by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 345

The Annual Observance of our Lord’s death occurs this year after six p.m. April 13, which date is reached as follows: The Vernal Equinox this year arrives at 12:25 p. m. March 20 at the 30th Meridian East, this Meridian being used as it is the nearest to Jerusalem, Thus Nisan 1 occurs at six p.m. March 31, Bible reckoning. The moon becomes new at 2:10 p.m. April 1. The proper date for the Passover would thus be fourteen days later, or 6 p.m. April 13. We expect to observe this service at 7:30 p.m. at Mount Dora, Florida; and we extend a cordial welcome to any of our readers who may be in this vicinity at that time.

This date is exactly 3,598 years since the real Passover was kept in Egypt; and we would stress that the annual observance of that event is simply a memorial for that awesome event. There was only one Passover; and the Jews were instructed: “Ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance to thee and thy sons forever.” (Ex. 12:24). And the faithful Jews have scrupulously done this every year since that time.

Few and simple are the memorials of the true Church in contrast with those of heathendom and formalistic nominal Christendom. Instead of the numerous fast and feast days and weeks, we have only three memorials: (l) Baptism, the symbol of the death and burial of the already justified human will into the will of God in Christ. (2) The Memorial Supper, emblematizing the literal breaking of our Lord’s Body and shedding of His blood (His death as “the man Christ Jesus” at Calvary) – and reviving our covenant to “be dead with Him, that we may also live with Him”; to “suffer with Him,” that we may also be glorified together. (3) The memorial of our Lord’s resurrection on the first day of the week, now commonly called Sunday.

Our Lord instituted all three beautiful, yet simple, memorials. His baptism was different from the baptism of John, preached to Jews only, a “baptism unto repentance”; for He had no sins to repent of. His was the first baptism of the new order, symbolizing the death of the will of a justified human being, already acceptable to the Father, and full submission to God’s will, a full surrender, complete consecration. It took the place of “John’s baptism.”– Acts. 19:3‑5.

Our Lord instituted the observance of the first day of the week, in the same manner that He instituted the Memorial Supper and baptism; namely, not by command, but by example. He met with the disciples on the first day of the week, immediately after His resurrection; with Mary near the sepulchre, with Simon Peter, with the two who went to Emmaus, and with the ten disciples in the upper room. (John 20:1, 14, 19; Luke 24:13‑31, 34, 36) Then He waited another week, and again appeared to them on the eighth day, probably meaning the day after the seventh, the first day of the week. (John 20:26) The disciples seem to have expected something of the kind and had come together, and thereafter remembering the opening of their eyes of understanding to know Him, that it was in connection with the “breaking of bread.” They afterward not only met regularly on the first day, but regularly had a simple meal together, called “breaking of bread.” This some in our day have mistaken for a commemorating the death, and the other celebrating with joy the resurrection. The first day of the week was not only honored as the memorial of our Lord’s resurrection and manifestation and communion, but was again marked by Divine favor at Pentecost, and became the memorial of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1; 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2)

Our Lord instituted the Memorial Supper after, and to take the place of, the Jewish Passover supper. The killing of the Passover lamb was to be done on the fourteenth day of the first month of each Jewish year, in commemoration of the deliverance of Israel’s first‑born from the last plague of Egypt, and subsequently the deliver­ance of the entire nation from slavery. Our Lord was Himself the Antitype of the Lamb. His Church is the Antitype of the spared first‑born of Israel; and the near approaching “restitution” (Acts 3:21), in which all who love God will be delivered from the slavery of sin and death under Satan, will be the antitype of the deliverance of the nation – all mankind.

The Memorial Supper, with unleavened bread and wine, representing the flesh and blood of the Lamb of God, whose sacrifice takes away the sin of the world, making reconciliation for iniquity, was intended to keep fresh before the memory of the Church of the first‑born the remembrance of her purchase price, and to pledge her to fellowship in the sufferings of Christ, (‑1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:26) It was instituted, therefore, in the same night in which our Lord was betrayed, in the same day in which He was crucified (the Hebrew day counting from 6 p.m. until 6 p.m.).

It was not the intention of our Lord to commemorate the feast of Passover, which began on the 15th of Nisan and lasted for an entire week, but merely to give us a Memorial of His death on the 14th of Nisan. So far from being a feast of rejoicing, it was an occasion of sorrow and perplexity to the early Church. Jesus Himself was “exceeding sorrowful.” (Matt. 26:38)

Seeing that this Memorial celebrates the antitype of the killing of the Passover Lamb, we can see that it is properly celebrated on its anniversary – not monthly, quarterly, weekly nor daily, but yearly – and properly at the same time of the year at which our Lord died, and at which He instituted the Memorial. This was the custom of the early Church, which reckoned its date according to the Jewish method of reckoning time. The first deviation from this was by the churches represented by the Bishop of Rome, which substituted, appointed and observed the nearest Friday, when the 14th of Nisan fell on some other day, as it most frequently did. This was the origin of “Good Friday,” and the third day following was known as Passover Sunday, and later as “Easter Sunday.” Later, by the decree of the Council of Nice (AD 325), and still later under the revision of the calendar by Pope Gregory XIII, the so‑called Catholic churches have been brought into practical agreement, and annually fix dates for “Good Friday” and “Easter Sunday.”

During recent years we who are seeking the “old paths” (Jer. 6:16) have celebrated the Memorial Supper upon its anniversary, as reckoned according to the Hebrew usage, which was recognized by our Lord and the Apostles. Theirs is an easy and simple method. They begin their year (Nisan being their first month) with the new moon at the Spring Equinox, and on the night of the 14th, at 6 p.m., commences the 15th, which is the first day of their Passover feast. (Ex. 12:2)

Following this honored custom, therefore, we here at Mount Dora will meet on the evening of April 13 at 7:30 p.m., to commemorate the greatest transaction known to mankind. As heretofore our services will be very simple, consisting of praise, prayer, a review of the significance of the emblems and the realities celebrated, partaking of the emblems, “Passover bread” (i.e., unleavened bread), and “fruit of the vine.”

The special feature of the occasion is the heart communion with the Lord, facilitated by the appreciation of the significance of the emblems revealed in the Word. They are to be appreciated, not only as representing our Redeemer’s sacrifice, but also as representing our privilege of fellowship with Him in suffering for righteous­ness’ sake. Concluding with an appropriate hymn of praise (the Hallel – See Matt, 26:30 margin), we seek to avoid conversation, and to perpetuate the “communion” by thought respecting the great event just commemorated, and to follow our Lord reflectively to Gethsemane, and the day following to Calvary, thinking meanwhile of how little we are able to do to show our love for Him, and resolving to be more jealously careful in the use of every hour and every mite of influence in His service,

Let each one be thoroughly willing to sacrifice his own preferences in the interest of the fellow participants. Remember all the dear flock of the Lord, not forgetting us here at Mount Dora in your prayers, and we will remember all of you. “Watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation.”

Let each one be on guard against the wiles of the devil. Remember that we near the anniversary not only of our Lord’s sufferings, but also of Judas’ treachery and false kiss, and question “Is it I?” Let each one examine his heart and see that it is in such an attitude of love and devotion to the Lord, and to every other participant, that he can have communion with the Lord and all who are truly His, In any other attitude there is danger that Satan “enter in.” (Luke 12:45; Luke 11:26).

We believe the foregoing is all sufficient to bring to mind once more our obligations to “do this in remembrance of Me”; and it is our hope and prayer that all our readers may be richly blessed in their preparation for and participation in this year’ E Memorial as they “consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself. “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight; but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” (Heb. 4:13)


The Sept.‑Oct 1983 Present Truth, p. 77, under Questions and Answers, there is this statement at the heading of the questions: “Youthful Worthy Call Was Not To Remain Open Until Restitution Sets In.” Then the question: “Was not the call, the opportunity, to become Youthful Worthies to remain open until the time that restitution really sets in? Answer: No. Nothing in the Scriptures teaches such a thought.” And later in the answer: “At the time Bro. Johnson wrote in E 10, beginning shortly before 1941, he stated plainly on the basis of Rev. 22:11 (and we believe correctly), that ‘after 1954 no Youthful Worthies will be won’ (E 10, p. 114).”

Now we quote from that same E‑10, p. 209: “The Gospel‑Age Camp is the condition of the unjustified people of God, while the Epiphany camp in the finished Picture is the condition of truly repentant and believing, but not consecrated Jews and Gentiles.”

Brother Johnson repeatedly tells us that the Time of Trouble and the Epiphany are one and the same. So, according to his teachings, we are still in the Epiphany. The LHMM has the “repentant and believing,” the tentatively justified unconsecrated, and the tentatively justified consecrated or the Campers Consecrated, in the Camp now, with the door closed to the Court. From this it would seem that the LHMM has all the “unjustified people of God” remanded to outside the Camp, with the Camp containing all this conglomeration. The LHMM Camp also contains the “repentant and believing,” so it seems that the Camp is also closed for future entries. Just when will the LHMM Camp contain only the “repentant and believing,” as taught by Brother Johnson? The Editor should clarify this for his readers.

The two Messengers clearly refute the Consecrated Campers’ error: “Quite likely, therefore, there will be some in the end of this Age who, although faithful unto death, will not have been begotten of the Holy Spirit and not attain the spirit plane of being in the resurrection, but who will come forth members of the same class as the Ancient Worthies, who were developed before this Age began. ....

“We can assure them that, to our understanding, after participating in that glorious work, these princes will be uplifted at the close of the Millennium to the spirit plane of being – as part of the antitypical Levites.” (Reprint 4836, top, colt 1 and 2, June 15, 1911)

From the Epiphany Messenger: “The Scriptural doctrine that those faithful consecrators from 1881 until Restitution sets in, for whom there are no crowns available, and no Spirit‑begetting for Gospel‑Age purposes possible, will be the Millennial associates of the Ancient Worthies in reward and service.” (E‑4:342)

Here is a clear conclusion by both Messengers, which is now directly disputed by the Editor of the Present Truth. So we counsel our readers to determine for themselves if they prefer the teaching of the two faithful Messengers – or prefer the teaching of the LHMM, or other pseudo Pastors and Teachers who do not “continue in the Faith” once delivered unto the saints. we would also draw attention to the fact that Ancient Worthies were won on up to the opening of the Gospel Age – just as Youthful Worthies will be won so long as consecration is available before “Restitution Sets In.”

On p. 77, col. 2, under the heading of “1954 A Biblically Marked Date,” he stresses 1954 as the date all developing truth for the Great Company had been clarified. And we agree that all the Great Company developing Truth was clarified by 1954; and no more Truth has been given, and no additional Truth on the Great Company is needed. Also, all Great Company members were to get their first enlightenment of Truth in 1954 to bring them into the Truth by Passover, 1956; and Brother Johnson was to be here in 1956, when Anarchy would have its beginning. Did any of this happen? Brother Johnson taught there were many Great Company members in Babylon, as well as in the Truth groups – also said there were more saints in the other Truth groups than were with him. Did all these saints die in 1950?

In regard to the length of the Epiphany, or the Time of Trouble, Brother Johnson relied too heavily on parallels and types, just as did Brother Russell in his expectation for 1915. Parallels, types and the Pyramid do not teach a doctrine, only illustrate a doctrine that is clearly taught in the Bible.

On the basis of Rev. 22:11, there would be no chance for any one to become tentatively justified, or for sinners to repent when it applies. The Editor tells us this text now applies to the Holy and Court, but not to the Camp after 1954! This is a composite text and when it applies, it will not only apply to the Holy and the Court, but also to the Camp. “Certainly, when we come to a time when no more consecrations are possible for Gospel‑Age purposes, it would be useless to exhort the tentatively Justified to consecrate and sinners to repent, for the tentatively justified and sinners could arise no higher from their standings before God under such a condition.” (E‑10:114)

When the tentatively justified unconsecrated are in the Court it is for the very purpose of consecration. So the Epiphany Messenger had no reference to the Court, as all the unconsecrated had been ejected from the Court when he taught that the tentatively justified could not consecrate. He referred to the formerly faith justified that were ejected from the Court. He often referred to them as the tentatively justified, as we refer to a Judge who has completed his official office, as Judge. So after the tentatively justified have been ejected from the Court, even though they retain the same good character that they developed in the Court, Brother Johnson says it would be useless for them to consecrate, as they could arise no higher in their standing before God. However, all who have forsaken sin and live righteously, will be better fitted for the Kingdom under the New Covenant. Zeph, 2:3 well applies to the “repentant and believing”: “Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger.”

So consecrations in the Camp are the same as Cornelius’ consecration: God held his consecration and prayers in remembrance until the door was opened for the Gentiles. So it is with the quasi‑elect in the Camp, their consecration for Restitution purposes will be held in remembrance until the New Covenant is inaugurated, when it will be “due time” for Restitutionists to consecrate. But those on a “narrow way” in the Court are on trial for their faith and obedience, and, if faithful, will share in reward and service with the Ancient Worthies – the unbegotten consecrators in the end of this Age.

However, among the quasi‑elect, the faithful orthodox Jews will be first, as God has promised, but the Gentile quasi‑elect will share with them in the Kingdom by becoming Jews, All will have to become Jews if they receive the blessings of the New Covenant. As Brother Russell repeatedly taught, with Bible support, the Kingdom will be ISRAELITISH. All will have to become Israelites if they get the blessing of the Kingdom. When the Court is closed, then, according to Brother Johnson’s teaching, the Camp will contain only the quasi‑elect – unconsecrated Jews and Gentiles. But according to the teaching of the LHMM, the Camp contains the tentatively justified unconsecrated, the “repentant and believing,” and the chief and foremost, the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, who are supplanting God’s promises to the Jews. It would be interesting to know how many Jews have been converted to this new doctrine, so they can get God’s promise to them and be first and chief in the Kingdom’

“The camp in the finished picture represents the formerly faith‑justified ones who hold to the Ransom and practice righteousness, and converted Israel; while the territory outside of the camp represents the condition of those who were the Gospel‑Age Camp, or who are excom­municated ones.” (1940 Present Truth, p. 13, col. 2, bottom) And on p. 14 of this same Present Truth he says the Camp in the Millennial Age represents the condition of the world undergoing restitution. The quasi‑elect, together with the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, are included in the world “undergoing restitution,” Even the LHMM correctly teaches they will have no part in the “better resurrection” of the Worthies! What a reward for those Epiphany Campers who are now walking a “narrow way” in the Camp! The unconsecrated “repentant and believing,” according to Brother Johnson’s teaching, will share with the Jews in being missionaries to the world. All Restitutionists will be equal in the end of the Kingdom – all will be made Kings,

Both Messengers taught that the Epiphany and the Time of Trouble are one and the same: “In its narrow sense it covers the period from the beginning of the World War in 1914 until the end of anarchy and of Jacob’s trouble. We understand that the special tribulation period and the Epiphany as a period are one and the same thing.” (E‑4:53, 54) It seems that the Editor is following in the steps of the Witnesses in his setting aside the basic Truths for his “advancing Truth” (?). They “turn up their noses” at those who are faithful to what they have been taught, saying, “that’s old stuff’“ The Bible is “old stuff,” too!

At one time Brother Russell was convinced that the Time of Trouble would be over by 1915, and the Kingdom set up then for the blessing of the world, So Rutherford announced that the Kingdom was set up for the separation of the sheep and the goats. The Witnesses are now “separating” the sheep and the goats, telling us that all who fail to join them by Armageddon will experience annihilation – no more hope for them!

Most of the Bible Students under Brother Russell were convinced, too, that the Kingdom would be set up in 1914, Brother Russell also relied too heavily on types and parallels. He certainly did not have a clear Scripture for his expectation, because if he had, then it would have occurred as he expected. In fact, our dear Brother John Edgar gave a convincing discourse at Asbury Park, N. J., in 1906, as given in the Souvenir Report of 1906, pp. 16‑24, to prove by types and parallels Brother Russell’s expectation for 1915. Nor is this meant to disparage dear Brother Edgar, nor does it disparage Bro. Russell for his wrong expectation. Indeed it was a test of faith, and many of them left the Truth when things didn’t mature as expected by Brother Russell.

It was the same with dear Brother Johnson with his 40 years for the Epiphany. He also relied too heavily on parallels and types to support his contentions; and his parallels and types were convincing! But types and parallels do not teach a doctrine. R. G. Jolly produced numerous figures in the Pyramid to support his expectation for 1954-56. The Pyramid does not teach a doctrine either. But after this Pyramid fiasco, when Brother Johnson died in 1950, R. G. Jolly shortly thereafter published another set of Pyramid figures to “prove” that Brother Johnson was the last saint – but died in 1950! As said, all these mistaken expectations were indeed a test of faith! However, the two years of overlapping broke the parallel. But the LHMM went right on claiming that the two‑year “overlapping” was a mistake. The LHMM is now in its 30th year of overlapping. A few more years and the “overlapping” will be longer than the Epiphany proper!

Neither Messenger claimed infallibility, as have the popes, but their basic teaching on the Plan of Salvation is correct, as they had Scriptural proof for these basic teachings. Time has also proved these basic teachings are correct. If we keep in mind that the Epiphany and the Time of Trouble are one and the same, as taught by both Messengers, we won’t be led astray by the “snare of the fowlers.” (Psa. 124:7) This Present Truth has a question on p. 78, col. 1, bottom: “What are the hopes and prospects for those who have consecrated since Oct. 1954 and who are now consecrating? Answer: While the opportunity to be of the Youthful Worthies, antitypical Levites, ended in Oct. 1954, this does not mean that all opportunity to be of the class Bro. Russell designated ‘Those Consecrating Between the Ages’ (Z 5761) has ended.”

All of the Present Truth readers know what the LHMM teaches for the “hopes and prospects” of Consecrated Epiphany Campers. Their “hopes and prospects,” according to the LHMM teaching, are to be “first and chief” in the Kingdom arrangement – the promises that God gave to the Jews.

However, the very reverse of “proof” for such a class is given by Brother Russell in Z 5761, ‘Those Consecrating Between The Ages,’ which we now quote: “It is our thought that with the closing of the ‘door’ of this Gospel Age there will be no more begetting of the Holy Spirit to the spirit nature. Any afterward coming to God through consecration, before the inauguration of the restitution work, will be accepted by Him, not to the spirit plane of being, but to the earthly plane. Such would come in under the same conditions as the Ancient Worthies who were accepted of God. The Ancient Worthies came in, no call being opened to them – the high calling not being yet open, and the restitution opportunities not open. (For the Restitutionist Campers – JJH) But they freely gave themselves up to God without knowing what blessings their consecration would bring, except that they had the intimation that they would, in the future life, have a ‘better resurrection’ than would the remainder of the world.

“Our thought is that whoever under such conditions as these will make a full consecration to the Lord, to leave all to follow in his ways, and will live up faithfully, loyally, to that consecration, may be privileged to be counted as a similar class to those who preceded this Gospel Age. (This would include all those who have made such a consecration an opportunity to receive the blessings in partnership with the Ancient Worthies – no matter how much they have been deceived by such errors as Campers Consecrated or by such errors as the Great Crowd of the Jehovah’s Witnesses – JJH). We know of no reason why the Lord would refuse to receive those who make a consecration after the close of the Gospel Age High Calling and before the full opening of the Millennium.” Reprint 5761, Sept. 1, 1915, column 2)

It is moronic for the Editor to cite Z 5761 as “proof” of Brother Russell’s support of his Consecrated Campers’ error, when this article clearly disputes his claim. However, it may be that he does not understand what he reads, and depends upon his readers to blindly accept his word without looking up the citation. While we realize that such as he are not in the hands of Azazel, yet it is certain they are not directed by the Lord, as “God is not the author of confusion,” or error.

We agree with Brother Russell that those who make a full consecration, acceptable to the Lord and are faithful and loyal thereto, during the interval between the Ages until Restitution sets in – will be rewarded with the Ancient Worthies (See Hebrews, Chapter 11). So we would offer a word of comfort to those faithful consecrators who believe they are in the Camp: If God has accepted their consecration, they are in the Court condition, not the Camp condition. A type represents a condition and not a place in the antitype.

The Executive Trustee makes the same mistake with his citation of Z 5761 that the previous Executive Trustee made when he cited Brother Russell’s teaching as “proof” that Cornelius was not “repentant and believing” before the door was opened to the Gentiles. We quoted from his same citation that Brother Russell taught that Cornelius was not only “repentant and believing,” but also consecrated. We heard no more from him about Cornelius after that’ We said that Cornelius’ condition, before the door was opened for the Gentiles, is the same condition of the faithful “repentant and believing” Campers in the finished picture – in the end of this Age: God will hold in remembrance their faithfulness in righteous living.

On p. 78, col. 2, bottom under the heading “Beginning Of Antitypical Taber­nacle,” there is this: “Question: When did the antitypical Tabernacle begin?” He states correctly that the Ancient Worthies were regarded in an anticipatory sense as antitypical Levites. Then he quotes from E 8, pp. 622‑24, supposedly to add to his “proof” that Brother Johnson supports his error of Campers Consecrated. This is just another fiasco, the same as his citation of Z 5761 to “prove” Brother Russell supports his error. There is nothing in this whole Chapter IX of E‑8 to support his contentions. The Tabernacle does not include the Camp – just the Most Holy, the Holy and the Court. However, we will quote from his quotation of E‑8: “This has been their (the Church’s) peculiar prerogative; for in the sense that they have these none others do. This is typed by the cloud resting upon the tabernacle and not, e.g., on the camp or on the territory without the camp.” (p. 79, par. 2, col. 2)

The Editor’s quotation of Brother Johnson’s treatise as his “proof” that Brother Johnson supports his error of Campers Consecrated actually refutes his error, and makes nonsense of his position. Is the Editor so blinded by the Adversary that he cannot understand what he reads – or is he willfully trying to mislead his readers?

All the Camp gets is from their nearness to the Court, and that is true for the Gospel Age and Epiphany Tabernacles, including the finished picture of the Epiphany. As Brother Johnson often asked: Why do these errorists cite Brother Russell’s writing for proof of their errors when they actually dispute their errors? Also, Why do they cite Scriptures that refute their errors instead of supporting them? And we now say, Why does the Editor follow in the footsteps of such errorists, cite Brother Russell’s and Brother Johnson’s teachings to “prove” his errors, when these same citations not only dispute his contentions but actually refute his errors better than we could?

The Editor has the temerity and impudence again to cite Z 5761 in his preamble about the Tabernacle and the Cloudy, Fiery Pillar. Brother Johnson called the Witnesses’ Great Crowd a non‑existent class, which is just as true of the Campers Consecrated. The Witnesses do use the Scripture in Rev. 7:9 – erroneously, of course – to support their error – teaching that the Great Crowd is an earthly class instead of a spiritual class. Brother Russell correctly taught that the Great Crowd are those who lost their crowns. They were spirit‑begotten the same as the Little Flock, therefore a spiritual class. They were not remanded to the Second Death: they were permitted to wash their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Rev. 7:14) They are before the throne (Rev. 7:15). Those who didn’t wash their robes were sentenced to the Second Death. God is very merciful and provided every opportunity for them to become over­comers; and those who cleansed their robes will be overcomers – not ‘more than conquerors’ as were the Little Flock. (Rom. 8:37)

The LHMM has no clear Scriptures whatever on which to base their error for their nonexistent class. The only Scriptures they use for their Campers Consecrated are types. Brothers Russell and Johnson both taught that types do not teach a doctrine. “A type must not be used to teach a doctrine, but merely to illustrate one that is already taught in plain terms.” (Berean Topical Index, p. 25)



Dear Brother Hoefle: Greetings in the name of the Master!

Thank you for your letter acknowledging our change of address. Also thank you for reminding me that I have been on your mailing list since 1969. Yes, we receive all the papers. After I read the articles I pass the paper on to my mother‑in‑law. She is 94 years old and her mind is still very sharp and clear. She looks forward to the publication and reminds me about it if I fail to bring it to her.

Please find enclosed my check to help cover cost of mailing.

Yours in His service, ------- (ILLINOIS)


Dear John,

I not only appreciate your papers on Zionism but would like you to keep in touch with me with your further thoughts on that subject as well as others dealing with Israel and the Jewish people.

I’m putting you on our mailing list so you’ll receive my monthly Shalom letter and know what’s happening on this end. It’s good to know you’re in the battle and building those bridges of love to a very special people with whom we will always have our roots – the Jews.

You’ll find enclosed around a half dozen of the last Shalom letters to give you an idea of some of the bases we’ve been covering. God bless you and yours, John. Have a blessed Christmas and may your New Year be filled with a newer and sweeter dimension of our Lord. Shalom, ------- (NEW HAMPSHIRE)


Dear John and Emily: Shalom and Shalom!

Your lovely letter of the 15th, Emily, at hand with enclosures. Heartfelt thanks. I am thankful to God, first and foremost for the happy news that “John has made a wonderful recovery.” YHVH has heard our prayers, and it is as you say, out Rock’s “overruling Provi­dence.” And it is the goodness of John himself that invoked the Healer’s healing unto strength. Both Nan and I have felt the warmth of his love and affection. Thank you, John’

May the blessings of the Everliving One ever attend you and John, and may good tidings come your way. Heartfelt greetings from us both. With love, ------- (NEW YORK)



BROTHER J. Will HORN – also a natural brother of Sister Hoefle, finished his course December 4, 1983 at the age of 84. He loved the Truth with a zealous activity for its accomplish­ment. He was faithful in all his commitments, doing what he could. He and his beloved wife came to the Bible House every week to help in the work as long as they were physically able to do so. We will miss him very much, and grieve for him – even as all his family and friends will miss him. We cherish his memory, but are persuaded that he is now “asleep in Jesus,” awaiting the resurrection of “the Just.” (Acts 24:15) We repeat for him the words of the Apostle Paul a few days before when he knew the Romans were to chop his head off: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7) To this we can add nothing – as it expresses everything we believe to be his due.


BROTHER C. GEORGE PIERSON, of Illinois, finished his course December 29, 1983 at the age of 99. He was a long‑time member of the Household of Faith, having had a good and useful life in the service of the Truth. He had a clear and discerning mind, and was always able to “rightly divide the Word of Truth,” which caused him to readily accept Epiphany Truth. He was our good friend and loyal supporter for many years. Thus with his family and friends we will miss him. We hold many dear and refreshing memories of this beloved brother and faithful co‑laborer; and we rejoice in the reflection that he will appear in the resurrection as one of the “princes in all the earth.” (Psa. 45:11)

We publish his last letter written in his own handwriting, after which his beloved daughter-­in‑law wrote for him:

“Dear Brother and Sister Hoefle: Greetings in our dear Savior’s Name!

“Enclosed is a check to help you with the work. I hope this will find you in good health... I just had my 97th birthday last week, and it is hard for me to write, as I am so shaky in my hands. God bless you and keep you.

“Your brother in the Lord, ---------”
