by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 285

Once more we observe the memory of Him who perished on the cross; and while it is good and proper that we “consider Him” at all times, it is especially appropriate that “we stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance” at this Passover Season, lest any should “eat and drink unworthily” of the bread and the cup. And, in doing this, it is not our thought to replace the Passover chapter in Volume 6, or some appropriate thoughts by Brother Johnson. When the typical lamb was gathered in on Nisan 10 and held by the Jews in proximity until Nisan 14, it would certainly have the effect of stir­ring them up to a “good conscience,” as they painstakingly put away all leaven from their domiciles. And so it should be with us.

“Let a man examine himself.” And let this be done without “outward show” if the full blessing is to be had. It has been aptly stated, “The most difficult thing: To know thyself; the easiest thing: To advise another.” The reason so much advice is worth nothing is because it comes for nothing, although experience gained from a good and honest heart over the years of the Christian walk should qualify us to “strengthen the weak hands, to uphold him that is falling, to strengthen the feeble knees.” (Job 4:3,4) Thus, we make attempt again this year to offer some appropriate comment to the benefit of all our readers – the “hoary heads” long in the way, or to those newly come with us.

Here we would impress upon our readers that this 1979 Memorial will be exactly 3,594 years to the day from that awesome event in Egypt that night when every firstborn of man and beast in Egypt was slain; and it is worthy of note that the orthodox Jews still scrupulously make honest endeavor to keep that memory – as they were instructed to do in Ex. 12:24: “Ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance to thee and thy sons for­ever.” (Also Ex. 13:10) And their keeping it all these years offers strong evidence that the Bible is the Word of Truth.

Inasmuch as very meticulous care should be observed in this service, it would seem appropriate for us also to determine exactly what the Lord wishes us to do about it. The Jews were told to observe it on the “fourteenth day of the same Month (Nisan): and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.” Not in the early morning, nor in the afternoon, but “In the evening.” Thus we also should keep the Memorial in the evening – of the fourteenth day. The question naturally arises ­how shall we determine when is the “fourteenth day”? Of course, we must first deter­mine when the first day of Nisan is found. The first day of Nisan occurs when the moon becomes new nearest the Spring Equinox. The Jewish Encyclopedia says the Passover is a “spring festival.”

And what locality should we select for our reckoning? If we consider that such locales as Greenwich, England, Philadelphia or Los Angeles, USA, were not known to the Jews when the Passover occurred in Egypt, the question should not be too difficult. Substantially all of the Bible was written in or near Jerusalem; therefore, it occurs to us we should use Jerusalem for determining Nisan 1. And if we do that, we learn that the moon becomes new there this year at about 3 p.m., March 28. That would start Nisan 1 at 6 p.m., March 27; and, counting fourteen days from there, we come to 6 p.m. April 9 as the appropriate time for the observance.

Here in Mount Dora we shall hold the service at 7:30 P.M., April 9; and we ex­tend cordial invitation to any and all of like mind who may be in this vicinity then and wish to join us in the participation.

Being far from the perfection that was originally in Eden, it is probably a cor­rect observation that all of us are inclined to be creatures of extremes, especially so, at the beginning of our induction into the Household of Faith. Therefore, it should oc­casion no surprise to find some among us much too lax in their appraisal of themselves, just as there will probably be some who are much too severe in their judgment of them­selves. Of course, the very purpose of the good Word of God is to remove such extremes, and to equip us with “the spirit of a sound mind.” This latter has a twofold meaning: The honest imbibing of the Truth should produce in all a sounder mind than they had be­fore they were thus blessed. “Thy words are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.” (Prov. 4:22)

But the Truth in a secondary sense conveys to all honest recipients the spirit ­the disposition – of Him whose mind is perfection, perfection in Wisdom, Justice, Love and Power, and all in perfection of balance with every other quality. And this “spirit of a sound mind” should become more apparent in each of us as we continue to “consider Him” – “the leader and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, disregarding the shame.” (Heb. 12:2-4, Dia.) Thus are we strength­ened against weariness of heart and mind. And those who thus diligently add to their “talents” (see Matt. 25:14-30) are primarily and exclusively those who “partake of their Master’s joy” – the joy of the First Resurrection that is the reward of “the good and faithful servants” – those who become partner with Him in “the joy that was set be­fore Him” as they also faithfully “endure the cross, despising the shame.” Secondarily, the expression would apply in limited measure – in principle only – to the good and faithful Youthful Worthy servants, as they also improve their talents to the glory of God, making them also “good and profitable servants” for the work that is theirs to do.


Leaven being a type of sin, St. Paul exhorts that we keep the feast, “not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of vice and wickedness, but with the unleavened princi­ples of sincerity and truth.” (1 Cor. 5:8, Dia.) And St. Paul further expands on this in 2 Cor. 7:1, Dia.: “Having, therefore, these promises, Beloved, let us purify our­selves from all pollution of flesh and spirit, perfecting Holiness in the fear of God.” These exhortations are addressed by the Apostle to the “Dearly Beloved,” indicating that such were already members of the Household of Faith – those who have “peace with God” and also have “the peace of God which passeth understanding.” All such, of course, “love righteousness, and hate iniquity” (Psa. 45:7), have been anointed with the “oil of gladness,” although in lesser degree than was “our Passover.” However, as our Lord was “anointed with the oil of gladness above His fellows” to the extent that He was the one “altogether lovely,” the “Bright and Morning Star,” with a stature which none of His fallen followers have been able to attain, yet among our brethren, our fellow-ser­vants, there have been the outstanding few who have been “anointed with the oil of glad­ness” above their fellows” – “some Apostles, some Prophets,” etc. (Eph. 4:11) for the work of the ministry, for the perfecting of the Saints... that we be henceforth no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.

All such, of course, cannot be in harmony with the evils and the servants of evil with whom they brush elbows every day – even though they be acutely aware of their own shortcomings, and have a dislike for such in themselves even more than they do in others. These indeed will make honest and sincere endeavor to cleanse themselves from all filth­iness of the flesh and mind – to perfect themselves in every good word and work, real­izing as they do that the ideal can never be attained in this life, yet they steadfastly continue to “set the Lord God always before them.” And it is for these that the Memorial is specifically prescribed – and for none others.

For the world in general – the world in sin, in antitypical Egypt – it would be useless even to invite them to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and mind – just as it would have been folly in the extreme for the Jews in typical Egypt to invite the Egyptians about them to join with them in slaying and eating their Passover, lamb, with bitter herbs, with their shoes on their feet, with their staffs in their hand, prepared for the journey to goodly Canaan land. The Egyptians would have laughed them to scorn – just as the antitypical Egyptians today would likewise laugh, since they are all more or less in sympathy with the very filthiness which surrounds them, having no wish whatever to be rid of it, having no intimation of how it appears in God’s sight, and having no desire to “perfect themselves in that holiness without which no man shall see God.”

It needs no argument that some men are better born than others. One satirist has put it this way: Some men are born with brains, some with beef, and some with neither. Such worldly thinkers declare that God has created man in His image, and man has re­turned the compliment. The savages who carve out awesome horrible-appearing totem poles, or other demoniacal figures thereby express their opinion of what they believe God is like. But those who “keep the feast in sincerity and in truth” have set before their minds an ideal of perfection in thought, word and deed. It is well stated that there are three standards of value in the earth today, the lowest of which is things, material objects. By this standard many wealthy personages receive much bowing and homage from their underlings. As one diplomat expressed it, All my life I have made a success by bowing to the right people.

The second higher standard of value is persons. Many admire Samson as the great­est of all people who ever lived. Was he indeed not the strongest? Yet he died revel­ing in the destruction of his enemies. Others have the ambition to be a great general, a great ball player, a great prize fighter, etc.; but the prophet Jeremiah states very clearly what should be the ideal of those who “draw nigh to God with a true heart, in full assurance of faith”: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.” (Jer. 9:23,24)

Clearly enough, by this measure then the third and highest standard of values is ideals; and blessed is he whose God is the Lord. Therefore, “Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.” (Isa. 8:13) Thus doing, we shall indeed “keep the feast in sincerity and in truth.”

Let us keep in mind, however, that such attainment is not the result of a day, or a week, a year; it results from the determined striving of many years, some gaining more, some less, depending upon their inheritance and providential circumstances after birth. “Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not, but a body has thou prepared me... Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, 0 God” (Hebrews 10:5-7), is the clear declaration concerning Christ our Passover. Such a perfect body was not the inheritance of any of His “brethren,” those throughout the Age who have kept the feast in sincerity and in truth; in fact, of all of them it is written, some more, some less, that “from the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores.” (Isa. 1:6) Yet the same prophet in vs. 16-19 gives adequate encouragement to such: “Put away the evils of your doings be­fore mine eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do well... though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Therefore, it is not the degree of holiness that determines the right of each one at the feast; rather, it is the heart’s intention of each one; and with this standard let each “examine himself,” then “come ,boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb. 4:16) And, “if ye do these things, ye shall never fall, for so an en­trance shall be ministered unto you into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 1:10,11)

But, of such as do not “these things” we are warranted in drawing certain conclu­sions. “By their fruits you will discover them” (Matt. 7:20, Dia.) is the standard given us for discerning between the false and the true, between the hypocrites and the pure in heart. A good tree yields good fruit; a bad tree yields bad fruit. But in this we are to be ever mindful that proper pruning and diligent cultivation will improve the fruit of any tree, and repentance and reformation are sometimes long in coming. Never­theless, we believe it is a safe conclusion that new creatures that die impenitent go in­to the Second Death; and, had the one recorded in 1 Cor. 5:1-5 continued in his “filthi­ness of the flesh” until the day of his death, those Corinthian brethren would have been fully warranted in concluding such an one as receiving “the blackness of darkness forever.” Charity would no longer apply in such a case. And similar ones here in the end of this Age, who become grossly immoral or gross doctrinal inebriates, especially so of the lead­ers, are just classified as an inseparable part of antitypical Jambres; and from such we should turn away.

It has always been the Truth that has separated the faithful from the unfaithful; and Truth as due represents the Divine presence with God’s people. The Truth then is the measuring rod by which we discover the fruits of each one; but even in this we are not warranted in conducting an inquisition, to pry into the inner reaches of others’ hearts to determine if they have properly removed the leaven from their domicile. Let each one “examine himself” and it is far better that we err on the generous side than that we should “offend one of these little ones.” (Matt. 18:6)

Thus we conclude our thoughts for this Memorial, praying the Divine blessing upon one and all in the preparation for and participation in this year’s “remembrance of Me.” “May the God of all Grace, after that ye have suffered awhile make you perfect, stablish, strengthen and settle you.” “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” (Isa. 30:15)



Most of our readers will recall that in 1962 (Supplement to No. 80) we revised our date for the Memorial from March 18 to April 17, our reason therefor being that the March date would bring Nisan l4 before the Vernal Equinox. This evoked considerable crit­icism from RGJ and JWK, the both of them accusing us of procedure contrary to Brothers Russell and Johnson.

Now it is brought to our attention that Brother Russell made a correction in 1913 absolutely identical to our own correction in 1962. In the February 1, 1913 Watch Tower he announced the Memorial date as March 20 after 6 p.m. He based this upon the moon coming new at Jerusalem 2:44 a.m. March 8, thus commencing Nisan 1 at 6 p.m. March 7 Jewish reckoning. The Vernal Equinox in 1913 arrived at 7:21 a.m. March 21, or exact­ly 13 days, 4 hrs. and 37 minutes. (absolute time) after the March moon came new.

Then, in the March 1, 1913 Tower Brother Russell corrected the date to 6 p.m. April 20, basing his change on the April moon coming new April 8, which would begin Ni­san 1 at 6 p.m. April 7 – at least 15 days, 16 hrs. and 39 mins. after the Vernal Equinox date of March 21. Thus, assuming that moon came new at midnight April 7 (the very earliest it could possibly occur), he used the new moon that was at least 2 days, 18 hrs. and 2 mins. farther from the Equinox than was the one that came new March 8. Therefore, we have here one indisputable instance where Brother Russell DID NOT use the moon nearest the Vernal Equinox.

Then there is the time when he gave the Memorial date after 6 p.m. April 22, 1910, thus having Nisan I begin at 6 p.m. April 9. We do not have all the details for that year; but, assuming the Vernal Equinox occurred at the very late date of March 23, it would then put Nisan 1 seventeen days from that event – certainly a longer time from the Equinox than the March new moon of that year. On both those occasions Brother John­son was very closely associated with Brother Russell, and a very careful reader of the Watch Tower. Therefore, he knew the details connected with them in a manner which we do not have; and it was probably that knowledge which prompted him to write in the Feb. 1933 Present Truth that the Memorial should never be observed before the Vernal Equinox.

RGJ would know about the 1910 and the 1913 incidents, too, because he was there just as was Brother Johnson; and it just may be that is the reason he has remained si­lent after our refutation of his contentions in 1962.

However, we would reiterate our previous statements that the correct date for the Memorial is not vital to brotherly fellowship. All of us know that some of the truest and best of God’s people all during the Gospel Age have used the wrong date to commem­orate our Lord’s death; in fact, even Brother Russell used the wrong date a number of times during the Parousia. However, we would stress that we should use the right date if we can determine what it is. It is our opinion that the majority of Truth groups have a good understanding of the meaning of the Memorial, and that it is an annual af­fair. Thus, it saddens us somewhat that all of us cannot determine the exact day and hour that it should be observed. If that could be determined, then here at least would be one special truth on which we would all be in complete harmony – in the consciousness that on that special evening we would all be of “one mind.” Let us all give this sober thought.



QUESTION: – Much has been said about the “repentant and believing” in the “finished picture” of the Epiphany Camp. Exactly what is meant by “repentant and believing” Jews and Gentiles?

ANSWER: – To repent means “to amend or resolve to amend one’s life as a result of con­trition for one’s sins.” (Webster) And “believing” means to accept Jesus as Savior. If they were sincere they began to practice righteousness and abhor sin. Such “repentant and believing” have entered the Court, and thereby received Tentative Justi­fication. This condition maintained put them in a position to consecrate, and if faith­ful would become one of the elect. This applies to all during the Gospel Age who were truly “repentant and believing”

However, the privilege of entering the Court is not given to the “repentant and believing” of those in the “finished picture” of the Epiphany. They do not enter the Court and do not receive Tentative Justification. But such people are in position to receive the Holy Spirit that is poured out “for all flesh” (Joel 2:28) when the New Cov­enant is inaugurated – before the unbelieving and unrepentant Jews and Gentiles can re­ceive the Holy Spirit, although it is poured out for all who eventually become “repentant and believing”

The question may be asked, Can such “repentant and believing” Jews and Gentiles con­secrate in the Epiphany Camp? Yes, of course, consecration is always in order. As That Servant has truly said, that is always the proper attitude for all mankind. However, to be “repentant and believing” and practice righteousness, is a consecration to do what is right insofar as they are able: Thus they practice duty-love toward God and Man. Consecration has two parts – one part by the consecrator, and the other part, God’s ac­ceptance. But God does not deal with Restitutionists, either during this Age or during the Mediatorial reign. He has put all Restitutionists in the hands of the Mediator ­Christ and the Church. When the New Covenant is inaugurated such “repentant and believ­ing” Jews and Gentiles will be among the first to receive the Kingdom blessings, as they gladly accept its requirements.

Cornelius was in much the same position at the beginning of the Age – before the door was opened for the Gentiles – as the “repentant and believing” Jews and Gentiles of the Epiphany Camp in the “finished picture.” The difference with Cornelius, God accepted his consecration when the “due time” arrived for the Gentiles to become prospec­tive members of Christ’s Body. But when the “due time” arrives for Restitutionists to receive the Holy Spirit, The Christ will accept their consecration. The similarity of Cornelius and the “repentant and believing” Jews and Gentiles of the Epiphany Camp is this: That Servant has said, No doubt Cornelius and his house had already accepted Christ, because the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them “even while Peter yet spake.” However, God did not accept Cornelius’ consecration until the “due time” arrived. Nor will The Christ accept Restitutionists’ consecration until the “times of refreshing” have come (Acts 3:19-21), and the New Covenant is inaugurated.

Of course, when we speak of the “repentant and believing” we do not include the mere professors. There are many who claim to be “repentant and believing” but mere lip service and attendance at public worship is sometimes worse than nothing more than “tares ready for the burning,” as tares – not necessarily as people. Such are well de­scribed in Rev. 2:9: “I know the blasphemy of those which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” “He is not a Jew which is one outwardly.” (Rom. 2:28)

It requires no great powers of discernment to perceive “too slack an appreciation of the Lord’s Word” among the multitudes of Christendom; and this same situation is be­coming increasingly apparent with many so-called Truth people. This may be because some of the leaders do not practice what they preach, and have become something like the Scribes: Jesus said of them, “Whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.” (Matt. 23:3) And the Apostle Paul tells us in Heb. 5:12: “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God.” Also in Rom. 2:21,22: “Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou sayest a man should not commit adultery, doest thou commit adultery? thou that abhorest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?” However, we believe that there are many leaders among the Truth groups who are sincere in preaching the Truth they have received, and practice righteousness accordingly. Nevertheless, God not only holds the leaders responsible for the Truth they know, but also for the Truth they could know; and that not only applies to the leaders, but to all of God’s people.

Although there was no Great Company as a Class during That Servant’s lifetime, yet he well realized that many with him were not saints. During the last ten years of his life he wrote copiously about the Great Company – prompted, no doubt, by his observa­tion of those closely associated with him. He said if he hadn’t found such a Class in the Scriptures, that he would be looking for such a Class in the Scriptures. And his opinion of those around him was fully corroborated very soon after his death – when the real character of those people came to the surface. Clearly enough, they had built their house “upon the sand,” and the frailty of their foundation soon became apparent to close observers. Such, however, are not “tares,” although they have much the same ex­perience in the end of the Age: They will come out of “great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:14)

Such crown-losers must not only repent of their sins against their covenant, but they must also be converted. Conversion from the Bible standpoint is the entire pro­cess of turning from depravity into the image of God. But when they become repentant of their partially willful sins, and converted, God will receive them. “Know you, That he who turns back a sinner from his Path of Error will save his Soul from Death (the Second Death), and will cover a Multitude of Sins.” (Jas. 5:20, Dia.) However, there is much more to true repentance than mere remorse for evil deeds. In strict Scriptural definition, it includes intellectual conviction of sin (John 8:9); heart’s sorrow of sin (Prov. 28:13; Matt. 3:8); confession of sin (Ezra 10:1; Prov. 28:13; Acts 19:18); restitution for sin (Lev. 6:4,5; Ezek. 33:15; Luke 9:8); and opposition to sin (Rom. 7:15,19,23).

All of the foregoing should be considered as vital requirement to classify any one as a “repentant and believing” member of the Epiphany Camp “in the finished picture.”



Dear Brother Hoefle: Greetings of love in the Lord to you and Sister!

Thanks for your letter, also for the circulars coming regularly. We do appreciate your labors of love for all the brethren, keeping us in touch with developments among the Truth people – sad, though, much of it is. However, the Bible forewarns us that some shall arise from among us teaching perverse things. I believe RGJ now expects to be the last of the Great Company to remain on earth, thus the next Executive Trustee of the LHMM must be (?) a Youthful Worthy – sectarian to the last, evidently.

Re Bro. Krewson’s writings, his magazines are still being sent to Brother -------. The references to the percentage of goats is in his No. 138, p. 13.

We have had another blessed and fruitful visit to see Brother and Sister ------- and have left them E Vols. 3,4 and 5, Bro. Johnson’s PT article of “Bro. Crawford and Justification,” Harvest Siftings Reviewed, and the 1950 Herald of Bro. Johnson’s obit­uary. So we are looking forward to word from them.

And now we send our love in the Lord to you and all with you. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. Glad to say we keep fairly well – also Brother -------. We saw him yesterday. Yours by His Grace, Brother and Sister ------- (ENGLAND)


Dear Brother Hoefle:

Many thanks for your precious papers. It is marvelous when I think about your age and the power of Truth that is coming from your pen. Most assuredly I think the Spirit of God is with you, and how! You appear very strong in exposing the lie with sound Scriptural reasoning; and I say this not to puff you up (God forbid!), but be­cause I feel obligated to identify the Truth in myself through you. You have perse­vered with me through some difficult, complicated and confusing questions that I have put to you; and through it I have managed to gather strength by my understanding in­creasing, with the web of confusion clearing gradually.

Once again, may God bless you both for your wonderful sacrifice. You also helped me to realize that I was correct originally in suspecting the teachings of the JW’s and RGJ’s dreaming interpretations, which to me was playing havoc with Biblical doc­trines. I fully agree with you that That Servant and the Epiphany Messenger are in harmony and reliable to all who approach their work with an honest, sincere and an ana­lytical studious mind...........

My prayers are for you both and my best wishes. May the Spirit of God be always with you all according to His will. Numbers 6:21–26.

Your Brother and Sister ------- (ENGLAND)


Dear Brother Hoefle:

Am sending a few dollars to help in the Truth – and I hope it finds you pleasing in His sight. My prayer is that all men would see His Goodness and trust in Him ­and enjoy the peace that only He can give. In His name ------- (FLORIDA)


Dear Fellow Students in our School of Christ: Peace be unto you!

I have been meaning to write and thank you for the articles you send me. I do appreciate them, and I often think of telling you – but things interfere with good in­tentions. But I do enjoy your papers and I think that is a wonderful service for our Master. I am a Bible Student – grateful for Pastor Russell’s writings. They have helped me so much in the understanding of our Father’s Word. But as our Pastor said, “Accept Truth wherever you find it – no matter what it contradicts, if it is in harmony with God’s Word.” So I read all magazines that hold any interest for me. Some literature is so weak and watered down, it has no interest for me. But I do enjoy your papers, even if I am slack in saying so.

May the Lord bless you and your service. Sincerely ------- (CONNECTICUT)


Dear Mr. Hoefle:

   Thank you for your fine bulletin which I appreciated reading.

Cordially yours, in Jesus’ Name ------- Institute of Holy Land Studies ------- (ISRAEL)


Dear Brother Hoefle:

It came as a spring of water in a dry place to receive your love gift which we gratefully acknowledge for use in working for the ‘peace of Jerusalem.’

It is very interesting to read your comments about the Watch Tower. We pray that these deluded but sincere people, that their eyes will be opened to the Truth.

We pray for your recovery – that the Lord’s healing hand be upon you. And we agree with your penultimate paragraph namely, that the Jews in Jerusalem will not get any lasting peace until ‘they cry unto the Lord in their trouble’ (Jacob’s last trouble). We also invoke 2 Chronicles 7:14 which states that if the Jews will repent and seek God’s face that He will ‘heal their land.’

You will shortly receive our members’ Newsletter which is presently being printed. We hope it will encourage you.

Warm Christian greetings and brotherly love.

Jeshua Adonai! (Jesus is Lord!) Shalom ------- (CHRISTIAN ACTION FOR ISRAEL)



Thank you for The Herald of the Epiphany of October 1, 1975 and May 1, 1976 (Where are the Dead and What is the Soul—JJH)

For years this has been my belief about death. Sincerely ------- (FLORIDA)


Epiphany Bible, Pastor:

I have just read your pamphlet No. 1 (Where are the Dead—JJH), and I agree with everything except the sentence on page 4 and the remainder of it on page 5... I would like copies No. 2 through 10 and No. 121.

Thank you! ------- (MASSACHUSETTS)


To The Epiphany Bible Students Ass’n:

Please send the following to ------- Editions No, 1, Where are the Dead; No. 2, What is the Soul; No. 3, The Resurrection of the Dead; and No. 8, The Permission of Evil. Thank you!

In Christ ------- (UTAH)


Dear Brother Hoefle: May Grace and Peace be unto you and yours!

I am acknowledging receipt of five pounds from Brother ------- on behalf of the Lord’s service. We are also in receipt of the November and December articles, of which I am most appreciative.

It is heartrending to see how one who had been so much enlightened in Present Truth could be so blind. Nevertheless, the Scriptures assure us when the Light in one becomes Darkness, how great is that Darkness. We certainly fear for them. RGJ has al­ways resorted to his usual twist to find himself out of his mire of sin – and so his ledlings. Your refutation on his July-August Present Truth is very much to the point. But I believe when he thinks his defeat is forgotten on this and other subjects, he will again continue on his wayward course. I have keenly observed how his errors have de­stroyed so many of his adherents, both by their general conduct and the Knowledge of the Truth: They have lost the “love of the Truth.” The evil days are upon us, and we need to take heed lest we fall. The year is rapidly closing, leaving behind so much to be grateful for – though trialsome they may be, yet we learn obedience from the things which we suffer.

May the dear Lord richly bless your labor of love. With your prayers on my be­half as I endeavor to do His will, that the Lord may keep His faithful ones amidst this severe time of trouble upon whom the “ends of the Ages” are come.

Sincerely ------- (JAMAICA)