No. 292
Comes once more the anniversary of the demise of the Parousia and Epiphany Messengers – both in late October, one in 1916 and the other in 1950. That these brethren were giants in their understanding of Holy Writ and related subjects was conceded by all who knew them well. A very pertinent proof of this statement is one offered by one of the Parousia’s outstanding and able pilgrims, who said, after the split in 1917, “He (the Epiphany Messenger) made us all (the other pilgrims) look like thirty cents.” Despite this glowing praise, which we consider warranted, we would emphasize at the outset that neither of them was infallible; they both made mistakes, some of which resulted in a festering sore for quite a few of their supporters.
In fact, during the Parousia, from 1874 to 1914, there were five siftings, which St. Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 10:6-11 were typified by the experiences of the Jews during their forty years’ wandering in their journey to Canaan. Among the worst of these was the 1908-1911 sifting, which shook the entire Church – particularly here in America – to its very foundations. Those of us familiar with the situation know the physical and mental distress that gripped the Parousia Messenger during that time – because he thought the blame for it rested mainly at his doorstep.
Despite the foregoing, we think and believe he was definitely and clearly the antitype of Jeremiah, of whom it is written in Jer. 1:5: “I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” It is clearly recorded in the Bible how the ancient prophet foretold the overthrow of Israel (typical of Christendom) for forty years – just as the Parousia Messenger foretold the overthrow of Christendom. No one else during that time opened his mouth about the Gentile Times ending in 1914; and the Parousia Messenger accepted meekly and humbly a tremendous amount of ridicule and persecution for his predictions concerning that date. But, when the great War burst like a bombshell out of a sunny sky, that event certainly shut the mouths of all his 1914 critics – although many of those same people then began to cudgel him about his doctrinal teachings; and we know the punishment he received from that source. However, those of us who were living then know what a terrible event that War was.
The Bible Students (his supporters) received vicious treatment in many countries of Christendom; some of them were actually killed, while others rotted in foul jails, with food of the worst sort. All this was typified by the experience of the three Hebrews in Dan. 3:13-23 – when they “heated the furnace one seven times more than it was wont to be heated.” Here in the antitype they would be sure to rid themselves of those hated Bible Students. We speak now from personal experience in the affair; but we also speak from personal experience when we quote the result for the three Hebrews – which exactly described our own delivery at that time: “Those men upon whose bodies the fire had no power, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.”
The foregoing all happened at the very end of the Parousia Messenger’s ministry 1914-1916; and we now resume explanation of those Scriptures that applied more to the beginning of his ministry. In Jer. 4:1 the Prophet pleads with the Hebrews to repent and forsake their evil ways – just as did the Parousia Messenger in his message to Christendom: “Return, 0 Israel... put away thine abominations out of my sight.” If they would do this, the nations would bless themselves in Abraham’s seed in the Millennium, thus boasting in God, and not in themselves. (2) Then in v. 3 God addresses nominal spiritual Israel (Christendom during the Parousia) – they should consecrate themselves to God, putting away sin, error, selfishness and worldliness from their hearts, lest the great tribulation come and destroy them as an incurable evil – because of their great sins. The Prophet then tells them in v. 6, “I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction,” – which indeed the great war turned out to be. Continuing as it did for about 4½ years, it made insolvent all the nations directly involved, devaluing their currencies so greatly that quite often some of them were used to light a cigar.
Unknown to them (but clearly recognized by the Parousia Messenger), the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Jesus) had secretly returned, and by secular and religious truth was shaping things toward the great tribulation (the Epiphany—JJH). At the same time Satan had also arisen to scheme the desolation of society, and especially so the various sects. (v. 7) Of course, the sects did not like to hear this; and here they come well within the criticism of Zech. 7:12-14: “They made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the Lord of Hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets... they cried, and I would not hear... but I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations whom they knew not... the land was desolate after them ... they laid the pleasant land desolate.”
On account of the great tribulation, these sects will be in great mourning (both Big and Little Babylon), for the fierce anger of the Lord is toward them. (v. 8) As a result, it should come to pass in that day that combined courage of State and Church shall fail; the leaders will be dumfounded, and the general members will wonder. (v. 9) They have been greatly deceived in believing that peace would prevail, but they received just the reverse. “They have sown the wind (the great war), and they shall reap the whirlwind (Anarchy)... Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure.” (Hos. 8:7,8) This shall touch the Jews also in Jacob’s Trouble. Then it shall be said of these sects and the State-Church combination that a most distressing war – a figurative dry and dusty wind – (a literal one in Palestine is called a sorroco), in which one cannot fan or cleanse himself for comfort – a malady that cannot be relieved by human effort (v. ll), during which time the true church would pronounce the judgment written. (Psa. 149:5-9) The tribulation will come as troubles (which it certainly did in 1914 and subsequently, and is still continuing) followed by revolutions and anarchies, becoming now more apparent with every passing day. On every hand the peoples are crying, “Woe unto us! for we are spoiled.” (v. 13)
The Church-State combination will be told to cleanse itself from evils – how long will unprofitable plans remain with it? From one end of Christendom to the other (from Dan to Ephraim) will the great tribulation be publicized. Let it be told to the nations that the radicals. (Communists, Anarchists, etc.) will besiege Christendom (which is now in the year 1979 apparent on every hand). The afflictions of the radicals besiege the unclean sects on all sides because they have sinned against the Lord. Their teachings and practices have brought these evils upon her. They are as gall and wormwood upon them, the evils reaching into their hearts. At all this antitypical Jeremiah’s sympathies were deeply touched; he could not be quiet because his very soul heard the strifeful agitations and the call. One destructive battle after another was announced; all society was disturbed; homes (especially of the rich – as seen in Italy particularly) were suddenly despoiled. Yet, despite all this, the warring flags and trumpet sounds of war are much in evidence. (v. 21)
Jeremiah in the type (and Jeremiah in the antitype) lamented the folly of the people in ignoring his teachings – they are stupidly drunk with error, no real intelligence, wise in evil doing, but quite stupid in their understanding of what is good. (22) And because of this society would be destroyed, and their spiritual powers in full error. (23) “The mountains (powerful autocracies) are trembling, and the hills (democratic governments) are easily moved.” (24) The result would be no civil leaders or ecclesiastic promoters. (25) The places of prosperity would be made desolate, with all the sects overthrown through God’s hostile presence (by His Son) and fierce wrath. (26) The whole land will be desolate, although a “full end” will not come to the human race. Some will survive the trouble. (27) Therefore, society and the powers of spiritual control will be clothed in mourning; the Lord will not repent from His purpose in this. (28)
This condition will bring about the downfall of all Christendom; they shall bear the brunt of controversial theorists and those with sharp tongues. They shall try to hide themselves in secret places (“Let the mountains fall on us”); and flee to the strong fortresses of society; the sects shall be abandoned and no longer have leaders to comfort them. (29) And the question was put to the nominal church, What will you do when this happens? Their attempt to put on better clothes will avail them nothing, and attempts to make themselves appear attractive will avail them nothing; all her former supporters will forsake them (the sects). Antitypical Jeremiah heard the anguish pangs of Christendom – the voice of nominal Zion in utmost mourning, lamenting over her growing destruction, pleading for deliverance, but finding none – worn out by ruthless slaying of her supporters. “My soul is wearied because of murders.” (31)
Antitypical Jeremiah continues in Chapter 5, by writings and oral discourses, the fallen condition of Christendom. The people search earnestly for a true leader, God promising to forgive them if they should find one. (5:1) But those who claimed to be doing their Christian duty were simply lying. (2) The Parousia Messenger, in his disappointed search, cried to the Lord that he was intent on the Truth and its Spirit. He said that God had afflicted His nominal people to bring them to their senses, but they had not responded, that he had tried to reform them, but they had rejected this also. They hardened themselves like flint; they refused to return to their first love (3) They were then told that they were lacking in spiritual wealth, knowing not the conduct or teachings approved of God. (4) Therefore, he sought the company of their great men to see if they had the conduct and teaching that God approves; but he found they had forsaken these, although still claiming the powers once Divinely given them, attempting to ‘beauty-parlor’ their despicable qualities and acts to make them appear attractive; but failed completely. Therefore, God would bring upon them war, revolution and anarchy, which would slay, devastate and tear them to pieces. (6) This because they had given up God, and embraced various forms of sin, error, selfishness and worldliness – after He had satisfied their hunger and thirst with the bread and water of life. They had formed an unholy alliance with the world and its allurements. (7) They behaved as fully-fed horses who were ‘feeling their oats.’ (8)
To the true church God charges they should attack the nominal church’s powers and do a demolishing work there, but not to complete the destruction, since their evils were not God’s. (10) Then comes the scathing rebuke – Both the houses of Israel (fleshly and spiritual) have dealt very treacherously with God. (11) They have misrepresented Him to the extent that they by their works and teachings had denied Him, considering themselves safe therein. But the leaders “shall become wind” (13); the word will devour them in their standing as professed Christians.
Therefore, God threatens to bring upon them the radical elements of Christendom whose language the so-called Christians do not understand, nor do they appreciate the meaning of their theories. These radicals are mighty men who will devour the nominal church’s theories. They will devour their middle and strong members. They will impoverish all her sects, eat their bread which their children should eat, and destroy them as imitation Christians – “tares” (18) And when those tares should ask of the Truth people why God does these things to us, you may answer them that as they have forsaken the Truth and its spirit, so the Lord has forsaken them. (19)
God then declares that the following message should be delivered to the nominal church in Europe and America: Should not these foolish and undiscerning ones fear the Lord and tremble at the presence of Him who is so powerful – who holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands? (22) But these tares are revolting and rebellious people; neither do they admit that ours is a God of justice, wisdom, power and love – who gave them much Truth in the Jewish and Gospel-Age harvests. (24) Then God tells them that their iniquities and sins have hidden these truths from them. For among the tares there had arisen many evil leaders, who set traps to catch men – especially those with money and influence. (26) They are saturated with defiling errors and deceptions; they are experts in wielding the cheap psychology which they acquired in many of the higher institutions of learning. This makes them appear magnified and attractive, yet they do not practice justice or render real help to the poor who are in need. They are waxen fat, and they shine as great ones. The preachers preach error – error so deceptive that it keeps the great ones in undeserved power and influence. Yet there must come a reckoning, and how will they meet it when it comes?
Chapter 6 – Here God addresses His real people, admonishing them to flee out of the midst of the nominal church, and declare that destruction is sure to come upon the nominal church. (6:1) God likened Zion to a polished and beautiful woman, against whom the Truth leaders and their supporters would besiege and make prey. (3) These are exhorted to make war against nominal Zion – increasingly so as the Parousia Day was drawing to its close. After 1914 the first smiting of Jordan occurred, and judgment began to be executed against the nations—Psa. 149:9. (4) Her main teachings began to be overthrown.
The Truth people were told to prepare pertinent teachings for her besiegement. She is to be punished because she is a complete oppressor. (6) Like a spring pouring forth its waters, so she brings forth sin, error, selfishness and worldliness. She is infamous for her violations of the Truth and its Spirit, causing sorrow and wounds, which cry continually to the Lord for stripes. (7) Yet God tells her to reform, lest she become desolate and bereaved as to the Truth and its Spirit. God asks as to who it is to whom He should appeal, since her ears are stopped; and the Word is a reproach to them, in which they have no joy. Their denominations will be given to foreigners, along with their labors and state-allianced churches. He will stretch forth His power against the sphere of their teachings. For the least unto the greatest are devoted to avarice; preachers and main leaders alike deal erroneously (13), pretending to heal easily the ills of God’s nominal people with assurances of prosperity, prosperity, when there is none. They were not ashamed because of their abhorrent acts; therefore, God declares they would fall and be abased at the time of their visitation. (15) Therefore, God exhorts them to retain what little Truth they do have, and to seek for it in the Bible as made clear by God’s mouth – a way that will bring rest to the seeker; but they refused to do this. (16)
God also sent teachers among them – especially the Parousia Messenger and his pilgrims – but they refused to hear. (17) Therefore, God exhorted them to recognize the wrath that was in their midst. Addressing all classes, God warns that He would bring tribulation upon the whole assembly, since they had refused and rejected God’s words and law. To no avail do they sacrifice their choice human powers in missionary work to the Jews and the heathen. Some of us will recall that late in the Parousia the nominal church declared that if God would give them thirty million dollars, they would convert the world to Christianity. They received the money; then asked for a man big enough to do the job; and He gave them Billy Sunday! Their burnt offerings have been unacceptable, and the sacrifices unacceptable. (20) Therefore, the Lord would place stumbling-blocks before them; neighbors and friends alike would perish, as we see it progressing at this day. (21)
God declared that spirits, good and bad, would sally forth against the nominal church, and servants of these would spring up in all directions. (22) Some of these would use sharp sayings against Zion – hard-hearted, merciless, revolutionists arrayed against nominal Zion. They have heard of these people, and anguish seizes them progressively unto a climax. (24) Zion exhorts its members not to go into the world, neither accept the Truth, for such are armed with weapons that arouse fear everywhere. (25) They are advised to put on sackcloth and sit in ashes – “for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.”
Jeremiah in type and antitype is set as a tower and a fortress among God’s nominal people. The latter are declared to be melted silver, powerful in evil and corrupting the Truth; but the wicked are not plucked away. They shall be called “reprobate silver” Truth cast off, because the Lord has rejected them.
Chapter 7 – Here again the typical and antitypical Jeremiahs are told to tell God’s people of their failings, saying that He would bless them if they would amend their ways. Especially here in the end of the Age was the message to be declared that Greek, Roman and Protestant Churches were not God’s temple. He told them if they would amend their ways, he would spare them, but they trust in lying words that cannot profit. (8) But they burn incense to Baal (type of power-graspers and false teachers). Is my house become a den of robbers, asks the Lord? Therefore, will God utterly cast them away, as He did the primitive church and the less favored people of God. (15)
Then both Jeremiahs were forbidden to pray for these reprobate churches, asking the question, Do you not see what is going on? The small and the great there all work together and bow to “the queen of heaven” (antitypical Semiramis). Therefore, God’s full wrath will be poured out against the nominal church. He reminds them that he brought their fathers out of Egypt (type of this present evil world), and told them, “Obey my voice, and I will be your God.” But they would not listen; thus they went backward and not forward. Then the charge is leveled against them: “Since your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt (type of this present evil world) I have sent unto you all my servants (the Star Members and lesser special teachers), but they hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers.”
Despite their obstinate refusal to hear, antitypical Jeremiah was told to warn them still more; but they would not receive correction or accept the Truth. Thus, the nominal church lost more and more of the Truth and its Spirit, and God rejected and forsook them. They had set up detestable things in God’s house, such as eternal torment, etc., and offered their strong and weak as victims of this abominable teaching, which God had never taught them because it was a direct contradiction to His great attributes of Justice, Wisdom, Power and Love. But it was emphasized to them that they would reject this abomination as the day of wrath increased – and we see this going on at the present time. Very few intelligent people now believe in eternal torment as the wages of sin. According to God’s inspired Word, the wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23) And saith the Lord, that this eternal torment thing shall be known as the valley of slaughter. Unburied, the dead of revolution and anarchy will lie from one end of the earth to the other, with none to mourn or bury them: They “shall be meat for the fowls of heaven.” (33) The voice of the Bridegroom and the voice of the Bride would be heard no more in her at all. This was true in 1916 when all the Very Elect came out of Babylon.
Chapter 8 – The condemnatory message then continues: In that great trouble the memories of their past evils will come vividly to mind, and their false teachers will be exposed. The anarchists will discuss the evils of the past – before the Roman and Protestants, hierarchs and clergy; their past deeds will be considered as refuse everywhere in society. And death, rather than life, will be the choice of those who remain. The question arises, Why do my professed people backslide and hold fast deceit? And though these backsliders hear, they do not repent. This is apparent on every side at this day, although Anarchy is yet some years away. The birds and beasts observe their times and seasons, but not so with backsliding Israel. (7) They have set at naught the law of the Lord, and the writings of their scribes are a vain effort. “They have rejected the word of the Lord; and what wisdom is in them?” (9) Therefore, their supporters will be given to more deserving leaders. The charge is hurled at them that they are covetous. From the least unto the greatest every one deals in error, and have accomplished little, although they yell, Peace (prosperity), peace, when there is no peace (prosperity).
They were not ashamed of their abominations; therefore shall they fall in the time of their visitation. (12) These people reproach one another and agitate that people join the churches as defendable and safe places, but maintain silence at the Truth attacks leveled against them; they have been forced to drink water of gall. Their hopes for prosperity faded; and their hope of healing gave way to trouble. (15) The babble of theories was heard from one end of Christendom to the other. As has been well stated, Put two economists into a room to discuss the day’s problems, and they’ll come out with three different opinions. Thus the Lord sends subtle and poisonous theories with which they cannot cope, and which usually injure them. And this bad situation greatly troubled the Parousia Jeremiah. It also caused the church members to inquire in desperation, Is not the Lord in Zion? Is Christ not in the nominal church? But the answer comes back to them, They have displeased Him with their man-made creeds and useless practices. (19) The Parousia Jeremiah was much grieved with this sad situation; and he asks the question, Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there not something in the Word that would give them soothing relief?
Chapter 9 – He was greatly pained at the fallen condition in nominal Zion, and wept over them. He was told to “put a mark upon the foreheads” (instruct them in the Truth); and offered great solace to those who would receive it. But he found the most of them steeped in combinationism and blinded to the real understanding of the Word of the Lord. They speak lies, and are not valiant for the Truth, going from one evil to another. (9:3) Therefore, he warns his true supporters to beware of such, as they are bent upon wrongdoing, and they are clothed in deceit. Therefore, the Lord would cast them into the crucible of trouble, because their utterances are sharply deceitful; and for this God must punish them – that His own name might be vindicated.
God will bewail the autocratic kingdoms. The first of these to fall was Russia in the Fall of 1917. At that time it was one of the most absolute nonarchies that had ever existed; and for the Parousia Jeremiah to predict the sudden-downfall of such a strong civil power received only sneers from the upper crust of society. However, the following Fall the German Empire collapsed, forcing the Kaiser to flee into Belgium for safety. Since then one after the other has gone down, the last of which was Ethiopia. The “mountains” (strong autocratic governments) have all now been carried “into the midst of the sea” (Psa. 46:2), as the Parousia Jeremiah had predicted they would be. “The hills” (the democratic forms of government) also are being slowly disintegrated; and they will receive the same fate as have the mountains. All faces are “gathering blackness” (Joel 2:6)
The religious systems also are being overthrown – just as had been predicted – “no hire for man, nor any hire for beast, no peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: I have set all men every one against his neighbor.” (Zech. 8:10) All of this had been vividly foretold in Parousia Vol. 4 many years before any of it had made its appearance; and man’s inability go regulate himself becomes more glaring with each passing year. As he had so well stated, the worst form of government is better than none at all; and this is slowly dawning upon some of the better minds. When Batista was giving Cuba such a wretched administration, some well-meaning Americans went there to help Castro throw him out; but it is clear enough now that what he provided was vastly superior to what they have now. And the same may be said for about all the others that have overthrown their governments. In Iran now (written April 1979) the situation is a step away from anarchy. “the waters (the peoples) thereof roar and be troubled” (Psa. 46:3); yet we may calmly say, “The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.” (Psa. 46:11)
Much of Jeremiah’s writings may be classified as historical rather than prophetic; yet he (antitypical Jeremiah) also foretells those events with phenomenal accuracy; and he is due “double honor” for his courage and insight into human affairs when we consider the vicious opposition he received during his life. Thus we once more say of him, God bless his memory! And we may say the same for the Epiphany Messenger when we consider the valiant help he gave That Servant – and markedly so during the 1908-1911 sifting. As he said of himself concerning that experience, he had worked so arduously that he was well nigh unto death from exhaustion. They both were examples of the believers; a tower of strength to the lesser lights of the Harvest period. On one occasion a critic sneered to one of his supporters, You are just a follower of old Man Russell; to which the brother replied, You are certainly right there; all these years I have been following him, but I have never been able to catch up with him!
Sincerely your brother,
John J. Hoefle ,Pilgrim
QUESTION: – Does the parable of the Sower, where some bring forth an hundredfold, etc., (Matt. 13:8), refer to any other class besides the Little Flock?
ANSWER – No, this parable refers solely to the Little Flock. As That Servant says in the June 23 Manna, “The different measures of fruitage... mark different means of grace.” So none of the fruitage in this parable refers to the Measurably Faithful – or other classes. Crown-losers can’t properly use the sixtyfold or thirtyfold to apply to themselves, much less the hundredfold. As Brother Russell says in Reprint 1973: “But all such fruitful characters are appreciated and rewarded as ‘overcomers,’ and are of the ‘Little Flock’ to whom ‘it is the Father’s good pleasure to give the kingdom.’”
In this parable (Matt. 13:3-23) the Lord describes four classes of people: (1) “The wayside” – referring to those hardened hearts that are irreligious and impossible of conversion in this Faith Age. In those days there were very few fences in Palestine; and the roads often went right through the sower’s field, so it was easy enough for some of the seed to go beyond the ground for which he intended it.
(2) The stony places” – not much earth. This represents that class who attend revival meetings, become temporarily exhilarated with the oratory, go to the altar and make loud confessions of faith; but quickly resort to their old habits when any ridicule or opposition comes upon them.
(3) “Some among the thorns” – “upon thorny ground” (See Dia.). This would imply that the thorns were not there when the sower cast forth his seed (“all called in the one hope of your calling”—Eph. 4:4), but the “thorns sprung up (grew after the planting) and choked them.” As That Servant has so well explained, the thorns in Palestine grew to great height; and they represent the crown-losers during this Age, some of whom have grown to great height. In many instances they have outshone the Fully Faithful – gained more recognition.
However, they are all doubleminded (Jas. 1:8 – “the Great Company who are inconsistent” –Berean Comment). They work part of the time for the Lord, but their fleshly minds worked for Satan, as they built up Great Babylon – which they will continue to do until their fleshly minds are destroyed. They are “delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh (fleshly mind), that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” (1 Cor. 5:5—this Epiphany Day)
The above statement needs some clarification: There have been quite a few spirit-begotten brethren who lost their crowns during the Gospel Age. And many of them have failed to recognize themselves as such; they were not aware that they had lost “the pearl of great price.” (Matt. 13:46) This is confirmed by our Lord’s statement in Matt. 7:22,23, Dia.: “Many (a Great Multitude) shall say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?... and in thy name done many wonderful works? Then I will plainly declare to them, I never approved of you.” Certainly, the Lord did not approve of the work of John Calvin in his torture and murder of Star Member Servetus, or of some of the work of St. (?) Augustine, Whiteside and similar characters.
However, that situation changed noticeably here in the end of the Age – especially so since 1910 when That Servant wrote numerous articles about crown-losers in the Watch Towers; and from that time on his articles were so clear and forceful that even a novice in the Truth could not but recognize some of these qualities in some of the brethren. And some of these people have since openly admitted they are crown-losers. Therefore, there is no excuse for them, or others in the Truth, to apply texts to crown-losers that apply exclusively to crown-retainers. See the Parable of the Sower, especially those on Thorny Grounds. (See Matt. 13:7 and Berean Comment) So any of them who recognize themselves as such and apply these Little Flock texts to themselves, simply reveal themselves as shallow thinkers, or else they are power-graspers and manifest the operation of Baal (worshipers) in the worst form.
Rev. 14:13 tells us that the “works” of the Little Flock follow after them (see Dia.); and nowhere do the Scriptures tell us that any of their works shall be burned. However, 1 Cor. 3:15 tells us that the ‘‘work’’ (singular) of the Great Company shall be burned. What work is to be burned? The work of their “fleshly minds” – which is the work for Azazel. The outstanding work of such people is the construction of Babylon the Great, which made “all nations drunk.” (Rev. 18:3 – Berean Comments: “Of wine, mixed wine; false and true doctrines mixed”) Is it not the construction of Great Babylon that has made “all nations drunk”? One of the chief evils of Babylon the Great has been sectarianism; and there were quite a few in the Parousia Movement afflicted with this malady, even though the Parousia Messenger vigorously denounced sectarianism. He told his supporters not to put out any of his literature until they had read it first, and were convinced that it was the Truth. But, sad to say, there are many in the various Truth groups today that are grossly sectarian. Of course, the destruction of Great Babylon in the “fire” of Armageddon when “all the earth shall be devoured by the fire of my jealousy” (Zeph. 3:8), will cleanse quite a few of the Lord’s people from the evil of sectarianism.
Class No. 4 – The wheat class that brought forth fruit – “an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.” As has That Servant so ably explained, this does not refer to different classes, but refers exclusively to the “wheat” class – the Little Flock. Therefore, to speak of crown-losers as bringing forth an hundredfold, sixtyfold or thirtyfold, is a claim with no Scriptural foundation – and is presumptuous.
There are some Scriptures which apply to the Little Flock that in substance can apply to other classes; however, no other classes can apply Scriptures to themselves that are meant exclusively for the Fully Faithful Little Flock. One of these texts that belongs exclusively to the Little Flock is, “Well done, thou good and faithful Servant.” (Matt. 25:21,23) This is the Talent Parable, and the crown-losers are represented in the “one-talent” man. (Matt. 25:24-28)
Certainly the Great Company “who through fear of death (fear of the sacrificial death) were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Heb. 2:15) could not apply Scriptures to themselves that apply only to the Fully Faithful Little Flock, who were all their lifetime “singleminded” instead of “doubleminded” – they were not “subject to bondage” but rather free indeed. (See Mark 7:11; John 8:32,36 – also see Berean Comments on Heb. 2:14,15) “If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire.” (1 Cor. 3:15 – See Berean Comment)
Note Rev. 14:13, Dia.: “From this time blessed are those dead who die in the Lord; ... that they may rest from their labours; for their works follow after them.” (An exclusive Little Flock text – See Berean Comment)
Although many of the Scriptures quoted herein are descriptive of the Great Company in their uncleansed condition, we rejoice in the Lord’s goodness to them when they are fully cleansed. Rev. 7:14-17 assures us they will be victors, even though they are not “more than conquerors” as are the Fully Faithful; and Psa. 25:8 is also comforting: “Good and upright is the Lord: therefore, will he teach sinners (the Great Company) in the way.” And further in Psa. 45:14,15: “The virgins (the Great Company) her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee. With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter in the king’s palace.”