by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 342

“And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord: Blessed be the Kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.” (Mark 11:9‑10) The multitude hailed Him King, but a few days later they cried, Crucify Him! “And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye that I shall do unto Him whom ye call the King of the Jews? And they cried out again, Crucify Him.” (Mark 15:12‑13)

The message of John the Baptist was, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” This same message was the burden of His preaching and the theme of his parables. Finally, at the close of His ministry, the Kingdom came to the Jewish nation in the sense that it was offered to them – it was theirs for the accepting. Thus “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not” – except a few. His own nation rejected Him, and four days later crucified Him.

A little later, at Pentecost, a few who received Him were begotten of the Holy Spirit and became the nucleus of Spiritual Israel, in preparation for the glorious Kingdom and the work which is to be accomplished at His Second Advent. On the second evening preceding the story of this lesson, Jesus and His disciples were at Bethany, the guests of Lazarus, Martha and Mary, who had prepared a special feast for Jesus, whom they loved so dearly. This was the Lazarus whom He had awakened from the sleep of death but a short time before. The feast took place at the close of the Jewish Sabbath day. The next morning corresponded to our Sunday, the first day of the week, and on Monday Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

In preparation for presenting Himself as King, Jesus sent two of His disciples for an ass’s colt, telling them where they would find it, and instructing them to say that it would be returned after the Master had used it. By the time the colt arrived, a considerable multitude had gathered – people of the village of Bethany and others who had come out from Jerusalem, about two miles distant, to see Jesus and to see Lazarus, upon whom the notable miracle had been wrought. It had long been the custom of the kings of Israel to ride to their coronation upon an ass; and the multitude seemed to enter into the spirit of this occasion and to realize what it meant that Jesus was about to ride into Jerusalem on this colt. It signified that finally He was ready to assume the office of King.

For some time the disciples had recognized Him as the Messiah, the glories of whose Reign they were to share; and the multitude in general had learned so to regard Him, saying, “When Messiah cometh, will He do greater works than this man?” – could we expect anything more of Messiah than we see being accomplished by this man Jesus’ But this was the first time Jesus had formally put Himself forward. On previous occasions, when they had sought to take Him by force to make Him a king, He had withdrawn Himself, realizing that the time was not yet come. Now, so far from withdrawing, He was taking the active part, sending for the colt, preparing for the triumphal ride to the capital of the nation as its King.

We may be sure that the hearts of the Apostles thrilled with excitement as they thought of the nearness of their Master’s glory and of their own share in it; for as yet they did not realize the full import of His words to the effect that He must be crucified and must depart to a “far country,” even Heaven itself, and be invested with authority, and later return to establish the Kingdom which would bless the world. Jesus, however, was fully aware that the presentation of Himself as King was a formal matter, fulfilling the prophecy and leaving the nation of Israel without excuse. If, when He entered the city, the people should rise en masse, acknowledge and acclaim Him, then indeed they would be in line with the Divine requirements which would bring them the greatest of all blessings. But Jesus knew that prophecy had already declared that He would be despised and rejected, and that His own people would hide their faces from Him in shame (Isa. 53:3). The journey and the preparation for it, therefore, meant something very different to Jesus from what it signified to the disciples and the multitude.


When the ass arrived, some of the people put their garments upon it in lieu of a saddle; Jesus mounted and the procession began. Some went before Him, and some followed after. The people were familiar with the prophecy relating to Messiah’s coming, which declared, “Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! behold, thy King cometh unto thee; He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass.” They were familiar also with the “shout” the prophets had foretold and the responses – one party crying, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the King of Israel, that cometh in the name of the Lord” Then the response, “Hosanna in the highest!” These different expressions are recorded by the different evangelists.

But not all were enthusiastic acclaimers of Jesus; a discordant note was heard. Some of those who had come from the city through curiosity criticized the shouting, and wondered why Jesus did not rebuke the people for ascribing so great honor to Him. They sent word to this effect to Jesus through His disciples. Jesus made answer that a great prophecy was being fulfilled. The Prophet Zechariah had by inspiration said, “Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem”’ and such a shout must be made. Jesus declared that if the multitudes had failed to shout, the prophecy would still have been fulfilled – the very stones would have cried out. The record tells that on the journey many of the people strewed their garments in the way, as a mark of respect and honor, waiting until the little animal had passed over them, and then running on before and placing them again. Others brought ferns, flowers and grasses, and strewed them on the way. Still others, John’s Gospel tells us, brought palm tree branches.

It was a jubilant procession, fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah. Yet to Jesus it had the sad feature, as indicated by the account. When they had reached the turn of the Mount of Olives, which brought Jerusalem into view, the Master halted the procession while He looked over the city and wept, saying, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the Prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your House is left unto you desolate; and verily I say unto you, Ye shall see me no more, until that Day (over nineteen centuries later) when ye shall say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of Jehovah’

Jesus realized that that day was a turning point with their rejection by the Heavenly Father for a long time. It meant that during those long centuries the highly favored people of Abraham’s natural seed would be in distress. It meant that the favor of God, which had been with them for centuries, would instead be extended to the Gentiles, to gather out of the Gentiles a company of faithful, saintly ones to be associates and joint‑heirs with Jesus and the faithful ones of the Jews in the Heavenly Kingdom. It meant that not until this elect, Heavenly, spiritual Kingdom class should be received to glory would the Jewish people be again received into fellowship with God. St. Paul markedly calls our attention to this fact that the rejection of Israel is not permanent, but only for a time – only until the complete number of faithful saints be gathered out from amongst the Gentiles. Then God’s favor will go to Israel, and all earth’s families. (Rom. 11:25‑32)


How different was this entry of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, from the triumphal marches of earthly conquerors and kings! In the excitement of human passion and the prejudice of human minds a special halo of glory has surrounded the world’s conquerors. Heroic deeds, valiant conquests, as pictured by historians have a charm. The rising generation reads with thrilling interest of the prowess of Alexander the Great, of the Spartans of Greece, of the Caesars of Rome, and in more modern times of Robert Bruce, of Napoleon and Wellington, of Generals Grant and Lee, Pershing and Eisenhower. The homecomings of all of these were triumphal marches, in many cases rendering honor to whom honor was due. Nevertheless, in every instance the mind’s eye necessarily closes against scenes which led up to such triumphs. We try to forget the millions of slain and wounded, and other millions of mourning widows and orphans. We try to forget the smoking ruins of homes behind those victorious armies.

However necessary war at times may seem to be for the maintenance of justice, nevertheless all must concede that the blessings purchased by the sword are procured at a terrible cost. From this viewpoint Jesus, the Prince of Peace, followed by an army of saints who are walking in His footsteps, presents a beautiful picture – even to the worldly. These victors – Leader and followers – conquer by dying. Thus Jesus said to His followers, “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospel’s shall find it.” Thus viewed, all the followers of the Lamb are self‑sacrificers, as the Bible declares: “I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (Rom. 12:1) Such a victory – victory through death – is difficult for the majority of people to understand! What is the philosophy of it? Where is the victory?


Well may it be asked, Wherein is the victory of Christ and His followers in laying down their lives for the brethren and in support of truth and righteousness? Only the Bible answers the question, and only those who exercise faith can understand the Bible answer. The Bible declares that the real victory of Christ and the Church is over self. Their crowning day is future – their triumph will be then. The triumphal entry of Jesus on the ass was only typical. The antitype will be glorious – beyond the veil. As Jesus after His resurrection was “received up into glory,” so also He has promised His Church that their resurrection shall change them from imperfect human beings to perfect spirit beings, joint‑heirs with their Master, their Redeemer, in the glorious Millennial Kingdom which is to bless the world.

After Jesus had risen from the dead, He explained to His perplexed disciples what his death signified, saying, “Ought not Christ to have suffered these things (death) and to enter into His glory?” (Luke 24:26) So St. Paul has declared in respect to all who will be Jesus’ associates in the Kingdom – they must suffer with Him if they would reign with Him; they must be dead with Him if they would live with Him. (2 Tim. 2:12) Christ and His Church die to human hopes and interests, present and everlasting – laying down their lives, suffering for righteousness’ sake. Their reward is two‑fold: (1) Their own personal exaltation to a Heavenly, spirit glory, like unto the angels, and yet more glorious – “far above angels, principalities and powers and every name that is named.” (2) The Kingdom glory – the joy of being the Divine agents for human restoration.

From this, the Bible viewpoint, the Christian warfare is different from every other warfare known to the world. It is a fight against sin, a fight against self‑will, a full submission to the Divine will, a victory through death. “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” (Rev. 2:10) “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My Throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His Throne.” (Rev. 3:21) No wonder that a proposition of this kind is but imperfectly understood by the world! “The world knoweth us not, even as it knew Him not.” And this is one of the requirements of the Gospel, that Jesus and His followers shall submit themselves to be misunderstood by the world. We are counted fools for Christ’s sake. (1 Cor. 4:10)

It requires some stamina to be a loyal follower in the footsteps of Jesus, misunderstood as He was misunderstood by those of His day, reviled as He was reviled. “They shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake.” It is only when we understand through God’s promises that in these trying experiences of Christ and His followers there is a glorious purpose, that we are able to endure them with any measure of rejoicing. Only these are granted glory, honor and immortality, and the Kingdom which the Lord has promised to His faithful followers. Since Jesus is the Prince of Peace, how shall we understand the various passages of Scripture which refer to Him as a mighty Conqueror in blood‑stained garments, taking vengeance on His foes? But especially, how shall we understand the declaration that, at His coming in the clouds of heaven, all the tribes of the earth shall wail because of Him?

Of this Prince of Peace it may be said that He will wound to heal, that whatever disasters He may bring or permit to come upon the world will be so overruled as to make of them blessings in disguise. Undoubtedly much that is said respecting our Lord is highly symbolic. For instance, He is to smite the nations with the Sword that proceedeth out of His mouth – the Word, or Message, of Truth. Such a smiting is in full conformity with the declaration that when St. Peter preached the Gospel at Pentecost, some of the hearers were “cut to the heart” – not with St. Peter’s literal sword, but with “the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” Eventually, that Sword will smite all opponents of righteousness for their good. Only the willfully wicked will eventually be destroyed in the Second Death. We are not to forget, however, that the inauguration of the Messianic Kingdom is to be in the midst of the Time of Trouble, and that Christ will have to do with the bringing, or at least the permitting, of that Trouble. Apparently mankind will be permitted to bring the great trouble at the end of this Age upon themselves. There are forces of evil, Satan and his angels, ready to do us harm and, through human forces, sin‑forces entrenched in human nature, ready to do us harm to the social fabric.

The New Covenant is the Scriptural name for the new arrangement between God and man which will be instituted at the beginning of the Age to follow this, and by which God purposes to receive the world of mankind again into favor with Himself. The covenant relationship which Adam originally enjoyed with his Maker, and its resultant harmony with Him, was contingent upon obedience to the expressed will of God, and was forfeited by disobedience. This covenant relationship with God was renewed typically at Mount Sinai, with Israel (Ex. 19:1‑9; 24:3‑8). Through Moses as mediator, God promised that if Israel would keep His Law they should have everlasting life. The inauguration of that Law Covenant was effected by their mediator, within six months after Israel left Egypt, through the sacrifices of bulls and of goats, the children of Israel solemnly agreeing to their part of the covenant. Later the Atonement Day sacrifices were repeated year by year continually: “for the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin.” (Heb. 10:1‑9) Israel failed to gain the blessing promised in their Law Covenant. God foreknew that Israel would fail; but through their endeavors He was giving an abject lesson which in the future would be a lasting blessing to Israel and to the whole world.

God will introduce this new Law Covenant through the Mediator of the New Covenant, Christ Jesus, in whom the entire arrangement centers, and through whom it will be carried out. He will be assisted in this work by the Church and the faithful Worthies, who will be the visible representatives in the earth. (Hebrews, Chapter 11) This New Covenant will succeed, because of its better Mediator. And He will be not only Mediator, but Priest, Prophet, King and Judge. As a Priest, He will uplift and bless humanity and receive their offerings. As King, He will rule mankind in righteousness; as Prophet, He will teach them; as Judge, He will test them, decide and pass sentence, favorable or unfavorable. It will require the full thousand years to Bring the people out of their condition of death and degradation, to restore whosoever will of all mankind to the image and likeness of God, lost in Adam.


The Scriptures tell us that “out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isa. 2:3; Mic. 4:2). So Jerusalem will then be the capital of the world, and the Ancient and Youthful Worthies will be made “princes in all the earth” (Psa. 45:16). This arrangement will appeal first and primarily to the Jew, who would naturally be the first to come under the new regulations, because a nucleus of these Jews who were faithful to the Law Covenant, will be in Jerusalem when the Kingdom is inaugurated. The Scriptures tell us they will be humbled by the last phase of Jacob’s trouble in Jerusalem, and they will “cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” (Psa. 107:19,20) They will then recognize their Messiah, and will become the most active and zealous missionaries of the Kingdom. They will receive their instructions first‑hand from the Worthies in Jerusalem, and will then appreciate the Lord’s promise to them: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake... I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (Jer. 31:31‑34)

We may not say that all the Jews will do so, but that this will be true of at least a considerable number of them. Quite a few have become infidels – unbelievers of God’s promises: “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh.” (Rom. 2:28) There are many well‑meaning people among the Gentiles who have not taken the vow of consecration to the Lord. They have accepted Jesus as their Saviour, and have practiced righteousness to the best of their ability; but have not taken the second step of full consecration to the Lord, because the narrow way was too difficult for them: “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt. 7:14) during the reign and ascendancy of sin and evil. These Gentiles will be the first to join with the Jews and become Israelites – and like the Jews, they will become faithful and zealous Missionaries of the Kingdom. We refer to these Gentiles as the quasi‑elect Jews.

In that day “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and excellency of our God. And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it: but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.” (Isaiah, Chapter 35) This Highway of Holiness will be an easy way for all who love righteousness, and we believe there will be many who find it – which is in contrast with a “narrow way” under the reign of sin and evil.

By the close of the Mediatorial Reign those who have responded and made earnest effort to advance will be brought to a condition of human perfection, as was Adam at the beginning. Then they must be subjected to the same loyalty as was Adam, with no Mediator between them and God’s justice. How many will maintain their loyalty under the test, and how many will lose out and suffer destruction, we cannot know – because there will be some who have obeyed outwardly during the thousand year, but not inwardly – were not in heart‑harmony with righteousness – the goats of the Mediatorial reign.

Covenant relationship with God means perfection, either reckoned or actual. During the thousand years of Messiah’s Kingdom, mankind will be approaching actual perfection. The New Covenant, with all that goes with it, is the blessing which The Christ gives to mankind. It is God’s Covenant, and He has arranged that it shall go to the world through the Christ class, Head and Body. These glorious things are clearly set forth in various types in the Old Testament, as well as plainly stated in the New Testament.

For instance, St. Paul explains that Isaac, the heir of Abraham, was a type of The Christ, Head and Body. Isaac did not receive his inheritance by a new covenant, but by the original Covenant with Abraham, as does the Church (Gal. 3:8,16,29; 4:22‑31). In Mic. 4:1‑4, we read: “In the last days ... that Mountain (Kingdom) of the House of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains (kingdoms of earth), ... and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, and to the House of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His way, and we will walk in His paths.”

The succeeding verses of the chapter depict the influence that will be exerted. The blessings and prosperity will then be with those who will be in harmony with God. Now it is different, “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions.” (2 Tim. 3:12)  The world thinks that Christians, true followers of Jesus, are making their lives miserable. But the world is greatly mistaken on this matter. On the contrary, we are enjoying ourselves greatly, we are having a good time. We have much advantage in every way, in spite of our afflictions; for we know that in a very little while our trials and afflictions will all be over. We know that the glorious Kingdom of Messiah, in which, if faithful, we are to share, is about to be set up on the earth.



When ‘er the storms come down on thee,

And days of peace all seem to flee,

This thought thy peace again shall bring,

Why should I fear? – the Lord is King.

E’en when the tempest rages high

And darkest clouds are drawing nigh,

With hands of faith to this, oh, cling,–­

Why should I fear? – the Lord is King

Amid the stormy waves of life,

Above the tumult and the strife,

The chimes of hope still sweetly ring,–

Be not afraid, – the Lord is King.

Thy ship is toss’ d by wind and wave,

But there is One whose power can save;

Across the sea He hastes to bring

Both rest and peace – the Lord is King.

Yes, Jesus walks upon the sea,

And in the storm He comes to thee;

Then trust in Him, rejoice and sing;

He calms the waves, – the Lord is King.

He stretches out His hand to thee,

And from thy fears He sets thee free;

Beneath the shadow of His wing

He keeps thee safe, – the Lord is King.

In the future Dispensation, God tells us, the tables will be turned. None of the wicked shall prosper. THEN whoever is unrighteous shall suffer, and whoever does righteously shall receive a blessing. (Psa. 37:1, 2, 7‑17, 22) NOW the wicked very often prosper, and the poor and needy and the good of earth are oppressed. When the Times of Restitution come to the world, all will be changed. The result will be a clean universe in which everyone in heaven and on earth, and such as have been in the sea, the rebellious race, will glorify and praise the God of perfect wisdom, Justice, love and power, and the Lamb that sitteth with Him on His throne forever and ever, saying, “Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.” (Rev. 5:13)

The basic concepts of the foregoing are from That Servant as he sought to encourage and uplift the saints during the Gospel Harvest. But he also taught that after that Harvest work was finished there would be a class of unbegotten people who would make the same kind of consecration as did the saints – and that they would, if faithful, be rewarded in honor and service with the Ancient Worthies. We believe such opportunity is available for them now. We know this “Time of Trouble” is a precursor to the establish of the Kingdom, and so it is the only time such a class can have such an opportunity. However, when the “Time of Trouble” becomes so disrupting there will be little chance of appealing to outsiders for such consecrations.

It is our desire to reproduce the “faith once delivered unto the saints,”’ so we now quote from Question Book, p. 162, answer to a question under the heading of CONSECRATION – REWARD FOR THOSE NOT BEGOTTEN:

“We would presume that if they were faithful, as the prophets of old were faithful, to the extent of laying down their lives in the service of righteousness and truth, that God would give them a share some way with the Ancient Worthies. In other words, that if such should pass into the Time of Trouble to a considerable degree, and there lose their lives because of faithfulness to the Lord, that He would do just the same for them that He will do for the Ancient Worthy class.” (Also see Vol. 6 of Studies in the Scriptures, pp. 156,157; Z 1911, p. 181, pars. 5‑10; Z 1915, p. 269, pars. 11, 12, for That Servant’s teaching on this class, as well as in other places. – JJH)

It seems that all the faithful Truth people should realize that we are in the “Time of Trouble,” and if there is such a class of consecrators that this is the only time they will have such opportunity. Also, please see Question Book, p. 150 and 152 for further information on this class.

Brother Russell also teaches that the Worthies will have a Heavenly reward at the end of the Millennium. So we would say that all will be amply rewarded for walking a “narrow way” – especially during this Time of Trouble – whether begotten of the spirit, or the unbegotten class who later make a consecration. No one will be disappointed in the reward God has in store for the faithful.

As much of the beauty and harmony of the Truth has been distorted, set aside, and revolutionized against, since the demise of That Servant, it is our hope that what is presented herein will commend itself to all our readers and better enable them to appreciate the “Good Tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” (Luke 2:10)

“May that peace of God which surpasses all conception, guard your hearts and your minds by Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7, Dia.) Our cordial good wishes to all for a Blessed Holiday Season – and “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it” (Prov. 10:22) be yours.



Dear Brother Hoefle:

I received your letter of the 29th, and I want to say you are the most unusual Brother I have ever had correspondence with. Even though we have sharp differences, yet you are so nice about it all. You have created a special place of respect for you in my heart and I value you very much as a Brother in Christ.

I think you will find that we are of the same spirit in our view of the Pastor. I would feel selfish to accept your check for this work as you have sent so much already. No doubt you have spent many thousands of dollars in your printing. Perhaps much more than I have. I am in the 13th year of this activity, and I think the average would be at least $2,500 per year. Just out of curiosity I took a tape on the last two years of the printing costs and found them a little over $2,500 per year. Yours is perhaps much, much more, and you turn out beautiful work to send out to those on your mailing list.

You ask about some of my history. I was born May 19, 1903. My Mother took up the Truth in a big way in 1914 after seeing the Photo Drama of Creation. I was 11 years old at the time and the truth appealed to me very strongly. It took a little time to bring me to full surrender. I never did have robust health, neither did my mother. She was a heavy woman and died Oct. 25, 1929 when she was 50 years old. My Father never caused us any problems on religion, but he simply did not have faith. He was a very slim man and was a shingle weaver. My Mother and I were very close to one another. Neither of us had good health. I was plagued with much heart palpitation in my young years, and did not feel capable of going out to earn a living or marry. I kept up a home for my Father and myself for 12 years and used much of my time in Reprint studies and taking notes. I became acquainted with Bessie Stampfly who came down from Canada to live with her folks after she lost her husband, Bro. Jo Stampfly. We met at conventions and were very close Truth friends and corresponded much. In 1919 we decided to marry, thinking it the Lord’s will to do. She had a 17‑year old daughter who finally married and had five children. She finally died in Southern California (she was married to a Navy man) with a bad case of cancer.

Bessie was an ideal companion in the Narrow Way. We were married almost 40 years when she died on my 76th birthday, in 1979. She had liver cancer. So I have been a widower for a little over three years now. Bessie was 80 when she died. We think an electric and also a shock of losing her daughter contributed to the breaking down of her defenses and that is why she finally died of cancer.

My Father lived to Be 95 and died in 1970. I have never had to go out and struggle for a living. My Father and Mother were both very careful in their finances, and my Father worked up enough financial backing to keep things going comfortable. Being the only child, my Father gradually transferred his investments in real estate mortgages and contracts to my name and also to Bessie’s. I am the trustee for Bessie’s share of the investments. ... I think I have dwelled enough on my personal life, but I thought you would be interested to know a little bit about me. ....

We are a very small group and there are two elders, one from Vancouver, B.C., and myself. We have two studies Sunday forenoon. The Canadian friends (three) go back in the early afternoon. Sunday evenings, those of us who live in Bellingham, have Reprint studies. Wednesday nights we have Testimony meetings – just the three of us. ......

In reading over this letter I see it is a very rambling epistle, but I will send it anyway. Christian love to you and Sister Hoefle.

In the best of bonds, Bro. Ted ------- (WASHINGTON)


NOTE: We are happy to give this brother our tribute of praise, as we believe he was an example of the believers – faithful in all his commitments. He will be missed by those who loved and knew him well. As he said, we did have our sharp differences, but, even so, we enjoyed our fellowship by mail. His main difference, of course, was in the teachings of the Epiphany Messenger. However, we told him to take what we sent him and appreciate that with which he could agree, and let the other pass until he could accept it as Truth. This was the advice of Brother Johnson to us when at first we could not agree with all he presented. He said we are brethren, and this advice helped me much. So such study eventually worked out to be a great blessing to us. Brother Smith finished his: course February 21, 1983.


Dear Brother and Sister Hoefle: Grace and peace’

Your letter of May 21 is received, and I was quite saddened to hear of the condition of Brother Hoefle. I was quite cheered to hear that he is lots better and stronger, and I sure hope he will continue to gain his strength. Sure was glad to hear that your niece came to help out, as I know the burden was too much for you to bear alone. The Lord always provides somehow. We often wonder to ourselves, Why? Why? this had to happen to us ?

My burdens are as heavy as ever it seems, as Sister’s mental condition does not seem to improve. She has lost interest in about everything, and gets quite confused at times. .....

Well, I must close for now. I sure hope and pray that Brother John will continue to improve. Drop me a card now and then if you get the time. Rest assured that I will pray for you folks always, as I know you do For me. With much Christian love and greetings, I remain as always, Your Brother by His Grace, ------- (MICHIGAN)


Sirs: Please send me monthly mailings concerning Biblical prophecy and Israel. I desire to be kept ahead of prophetic occurrings. Your in Jesus.------- (PENNSYLVANIA)


Dear Brethren:

Many thanks for the papers as you are sending me every month. I am sending you a check to cover some of the costs of postage, Your sincerely, ------- (SWEDEN)


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hoefle: Christian greetings!

Could you please send me information about the Epiphany Bible Students? I would greatly appreciate it, Thank you’ Sincerely ------- (MARYLAND)


Dear Mr. Hoefle: Christian greetings!

Enclosed is my personal Money Order for the renewal of my subscription to your magazine. I would like also to bring to your attention that I am still waiting for the May issue that I have not received. I thank you in advance.

Sincerely yours, ------- (NEW YORK)