No. 371
On page 45 of the May-June 1980 Present Truth, there is an article with the above caption; and we have been asked to publish our comments on it, which we now do.
It is written in 2 Chron. 36:21, “To fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths, for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfill threescore and ten years.” This text relates to the seventy years of captivity of the Jews in Babylon, which had its inception in the Fall of 607 B. C., and continued to 536 BC, when Cyrus the Great issued his proclamation that the Jews be permitted to return to Palestine; but still to be subject to him. The Jews were to have 2520 years of servility under the Gentiles; and this was to continue until 1914 AD – when the Gentile governments began to be evicted from their dominion of earthly affairs. And that eviction has been progressing with increased vigor until the present; and will increase in intensity in the years immediately ahead.
But the statement in 2 Chron. 36:21 is not to be found anywhere else in the Bible; and it has reference to the fifty-year Jubilee cycles as given in Lev. 25:8-17. The PT article mentioned above is substantially a reprint of the one to be found in the Jan.-Feb. 1962 PT, in which it is stated that both Messengers did not consider those seventy years in Babylon as a portrayal of seventy literal years here in the end of the Age. Their conclusions may be right – or they may not be so; but in this we should make generous allowance that neither the two Messengers – nor any one else, so far as we know ever visualized the great length of time that the Time of Trouble is consuming. It is very clear now that this Trouble will not be nearly completed at the end of the seventy years. It will continue for some years further – although at present we have no date to suggest for its ultimate completion. This “present evil world” is passing away, but we shall first see Armageddon – world-wide revolution – and Anarchy before present governments totally expire – “as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers.” (Rev. 2:27)
It should be stressed here that the religious systems of Christendom are to go down first, to be followed by these governments in their present form. And, while there will be some forms of Gentile government after Armageddon, we have the “sure word of prophecy” (2 Pet. 1:19) that the present religious systems will never rise again. “A mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence (the approaching violence is most apparent on every hand) shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” (Rev. 18:21) “The sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee... And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” (Rev. 18:22-24) Further on, we shall elaborate upon this feature; but history abundantly testifies to the brutal atrocities that were perpetrated upon faithful Christians all during the Age, but particularly so during the Dark Ages. “The blood of all the prophets ... may be required of this generation. From the blood of Abel to the blood of Zacharias ... shall be required of this generation.” (Luke 11:50,51)
The Anarchy will culminate with the termination of Jacob’s Trouble (a very severe trial that will come upon the Jews in Palestine—Zech. 14:1-3). That will end the Time of Trouble, after which the “New covenant” (Jer. 31:31-33), and Christ’s Kingdom will be established to “bless all the families of the earth.” (Gen. 12:3)
Some may raise the objection that the Jews are still suffering – even after the Times of the Gentiles have ended. And we have no argument with this. However, their present afflictions are simply those that are “common to man” throughout the whole world in this great Time of Trouble. Their present difficulties are not any special punishment upon them because “they crucified the Lord of Glory”; and their present troubles should be viewed from that standpoint. This great Time of Trouble is upon the whole world, including the Jews – whether in Palestine or in the various nations. “When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place... (Dan. 12:1,2). Then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matt. 24:15,21) And we are most grateful for the last clause: “No, nor ever shall be.”
Both Messengers taught that the Time of Trouble and the Epiphany are identical; thus, so long as the Time of Trouble is here, self-evidently the Epiphany must also be with us. If Armageddon – world-wide revolution – should begin in 1984, then we would have reason to believe that the seventy years are literal (of which more later). If it does not come in 1984, then we will be forced to the conclusion that we must look to a still further date in the future for the destruction of present systems. However, we do know the “times and seasons” (1 Thes. 5:1,2), even though we may not know beforehand the exact date for the completion of Christendom’s desolation. Spiritually, Christendom was made “desolate” in 1878, when God spewed the various sects out of His mouth (Rev. 3:16); that is, He rejected them then as His mouthpiece to the world; and appointed That Servant to be a “prophet unto the nations” (Jer. 1:5), as well as the steward of His Household (Luke 12:42-47) – “ruler over all His goods.” (Matt. 24:45,47)
But Babylon became much more spiritually “desolate” when all the saints were removed from their midst by Passover 1916. Today all of the faithful Truth brethren can see Babylon’s corruption; and this is also apparent to many of the more enlightened children of this world.
When some of the vital expectations of That Servant failed in 1914-18, quite a few of the measurably faithful forsook the Truth and its Spirit. We believe these mistakes were permitted for a “trial of your faith” (1 Pet. 1:7); and it adds striking force to the words of Jesus, “He that endureth to the end shall be saved.” (Matt. 10:22) The Messengers understood very clearly the “times and seasons,” and gave us Scriptural proof what events to expect during this Time of Trouble. And we now behold very vividly the occurrence of those events – even though the time is much longer than had been anticipated. The evidence is clear enough that we are living in “the Day of Vengeance of our God” (Isa. 61:2), a “Day of Wrath” (Isa. 63:1-4; Psa. 110:5).
The Epiphany as a period of time (2 Tim. 4:1) – the last special period of the Gospel Age is with us; and is certainly making “manifest” – epiphanizing – persons, principles and things, through the press, radio and TV. The following is a quote from Parousia Vol. 2, pp. 140, 141:
“There will be a time of retribution upon all who by fraud or force, sometimes in the name of law and under its sanction, have unjustly grasped the rights or property of others..... Ultimately every eye shall discern the change and recognize that the Lord reigneth... But not until the great day of trouble is about closing, nor until the Gentile kingdoms are ground to powder and utterly removed, no place being found for them after 1914 .... not until Babylon is utterly overthrown and her influence over the world broken, will the great mass of mankind come to realize the true state of the case...... The battle of the great day of God Almighty (Rev. 16:14); that in proportion as they have aided error and wrong, they have been battling against the Law and forces of the new Empire and Ruler of earth; that in proportion as their tongues, pens, hands, influence and means, were used to support the right and the truth on any subject, they have been to that extent fighting on the Lord’s side.
“But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” (1 Thes. 5:4) So all the Lord’s faithful people do know the “times and seasons.” The Lord’s faithful Mouthpieces did correctly know the “times and seasons” and so taught us, even though they did not know the length of time it would require completely to destroy this “present evil world.” Nor do we yet know that time, although we do know we are much closer to this destruction than we were in 1914 or 1954. However, we consider it very probable that we shall find the correct date once things have progressed some further maybe after Armageddon.
As we read in Parousia Vol. 2, p. 99: “In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the overthrow of the kingdoms of this world begins in 1914, preparatory to the establishment of the Kingdom of God.” (written in 1889)
On p. 47 of the May-June 1980 PT it is stated, “We will be glad if the Time of Trouble ends in 1984.” We know of no one in Present Truth who expects the Time of Trouble to end in 1984, although we, too, would be glad if it does end then. We shall offer more on the desolation of Christendom later in this article. We know that God is an exact time keeper; and His Word tells us, “The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Hab. 2:3) “When the fullness of time was come (on the exact date prophesied), God sent forth his son” (Gal. 4:4); and His ministry began just at the right time! Also, the Times of the Gentiles ended in 1914 – exactly on time.
Some may consider that Christendom and Babylon are synonymous, which is not fully true, although Babylon is inseparably linked with Christendom – an integral part of it; in fact, it is Babylon that has attached the name Christendom to many of earth’s governments. We do not refer to China, India, Japan, etc., as Christendom; they are heathendom. Most of our readers know that Babylon is to be destroyed first; and, while the present governments will collapse, others will succeed them – in various forms, according to the stature of the people of each country. However, when that time comes, it will no longer be proper to refer to our government and others of like construction as Christendom; they will then simply be classed with the heathen nations – all except Israel. “Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; ... and the residue of the people shall not be cut off... And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.” (Zech. 13:2, 9)
Once the foregoing is properly understood, we can then have a clearer understanding of “the desolation of Christendom.” Certainly none of our informed readers will deny that the desolation of Christendom began in 1914. And in the Fall of 1917 – when Kerensky toppled over the Czarist regime of Russia – a most decided blow of desolation occurred there. The Czar of Russia had been the titular head of the Greek Catholic Church for many centuries; but that Church has been without a head since 1917, which is potent suggestion that at least partial desolation has come to that section of Christendom.
It is now a matter of history that when the Bolsheviks (Communists – Atheists) came to power, they took the dead bodies of saints that had “never decayed,” out on the front steps of the various churches, picked them apart before the eyes of the populace, and proved that those bodies were nothing more than stuffed cotton. There the Scripture was very clear: “The day of vengeance is in mine heart.” (Isa. 63:4)
Similar action occurred in other countries. When the Communists seized power in Cuba, the Roman Catholic Church received great “desolation.” The same may be said for Nicaragua. And in Brazil – the largest Roman Catholic membership in the world – it is reported that seventy or eighty million Roman Catholics have left that Church and have affiliated themselves with the demonized cults of Eastern Asia.
However, the Roman Church still makes great display of power in a desperate effort to avoid annihilation. This is graphically typified in 2 Kgs. 9:30: “When Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face (a beauty-parlor effort), and tired her head, and looked out at a window.” One commentator describes it this way: “She painted her eyebrows and eyelids with kohl, a compound of antimony used by women in the East then and now to add to the beauty of their eyes. Jezebel’s intention is, like Cleopatra’s, to ‘die a queen.’” The antitype of this is going on now by the present Pope as he visits various countries, pleading the cause of “the poor” – the rich should give them of their wealth, but let the Church retain its five billion dollars of wealth.
In 2 Pet. 3:7-10 there is some detail on the desolation of Christendom; and vs. 10 says, “the heavens (present Christian religious systems) shall pass away with a great noise.” Even the poorest intellects of these countries realize that we are experiencing a “great noise.” Note the Berean Comment on this text: “A great hissing noise; uproar and confusion.”
The meaning of Babylon is “confusion”; and this confusion is apparent on all hands. The various sects of Christendom all contradict each other on one or more fundamental doctrines; and this produced great uncertainty in the minds of thinking men, some of them even going so far as to reject the Bible as a source of Truth – although the Bible is not responsible for the erratic conclusions that have been reached by many. The Bible is a fiddle to many people; they play any tune with it that appeals to them. This is graphically typified in Jer. 51:7: “Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine (false doctrines); therefore, the nations are mad.” The nations are so “mad” in their drunkenness that they have been exerting all their energies since 1914 to tear each other apart; and this effort will eventually result in the collapse of all of them.
The Jeremiah text is very closely quoted in Rev. 17:4: “The woman (Babylon) hath a golden cup in her hand full of abominations.” The Jewish nation, with the religion given to them by the Lord through Moses at Sinai, was typical of Christendom. They had been blessed with “the oracles of God” (Rom. 3:2); but they had so shamefully rejected those “oracles” by the time that Jesus arrived that He said of them: “Woe unto you, hypocrites... have omitted the weightier matters of the Law, judgment, mercy and faith... appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones.” (Matt. 23:23-27)
And Jesus said the same situation will prevail in Christendom when He comes the second time. And the same punishments will come upon “this generation” that came upon the Jews, when the Romans under Emperor Titus destroyed the magnificent temple and dispersed the Jews throughout the world in the year 70 A. D.; and they have since been described as “the wandering Jew,” forced from nation to nation, despised, robbed, mercilessly persecuted by their “Christian” rulers. When they yelled, “His blood be upon us, and upon our children” (Matt. 27:25), God took them at their word: and they have paid a horrible price for “crucifying the Lord of Glory.” But St. Paul tells us they are yet “beloved for the fathers’ sake.” (Rom. 11:28) Abraham was faithful to God, and it was “counted to him for righteousness” (Rom. 4:3); thus, we see them once more established in that land promised to Abraham, and his seed after him forever’
JEZEBEL of Old Testament record (1 Kgs. 16:31; 2 Kgs. 9:7-37), is described thus in the writings of one authority: “Daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians and former priest of Astarte (1 Kgs. 16:3l). She became the wife of Ahab, king of Israel. She was a woman of masculine temperament and swayed her husband at will. She was a devoted worshiper of Baal, and intolerant of other faiths. To please her, Ahab reared a temple and an altar to Baal in Samaria, and set up an Asherah (ch. 18:4-13). Though legally only the king’s consort, and not the ruler of the country, yet she slew all the prophets of Jehovah on whom she could lay hands (ch. 18:4-13) When she planned the death of Elijah (ch. 19:1,2), and afterward effected the judicial murder of Naboth, who similarly ignored the king’s authority, though he condoned the deed (ch. 21:16-22).
“On account of these murders and other violations of the moral law, the divine sentence was pronounced against her that the dogs should eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel (ch. 21:23). The prophecy was literally fulfilled. When, eleven years after Ahab’s death, Jehu executed pitiless vengeance on the royal household, Jezebel painted her face, attired her head, and, looking out at a window, called to him as he approached, ‘Is it peace, thou Zimri, thy master’s murderer?’ Jehu looked up at the window and said, ‘Who is on my side? Who?’ Two or three eunuchs looked out. ‘Throw her down,’ he cried, and they unhesitatingly obeyed. She fell in front of his chariot, which he intentionally drove over her, and her blood bespattered the horses and the wall. About an hour later, recalling that the dead woman was a king’s daughter, he gave directions to bury her; but it was found that dogs, the scavengers of Oriental cities, had anticipated him, and had left her nothing but the skull, and the feet, and the palms of the hands (2 Kgs. 9:7, 30-37).”
The only text that Jezebel is mentioned in the New Testament is Rev. 2:20: “I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants.” This Scripture is part of the remarks concerning the “Church in Thyatira.” Thyatira means, “the sweet perfume of a sacrifice”; and is most appropriate because that area of the Church did experience extreme persecution as she sacrificed upon the Altar of the Lord.
Thyatira existed some eight centuries after the death of Jesus, so the reference here to Jezebel cannot possibly be addressed to the woman, because she had been dead for more than 1500 years. Therefore, Jezebel must have been a type of the apostate Church to whom the text is addressed. In these Revelation statements it is well to keep in mind that they apply partly to the Apostate Church and partly to the true Church.
Every antitype is greater than its type; so we may expect the story of the typical Jezebel to be enacted on a much larger scale than the record says of her. In 2 Kgs. 9:35 there is this: “They went to bury her (Jezebel – See 2 Kgs. 9:30-33): but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.” When told about this Jehu remarked: “This is the word of the Lord, which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel.”
Jezebel’s death types the destruction of the apostate Church – only the memory of her teachings (skull, intellect); her practices – (evil deeds) – palms of her hands; and her conduct, the memory of her treatment of true Christians throughout this Age; her feet remaining after the revolutionary dogs (rabid sectarians, partisans – “beware of dogs” – Phil. 3:2, quarrelsome partisans: “they are all dumb dogs” (Isa. 56:10) – will have overthrown her.
In the foregoing we recited some of the difficulties that have come upon some sections of the apostate Church, but they are mild indeed to what awaits her in the very near future, when she will be so completely “desolated” that her only remains will be her erroneous and deceptive teachings, her evil deeds, and her treatment of the Lord’s true people.
Here we would emphasize that we are not offering any set date for these events, although we are thoroughly convinced that all of the events stated herein will see their fulfillment in the near future. If that should occur by 1984, then we can state with certainty that the Seventy Years of Desolation of the Land (606-536 BC) is a parallel to the seventy years of desolation of Christendom here in the end of the Age. If Babylon is annihilated in that time, then there will no longer be any Christendom as we understand that expression now. So we shall wait and see! To offset somewhat this gloomy prediction, we would quote Mal. 3:17 for the encouragement of our readers: “They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them as a man spareth his only son that serveth him.” This is a sure promise to all those who truly reverence God. The closing scenes of this Gospel Age will be the most remarkable of the world’s history. While we do not attempt to predict any exact dates, we are persuaded that the most serious part of the trouble will occupy a very short tine. “I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” (Hab. 1:5)
More can be accomplished in one month now than could have been done in years some time ago. “A short work will the Lord make upon the earth.” (Rom. 9:28) We have full confidence in the Bible Chronology as given in Parousia Volume 2; and the “signs of the times” abundantly confirm our expectations for the consummation of this Age and the inauguration of the Kingdom; and all the hopes of those who have prayed “Thy Kingdom Come” in sincerity, will be more than they have wished for.
“O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.” (Psa. 66:8,9)
Reprint of February, 1981, No. 308
Dear Sister Hoefle: Christian love in Jesus, our Redeemer and Master!
Our son saw the book "Pastor Charles Taze Russell," by David Horowitz, and is very interested in a copy. Could you please mail him a copy as you mentioned in your leaflet? God Bless you for your labors of love, ------- (ILLINOIS)
Dear Sister Hoefle: Greetings of love in our blessed Redeemer's Name!
I am writing to thank you for the two books on the life of our beloved Pastor Charles Taze Russell, written by David Horowitz. …… I do appreciate it. It makes me happy to know that our Pastor's work is not forgotten. Also, to be made aware of the existence of such precious individuals as you are. I will pass one of them on to other brethren......
Last month it was my privilege to serve the brethren in Orlando, and the topic was on the word REJOICE, taken from Psalm 149:2: "Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be Joyful in their King."............
I have often wondered why Pastor Russell was not given greater credit by history for his part in the development of the ZION movement (i.e. promoting the return of the Jew to the Holy Land). Of course we all know the Praise and the Glory of it belongs to the LORD. But the book does give him recognition for his efforts. Also, I rejoice with you in the recognition of Brother John J. Hoefle as a loyal and dedicated devotee of Pastor Russell and a valiant champion of his prophetic pronouncements.…. Dear Sister, I am happy for you to have such beautiful memories. And such a great hope that lies before. Thank you again for the books.
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance, and give thee peace." (Num. 6:24‑26)
By His Grace, Your brother in Christ, ------- (FLORIDA)
Dear Mrs. Hoefle:
At our study today a member brought a book by David Horowitz, who is of Jewish descent, on Pastor Charles Russell. I am a Bible Student and believe in Pastor Russell's teaching. If it is possible to get one of these books, I would like to have one. Let me know the cost. Thank you! ------- (MINNEAPOLIS)
Dear Brethren: Grace and peace through our Beloved Master!
Greetings in our Beloved Savior's Name and in the knowledge of the faith once delivered unto the saints, which will soon be manifested unto all men.
It has come to my knowledge that you have access to a recent publication by David Horowitz regarding Brother Russell and his relationship to the JW's. I am not sure of the title. As you can imagine, I was very excited to hear of this publication and am very anxious to get some copies. I would be most appreciative to get any information you could provide on how I might acquire this book. Thank you for your assistance.
Your brother in Christ, ------- (MINN W OLIS)
Dear Sir:
Can you please send me about five copies of Pastor Russell, Early Christian Zionist, by David Horowitz? Thank you! ------- (NEW JERSEY)
Dear Sister Hoefle: Greetings!
Received your package of eight volumes of "C. T. Russell." Thank you! Also received six copies from Ms. Runes. We expect to send some copies to France and to brethren in their country. I believe it will be helpful for our brethren to get Brother Russell's true teaching on the subject of Zionism.
Enclosed is a donation to help you in the work. I pray the Lord's blessing upon you and your activities.
Your brother in Christ, ------- (NEW JERSEY)
Dear Sister Hoefle: Greetings in His precious Name!
It was brought to my attention recently, through your paper #366 that David Horowitz has written the book "About Pastor Charles Russell."
We have studied his 6 volumes and have made the Truth our own. Perhaps now some of the lies the JW's are preaching will be corrected.
Yes, please send us a copy of the book. Thank you for the warm Christian love you portray on behalf of the brethren. Yours in His Service, ------- (PENNSYLVANIA)
Dear Friends in Christ:
Thank you for your kind offer to forward a copy of the book "About Pastor Charles Russell." Our Bible class is very much interested in obtaining it. We will be very happy to reimburse you for your cost and postage. Please tell us what it will be and we will send it to you immediately.
May God bless and keep you. Your fellow servants, Delaware Valley Bible Students (PENNSYLVANIA)
Dear Sister Emily: Loving greetings in our risen Savior!
Have heard you may still have a supply of the book "About Pastor Charles Taze Russell," by David Horowitz. If so, I am very interested in securing it. I will be most happy to reimburse you for the book, plus other expenses involved.
God bless you for your efforts in His service.
Christian love in Him, ------- (MICHIGAN)
Dear Sister in Christ:
I would love to have the book "About Pastor Russell," by David Horowitz.
I meet with the Bay City Bible Students, and saw a copy of the book at Sister Ogan's.
Thank you! ------- (MICHIGAN)
Dear Sister Hoefle: Greetings in our Redeemer's Name!
Thank you for the copy of the book, "PASTOR CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL," by David Horowitz, which you sent me. I appreciate it very much, and will enjoy reading it.
In the blessed hope, Dawn Bible Students Association ------- (NEW JERSEY)
Dear Brethren: Shalom!
I am a Christian involved in combating the insidious disease of anti‑Semitism and the new code word for those who choose to hate which is "anti‑Zionism." David Horowitz's book on the life of Pastor Charles Taze Russell was a great personal encouragement to me. Here was a man who was not really ahead of his time but in step with God's time concerning the need for the Jewish people to have their homeland where they could definitely say, "never again." I'm convinced it was pioneers like Pastor Russell whom God used to plant the seeds for the 1948 rebirth of the Third Jewish Commonwealth. It's also the courage of men like Dr. Russell who inspired others to follow in their steps when the temptation would be to substitute expedience for conviction. I am a better and more effective Christian warrior on behalf of the survival and safety of Israel because of David Horowitz's timely account.
Faithfully, -----– Shalom Ministries (MASSACHUSETTS)
Dear Ones: Greetings in our Savior's Name!
We've taken note of the book "About Pastor Charles Taze Russell," and wondered if we, too, could have a copy? If no books are left, please let us know the name of the publisher. Thank you! ..….. (DELAWARE)
Dear Sister Hoefle: Warm greetings in the Name of Christ our Passover Lamb!
Thank you for the Epiphany issues regarding Brother Hoefle's ministry. I know it would have been a blessing to meet him in person and discuss the precious Truth.
The United Israel Bulletin is very interesting. I have discussed it and the book on Pastor Russell with a number of the brethren. We find it rather amazing that this information regarding Brother Russell and how the JW's have departed from their historic heritage should come from a Jewish source rather than from a Bible Student group.
Would appreciate several more books, if possible, and am enclosing a small contribution for postage and mailing. In the hope of the Kingdom, ------- (FLORIDA)
Dear Brethren:
Please send us a copy of your book, "Pastor Charles Taze Russell, An Early American Christian Zionist." We've heard so much about it!
Thank you very much, Brother ------- (NEW JERSEY)
Dear Brethren:
I wish herewith to express my great thanks for the book "About Pastor Charles Taze Russell," which I received yesterday. I enclose a check covering some of the mail costs.
Your truly brother in Christ, ------- (SWEDEN)
Dear Mrs. Hoefle:
Your good letter of February 12th and THE DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES have arrived, and I greatly appreciated hearing from you and receiving this fine book. I am not certain who has received other books that your Association may have sent to Dr. Potts during the interim since he died in 1973. However, I shall be glad to receive any other books in the future.
One word further about Dr. Potts: he had been editor of THE UPPER ROOM for 18 years prior to coming to Lake Junaluska. He indeed was a wonderful person and a true scholar. I have deeply missed him during these years since his death, and I am still hopeful that one day soon I shall have the opportunity to visit Mrs. Potts, as I indicated in my letter of February 10th that we still keep in touch by telephone and letters. Again I thank you for your interest.
Sincerely, ------- (NORTH CAROLINA)
Dear Brethren:
Please send me the book "About Pastor Charles Taze Russell." Please inform the price, etc. I receive your publications.
Sister ------- (MICHIGAN)