And That Servant warns in Reprint 2163: “Beware when all men speak well of you, and when multitudes are ready to line up with your work and your methods.”
A letter in the Sept.-Oct 1973 Present Truth describes such errorists: “Last Sunday, I had a visit from a representative of the ‘J.W.’s’ the ‘little Roman Catholic church,’ who, true to the big version, gave me a very rude and threatening warning to lay off his sheep!” The writer of this letter was a former Jehovah’s Witness, and self-evidently was of the opinion the L.H.M.M. did not use such methods. But the leaders of the LHMM are just as fearful of those who oppose their “strange fire” (false doctrine) with the Truth as the Jehovah’s Witnesses are of those who oppose their errors with Truth. RGJ manifests the same characteristics of the ‘little Catholic church’ when he tells his followers “not to read the ‘sifter’s’ literature; keep your eyes closed, as well as your ears – don’t speak to them and don’t open your mouths to them.” When RGJ was under the benevolent influence of the Epiphany Messenger he outwardly manifested the same attitude toward the errorists that we do today. He wasn’t afraid for any of the brethren in “present truth” to read what JFR and others presented – just as we are not afraid for any of our readers to investigate anything he presents now. We know that those who are “of the truth” will not be stumbled – that reading such literature, if they have the time and inclination, will only strengthen their faith in the Truth. “But ordinarily, under what circumstances is it that Truth progresses? As our Pastor has frequently pointed out, it usually is amid controversies.” (E–8:668, bottom) Also, “How vast is the amount of Epiphany Truth that has become clarified through the Great Company and Youthful Worthies controversy!” (E–8:669, top 670)
The same may be said of the controversies since 1955. RGJ is the only group that emanated from Brother Russell that has invented a new Class of believers here in the end of the Age. And what the Epiphany Messenger has said about JFR may be aptly applied to RGJ in his frenzy to uphold his “newly invented” class of Campers Consecrated: “Moreover, his desire to shine as the inventor of ‘new views’ continually leads him to propound errors against which the faithful are duty bound to contend in the interests of the Lord, the Truth and the brethren (Jude 3); and thus he is the cause of much strife among God’s people. Blessed are they who contend against him earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints, which is now being corrupted by him.” (E–6:313, bottom)
However, we rest assured in the following: “Those who have been teaching errors will soon be ashamed (Isa. 66:5), while the fire of this day will only manifest the truth to all. No power, no tongue, no pen, can successfully contradict the truth, the great Divine Plan of the Ages. It is strong before its enemies and before all who make assaults upon it, and ere long the folly of its foes shall be made known to the whole world. ‘There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’” (Reprint 5916, July 1916)
Also the following from Reprint 4826, col. 2 of the June 1, 1911 Watch Tower 0n controversy is noteworthy:
“When Christianity dispenses wholly with controversy it will be like a sleeping man – harmless and helpless; it will be a sad spectacle.
“We were entertained at the house of a friend in New Hampshire, where Henry Ward Beecher was spending a day or two. It was his birthday and he was jubilant.
“He conducted prayers, and his utterances were equal to any of his published prayers in beauty, simplicity, and comprehensiveness.
“Immediately after he arose, he called the writer to him and pointed to a large picture hanging on the wall, representing a huge mastiff sound asleep with a piece of meat placed before him, and a lap-dog quietly drawing it away. Said Mr. Beecher, pointing to the sleeping mastiff, ‘That is Orthodoxy,’ and to the little dog, ‘That is Heterodoxy.’
“So it is and ever will be. Controversy was the life of Paul’s works – polite controversy, brotherly controversy; but strong in exposing error and building up the truth. The Epistles are full of controversy. Moreover, many of Christ’s sayings were strictly controversial.
“It is more than a fine art to combine in one sermon the forcible overthrow of an error and a heartfelt appeal; but it is possible to attain unto it.”
It is most pertinent to this discussion to note that Truth has always been more generous with its opponents than has error when contradicting the Truth. As instance, That Servant was preached into eternal torment by the errorists of his day; whereas, he himself not only held a generous view of their ignorance: they will eventually come to a knowledge of the Truth, he said, and thus have full opportunity for salvation – except in the case of those who sinned against the Holy Spirit.
The same may be said for the Epiphany Messenger. Great numbers of his opponents in the Society and other groups had him in the second death – which was giving him the same fate as did the hell-fire preachers of the Parousia time. However, he himself repeatedly said there were many saints in the Society, although some of them honestly believed he was in the second death. And he was also generous with others who were not saints, contending that many of the others would eventually come to a knowledge of the Truth.
And the same comparison may be made of the Jehovah’s Witnesses today – being even more extreme in their conclusions: All who do not accept their errors will certainly go into the second death, even though they do not gainsay their errors. Such a doctrine was counted extremely ridiculous by their founder, Pastor Russell; and the same may be said for the Epiphany Messenger. Some of the Witnesses have openly told us that we are “a dead man” – beyond hope of recovery – although we are always courteous and cordial in our conversations with them.
And what shall we say of Jesus and the Apostles? Of those leaders who were thirsting for His blood Jesus said: “Hereafter shall ye see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of Heaven.” (Matt. 26:64) Clearly enough, He was granting them further opportunity for reformation and salvation.
And be it remembered that it was only after very minute instructions that Gideon and his three hundred proceeded to that battle against the Midianites – typical of the fact that the fully faithful in the end of this Age would also be thoroughly instructed in the cause, the method, and the art of the battle of the Great Day – “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,” but are the “sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.” Thus is stressed the necessity for knowing the Truth and imbibing fully of its spirit – and emphasized in the Manna comment for December 20, “Only the studious find the narrow way to the Divine approval and acceptance.”
It is well that we bear in mind that our Lord, “the Captain of our Salvation,” never sends forth His soldiers without sufficient instruction to gain for them complete victory, so long as they are faithful. None are ever asked to do more than they are able to do. We recall an instance that was told to us very early in the Epiphany, wherein it was related how Brother Russell on a certain occasion was assigning some symposium topics to various brethren. One of them, receiving a subject which was difficult and new to him, begin to make excuse, whereupon Brother Russell asked if he were going to whimper and whine his way out of the battle, or if he would be a “good soldier.” The brother accepted without further protest, and gave an excellent account of himself for the service! Apropos to this incident are the March 28 Manna comments; “The true soldier does not debate his cause. He is rightly supposed to have settled upon its justice and righteousness before he enlisted to serve it.” Therefore, we may properly conclude that we must first learn the rules, then resolve to obey them in every circumstance, whereupon we shall certainly be able to “endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” (2 Tim. 2:3)
Nor does “hardness” come in a day, a week, or a year; it is the result of “patient continuance in well doing – perseverance in good works” (Rom. 2:7, Dia.) – just as the successful boxer must do miles of ‘road work’ in training for a bout, skipping rope, etc., to develop hardness and stamina in his legs, back and arms if he would eventually prevail. And by similar comparison must we engage in persistent study of the Truth if we would be “weaned from the milk” (Isa. 28:9) and become “skillful in the word of righteousness” (Heb. 5:13), if we would see victory as “good soldiers.” And it is by the victories of such good soldiers who “endure hardness” that the Truth progresses. Most of us have been witness to this, retrospectively or actively, all during the Parousia-Epiphany days. It is the controversies with error that have advanced the fully faithful in Grace, knowledge and privilege of service – even as those same controversies have scattered and discomfited the errorists, so well typified in Gideon’s victory over Midian. It is during controversy that the Truth comes out – much the same as necessity is the mother of invention.
And all during the Gospel Age, but particularly now at its close, when the errorists have been so badly routed that they become speechless, they have then embraced the battle cry of last resort – Those who wield the Truth against them have a “bad spirit.” To this day the foremost argument of the Roman Catholics against Martin Luther is that he showed a “bad spirit,” because he stunned them with the unanswerable truth against their many errors. It needs no argument that dear Brother Luther did not assail his opponents with ‘kid gloves’; in fact, his wording was at times so rough and uncouth that some of the present-day good friends have questioned his saintly standing – have found it difficult to understand how any one using the language Luther did could be of the Elect Church. But, clearly enough, he had the Lord’s approval, because the times then prevailing required such a person as Luther to make his message effective with the people of that day. Respecting Luther, it seems clear enough to us that he must be included among “the seven stars,” which the Lord has “held in his right hand” during the Gospel Age (Rev. 1:16) – regardless of his ‘bad spirit.’
And in 1917 the same retort of “bad spirit” was hurled at those that differed with “The Channel.” When H. J. Shearn, of England, was described as the most cunning hypocrite ever, that trickster gave answer, “You see, brethren, the ‘spirit’ that he shows.” Others of the discomfited Levites embraced the same weapon, as their errors were smitten hip and thigh, and they were sent into demoralized retreat, yelling ‘bad spirit’ back over their shoulders as they ran. In answer to a letter we sent That Evil Servant, he said among other things, “Paul S. L. Johnson is vilifying me.” Yes, JFR was really being vilified – by the Truth, poor fellow!
Be it emphasized that the errorists have always been good runners, instead of “good soldiers” – just as the Midianites ran over each other that night in the valley of Moreh in their effort to separate themselves in haste from the small handful of men who were blowing their trumpets in no uncertain sound. Moreh means “teacher,” in allusion to the fact that so many errorists set themselves up as Pastors and Teachers in defiance of God’s faithful mouthpieces. Instance the case of Arius when he boldly faced the overwhelming odds at the Council of Nice – “the Midianites like grasshoppers for multitude” (judges 7:12). And against that horde came one old man, supported by but two others, to do battle as “good soldiers” against about 380 opponents. Arius, then almost 75 years old, was banished from the Roman Empire, a sentence sufficient to crush even a young vigorous man; yet this “good soldier,” who blew the trumpet message that “THERE IS BUT ONE GOD,” accepted that trying edict, not as a runner, but as the good soldier that he was; went to North Africa, and there organized a virile group of Christians in the remaining eleven years of his life. And what did they call themselves? Why, Arians, of course! Having responded to the trumpet’s call, Arius was a good soldier to the last. Some of the present-day encyclopedias say that he was a man of clear intellect.
Thus, it does not surprise us that we ourselves have had similar experience since 1950 especially in recent years. At times, since 1955, some whose errors we oppose, have been profuse with their accusations of “bad spirit,” even as they confuse and contradict each other—in like manner as did the Midianites at Moreh. Note the similarity here with Mark 14:56: “Many bear false witness against Him, but their witness agreed not together.” But in all of this our accusers have been excellent ‘whisperers’ about the “bad spirit” of JJH.
The feature of response to the trumpet’s sound throughout this Gospel Age may be stressed in the good fight against sins of teaching and practice in entrenched strongholds of error. The fight against sin, selfishness and worldliness, individually considered, has been more of the head and the heart within the “good soldiers” themselves; but the conflict with errors of teaching and practice is the phase of battle that has made voluminous record in the pages of history. It was Jesus’ faithful “witness to the Truth” against Jewish priestcraft that cost Him His life—John 18:27 (See Berean Comment). It was exposure of errors by the faithful against the papal system that brought upon them the excruciating persecutions, indescribable for their heinous cruelty, and which spilled “the blood of the prophets and of saints” (Rev. 18:24). It was That Servant’s attacks against the Midianite strongholds of eternal torment and inherent human immortality that brought upon him the venom and slander of Christendom – so much so that when one brother once said to him, “Brother, you are the most loved man on earth,” to which he replied, “Yes, and the most hated!” The same may be said for Brother Johnson. When he discomfited the crown-lost errorists, and put them to complete silence, they then proceeded to whisper, “He hath a Devil – He is Satanized – He is an insane usurper.” And, since “The Disciple is not above his Lord,” need it concern any of us if we receive the same treatment, we who are counted among His disciples? All thus abused have the strong assurance of our Lord’s interceding prayer on our behalf, “Rise up, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee” – let the errorists do the running, as the faithful “good soldiers” do the pursuing with the Truth at their disposal – as their shield and buckler.
When St. Peter appeals to the Fully Faithful to “give all diligence” (2 Pet. 1:5), he also offers the appealing assurance that those who do as he counsels “shall never fall” – even though we have need of reminder, though we know these things and “be established in the PRESENT TRUTH.” It is also the counsel of the worldly sage that “Diligence is the mother of good fortune” – to which may be added the words of Solomon, “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings.” (Prov. 22:29) And the chief striving of every “good soldier” who answers the trumpet’s call should be diligent to put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil” (Eph. 6:11 – the especially deceptive false teachings of the errorists, the antitypical Midianites). And to all such who give such diligence in response to the trumpet’s call, to all such the promise is sure, “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling” (Psa. 91:10) – no sifting error can possibly contaminate our abode.
Sincerely your brother, John J. Hoefle, Pilgrim
Dear Friends:
The Bible Students Manual arrived yesterday, and I am so happy to have it. I had placed a question mark beside several verses in the Bible that seemed wrong to me – and now with the help of the Manual and the Diaglott I should be able to find more explanations. Many thanks for your thoughtfulness in sending it to me.
Have just finished reading the March and April editions – and they are excellent. The various methods used in celebrating the Lord’s Supper and the method used by the Truth people was most enlightening – and the Three Worlds was written in such a manner that I felt I was living right down through the Ages of history.
The enclosed check for the Manual and the remainder for the Lord’s work. Again many thanks.
With Christian love, ------- (OHIO)
Dear Mr. Hoefle:
I have read with interest Number 249 and your discussion of the date of the Lord’s death. I am wondering if you could elaborate, however, on the date of the Lord’s birth. I note on page 2 you state that the correct date is the 10th day of the 7th month. I am wondering how this date for Christmas has been determined. I will appreciate any more information you can send me on this interesting subject.
Pastor ------- Christian Church (FLORIDA)
Dear Brother Hoefle: Love, joy and peace to you!
We so often pray God’s mercy upon you that you may be kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in these last times. We can in good feeling believe that the Lord is so lovingly using you to help us in our journey toward the whole of the land of rest. These are not easy days, Brother, from Captain to Lieutenant, nor the soldiers: It is no easy day for us, Brother. So we cannot forget you in our prayers.
Send us one or more parcels of tracts for us to serve. Of late one or two people will ask something toward God. We will have to serve them the best we can till their eyes are opened. Please give my love and good wishes to Sr. Hoefle and the others in the Bible House. You will note my address is a new one.
Yours by the Grace of God, Brother ------- (JAMAICA)
Dear Brethren in Christ:
Your No. 247 – “RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT” – was given to me by a friend, and I found it very interesting – in fact so interesting I would like to send copies to a few other people in various parts of the country. Would I be asking too much if I asked for about 6 copies? I am always afraid of imposing, but this is such a revealing paper I would like to share it with friends and relatives.
I have never heard of this Bible Class before, and I join with the South Dakota reader in expressing my interest.
May God bless all who join in His work and endeavor to the best of their ability to serve Him. May He open our minds to more understanding of His plan.
Yours in Him ------ (CONNECTICUT)
Dear Brother Hoefle: Greetings in our Master’s dear Name!
It was indeed a pleasant surprise to receive your letter... I trust all in your household, as well as the friends on your side, are enjoying the best that is permitted at this time – you and Sr. Hoefle, especially so.......
Dear Brother, you and all there, are constantly in our thoughts, prayers and conversations – never a prayer said, be it short or measurably lengthy, but you all are commended to our Loving Savior for your continued growth and success.... Love from the friends, as we continue to ask the Master’s tender care and guidance.....
Your brother by His Grace ------- (TRINIDAD)
Dear Brother Hoefle: Christian love and greetings!
I hereby acknowledge ––lbs. from Brother... I have also received the papers, which are ever to our appreciation and satisfaction. The refutations given to RGJ’s errors are certainly crushing – but will he take it? He is so persistent in his wayward course that we fear for him. As for his adherents, they are given strong delusion, so they believe the lie and reject the truth. What a sad state!
We are thankful for your faithful service to the Lord, the Truth and the brethren. God will not forget your labor of love. God will give strength to His people. (Psa. 29:11).... Thank the Lord all here are still striving together as a little band of pilgrims receiving and enjoying the Master’s Grace.... I wonder if RGJ at any time looks back into his “Basilia” Kingdom teaching and compares it with the world condition now. If we are now over twenty years in the third stage of our Lord’s presence what a wishy-washy Kingdom that is!
Let us look to the Lord for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and with faithful eye look for the revealing of His plan in His due time.
With this comes my sincere good wishes for you, Sr. Hoefle and the others at the Bible House. Hymn 93.
Yours by His Grace, Brother ------- (JAMAICA)
Dear Brother Hoefle: Grace and peace!
This is a very much overdue letter to thank you for the circulars which arrive so regularly, and are always absorbing and encouraging....
Next time you write perhaps you would let me know how much I still owe you for the volumes, as it might be a good idea to order a few more while the going is good or should I say, not so bad.
When one contemplates the world situation, the groaning creation not knowing which way to turn for relief from the sicknesses of society, how mercifully the Lord is breaking it gently to all that there is no escape, no remedy: the proud must be humbled! We continue in fairly good health, which goes for Brother and Sister -------, whom we saw at the week-end. They are both 80 now and do very well all things considered. The eyesight is the main disability.
I have been looking back on my early copies of your circulars and find that my earliest was date March 27, 1956. If you have any copies previous to that date I would like to have them.
Recently we had a visit from Brother ------- of Darlington after a lapse of 25 years, and we were most impressed by the spirit manifested. The various points of difference were freely discussed, and he may see his way to give us another visit in due course. This meeting was brought about providentially, involving Brother ------- et al. “The Lord moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform!”
Brother joins with us in sending Christian love to you and yours.
By His Grace ------- (ENGLAND)