No. 324
In 1 Cor. 10:11, Dia., it is stated, “These things (the five evils related to vs. 6 through 10) happened to them typically (from the Greek tupos, meaning type), and were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of the ages have come.” This Scripture had its primary application in the end of the Jewish Age, with its secondary application applying to the end of the Gospel Age. However, there have been “ends” of other previous Ages; and with the ending of each one some outstanding event occurred – either violent or of ominous portent, or both. But those occurrences were foreknown by only a very small minority, with the vast majority of mankind either having no knowledge whatever of coming events, or ignoring the warning concerning them.
Regarding Noah, it is written that he was “a preacher of righteousness,” so we may safely conclude that he did his share of preaching concerning the approaching deluge; but Jesus said that they went on eating, drinking, marrying, etc., in the ordinary affairs of life “until the flood came and destroyed them all.” Thus, the first world Age ended with a stupendous act of violence, which destroyed all human beings except those in the Ark.
Came next the Patriarchal Age, which ended with the death of Jacob. It also ended with a certain tenor of violence – Jacob and all his descendants (70 in number) were forced into Egypt because they were hungry. At the time both Jacob and Joseph (two of the “just” men described in Hebrews 11) considered the move into Egypt as a blessing from the Lord. Had they had the slightest premonition of subsequent events, they would certainly not have made the move; but that knowledge was purposely withheld from them because God was there beginning a “tupos” (Greek for the English word “type”), which was the most comprehensive of all Old Testament types in that it had application in the Gospel Age to the enslavement and deliverance of God’s people from antitypical Egypt (the world of sin), and to the deliverance of all the remaining individuals of the human race in the Millennium, and having its grand finale at the end of the Little Season, when will be fulfilled the antitype of the destruction of Pharaoh and his host, and the deliverance of all the sheep into everlasting Paradise restored. While the event of the Red Sea was not the end of an Age, it was the end of an era, and with it came the mass destruction and violence of the Red Sea episode.
In the strictly limited sense, the Patriarchal Age (the “fathers”—2 Pet. 3:4) refers to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the Jewish Age began with the death of Jacob – when his twelve sons each became the head of one of the tribes of Israel). They are definitely the ancestors of what we recognize as the Jewish race. However, in the broad sense the Patriarchal Age began with Noah, with his son Shem being the progenitor of the Jewish race – Shemites, or Semites, as the name is now used.
At the end of the Jewish Age and the beginning of the Gospel Age came again event; of great portent – the Advent of Jesus, followed by great violence in the year 70 in the destruction of Jerusalem and the unbelieving Jews, with only a very small minority once again understanding the turn of things. The Jews had been given the Divine revelation at Sinai, with the strict ritual of the Aaronic priesthood and their whole religious system; and that system had become so imbedded in their hearts and minds that it was indeed meat and drink to them – although they had strayed far afield from the real intents and purposes of the various ceremonies. St. Paul had told them that the things that happened to the fathers during their forty-year stay in the Wilderness of Sin were very pointedly “tupos” (types) of things that were happening during St. Paul’s life; but they “made their hearts as adamant stone (diamond point), lest they should hear the law, and the word which the Lord of hosts hath sent in His spirit by the prophets.” (Zech. 7:12) And extreme violence by the Roman Army resulted in the destruction of many of them, and the overthrow of their religious and political establishments.
Once more we have presently come to “the end of the age” – the Gospel Age; and again a “time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation” – extreme violence on every hand – a greatly enlarged repetition of the condition in the days of Noah, when “the earth was filled with violence.” (Gen. 6:11) And here once more only a mere segment of the population have had even a blurred understanding of events. When the violence broke forth in 1914 there was perhaps thirty or forty thousand Watch Tower subscribers, from a total of about two billion members of the human race. A certain number of the latter had heard the forecast of impending doom, but gave little or no heed thereto, although many millions then living had not even heard of what was coming.
And just as great changes came with the passing of the Jewish Age, so even greater changes are now in progress, with just a small minority understanding their significance. And this applies with more or less force even to those who claim to understand “the present truth.” All who have even a smattering of present truth understand that the time will arrive here in the end of the Age when there will be no further opportunity to partake of the “high calling.” Some have properly concluded that such a condition has already arrived – in the rather distant past – that the “plowman overtook the reaper” when the reaping work came to a stop in those countries of Christendom that were engulfed in the world war in 1914.
The Jewish Age reached its fullness at its end – when the Messiah made His appearance. “The people that sat in darkness saw great light.” (Matt. 4:16) The time of favor for the Jews reached its sad end at the time they “crucified the Lord of Glory.” Immediately thereafter the nation began to wane, and was completely unbalanced in the year 70, when the dispersion began, the priesthood and the ceremonial features of the Law were completely obliterated. A certain degree of analogy may be made here in the end of the Age with the Truth Movement, which reached its climax in 1914-16, after which that Movement also began to wane. All who are at all familiar with conditions then know it would be an insult to Brother Russell to compare his brilliant performance with that which followed his death. And that change at 1916, when he died, has been sadly deteriorating in the years that have followed. Shortly after the Apostles passed away the great Apostasy appeared, which developed in scope and strength until the Bible itself was given little or no study; people believed what they were told by their renegade leaders. And similar phase has been developing with us since 1914, so that today many so-called Truth people do not even know what Brother Russell taught; he is seldom quoted by many, as they also blindly accept what their leaders tell them.
It is a notable feature of the Jewish and Christian religious that each of them began with a true priesthood (Aaron and his sons), which slowly degraded into priestcraft, then into priestgraft (a “den of thieves” when Jesus arrived—Matt. 21:13). The twelve Apostles followed the course of Aaron even more rigidly than did Aaron – never took up a collection. When St. Paul acknowledged a gift from some of his beloved supporters, he said this: “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” (Phil. 4:17) And he relates some very interesting features of his self-denials in 2 Cor. 11:21-28.
Most Truth people today still believe that the 144,000 described in Rev. 7:14; 14:1, etc., is a literal number; but it is impossible to reconcile that belief with some of their other teachings. Taken as a whole, those organizations that have developed from the Parousia Truth Movement contain many more than 144,000 who think they are of that number thus there is something sadly askew somewhere. Brother Russell was firmly convinced that he was conducting the reaping of the Gospel-age Harvest, which persuaded him to the further opinion that it would end shortly, after which no more would enter that select group of the 144,000 who “stood with the Lamb on Mount Zion.” He saw, too, that a considerable time would elapse between the selection of the last one of that group and the establishment of the Kingdom in power and great glory. This prompted him to write the following article (Reprints 4835), into which we have inserted a few comments of our own, none of which change the thought of the writer; they simply offer a little elaboration:
“I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Rom. 12:1) Nowhere in the Scriptures are we commanded by the Lord to sacrifice our earthly rights and privileges. The Divine commands end at the line of justice. In other words, justice and righteousness are one and the same thing. Sacrifice, self-denial, taking up the cross to follow Jesus, are all propositions away beyond the Divine law. The Law Covenant proffered a perpetuation of human life to all who would fulfill its requirements. None of the Jews, with whom that Covenant was made, were able to fulfill those requirements, except the One who came from above and for whom was provided a perfect human body, which enabled Him to keep the requirements of the Law Covenant, entitling Him, therefore, to everlasting earthly life.
The New Law Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34), under the antitypical Mediator, will offer the same reward of everlasting human perfection to all who will fulfill its requirements. Its superiority over the first Law Covenant will consist in its having a better Mediator, capable of helping mankind fully out of condemnation, death and weakness and authorized so to do because of the merit of His “better sacrifices.”
But while Jesus, born under the Law, was obligated to the conditions of that Covenant and fulfilled them and through them had a right to everlasting earthly life – He did more. He sacrificed that earthly life – laid it down – permitted sinful men to take it from Him without resistance, although He had the power to call for legions of angels for protection. This was His sacrifice. He did not sacrifice sinful weaknesses, for He had none. He sacrificed perfect life and all His legal rights and privileges. His reward for so doing was exaltation from the human nature to the Divine nature – far above that of angels, principalities and powers. (Eph. 1:21) Thus exalted, He has the human rights (which He never forfeited) to give Adam and his race – their ransom-price. These He will give to them in the end of this Age, applying them to the sealing of the New Law Covenant, under which Israel and all mankind may be restored to all that was lost through the first man’s disobedience.
Throughout this Gospel Age the Law Covenant has continued upon the Jews only, the remainder of the world of mankind being without any Covenant with God and waiting for the “times of restitution” under the New Law Covenant of the future. (Acts 3:19-21; Jer. 31: 31-34) It is during this time (the Gospel Age) that God draws and calls a certain loyal class and gives them an opportunity of sharing with their Redeemer in sacrificial death. The faithful will be counted His members, or His bride of joint-heirs in His Kingdom of Glory and honor and immortality. All men, in proportion as they know the Divine will (what is just, from the Divine standpoint), are correspondingly duty bound to fulfill that righteous requirement or Law of God to the extent of ability. But those desirous of following in the footsteps of Jesus are shown what they can do more than justice; but they are not commanded to do more. All sacrificing is a privilege, not a duty, not a command. “Brethren, ... present your bodies living sacrifices.” He did not command this. To have made it a command would at once prevent the opportunity of sacrifice. What we sacrifice is something that is not commanded. Whatever is commanded of God is obligation and not sacrifice.
The Ancient Worthies presented their bodies, laid down their lives, renouncing earthly rights, but they did not sacrifice for sin. Why? God did not call for human sacrifices for sin prior to Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself. God was unwilling to accept imperfect, blemished creatures at His altar. They might lay down their lives, but He would not count them sacrifices. Jesus was accepted as a sacrifice for sin because He was perfect, and His followers, since Pentecost, have been acceptable as sacrifices, because they were perfect – made so by the Redeemer’s imputation to them of a sufficiency of His merit to compensate their blemishes. The spirit-begotten are reckoned perfect so long as they are faithful.
Aaron was commanded to offer the sin-offering sacrifices of the Day of Atonement “without blemish,” which he scrupulously did. And it is probably true that the renegade priesthood that developed later also meticulously followed that procedure, because those priests would have died had they offered a blemished animal; and we have no record that any of them ever did die through failure to keep that law. Jesus in His perfection was the antitype of the Atonement Day bullock; and His Gospel-Age followers – represented in the Atonement Day Lord’s goat – are reckoned perfect because of the perfection of Jesus Himself.
Thus this Gospel Age in called the “acceptable day (or time) of the Lord,” because, during this Gospel Age, God is willing to accept a predestined number as joint-sacrificers with Jesus. But as soon as that predestined number shall have been completed the acceptable time will immediately end. No more presentations will be accepted as sacrifices – the antitypical Day of Atonement will have ended in its sacrificial part.
But suppose that some should present themselves after the close of the “acceptable time”; what would be their status and God’s dealing with them? Since God is unchangeable, we must assume that He would always be pleased to have His creatures devote their lives wholly and unreservedly to the doing of His will, as He was pleased with the faithfulness of the Ancient Worthies to lay down their lives before a Covenant of Sacrifice was in force. We may reason that as God has promised human perfection to those Ancient Worthies who laid down their lives, He would be willing similarly to reward any who might follow the same course after the completion of the Church – after the ending of the “acceptable time” of sacrifice.
Quite likely, therefore, there will be some in the end of this Age who, although faithful unto death, will not have been begotten of the Holy Spirit and not attain the spirit plane of being in the resurrection, but who will come forth members of the same class as the Ancient Worthies, who were developed before this Age began.
In view of these facts our advice to all who love the Lord and who desire to be in complete fellowship with Him is the same message that has gone forth throughout this Age – “We beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of Cod, present your bodies living sacrifices.” We cannot now assure them that, after presenting themselves as sacrifices, God will accept them as such and grant them spirit-begetting to a new nature; but we can assure them that God always gives large rewards to those who manifest their faith and loyalty towards Him and His cause. We can tell them, too, that, to our understanding, the Scriptures teach that the Ancient Worthies (of which they may be a part if they fail to be accepted to the new nature) will be highly honored of God, perfect on the human plane and made “princes in all the earth.” We can assure them that, to our understanding, these princes will have a glorious precedence over the remainder of mankind as the special representatives of the invisible Messiah class for a thousand years. We can assure them that, to our understanding, after participating in that glorious work, these princes will be uplifted at the close of the Millennium to the spirit plane of being – as part of the antitypical Levites.
Since none can know when the elect number will be fully completed (written in 1911, when the Truth on the subject was not yet due—JJH), all should be alike anxious to lay down their lives in the service of God and His truth. To say that we would refuse to serve because any uncertainty would prevail in our minds respecting the character of our reward would be to show our unworthiness of any favor of God, for, to be acceptable to Him, our service must not be rendered to obtain the reward, but to serve righteousness and to please God! It is not our privilege to try to drive a bargain with God. “I delight to do thy will, O God” – everything written in the Book. Hence at Memorial season all of the consecrated should manifest their love, loyalty, obedience, faithfulness, by symbolizing the Redeemer’s death and symbolizing also their own desire to share in the sufferings of Christ as parts of the “broken loaf” and as participators in the cup of His suffering.
We are to remember that none can enter either of these planes of instantaneous perfection in the resurrection unless his trial be finished successfully in the present life and by passing into death. The remainder of mankind, however, as already shown, will then have glorious opportunities and possibilities before them.
The question properly arises, Is there any Scriptural support for the foregoing opinion of That Servant? If it is “due truth,” then we should logically be able to find clear and ample substantiation for it in the Bible. It may be well to insert here that the largest group to emanate from the Parousia Truth Movement is the Jehovah’s Witnesses; and they now accept the fact that the High calling is closed. In fact, they were the first to make such announcement, claiming the date for it was Passover 1918. Based upon this, they named their Seventh Volume “The Finished Mystery,” the name being derived from Rev. 10:7. “The mystery of God (the secret features of His Plan, but especially that the Christ is 144,000 and One) should be finished.” However, they have since changed the date for the closing of the door to the High Calling many times; and they no longer distribute this book to their followers or any one else.
The Witnesses’ fiasco on their 1925 date forced some pronounced errors into their system. Prior to 1925 – or about eight years – they were making a world-wide proclamation “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” On that date the Ancient Worthies were to come back from the tomb, the Kingdom would be established, with the New Covenant in operation. But 1925 nothing more happened than it did in 1975 when they predicted Armageddon; so after 1925 they “discovered” a new class of people, the Jonadabs. However, that invention did not last very long; its appeal was just too thin to convince many people; so they then changed that class into another class, the Great Company, or “a great crowd” (Rev. 7:9), which error they teach to this day. Their “founder,” however, emphatically taught that the Great Company would be a spiritual class; and gave much logic and Scripture to prove his point. This also does not bother the Witnesses; and they by now have changed so much of what he taught that they bear no resemblance to what he taught than does the Roman Catholic Church in their system of error bear to what St. Peter taught when he was on earth.
The Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement also teaches that the High Calling is closed; and up to 1954 they had a name for the new ones who came with them – namely, Youthful Worthies. But since 1954 they have changed that, too, now styling their new converts Consecrated Epiphany Campers. Note the striking similarity here with the course of the Witnesses as given above. However, here again, they pay no attention at all to what Brother Russell taught, or what their founder taught, because neither of the two faithful mouthpieces ever gave the slightest hint of a class of consecrated Campers in the Faith Age, as part of the Household of Faith.
More than this, the LHMM claims their “Campers” are now walking the same “narrow way” in the Camp as did those who came with them before 1954 in the Court, so we cannot know the difference unless we ask them about the date. And for these they offer the reward of supplanting the faithful Jews of their God-given promise – “To the Jew first” – and have set aside the faithful teachings of the Two Messengers, as well as the inspired teaching of St. Paul.
However, they have no Scripture to prove their teaching that their Consecrated Campers will have a superior standing over other Restitutionists in the final separation of the Sheep and the Goats. At that time all Sheep will become kings – be equal – and have the same standing before God. Epiphany Volume 4, p. 334 substantiates this, as well as many other places. Brother Russell comforted the Jews by telling them that all faithful and believing Jews would receive the promise, “To the Jew first” – the believing Gentiles having an opportunity to join them by becoming proselyte Jews. As Brother Russell faithfully taught, the Kingdom will be Israelitish and all who would get the Kingdom blessings will have to become Israelites. He never told the Jews that they would have to walk a “narrow way” to get their God-given promise; and it is our understanding that the LHMM still use That Servant’s teaching in their efforts toward the Jew – “Comfort to the Jews.” It is their duty to explain to the Jews that if they are to be the very first in Kingdom blessings, they will have to consecrate now, walk a “narrow way” and become Consecrated Epiphany Campers.
In the July-August 1973 Present Truth, the LHMM tells us that the Jews who become Consecrated Epiphany Campers will share with the Gentile Consecrated Campers in being “first and chief” in the Kingdom. The Jehovah’s Witnesses also do that much for the Jews – even though they teach the Jews are no longer “God’s Chosen People” – they offer the individual Jew an opportunity of being Chief in the Kingdom by joining with them and becoming one of their “great crowd.”
In the article quoted above, Brother Russell said such consecrators in “the ends of the ages” would be rewarded along with the Ancient Worthies, which the LHMM now rejects – partially, at least. However, Brother Russell saw such a class, but gave us no Scripture to substantiate his opinion. But, when the Epiphany Messenger concentrated upon this teaching, he found numerous compelling Scriptures to substantiate the teaching, chief of which is Joel 2:28,29, from which text he coined the name Youthful Worthies.
Some may argue that this name is not found in the Bible, and we agree that it is not exactly so stated; but the same may be said for the Ancient Worthies. That name also was coined for the purpose by Brother Russell, but it has sound basis in Scripture. In Heb. 11:2 St. Paul says “the elders obtained a good report through faith.” The diaglott says “By this the ancients were attested.” In Psa. 119:l00 it is said, “I understand more than the ancients”; and the Hebrew word for ancients in the text is “zaqen,” which same word is translated “old men” in Joel 2:28. Paul refers to such as those of whom the “world was not worthy,” so we come easily by the name Elder Worthies, or Ancient Worthies. Much the same analysis applies to the Youthful Worthies, for the words translated “your young men” in Joel 2:28 are literally “your youthfuls,” from which we easily arrive at the term Youthful Worthies, because they are the same class of people as were the Ancient Worthies.
We leave for another writing the time elements pinpointing the above conclusions, other than to state now that the chronology is equally as convincing as the names themselves. However, Brother Russell has stressed the importance of “rightly dividing the word of Truth” here in the end of the Age, and we would join with him in this counsel. If we do not do so, much confusion and useless effort is sure to result. ‘‘Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me,” (Isa. 101:6)
This paper is a partial reprint of our No. 193, July 1, 1971 paper, with some additions and deletions. We trust the Truths given are edifying and a blessing to all who are “of the Truth.” “Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in present truth.” (1 Pet. 1:12)
Sincerely your brother.
John J. Hoefle, Pilgrim
Dear Brother & Sister Hoefle: Greetings in our Lord’s and Savior’s Name!
First, let me say how much I appreciated your hospitality. Secondly, I want to thank you for the literature you gave to me. It is interesting reading and I appreciate many of your thoughts and quotes.
I’m returning the letters in which you requested. You did an excellent job in answering the letter of Roger Chambers.
Thanks again for all you did and may the Lord bless you both abundantly.
Christian love ------- (FLORIDA)
Dear Friend in Christ:
We are in receipt of your publication of January 1, 1981 and find some of your comments on the Jews and Middle East events to be interesting.
From some of your statements we recognize that you are a follower of the late Charles T. Russell, founder-of the Bible Student movement. In the past we have had fellowship with Bible Student groups and are familiar with Pastor Russell’s doctrinal expositions. Much that he taught was true, although time has proven some of his chronological concepts to have been mistaken, his basic teachings on the atonement and the gospel of the kingdom were largely correct. He demonstrated an extreme interest in, and sympathy for, the Zionist hopes of the Jewish people and recognized the imminence of their restoration. His efforts to reach them with a message of Truth and Comfort regarding their restoration were undoubtedly in response to Scriptural admonition such as Isa. 40:1-2 where the prophet Isaiah urges, “Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, saith your God. Speak ye tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Isaiah is undoubtedly speaking here to those who can comfort Israel and give her the Truth regarding her warfare and the Gospel of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, many of Pastor Russell’s followers today have lost the vision and the insight which he had and have slumped into self-centered, sectarian concerns with regard to personal salvation only.
To regard present events in the Middle East as of no relevance to prophetic teachings and as of no personal concern, as many in the Christian churches do, is understandable where there is no knowledge of the real promise and hope of the Kingdom. But it is difficult to understand a similar disinterest on the part of those, like the Bible Student groups, who have been given a better understanding of the purposes for the restoration of Israel, especially in light of Chas. T. Russell’s example. I sometimes think of the responsibility indicated in our Lord’s statement, “For unto whom much is given, of him much shall be required.” It seems to me that this would apply especially to spiritual matters.
We are happy to see that your own comments on Middle East events indicate a continued interest in, and recognition of the significance of historical events there. We have a little different understanding on some points which you mention as the “double” of Jewish disfavor, the significance of the 1978 date, and the “time of Jacob’s trouble,” but we do agree with much that you have presented in your comments.
We were interested to see the letter from Africa which you published. It appears that this was probably written by Basil Jacobs of South Africa – a correspondent mad associate of ours in Christian Zionist activities. The Feast of Tabernacles conference in Jerusalem which he mentions is a very recent, interesting development in Jewish Christian relations.
We seem to recall having received some of your publications during the three years we were resident in Jerusalem. I note from the address label that you have apparently obtained our organizational address from a little blue brochure which we published some time ago, “Zionism and The Christian Church.”
We have published articles and brochures dealing with Biblical aspects and political events in the Middle East and have also sponsored local radio programs. If you are at all interested in presenting any of our material to your readers, please let us know. Some of our thoughts will be different than the usual Bible Student interpretive material particularly on chronological and eschatological matters. In the light of other expositors presented their thoughts, the meanings of some prophetic passages and the symbolisms of Daniel and Revelation have become clearer.
Yours sincerely in the love of Christ and the hope of His coming Kingdom ------- (WASHINGTON)
Answer to the above letter:
Dear Brother Grace and peace!
Your good letter of January 20 is received with much appreciation and thanks. And it is my pleasure to tell you that I admire your good knowledge of “Present Truth.” As you say, many of those who have been instructed in Harvest Truth have failed to retain it, and seem to have lost much of the basic Truth. For example, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have set aside the Jewish Hopes and Promises, one of the basic teachings of Brother Russell; and another group has set this teaching partially aside, as well as some other groups who seem indifferent to that Truth.
It is our conviction that Pastor Russell was that ‘‘wise and faithful servant” of Matt. 24:45-47. As such, we believe he gave us the full and correct truth on the Chronology; on the parallel dispensations, and the proper interpretation of the prophecies that pertain to our time. He left us the correct understanding of “the times and seasons” in which we live; and he is the one pointed out in Jer. 1:5: “I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” And when he predicted the end of the Gentile Times to be in 1914 – 25 years before that date arrived – many came with him after the World War One broke out. That was the beginning of the “Great Tribulation,” which will end when Armageddon – or world revolution – Anarchy and Jacob’s last trouble end. Then after the present order is completely wiped away, the Lord will set up His Kingdom – but not before the end of this “Time of Trouble.”
Please be assured that we do not consider him infallible, but we firmly believe that the dates he gave us are generally correct. He set out – and that Biblically – the events that would occur in this “Time of Trouble,” but his expectation of its duration did not mature. The Epiphany and the Time of Trouble are synonymous as to the time; and I am enclosing papers 157 and 205, an article on the Epiphany and one about the Jehovah’s Witnesses. We have sent you Nos. 284, 263 and Special Extra No. 7, which we trust you have received by now. Your comments will be appreciated.
It will be a pleasure to receive your literature, as we reciprocate with some of ours. You will note that we never mention money in any of our papers, as we send them free of cost, with no obligation to any one. We are now placing your name on our regular mailing list to receive all our future publications, because we believe you will be able to understand them, perhaps better than some of the Truth groups. We are changing your address to your home residence.
Yes, we correspond with Basil Jacobs and have quite a friendly relation with him. When he was in the States recently he called us by phone, but was unable to pay us a visit at that time. We have also had correspondence with other converted Jews, as well as some orthodox Jews. Some time ago we had an extended correspondence with Dr. Malachy of Jerusalem. He had the six volumes of the Studies in the Scriptures by Pastor Russell, and was well acquainted with what he taught. He ably refuted the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ errors on the Jews, and sent us quite a bit of material that he used. He wrote us that he was writing a book and asked permission to use some of the material in our papers if it was all right with us. Of course we were glad for him to use any part of our publications that he wished. However, he died shortly afterward, and we never heard whether he wrote the book or not. Also, when we sent Dr. Young a few papers he wrote us a letter of thanks and requested to be put on our mailing list. From the book on Dr. Young it seems he and Dr. Malachy were good friends – and I am pretty sure that Dr. Malachy was able to give him a lot of Truth. So you can see from this that I have the same warm feeling for the Jews and Jerusalem that prompted Brother Russell’s extensive work toward them. However, ours is a small group, and our efforts are not so far-reaching as was his.
All here join my dear wife and me in sending to you and yours our warm brotherly love and prayers. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.
Your brother & servant, John J. Hoefle..
Dear Friends:
Pat and I arrived back to Tulsa safely after a blessed speaking tour in Florida. It was such a blessing to be able to speak to Christians, Jews, and even to non-believers. It was a pleasure to meet you two and to see your beautiful home right there on the lake. What a wonderful place to live! We want to thank you for the blessing you have been to us. We so enjoyed the lunch and time of fellowship together And, for your most generous gift to the ministry of Bridges for Peace. We really did not expect that, but receive it graciously and know the Lord will truly bless you for your generosity. As I sit here typing letters, I think of the good typist you have there in Mount Dora. Please remember us in prayer as we remember you.
Shalom in Jesus, ------- (OKLAHOMA)