by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 408

My dear Brethren: Grace and peace through our Beloved Master!

Comes again the Memorial of our Lord’s death, and with it the realization of the truly sanctified faith-justified that its observance under existing conditions draws nearer and nearer to a finality. This realization should ever determine us to continue in the course we have embraced and to reside in that isolated and privileged place provided for us as we

“Go to Him Without the Camp.”

In Ex. 33:7 we read, “And Moses proceeded to take a tent and pitch it by itself outside the camp afar off from the camp, and he called it the Tent of Meeting, and so it came to pass that whosoever was seeking Yahweh went out unto the tent of meeting, which was on the outside of the camp.” (Rotherham) Moses in this instance types our Lord as He arranged to remove the Star Members and His fully faithful people from the midst of the measurably faithful and the tare class, beginning in the Pergamos epoch of the Gospel-Age Church and continuing until 1799. We quote parts of Brother Johnson’s comments on this from E-11, p. 430 (70):

“God had our Lord do another thing indicative of His displeasure with His nominal people, i.e., remove the faithful servants of the Truth and its Spirit from places of prominence and influence in the nominal church – caused the symbolic woman, the Covenant promises and the servants who apply them to the brethren to go into the wilderness condition (Rev. 12:6) – to the Tent of Meeting, not the Tabernacle, but Moses’ official residence – and that not but slightly away from the erroneous doctrines, practices, organization and disciplines of the nominal church, but very far from these, and made the Truth and the servants who applied it to the brethren, as well as these last, the place where God resided, met with His people and blessed them. Henceforth every one who in heart’s loyalty sought fellowship with the Lord in spirit, truth, righteousness and holiness went forth from the nominal church to such Truth, its applying servants and the others of His real people, apart from the nominal church (without the camp)... When our Lord busied Himself with Truth matters, its applying servants, etc., the Truth and its Spirit as due became manifest (the cloudy pillar descended), and remained at the entrance, consecration, where God revealed truths to Jesus in the star-members.”

The foregoing dovetails so very beautifully with St. Paul’s admonition in Heb. 13:13, “Let us, then, now go forth to Him outside of the camp bearing reproach for Him.” (Dia.) And it is such a very clear-cut and definite course of procedure for all who elect to “follow in His steps.” Such indeed is one very appropriate Thought for the Memorial. In principle, this arrangement is as true today as it ever was, of which we shall offer some elaboration further on.

“What Mean Ye by This Service?”

All the details of the original Passover in Egypt were prearranged with meticulous care and exaction, even to its future remembrance “throughout your generations,” and the instruction of the Jewish children during future observances. It was properly anticipated that inquiring and curious children would ask, “What mean ye by this service?” (Ex. 12:26), thus providing the opportunity to instruct them in the niceties and the solemn responsibility of every Jew participating in it. And this exaction so thoroughly gripped the Jewish conscience and imagination that the Passover observance today is almost identical to what it was in the day of Christ, excepting only the temple sacrifices which are no longer performed. However, they yet make very elaborate preparations for the festival. In previous years we have detailed the search for leaven. After all leaven was collected, it was then cast into the fire, and the master of the house declared in Aramaic that any further leaven that may have been in his house and of which he was unaware was to him no more than dust.

The eldest son of each family, if he were thirteen years or older, was required to fast on the day leading up to the service. Then on the evening of the 14th all the male members of the house betook themselves to the synagogue, attired in their best apparel. On their return they would find the house lit up, and the “Seder” or paschal table prepared. The head of the family took his place at the head of the table, after which all the family, including the servants, were seated around the table, to partake of the Seder, or Haggadah, as some Jews designate it. To be certain the question would properly arise, the oldest son was previously coached to ask, when they came to the table, why on this night above all other nights do they eat bitter herbs, unleavened bread, etc., at which the head of the house would relate the story of the original Passover and the deliverance of the Jewish firstborn on that fateful night in Egypt. Then proceeded the feast, which had been elaborately and meticulously prepared – the bitter herbs such as parsley and horseradish, and a kind of sop with charoseth consisting of various fruits compounded into a sort of mucilage and mixed with vinegar and salt water – each arranged in its own vessel. At the outset the master took some of the bitter herbs, dipped them into the charoseth and gave to each one present to be eaten along with the first cup of wine. Thus the feast continued throughout the evening until the fourth cup and the recitation of the Great Hallel – after which, in the case of Jesus and the Disciples, “They went out into the Mount of Olives.” (Matt. 26:30)

Many of the requirements of the original Passover were subsequently ignored, and properly so. The Lord had told them in Egypt, “Thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, so shall ye eat it in haste, it is Yahweh’s passing over.” (Ex. 12:11, Rotherham) Every minute detail in these instructions is fraught with grave significance to those who would commemorate the memorial of “Christ our passover Who is sacrificed for us.” The girdle in Bible symbols represents the serving features of those who would be servants in God’s Household. “He that is chief among you, let him be your servant,” – just as Jesus Himself illustrated this on His last night by “girding” Himself, taking a towel and washing the Apostle’s feet. “I am among you as one that serveth,” He had told them. Then, the sandals on their feet were a representation of the Gospel-Age fact that “we have here no abiding city”; always should God’s people be alert to “move on” as occasion dictated, ever willing to follow the cloudy-fiery pillar, the Truth as due, and to remember always that “The King’s business requires haste” – no time to linger and “change clothes” when the occasion should arise to journey on. And all this should be done with “your staff in your hand,” the staff typifying God’s precious promises, without leaning on which no one could ever make the journey from antitypical Egypt (the world in sin) to the Heavenly Canaan.


As most of us know, so many features of the true religion have been counterfeited by Satan. This was even true of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In Ezek. 8:14 it is related, “There sat women weeping for Tammuz.” Tammuz was the Sun God of the Babylonians, consort of Ishtar. He was identical with Adonis, the same as Baal of the Canaanites. Tammuz supposedly died each year, descended into the lower world, and was brought back to life by the weeping and lamentation of Ishtar, who was joined in her weeping by the women of Babylon. Thus, as Jesus was being led to the cross and He saw women weeping along His journey, He mildly admonished them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.” (Luke 23:28) It is also related in Ezek. 8:17 that the Jews “put the branch to their nose,” in keeping with the custom of the Persian sun worshipers holding before them a branch of date, pomegranate or tamarisk that their breath might not contaminate the risen deity. All of these sacrilegious practices by the Jews brought forth the scathing denunciation of God by the mouth of His prophets, and are a warning to all God’s people to “have no other gods before me.” (Ex. 20:3)

While it is our hope and prayer that the foregoing will result in blessing our readers, by no means is it our thought that this should replace the excellent exposition of the Passover in Parousia Volume 6. We believe it also appropriate to offer something from E-11, p. 210 (66):

“Moses’ charging Israel to remember Nisan 15 as the day that they went forth from Egypt from the house of servants, types our Lord’s charging the Gospel Church in general, and the Parousia and Epiphany Church in particular, to remember antitypical Nisan 15 as their deliverance time from the house of servants to sin, error, selfishness and worldliness. This implies a remembering of our justification, sanctification, and deliverance, as well as of our Truth instruction (1 Cor. 1:30; Rom. 8:29, 30). As Israel in general remembered the typical deliverance at all times and in particular at the Passover, so are we as antitypical Israel to remember our deliverance at any and every time, but especially in connection with our Memorial service. We do the antitypical remembering, not only in thought, but also by living out the principles implied in our instruction, justification, sanctification and deliverance. As God’s mighty delivering power exercised on Israel’s behalf deserved their remembering their deliverance day, so the power of God exercised in our deliverance from our taskmasters of sin, error, selfishness and worldliness in our coming out of Satan’s empire, is worthy of our remembrance in motive, thought, word and deed. One way in which Israel was to remember the typical deliverance was to abstain from leaven. Accordingly, we are to commemorate our deliverance, among other ways, by abstaining from antitypical leaven – sin, error, selfishness and worldliness.”

There is much else that could be included here, but we believe the foregoing will suffice to bring forcefully to mind once more our obligations to “do this in remembrance of ME”; and it is our hope and prayer that all our readers may be richly blessed in their preparation for and participation in this year’s Memorial as they “consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself.” (Heb. 12:3) This year we shall commemorate the Memorial at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, April 8, 1990; and we invite all who may be of like mind to join with us in this service.

Sincerely your brother, John J. Hoefle, Pilgrim

(Reprint No. 58, March 1960)



“The creature [creation, Diaglott] itself shall be delivered from bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.” (Romans 8:21)

Death, not eternal torment, was the penalty which God placed upon Father Adam when he disobeyed. (Gen. 2:17; 3:17-19) Over four thousand years after the fall of man, our Lord Jesus came into the world to lay down His life to be a payment of that penalty; and thereby with His own life He made arrangements for the ultimate purchase of all mankind. He has laid down the price, and eventually will take over the purchase. He has not yet completed His work. Thus far He has merely used the merit of His sacrificial death to make an imputation on behalf of the Church class. As soon as the Church shall have been completed, they will be glorified as the Body of Christ, His associates in the Heavenly nature, glory, honor, and immortality. Then will come the time for Christ Jesus the Head and the Church His Body – to inaugurate the great Messianic Kingdom, which God has long promised, and for which we pray, “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in Heaven.”

Attentively considering the transaction by which Jehovah is to turn over the world to become responsible to His Son Jesus Christ, we perceive that it is pictured in the Jewish Day of Atonement. When the high priest had completed his work of making satisfaction for the sins of the Israelites, he forthwith had the Divine authority to begin to bless the people. (Lev. 9:22-24) So when Christ, the great antitypical high Priest, shall have finished the work of offering the “better sacrifices,” and when the last member of the Body of Christ shall have been glorified, then the merit of those “better sacrifices” will be made applicable to the whole world. (Heb. 9:23) As in the one man Adam all mankind were constituted sinners, so in the one man Christ both Adam and all of his children will be justified from the original condemnation, that which came upon the human race because of Adam’s disobedience. (Rom. 5:12-19)

This squaring off of accounts will be accomplished by the transfer of Adam’s account to the account of Christ. The death of Christ will be found to be the full equivalent for the sin of the whole world; and as far as the Divine judgment is upon the world, mankind will be set free. They will be freed from the sentence which came upon Father Adam in Eden. Forthwith Christ will take possession of the whole world. His Millennial Kingdom is for the very purpose of lifting the Adamic race out of sin, degradation and death, and restoring them to human perfection. But He does not purpose, nor is it in the Father’s Plan, that any one be forced to receive the Divine Blessing. “Whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely.” (Rev. 22:17)

Under the beneficent rule of the Messianic Kingdom the light of the glory of the goodness of God will be manifest to all mankind. They will be made to know that restitution to all that was lost in Eden is God’s provision for the world. When they shall have come to the knowledge of the Divine goodness, it will be their part to conform their lives to purity and righteousness. They will retain their own individual will, however, and if any one should will to do otherwise than what is right, he will have the opportunity to do so. But he will not be permitted to do that which is injurious to others; for the power of Messiah will be exercised at such a time, and will not permit any one to work injury. Under the full light and opportunity of that blessed time, a sinner who makes no progress toward perfection will be cut off from life at the end of a hundred years of trial. Having had every possible incentive to do right under that glorious Messianic Reign, he will have no excuse for wrongdoing. If he does not yield to the regulations of that righteous Rule, he will thereby demonstrate that he loves iniquity. (Isa. 11:9; 65:20)

God purposes to give life everlasting only to those who manifest a disposition to become loyal and obedient to Him, and who by patient perseverance will develop a character worthy of being raised up to perfection of life. Those who manifest the right disposition will be lifted up out of their fallen condition to the full standard of human perfection as it was originally in Father Adam. This work of human uplift will be the work of Christ and the Church through the various agencies of that time. The world will then be free from the condemnation which came upon Adam because of his disobedience in Eden. God is willing to give them everlasting life upon condition of obedience to His righteous Law. But they will be expected to cooperate in this matter; and in their endeavor to rise out of sin and degradation they will have His assistance, through Christ. Ultimately the willing and obedient will have everlasting life; but the unwilling and disobedient will be cut off from life – in the Second Death.

Manifestly, then, there will be an interim between the time when mankind are legally forgiven and the time when they will either reach perfection or die the Second Death. During this interim they will still be of the Adamic race. So when the hosts of sleeping dead are awakened, they will not come forth from the tomb as children of Christ, but as children of Adam. Under the arrangements of the Messianic Kingdom they will be given the opportunity of renouncing their relationship to Adam and of accepting the Life everlasting that Christ will give to those who demonstrate their loyalty to God and to the principles of righteousness. So far as the world is concerned, this work of the Christ will continue until the end of the thousand years of the Messianic Reign. Then mankind will be perfect, ready to be turned over to the Father, as the Apostle Paul points out. (1 Cor. 15:21-28) During those thousand years the Father will ignore humanity altogether. He will have turned the whole Adamic race over to the Christ, who will have full charge of mankind. While the Messianic Kingdom is in power, neither the Father Himself nor any one else except the Christ will have anything to do with humanity. At the end of the Millennium, Christ will present the perfected race to the Father.

Speaking of the human family, the Apostle Paul says, “The creation was made subject to vanity [frailty], not willingly.” (Rom. 8:20) That is to say, the Adamic race did not become imperfect through any will of their own. Father Adam got out of touch with his Creator. Sin invaded his domain and he was led astray. Condemnation to death came upon him; and because of being in his loins, through the law of heredity, all of his posterity were involved in his condemnation. But “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

Our Lord Jesus is ready to redeem those who have come unwillingly into sin, if they will accept His terms and conditions. The first-fruits of His work form the Church of the Gospel Age. (James 1:18) The expression first-fruits suggests after-fruits. In other words, the Church are not the only ones who are to be saved, but are a first gathering only. It is theirs to share with their Lord in His Kingdom glory, honor and immortality. Then all mankind will have their opportunity – the creation itself which was made subject to frailty, and which is to be delivered from the bondage of corruption. (Rom. 8:19-22; 1 John 2:2) Eventually the whole world will have the opportunity of getting out from the bondage of death. First there is the legal phase of the condemnation upon the earth. This legal condemnation will be set aside at the beginning of the Millennium. Then there is the actual condemnation – death and all its concomitants. Mankind have become so infected with the virus of death that their minds and bodies have both become diseased. “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Everybody is wrong, imperfect, out of the way, religiously, mentally, morally and physically; and the race will still be in this condition of imperfection after the legal phase of the condemnation is set aside.

When at the beginning of the Millennium Christ presents the merit of His sacrificial death on behalf of the world, forthwith the race will be turned over to Him. But, on being raised from the dead, the world would soon come into condemnation again, were it not in the hands of the “Mediator between God and men.” (1 Tim. 2:4-6) If any one had his sins forgiven and then stood forth in his own strength before God, for even one day, by nightfall he would again be under condemnation, unless he could live sinless for that one day. Because of their inability to stand before God, He will pass the world over to the ministry of Messiah, and will ignore mankind altogether until the end of the Millennium. The work of Christ will be to effect the deliverance of humanity from the bondage of corruption, from which they are unable to deliver themselves. Christ will set the groaning creation free from the power of Sin and Death, and will bring the willing and obedient back into full liberty of sons of God. Whoever will may then become a son of God, on the human plane, perfect as Adam was before he fell from Divine favor.

When Adam was a son of God, he was not “sold under sin”; but on the contrary, he was perfect, the image and likeness of His Creator – “very good.” And so it is with the holy angels. They are the sons of God on the spirit plane. Thus does God design that it shall be with His human sons. They shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the full liberty of the sons of God. (Rom. 8:19-21) Father Adam was originally called a son of God. (Luke 3:38) So when humanity shall have been restored to perfection, the Son will deliver up the Kingdom to God, even the Father, when He shall have put down all insubordination. (1 Cor. 15:24-28) Then all those whom God will receive, after being tested, will enter into the glorious freedom of the children of God. They will be perfect, in the image and likeness of their Heavenly Father, as was Adam. (Brother Johnson, The Herald of the Epiphany, January 15, 1921)



QUESTION: In Rev. 10:6 there is this statement: “There should be time no longer.” Is this a proper statement, or proper translation?

ANSWER: No! it is not. As it occurs in the King James version this is certainly a wrong translation – a most ridiculous statement. There will always be time, regardless of what we may think about the continuance of our earth. However, even as respects our earth, it is clearly stated in Eccl. 1:4: “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth forever.” The Emphatic Diaglott gives the proper translation for the text: “The time shall be no longer delayed.” Verse 7 speaks of the days of the “Seventh Trumpet”; and it refers to the time in which we are living; and part of the message of the Seventh Trumpet is what is stated in verse 6. It has been properly stated in Acts 3:21 that there would be a “restitution of all things,” which has been postponed for such a long time that few people now pay any attention to the words of St. Peter. But verse 6 says we have come to that time in history that the great Plan of the Ages is now to see important parts of it fulfilled. We have now come to that time in earth’s history that the time should be no longer delayed; the grand procession of the Plan is now to be fulfilled.

The book of Revelation is a very complex part of the Bible – so much so that in the early church some members would not accept it as a part of the Bible; it was not capable of explanation. However, we have now come to understand much of it; and there is no question in good scholarly minds that it is a genuine part of Holy Writ, although verse 1, of Chapter 1 says it was given to the Apostle John in sign language – “He sent and ‘sign’-I-fied it by his angel unto his servant John.” When properly read, Rev. 10:6 is a very enlightening statement.

In our discussion of the various prophets we have stressed the overall import of this statement: “The time should be no longer delayed.” While we can recognize the fulfillment of this prophecy in a limited manner now, it will be much more pronounced in the years immediately ahead. Once these present institutions are removed, and the new order is firmly established, it will be in the daily news: “There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Rev. 21:4) Then, as the Apostle John expresses it, “I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven... Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God,” (Rev. 21:2,3) after the close of the “little season.” (Rev. 20:3)

Here we offer just a few of the prophecies of that time: “His [man’s] flesh shall be fresher than a child’s: he shall return to the days of his youth.” (Job 33:25) “I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction.” (Hosea 13:14) Then, according to the promise to Abraham: “In thee, and thy seed, shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Gen. 22:18)

Next we offer 1 Tim. 2:4-6: “God will have all men to be saved, and come into the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” Especially do we stress “in due time.” No prophecy can be fully understood until it has been fulfilled, or in course of fulfillment. And even with Jesus Himself, He told the disciples with some of the last words He spoke to them: “No one knows concerning that day and hour [when the Kingdom would be established]; no, not the angels of the heavens, nor the son, but the Father only.” (Matt. 24:36, Diaglott) But here we should recognize that the Son “in due time” did know “the day and hour,” although He did not know it when speaking to His disciples. As for ourselves, we do not pretend to know the day or the hour; but we do know from certain prophecies, by the chronology, the parallel dispensations, and the signs of the times that we have come to that day when “The time shall be no longer delayed.”

Jesus has provided us with a very strong picture of the Kingdom in Luke 20:27–36: The Sadducees, one of the leading cults of that time, who did not believe in any resurrection, came to Jesus with a hypothetical question concerning a woman who married one of seven brothers. The man died leaving no children. At that time it was the custom for his brother to marry the woman in an effort to carry on the family name. In due course, she married all of the seven men, leaving no children, so the Sadducees asked Him: “In the resurrection whose wife will she be?” And His answer: “Those that attain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: neither can they die any more [“There shall be no more death.”––Rev. 21:4] (Brother Hoefle, Reprint No. 337, July 1983)


QUESTION – Sometime ago someone gave me a Herald of the Epiphany, subject Where are the Dead? It is interesting, but what about Enoch and Elijah – and Moses who appeared at the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus? Where was, and is he? Shouldn’t we conclude that those good men are in Heaven?

ANSWER – The transfiguration recorded in Matt. 17:1-13, and the whirlwind experience of Elijah have misled many Christians into believing these two men must be in Heaven; but Jesus Himself was very emphatic that “no man hath ascended unto heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man.” (John 3:13) St. Paul adds strength to this statement in Acts 26:23, “Christ should be the first that should rise from the dead”; and further in 1 Cor. 15:20, “Christ should be the firstfruits of them that slept.” As respects Moses and Elijah in the transfiguration scene, Jesus said it was “a vision” (v. 9); and a vision is somewhat after the manner of a dream where one might see a dead relative. However, such a dream would be no proof at all that the relative was alive, or in heaven.

In 2 Chr. 21:12 it is stated that Elijah wrote a letter to King Jehoram of Judea; and that was about eight years after his whirlwind experience that had taken him from Elisha after they had crossed Jordan. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that Elijah was removed by the fiery chariot to some remote spot, but not taken into heaven.

In 2 Kgs. 2:12-18 “the sons of the prophets” insisted upon a three-day search for Elijah, lest he be in distress upon “some mountain or valley.” These were educated men, in no wise considered stupid; and they certainly did not believe Elijah had gone up to God’s throne, or they would have known better than to go searching for him. They were persuaded they would be able to find him, although their search proved unsuccessful.

As for Enoch, it is simply related that “he was translated that he would not see death” (Heb. 11:5); but there is no hint here that he was “translated” to God’s throne. And we may be certain that he was not taken there, as the Bible never contradicts itself. If Jesus had been wrong in John 3:13, that “no man hath ascended into heaven,” He could just as easily be wrong in other places, which would make him a fallible teacher, and not worthy of our implicit confidence. St. Paul further says of all three of these men that “they received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for Us [the Christ Company], that they without us should not be made perfect [raised from the dead, perfected in the resurrection].” ––Heb. 11:39, 40 (JJH – No. 168, June 1, 1969)


QUESTION – In view of the general Scriptural teaching that no man can see God and live (Ex. 33:20), how do we understand Ex. 24:10,11?

ANSWER – In Ex. 33:20 we are told that no one can see the literal face of God and live. The glory-light shining out therefrom is so bright that it would destroy a human being, if he would see it. What was in Ex. 24:10, 11 vouchsafed Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the seventy Elders was not a sight of Jehovah’s body, rather they were given a vision, a representation, of His body. Not only is this suggested in verse 10 by the symbolic pavement under His feet, but also by the word in verse 11 which is translated “they saw,” i.e., God. This word is the Hebrew word “chazah” from which the Hebrew words for seer and vision are derived, e.g., “chozeh,” seer, 2 Sam. 24:11; “chazon,” vision, Hab. 2:2,3; “chazoth,” visions, 2 Chron. 9:29; “chazooth,” vision, Isa. 21:2; “chizayon,” vision, Joel 2:28. The Hebrew, therefore, suggests that they saw a vision, a representation of God, but not God Himself. (The Epiphany Messenger – The Present Truth, March 1, 1921)



Dear Sister Hoefle:

I pray all is well with you at the moment. I received your letter yesterday and so decided to sit down and write you – tell you a bit about myself.

I am 27 years of age. I was born in New York City where I spent my early childhood. My high school years in Puerto Rico – whose people need our prayers at the moment. I spent some time in the United States Marine Corps. When I was discharged I returned to New York, where I lived with various friends and family. I now live alone.

I was born and raised a Catholic, but never lived the life of a Catholic. Although I did go through the ‘routines.’ going to church every Sunday, serving as an alter boy. I was even a leading member of the CYO (Catholic Youth Organization).

I never believed in ‘hellfire’ or ‘purgatory’ or even the ‘trinity’ doctrine for that matter. I certainly don’t believe that the ‘short bald, fat guy in the dress’ at the Vatican is St. Peter.

In 1981 I officially disassociated myself from the Catholic church, which caused a lot of commotion in my family. My mother did not speak to me for almost a year. But she soon snapped out of it. She figured she’d rather have a heathen son than none at all.

As far as my religious background is concerned, I’ve associated with many different organizations. I am an avid book reader and have a large selection of books and religious paraphernalia. That’s how I came across the name of CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL.

It wasn’t until I read the book by Mr. Horowitz that I realized the impact Pastor Russell had on people the world over – and that he still has faithful Bible students throughout the earth.

Next to our Lord and Master, Christ Jesus, I’ve never seen such a division among people because of one man.

But as you stated in your letter, all these individual Bible Student groups believe they adhere close to Pastor Russell’s teaching. And whom am I to argue with them?

I don’t belong to any Bible Student group, church or temple. My goal is to learn the Truth as Pastor Russell revealed it. I enjoy your articles and enjoy the warmth as revealed in your letters.

Many thanks and prayers go to you as you carry on the work.

Your brother in Christ, ------- (NEW YORK)


Dear Brethren:

Please send me a list of all your publications – books, tracts, booklets, cassettes, videos, etc. If you have a tract describing your organization and its history. I would enjoy reading it very much. I would like to receive your newsletter. Thank you in advance.

Christian love, ------- (MINNESOTA)


Dear Sister Emily:

Enclosed is a small check for all the papers you have sent me, etc. It isn’t much and I know you have never asked for anything. But I think I should give something if it is a nominal amount.

Also, your sent me a list of issues that are no longer available. Would it be possible to get good copies of those? I would like to get a completed set.

Of course, you know Brother Wayne passed away. ... It is sad to see so many of the older brethren leave us. Also, in case you haven’t heard, Brother Gould Jolly just died the other day.

Well, that’s it for now. Continue in the Lord’s providence.

Your brother, ------- (MICHIGAN)
