No. 289
Although all Truth people who have received and continued in Parousia Truth, know when the “Time of the End” began; we do not know the exact date it will end. “Seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” (Dan. 12:4) Many in Christendom hold the view that “the end” will occur in a 24-hour day; but a little reflection upon this Daniel prophecy should convince any unbiased mind that this is impossible. The question then properly arises, What is the period of “the time of the end?” In Dan. 12:7 we are told that it would be for “a time, times, and an half”; and in v. 11 it is stated that the time for the daily sacrifice to be taken away would be “a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”
The foregoing has reference to certain things concerning the Papacy; and the time feature here had its beginning in 539 A. D., when Roman Emperor Justinian made certain sweeping concessions to that Church. A “time, times (two times) and a half a time” would be 1260 days, based upon a literal Jewish lunar month of 30 days, twelve of which would amount to 360 days, and 3½ times would thus come to 1260 days. Taking these as symbolic days of a “day for a year” (See Num. 14:34), it gives us 1260 literal years, which beginning in 539 A. D., would come to an end in 1799 A. D., the beginning of the “Time of the End.” It will be noted in the above Scripture that Daniel was told to “seal the book to the time of the end.” Thus it should be clear that the book would not be clearly understood until “the time of the end.” Although so far as we know, most Truth people believe that 1799 was the beginning of the “Time of the End,” but attempting to forecast the end of the Time of the End has led to some
Following is some of a note on p. 382 of Parousia Volume 3, written in 1890: “Believing at the time of writing the book that 1914 would not only witness the complete annihilation of the kingdoms of this world, but also the full setting up of God’s Kingdom, our Pastor naturally expected the Time of the End to be over by October, 1914, and so presented the matter on p. 23. On that page and on the top of the next page he taught that by the close of the Time of the End, state, church and capital as now existing will have been overthrown. On the top of p. 48 he states that by its close every vestige of Papacy will be destroyed. He was right in placing these events in the Time of the End; but the facts prove that they did not occur by October 1914. Why not? Because, unknown to our Pastor, the forty years of the reaping time, the Parousia, were to be followed by the forty years of the trouble time, the Epiphany, during which Epiphany those institutions were to be destroyed. Hence the Time of the End is to be forty years longer than our Pastor supposed.’’
It will be noted, both Messengers were correct in presenting the events to occur during the Time of the End – but both were wrong in their expectations of the end thereof. Had Brother Johnson lived to 1954 he would certainly have seen that his conclusions about the Time of the End were wrong, as well as the length of the Epiphany, just as he saw Brother Russell’s conclusions were wrong about 1914 – and he would have corrected his wrong conclusions based on parallels and types that didn’t work out. Time itself revealed Brother Russell’s expectations were wrong regarding 1914, just as time itself has revealed that Brother Johnson’s expectations proved wrong. By 1914 and by 1954, state, church and capital are not overthrown – nor was Papacy destroyed – so neither the Time of the End or the Epiphany period ended in any “sense” at 1954.
Now follows more from p. 382: “The Time of Trouble and the Epiphany are one and the same thing. During the Epiphany Papacy is to be destroyed (2 Thes. 2:8) as well as the kingdoms of this world and Babylon (Rev. 16:18-20; 18:31), if we can prove that the Epiphany is a period of forty years, it will follow that the Time of Trouble, with which the Time of the End closes, is a period of forty years, and consequently that the Time of the End lasts from 1799 to 1954.
Time itself has proven that the Time of Trouble, as well as the Time of the End, is lasting much longer than forty years. As most Truth people know, forty represents a special trial period, whether of forty years duration or longer. The 40-year reign of Saul represented the Jewish Age, which was much longer than 40 years; David’s 40-year reign represented the Gospel Age – Solomon’s 40-year reign represents the Millennial Age, according to the Reprints, which sounds reasonable. Just as with a Day and Night in symbology, the Night is not the same length as the Day. The Gospel-Age is a night of 1845 years, and the Parousia day is only 40 years; therefore, the Epiphany night would not necessarily have to be of the same duration of the Parousia day.
However, we offer a suggestion regarding the forty days and forty nights of rain during the great deluge, which most Truth people accept as representing the Time of Trouble with which this Age ends: As most of our readers know, the Bible is a very concise and efficient book; it seldom uses words without purpose or merely for decoration. Hence, if the 40 days of the deluge represent the years from 1914 to 1954 and the 40 nights also represent 40 years, the Time of Trouble would end by 1994. But if the 40 nights of the deluge is not a period of 40 years, then the Time of Trouble would end earlier. We don’t believe the Time of Trouble could last longer than 40 years from 1954. Certainly the Time of Trouble has been greatly augmented since 1954 – the seizure of Cuba by the radicals; the overthrow of the “mountains” (strong autocratic governments), the last of which was Ethiopia; the great increase of vicious crime since 1954, convinces us that the Night of the Epiphany started in 1954.
That Servant’s expectation of the duration of the Time of Trouble and the establishment of the Kingdom thereafter, seemed reasonable enough at the time – to him as well as to the brethren. The types and parallels corroborating that expectation led them to believe that they had something from the Scriptures to rely upon. But when we place too much faith in a parallel or type that involves future events, ofttimes there is disappointment, as has been manifested by time itself, time and time again. So we are not making any positive predictions for future events based solely on parallels and types. If the Lord wants us to know about future events, He will make it clear to us: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) And we all know the “times and seasons” and the events to transpire – even though we are not yet informed the exact date of future events.
The Epiphany Messenger placed too much confidence in parallels and types that seemed to “prove” the Epiphany would be of 40 years duration – but time has “dis”proved his expectation. The Epiphany and the Time of Trouble are one and the same – and surely no one will say the Time of Trouble ended in 1914 or in 1954! The Epiphany Messenger was convinced by Parallels and Types – and none of us, including the Epiphany Messenger, heeded the admonition that types and parallels do not teach a doctrine, but are given to corroborate and illustrate a doctrine clearly taught in the Scriptures. Both Messengers emphasized this Truth – that a parallel, type, or the Pyramid, do not teach a doctrine, but only illustrate and corroborate what is already clearly taught in the Scriptures. So when they had strong expectations, they welcomed a type, parallel, or pyramid findings, that substantiated such expectations; and when RGJ came up with his Pyramid “figures” the Epiphany Messenger readily accepted them as a further corroboration of his expectations.
However, when the Epiphany Messenger died in 1950, RGJ had to cast his Pyramid “figures” in the trash heap. But he immediately presented JWK’s Pyramid “figures” in the January 1951 Present Truth to “prove” Brother Johnson was scheduled to die in 1950 instead of 1956. It seems that RGJ’s Pyramid fiasco, his past mistakes in type-making, picture-making, etc., has taught him very little, if anything.
What happened in 1799? It was in that year that Napoleon broke the papal power. Here’s what we find in Parousia Volume 3, p. 54: “The influence of the French infidels was carried over Europe by the armies of Napoleon, and greatly undermined the power of kings and priests. But the rough handling of Papacy by Napoleon, acting as the head and representative of Infidel France, capped the climax, and more than all else helped to break the fetters of superstitious veneration, by which the clergy class has so long held the ‘common people’ under them. But when the intrepid Napoleon not only defied the anathemas of Pope Pius VI, but laid penalties upon him for violation of his orders, and finally compelled him to cede back to France the papal territories granted a thousand years before by Charlemagne (whose successor Napoleon claimed to be), it opened the eyes of the people as well as of the monarchs of Europe to the falsity of Papacy’s claim to authority. The great revolution of public opinion at this time, regarding papal authority, may be seen in the fact that Napoleon, upon assuming the title and proclaiming himself Roman Emperor as successor of Charlemagne, did not go to Rome to have the pope crown him, as did Charlemagne and others, but commanded the pope to come to France to attend his coronation. Even then the successful chief, who more than once had pillaged, impoverished and humbled the Papacy, did not consent to be crowned by the pope, and thus accept the imperial dignity with any acknowledgment of papal authority, but merely had Pope Pius present, to sanction and acknowledge the ceremony, and to bless the crown that Napoleon then took from the altar and put upon his own head. The historian then says, ‘He then put the diadem on the head of his empress, as if to show that his authority was the child of his own actions,’ the result of his own civil and military successes. Nor has the pope since been requested to bestow the crown of the Roman Empire.
“A Romanist writer says of this coronation: ‘Acting differently from Charlemagne and other monarchs, who had repaired to Rome on similar occasions, he insisted in his arrogance that the holy father should come to Paris to crown him. The pope felt extreme reluctance to depart thus from the ancient usage. In fact, he considered it derogatory to his exalted office.
“An armistice was concluded (June 23, 1796) with the pope (Pius VI), the terms of which were sufficiently humiliating to the head of the church, once the most powerful sovereign in Europe. The pontiff, who once trod on the necks of kings, made and unmade sovereigns, disposed of states and kingdoms, and, as the great high-priest and vicegerent of the Almighty on earth, established an authority as lord paramount, and reigned over the heads of other sovereigns, was constrained to drink to the very dregs the cup of humiliation. If the draught was bitter, it was one which his predecessors had liberally dealt out to others. He was compelled to open his ports to French vessels, and to exclude the flags of all nations at war with that Republic; to permit the French army to continue in possession of the legations of Bologna and Ferrara; to surrender the citadel of Ancona; to give to the French 100 paintings, busts, vases or statues to be selected by the commissioners sent from Paris to Rome; also 500 (ancient and valuable) manuscripts to be selected in the same way; and to sweeten the whole, his holiness was to pay to the Republic 21,000,000 French livres, most of which was to be in specie, or gold and silver ingots.
“For the nonfulfilment of these penalties promptly, the money fine was increased to 50,000,000 livres, and certain papal territories were compelled to be ceded to France; and the pope was finally made a prisoner and taken to France where he died.
“Even Plus VII, who had been restored to pontifical honors, and who in 1804 attended the crowning of Napoleon, was afterward by decree of Napoleon (1808-1809) bereft of every shred of temporal power; and the monuments and art treasures of Rome were taken under French protection. The language used by Napoleon was that ‘the donations of territories by our illustrious predecessor, Charlemagne, to the Holy See... Urbino, Ancona, Macerata, be forever united to the kingdom of Italy
“To this it was added, that the pope should continue to be the bishop of Rome, exercising his spiritual functions as his predecessors had done in the early ages, down to the reign of Charlemagne. The following year, emboldened by the successes of his arms, the Emperor resolved that the pope should be deprived of his now nominal sovereignty the mere shadow of temporal, that still remained to him in his capital and the adjacent districts. (These Papacy held for years before Charlemagne’s gift – from A. D. 539). Accordingly he issued a new decree, from the palace of the Austrian Caesars, that Rome should be an imperial Free City; that its civil administration should be conducted by a council then nominated by the Emperor; that its monuments and art treasures should be taken under French protection; and that the pope, having ceased to reign, an income should be settled on his holiness.
“Following this, Pius VII issued a bull of excommunication against Napoleon, and was taken a prisoner to France, where he finally signed the Concordat of Fontainebleau, dated Jan. 25, 1813, in which he placed in Napoleon’s hands the nomination of Bishops and Metropolitans, and virtually rescinded his own authority to veto such appointments.”
The foregoing is quite an elaboration establishing the beginning of the Time of the End; and we know that many of our readers are very familiar with it. But we also know that we have quite a few readers who know little or nothing about these details, and it is for them that we have expounded the subject in detail. We might add here that Napoleon is regarded by scholars as one of the most self-willed men that ever lived – a fitting tool indeed to do what the Lord wanted done, even though he himself was unaware of the history he was making. But once he had accomplished the Lord’s will in these matters, “He shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” (Dan. 11:45) He died a lonesome exile on St. Helena Island in the year 1821, having spent about six years there after his defeat at Waterloo in 1815. He is one man in secular history that is accurately described in the Bible.
As stated, the time of the end began in 1799 and the Time of Trouble in its wide sense began in 1874 – and in its narrow sense in 1914. Since the Time of Trouble in its narrow sense and the Epiphany being the same, both began in 1914 when World War One began; they are now contemporaneously continuing with the last part of the Time of the End: and all three will end when Jacob’s Trouble ends – when the Great Tribulation ends.
In Dan. 12:4 the prophet is told to “seal up the book, even to the time of the end,” the inference being that the “book” would be understood in the time of the end. As we analyze the happenings of the past, we think there is much evidence to prove that this has been proving true since 1799. In 1803 or 1804 the first American Bible Society was formed, the purpose being to see that every one would have a Bible who wanted one; and the prophecy is clearly stated: “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” (Psa. 119:130)
In almost 6,000 years prior to 1799 there were only three inventions of any note that appeared: (1) the wheel; (2) gunpowder (About 1,000 A.D.); and the printing press. All the other prominent inventions came after 1799. In 1807 the first steamboat by Robert Fulton; followed quickly by the steam railroad engine. It needs no argument that the steam railroad contributed enormously to the growth and development of the U.S. While it may be argued that the cotton gin by Eli Whitney appeared in 1793, and made a great contribution to the cotton-raising in the South, it is such a simple device that it was easily copied, although protected by U.S. patents.
While some very valuable devices appeared shortly after 1799, it was not until after 1874 that the great avalanche of most valuable inventions began to come along. There was not even a carpet sweeper of any note until after 1874 (a small hand sweeper was produced in 1869). The first commercial typewriter came in 1874, which speeded up business tremendously. Any reasonably good typist can produce four times as much work with a machine than can a man just writing by hand.
Came next the telephone in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell; and, while it is now a very commonplace and widely used instrument, we seldom stop to consider what a great time saver it is. After the completion of the first telephone call, Mr. Bell exclaimed, “What hath God wrought!” His telephone – like almost all our outstanding inventions has been greatly improved, with direct dialing on long-distance calls over the breadth of the United States and to some foreign countries accomplished almost as quickly as the local calls right in one’s backyard. A call from Detroit to Paris, France, costs but $6.85 for three minutes, and the parties can hear each other as plainly as if they were both in Detroit.
In 1895 the X-ray came in as an absolutely new phenomenon and then came radioactivity, which has shown us that ‘the elements’ are not at all ultimate things, that atoms are continually undergoing change, and are not indestructible. In 1877 Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, which eventually led to development of the television a wonderful instrument difficult to describe with mere words. Came the electric light in 1879 – considered by some as the most useful and helpful of all inventions for the human race in general.
Then followed rather quickly the automobile and the airplane, with their accelerated speed, which has stimulated travel – “many shall run to and fro” (Dan. 12:4). We were living in Dayton, Ohio in 1903 when the Wright Brothers made their first flight at Kittyhawk, N.C.; and we eventually became rather well acquainted with Orville Wright. We remember very vividly seeing the first flight over Dayton, Ohio. School had been dismissed so that we could have a real good look; and the plane that was in use that day looked like an orange crate tied together with bailing wire; and it could travel at about 100 miles per hour.
Today’s commercial planes in the regular course of travel have a cruising speed of about 625 miles per hour, and are constructed so well that there is no noise at all where the passengers sit. A few years back it was necessary for us to go to Nassau in the Bahamas. We left Detroit at 9:30 p.m, spent the night in the Miami airport; left the airport about 8:30 the next morning; were in Nassau by about nine a.m.; left shortly after noon, and back in Detroit that night by 8:30. We remarked afterward that when our Lord was on earth, it would have taken Him a year to cover the distance that we made in 23 hours. Indeed, many do “run to and fro.”
The combines and all modern farming equipment have been invented since 1874; and they have produced phenomenal agricultural production – so much so that nine per cent of the population is able to produce more than twice the food the United States needs. We gave some of these results in one of our January papers, so no need to repeat them here. Truly, “knowledge shall be increased”!
As we consider the tremendous increase in knowledge and the great increase in the rate of speed, that should be enough to convince any informed mind that we are in “the time of the end” – even had we no Bible chronology, no prophecies, no parallel dispensations. The “signs of the times” speak most graphically that we are in “the time of the end.”
That there was a great Harvest work from 1874 to 1914 also was very clearly evident to all whose minds were sufficiently educated to discern and understand it. The following is from pp. 15,16 of Parousia Volume 2:
“We find the end of the Gospel Age, like the end of the Jewish Age, is called a harvest (Matt. 9:37; 13:24, 30, 39); like that also, it is a period of forty years; and upon the harvests of the Ages the rays of prophetic testimony are specially concentrated, particularly upon the harvest of this Age, where all the light of the Jewish Age, because of its typical character, converges in a glorious focus. In this light we may now distinctly see the stately steppings of our God, not only in the long vista of the Ages past, but also in the present outworkings of His plan. And not only so, but according to His promise to show us things to come (John 16:13), we see, with wonderful distinctness of vision, His wise policy for the blessing of all in the incoming Millennial Age, even down to its glorious consummation in the restitution of all things ... (at the end of the Little Season—JJH).
“We find in prophecy the beginning and the ending of this harvest period marked, as well as the events due to occur in it. To call attention to and trace the various lines of prophetic time to the events in which they culminate in, in substance, the object of this volume. To receive its testimony, the reader must have an ear to hear (Rev. 2:7; Matt. 11:15), and must expect meekly to cast away many preconceived opinions as fast as he comes to see their lack of harmony with God’s word. To such as are thus minded, and as pursue the lessons of this volume with patience and care, and in the order of their arrangement, we doubt not it will be a blessing. If its lessons are received into good and honest hearts, it will be a power to separate them from the world and to ripen them as wheat for the garner. To quicken and ripen and separate the saints, as wheat from the tares, in this time of harvest, is the object for which, we apprehend these prophecies now unfolding were designed by our Lord.”
The question now arises: Is the harvest ended? Our answer to this question is that it is ended so far as spirit begettal is concerned; this latter ended in September 1914. As many of our readers know, there was strong conviction up to 1910 that the complete Body of Christ would be in the heavenly garner by the Fall of 1914. When that failed to materialize, it caused quite a few to “walk with Him no more.” However, it is our opinion that other elect classes are still with us, and will so continue for some years yet.
In 1 Kgs. 19:11,12 we have the record of what Elijah (type of the true Church) saw: “A great and strong wind rent the mountains ... and after the wind an earthquake..... after the earthquake a fire ... after the fire a still small voice.” The Berean Comments inform us that the “great and strong wind” of the text represents World War One, which indeed did rend the mountains (kingdoms of this world), which up to that time had been the greatest calamity of all history. Then the earthquake pictured for the world revolution (Armageddon) – now in its formative stage; and next the fire, which represents anarchy, which is to follow Armageddon. Fire in the Bible symbology represents a terribly destructive force. Of this “fire” we are told it will break the nations “to shivers” (completely destroy them—Rev. 2:27).
Rev. 7:1-3 vividly portrays the Harvest work, especially in the years immediately preceding the “wind” – the great war, which was not to start until “we (the Lord’s saints on this side of the veil) have sealed (marked, separated, distinguished) in their foreheads (given them an intellectual appreciation of the Plan of God, with its time features, etc., as a comfort, shield and mark, seal, or evidence of their sonship). Those of us who can remember that far back know how close the great war seemed in 1912; but it was seemingly miraculously avoided. It was not to start until “we have sealed the servants of God in their foreheads.”
Some of these were not reaped into the harvest movement until as late as 1916, before That Servant enacted the toga scene in the railroad Pullman in Texas, with one of his final statements being that (Eze. 9:11), “I have done as thou hast commanded me.” And this inscription was written into his tombstone. He had been commanded to “seal the servants of our God in their foreheads”; and, while he certainly did not seal all of them personally, he did supervise the general sealing work, so that when he said, “I have done as thou hast commanded me,” he said in substance one of the last statements of Jesus, “I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” (John 17:4)
Aside from the miracles of Jesus and the Apostles during the Jewish harvest, the Gospel-Age harvest from 1874 to 1914 vastly outshone the Jewish Harvest. Before his death in 1916 That Servant’s sermons were carried in 2,000 newspapers, and he had great notoriety. His message had tremendous appeal even among many who never made any effort to associate with him. He had one of the finest intellects ever to appear among fallen men, and he organized and supervised the great harvest work as a master craftsman, attracting some of the finest minds in Christendom to engage actively in the work with him. Indeed, if it may be said that “knowledge increased” in the secular world, this was even more emphatically so in “the knowledge of God.” The prophecy of Psa. 85:11-13 was unmistakably fulfilled: “Truth shall spring out of the earth (the present social order) ... Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.” All who zealously engaged in the harvest movement had the personal experience of this prophecy in their individual lives.
Probably all who have been in any Truth Movement for any length of time recognize the fact that the Body of Christ will contain only 144,000 – “the number of them which were sealed” (Rev. 7:4). Once the “fullness of the Gentiles” had come in, there would no longer be opportunity for any one to join that select company. That Servant recognized this fact many years before 1914. Probably his first written comment on the subject is to be found on p. 157, top, of his Volume 6. Other instances are to be found in the 1911 Watch Tower, p. 181, pars. 5-10; 1915, p. 269, pars. 11, 12; and in Question Book, 151, 152. In these citations he stated that such consecrators between the Ages – after the close of the High Calling and before Restitution begins – would share in honor and service with the Ancient Worthies.
This seems to us to be a reasonable thought. The Ancient Worthies lived too soon to be in the Body of Christ, although many of them showed the same spirit of sacrifice as did those who became members of the Body. And the chief difference between the Ancient Worthies and those consecrating between the Ages is that the Ancients lived too soon, while those consecrating now are living too late. This is very much emphasized on page 152 of the Question Book – and we quote a little from this book:
“Where would the Lord place them (not begotten of the Holy Spirit)?
We would presume that if they were faithful, to the extent of laying down their lives in the service of righteousness and truth, that God would give them a share some way with the Ancient Worthies. In other words, that if such should pass into the Time of Trouble to a considerable degree, and there lose their lives because of faithfulness to the Lord, that He would do just the same for them that he will do for the Ancient Worthies – they will be counted in with the Ancient Worthy class.”
Having seen this so well even before the Bible proof appeared, this one point alone should convince any open mind that he was that “wise and faithful servant.” There is no doubt that he fully believed there would be some consecrators from the time the door to the High Calling closed until restitution begins, although the Bible proof had not yet been produced, and did not appear until after his death. Since his death much proof has been produced to corroborate his teaching – both in clear Scripture and in types. It is not our wish to analyze all these proofs now, although we shall offer terse comment on a few of them. Some of these are Joel 2:28,29; 2 Tim. 2:20; Psa. 72:3; Isa. 60:13; Dan. 3:12, 17,18,19,23 (Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego); 2 Kgs. 2:9,10.
The most emphatic and clearest of these Scriptures is Joel 2:28,29. That Servant gave us the explanation of the words in verse 29: “the servants and the handmaids in those days,” as the servants, the Little Flock – and the handmaids, the Great Company. (Reprints 5066) Then a better translation of verse 28: “your ancients and your youthfuls,” the ancients being the Ancient Worthies who will dream dreams, and the youthfuls being those consecrating now “between the Ages,” who will see visions – the inspired writings of the Ancient and Youthful Worthies to compose a third book of the Bible for Millennial instruction. (Rev. 20:12 – also see Epiphany Vol. 4, pp. 319, 320)
Also see the Berean Comment on 2 Tim. 2:20: “a great house” (the Household of Faith in this Age); “vessels of gold” (the Little Flock); “vessels of silver” (the Great Company); “wood and earth” (those on the human plane). The wood is the ancients, and the earth those who consecrate now between the Ages before restitution begins. Self-evidently this applies only to the Household of Faith. This is well illustrated in the locale of the Levites around the Tabernacle: the Amramites to the east typing the Little Flock; the Kohathites to the south typing the Ancient Worthies; the Merarites to the north typing the Great Company; and the Gershonites to the west typing the Youthfuls those consecrating between the Ages. None of these Levites had any inheritance in the land, clearly indicating that they would eventually become spirit beings.
Then “the stranger” is given consideration in Ex. 12:19,43, 48-49. We are told there that no stranger should be permitted to partake of the Passover unless he first be circumcised (type of Gospel-Age consecration). And in Lev. 24:22 there is this: “Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country.” This stranger would represent those consecrating between the Ages, and it tells us that they are “strangers” because they are stranger to the Little Flock, having consecrated themselves too late to be of that select company. However, there is “one manner of law” for the Jews and the strangers – the same kind of consecration for the Little Flock and for the Youthful Worthies – a complete desire to do God’s will.
Also, of that lamb that night none of it was to be left until morning; and, if any should be left, it was to be burned with fire. Here is a clear picture that tells us that none of our “Lamb’s” merit should be carried into the Camp during the Faith Age. When we see this picture in its true light, it then becomes readily ridiculous that there could be such a class as Consecrated Campers having tentative justification in the Camp, because there is no merit there to provide such a standing before the Lord.
This is Part One of a series of articles on “The Time of the End,” and Part Two and other Parts will follow in due course. “This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good words. These things are good and profitable unto men. And let us also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.” (Tit. 3:8, 14)
Sincerely your brother,
John J. Hoefle , Pilgrim
To John Hoefle: Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ, Savior of Israel!
Enclosed is a small part of your Jan. issue – and a sheet we’ve distributed recently re the actual identity of the people “who call themselves Jews..” Bro. Hoefle, you have seen much truth in the Bible – and you know the “plan of the ages.” Your error is in accepting the words of “fundamentalists” and “Jews,” two groups who are in SERIOUS ERROR on Biblical things, when they both say the “Jews are Israelites.”
The Jews are “in darkness,” according to the plain teaching of the Bible, so their witness to anyone’s identity is suspect. The “fundamentalists,” by and large, are at least partially in darkness, as much of their doctrine is false, i.e., the state of the dead, the rapture, baptism, etc. Therefore, their witness to anyone’s identity is suspect.
Please read the enclosed articles. Once you realize the “jews” are so set on taking over Palestine because it is their ancient homeland (because they are Canaanites), then you can understand not only Israeli, but modern world history with the “jews” being so full of hatred for Jesus Christ and his followers. Although it is true that ancient Israel departed from following God and turned to other religions, they did NOT fight God and refuse his Truth and aid when they were in deep trouble. There is NO RECORD of any “jews” becoming Christians in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. There is, on the other hand, the record of unknown millions of our Race turning to Jesus Christ at a time of crisis in their lives.
Think on these things. May God bless you in your search for Truth, in Christ. ------- (ARIZONA)
NOTE: Answer to the above letter will be published in our No. 290 paper following this paper.