by Epiphany Bible Students

No. 379

The question is asked in a recent Reader’s Digest, “How Religious Are We?” According to a Reader’s Digest‑Gallup Poll survey, it was found that Americans are quite religious.

Disregarding the breakdown into percentages and categories, it is noteworthy that Kenneth Briggs, former religion editor of The New York Times, says the religious revival is the most visible in the American attitude toward prayer. He called it “the most powerful, least documented development within American religion.” Out of 87 percent who say they pray sometimes, the figures include 75 percent who say they do not have membership in either churches or synagogue.

Whether people believe there is a Higher Power Who controls the destiny of the world is utterly irrelevant. The world will eventually learn as did the ancient Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar that “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever He will.” (Daniel 4:32)

The Jews are the nation of Israel and have been from the days of their beginning with the Abrabamic Covenant, and the little geographical area which is today called Israel is their land. The Jews and the nation of Israel make up that which is called “God’s Chosen People.” But as Elmer A. Josephson, clergyman, writer and lecturer, stated in his book, “Israel, God’s Key to World Redemption,” “The Almighty did not choose Israel to coddle, to show them special favors, or ‘spoil them’ as a pet child. On the contrary He has permitted them to suffer more than any other nation in their role as ‘Mahmlechet Koahneem – a ‘kingdom of priests’ to the nations.”

There is a persistent belief among Christian Zionists of every nation that the degree of well‑being and prosperity of each nation depends upon the treatment extended to the Jewish population – and to the nation of Israel. And many among Christian Zionists of America also believe God has raised up America for the very purpose of aiding and sustaining Israel through the difficult time of her rebirth as a nation again in her own land.

The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America was signed July 4, 1776. One hundred seventy‑two years later, on May 14, 1948, the Declaration of the State of Israel was signed and the ancient nation of Israel was reborn.

In 1976, a remarkable little booklet was published by the American‑Israel Friendship League on the occasion of the Bicentennial of our country, “The Birth of Two Nations – An Historical Account of a Nation Born and a Nation Reborn.”

To those who so loudly proclaim that ours is not a Christian nation – and admittedly, it falls far short – let it not be denied that it was founded upon the Judaeo Christian principles of the Bible. To quote from a passage in the booklet: “American history, from the colonial days to the present, abounds in memorable manifestations of support for the age‑old aspirations of the Jewish people for the return to Zion. This unbroken thread in the fabric of American history is rooted in the influence of the Old Testament upon the Founding Fathers and the spiritual legacy they handed down to the generations that followed. The Hebrew prophetic teachings, which served as the guideline for the lifestyle of the Puritan fathers and the early pioneers, were subsequently embodied in the tenets of the American Constitution.”

It would be interesting to research the many towns and villages in America with the names of Bethlehem, Salem, Jericho, Hebron, and even Jerusalem. Parents named their children after beloved and revered Bible heroes, and today the custom is being revived.

Of the 16 presidents who have held office from William McKinley in 1897 to Ronald Reagan since 1981, every one has publicly stated support for a “Zionist State.”

In spite of the controversies and political maneuverings, America has been a strong supporter of Israel from the very beginning. In his famous letter to the Touro Synagogue in Newport, RI, which is now enshrined in the archives of the synagogue and in American history, George Washington wrote, “To bigotry no sanction. To persecution no assistance. The Biblical injunction inscribed on the Liberty Bell, ‘And Proclaim Freedom Throughout the Land unto all the inhabitants Thereof’ (Leviticus 25: 10), is evidence of the deeply rooted love and respect for the heritage of the Jewish People.” So say we all.

And our nation has struck a hard blow – a blow for freedom – against terrorism in the bombing of military targets in Libya.

Freedom and peace for Israel is both the key and the gateway for freedom and peace for the whole world. Will it end now? No, not yet. It will even get much worse, but it will come out all right. I have read the Book. (Yvonne S. Lewerke, of Clear Lake, is associated with Iowa Christian Friends of Israel)


“I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love.” (Hosea 11:4) Hosea prophesied in Israel ‑ the ten‑tribe kingdom ‑ prior to the Babylonian Captivity, dying about the time that Samaria capitulated. The name Hosea signifies salvation and corresponds well with the prophecy. The Lord through Hosea made plain to Israel that their national destruction and captivity was at hand; that it was a punishment for sin; but that it also told the people of God’s sympathy for them, of His many loving forbearances, etc., and assured them that He would continue to love them to the end, and eventually bless them and recover them from the land of the enemy.

Hosea’s own experiences in life in some degree pictured the Lord’s experiences with Israel. Hosea’s wife was unfaithful to him, as Israel had been unfaithful to the Lord. Following the Lord’s direction, Hosea took back his wife, reclaiming her; and his message to Israel was to God’s continued love for that people ‑ that although they had been unfaithful to the Lord, He would nevertheless loyally receive them again when they should have learned their lesson and be glad to come back as a bird from Egypt and a trembling dove from Babylonia.


Love is the keynote of the Bible, notwithstanding the fact that it contains threatenings as well as promises, and declarations and manifestations of justice as well as of mercy. If God’s character were devoid of justice – if His love should override His justice – it would be a terrible calamity for all those dependent upon Him. It would testify weakness of character instead of strength. It is the fact that God’s wisdom, justice, love and power operate in full harmony – in coordination – that gives us admiration for Him, confidence in Him, love for Him; and all these appreciations are intensified as we realize His unchangeableness.

From the beginning God foreknew His plan as we see it gradually ripening. He foreknew that man, allowed to take his course, would fall deeply into sin and be overwhelmed in its penalty, death. He foreknew His own purpose to provide in due time the Lamb of God as a ransom‑sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. He foreknew the ultimate blessing of all the families of the earth, purposing that the glorified Redeemer should be the deliverer of mankind. He foreknew and arranged a thousand years of restitution work, when under Messiah’s glorious Kingdom all mankind should be brought to a full knowledge of God and a full opportunity for returning to all that was lost in Eden, all that was redeemed at Calvary; and when the ultimately rebellious should be destroyed. He foresaw from the beginning the glorious result when every knee would be bowing and every tongue confessing the glorious work of Messiah’s Kingdom. This entire program was to be of the Father and through the Son. (1 Cor. 8:6)

It was incidental to this great plan that God foresaw the wisdom of having a saintly company associated with Jesus in the great work of His Millennial Kingdom, which is to govern and bless thousands of millions. God determined to have two saintly companies. One class was to be of the earth, earthy, samples of what mankind might all eventually attain to through the assistance of the Kingdom. The other class of saints, still more highly exalted, were to be the bride of Messiah and His joint‑heir in the Kingdom on the spirit plane. God could have filled these honorable positions with angels, who would have been glad of the opportunity of thus serving. However, instead, He chose to gather these companies from amongst men ‑ from amongst the sinners themselves.


Many ways were open before the Lord for the gathering of the elect for the future service. The one which He chose and has been carrying out was undoubtedly the wisest, the best. First of all, God called Abraham – a sinner like others, but one whose heart was full of trust in God and who delighted in the right ways of the Lord to the extent of his ability. God’s promise to Abraham was that his seed should constitute the elect, and that through that seed all nations would receive a Divine blessing.

The period of nearly four thousand years since God’s covenant with Abraham has been devoted to the development of Abraham’s seed – a natural seed and a spiritual seed. The two were mentioned to Abraham indirectly when the Lord said, “Thy seed shall be as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the seashore.” (Genesis 22:17) The stars of heaven thus are used to represent the spiritual seed of Abraham; the sand of the seashore, the natural seed.

For more than eighteen centuries God dealt with the natural seed of Abraham. His promises to them and the Law Covenant made with them were great blessings, inspirations, assistances. For although the Israelites, like others, were unable to keep the Law Covenant, being imperfect, sinners, nevertheless the endeavor to obey was helpful. The various chastisements of Israel, including their Babylonian captivity, were lessons intended for their good, and eventually made that nation, at the time when Jesus came to be the Redeemer, the most holy people in all the world ‑ the only people recognized of God.


Nevertheless, much of the holiness of Israel in Jesus’ day was merely a form of godliness, which did not stand the test. Only Israelites indeed – pure in heart, in motive – were enabled to appreciate the Gift of God and to become Jesus’ disciples probably 25,000 in all. Then the door of opportunity to become fellow‑heirs with the Jewish saints was thrown open to the Gentiles; and God’s Message was given them, inviting them also to joint‑heirship with Christ. The gathering of this class has proceeded for eighteen centuries, while the nation of Israel has been rejected from God’s favor. Now we are entering the great time of trouble which is to inaugurate Messiah’s Kingdom. During this trouble the church is to be glorified in the first resurrection. Then the thousand years of Messiah’s reign with the elect, spiritual bride, drawn from both Jews and Gentiles, will begin.

Still God’s favor will pursue the natural seed of Abraham. Their lessons and chastisements will fit and prepare them more quickly than others of the world to receive the Messianic blessing. The earthly phase of Messiah’s Kingdom will be Israelitish, in that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets and saintly ones down to John the Baptist are to be made “princes in all the earth” (Psa. 45:16) – the earthly representatives in human perfection of the spiritual Kingdom of Messiah.

Naturally enough, Israel will then in a natural way come first into harmony with the Divine arrangement and be the first to get the blessing. However, during the thousand years of the Kingdom, as the Scriptures declare, all nations shall bless themselves in becoming Abraham’s seed – in coming into relationship with the Kingdom, which will have an Israelitish basis. (Jer. 4:2; Isa. 65:16; Gen. 12:3) Eventually, all will be destroyed who do not thus become true Israelites. Thus Abraham’s seed will eventually include all the families of the earth – all for whom God has provided life eternal. As for Gentiles – strangers from God – none will remain.

(Pastor Russell, Reprints 5809, 5810, December 1, 1915)



QUESTION: – “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19: 24) – The Jehovah’s Witnesses say this means exactly what it says, and the ‘needle’ is a literal needle. If that is true, then wouldn’t it be impossible for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom – i.e., have any part in the elective salvation?

ANSWER: – Brother Russell has explained this passage in this way: “A small gateway of ancient cities, used at night; camels could pass through unloaded and on their knees only.” That is a reasonable explanation and in harmony with the Truth and its spirit. It is certainly true that the rich have to ‘unload’ – i.e., they are as much in need of a Savior as the poor, although the vast majority can’t see that. Jesus also said, “Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 19:23) But in that statement He also teaches that there is a possibility of some entering the Kingdom. “All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them.” (Matt. 13:34) At this same time His disciples were exceedingly amazed, and said – Who then can be saved? Jesus answered that “with God all things are possible.” If we take that Scripture without qualification, then we would say that it is possible for God to lie. “That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.” (Heb. 6:18)

It has been said that God must love the poor, because He made so many of them. It is self‑evident that the “poor of this world” are better prepared to enter the Kingdom than the rich, because they have less to overcome in many instances. As Jesus has said, It is harder for a rich man. The poor more often feel the need for a Savior – far more than the rich, the mighty and the noble of this world. “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” (1 Cor. 1:27) However, there have been some rich men that have truly “humbled themselves under the mighty hand of God,” as we can see from Church history. They are those who did not place their trust in their possessions and were faithful stewards of their wealth. “He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.” (Prov. 11:28)

One outstanding example of such is “St.” Francis of Assisi, born in 1182 of a rich merchant in Assisi in Umbria. His proper name was Giovanni Bernardone; but he is known in Roman Catholic circles as St. Francis of Assisi, or “The poor little rich man.” Motivated by the words of Jesus in Matt. 19:21, “Go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven,” he did just that. Disposing of all his treasures, he became the first of the begging friars, whose shibboleth was, “Help the poor, help the poor.” Thus, one historian writes of him:

“In the unexampled power of his self‑denial and renunciation of the world, in the pure simplicity of his heart, in the warmth of his love to God and man, in the blessed riches of his poverty, St. Francis was like a heavenly stranger in a selfish world.

“Any who wished to join him were required to distribute all their possessions among the poor, and dress in the poor clothing of the order... to carry out in their personal lives the ideal of poverty, joined with loving service in institutions for the poor, the sick, and the lepers.”

Of course, all of the foregoing in itself would not make of any one a saint, and it is quite probable that Francis cannot be counted among that “elect” group. Justification for this conclusion is found, we believe, in his attempt to “tempt the Lord,” as he endeavored to convert the Moslems to Christianity in Africa, Sicily and Spain. Here is what the record says of him on that occasion:

“St. Francis himself started this work when he entered the camp of the Sultan Camel and bade him kindle a fire and cause that he himself with one of the Moslem priests should be cast into it. When the imam present shrank away at these words, St. Francis offered to go alone into the fire if the Sultan would promise to accept Christianity along with his people should he pass out of the fire uninjured. The Sultan refused to promise, but sent the saint away unhurt with presents, which, however, he returned.”

Indeed, “Many shall say unto Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will plainly declare to them, I never approved of you.” (Matt. 7:22, 23, Dia.) Had the course of Francis been the correct one, St, Paul would certainly have prodded those wealthy Corinthian brethren to do as Francis had done.

There have been some also who have failed because of their possessions – whether those possessions were greater intellect, wealth, or other talents. Their trials and temptations are greater, but the Lord will give them corresponding strength if they continue in humility and obedience – if they look to Him in full faith and faithfulness. Their responsibility, too, is correspondingly greater. That doesn’t mean that the poor won’t have severe temptations, too. Some of the “poor” who “would be rich” if they could be, have much the same severe temptations. “They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.” (1 Tim. 6:9) The Berean Comment on this text says, “That will be rich, whether they succeed or not... Who are determined to be rich at all hazards.” In 1 Tim. 6:10 (Dia.) we read: “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil: which while some longing after, wandered from the faith, and pierced themselves around with many sorrows.” Certainly, this does not apply to money itself, for without money we can do very little in the Lord’s work. And there are quite a few people who “love” money even though they have very little of it; and some who have money, but do not love it value it ‑ above that which is right and proper.

We have known those who had nothing to go out and “stomp” for equal distribution of the wealth of the country – for socialism, etc., but when they came into money they changed their views. Of course, among the Lord’s people those who have more of this world’s goods also have more responsibility – just as those who have more knowledge of the Truth, and are in position to impart that knowledge, have more responsibility to the brethren and to the world. Possessions of any kind are to be treated the same as a stewardship of which we are expected to be faithful. Blessed are we when we can appraise what we have and what we are in proper perspective, because then we will be the better enabled to serve the Lord in Truth and in deed. However, we are to appraise our own and not the possessions of others. We are not stewards of the possessions of others. We might qualify this, as it may be proper enough at times to apprise a Brother or Sister of his “opportunities of service,” if done in a loving and helpful spirit, and for his own best interests. Brother Russell had occasion to do this at times when brethren didn’t seem to realize they had such “opportunities of service” – either in ability to serve in public speaking or in some other capacity.

It will be noticed that there are many Scriptures regarding the poor – how we should not oppress them, etc., with nothing said about “oppressing” the rich. There is a reason for this, we believe. Usually the rich (whether in the Household of Faith or in the world) can look after themselves, because they have had more opportunity of education, business experience, etc. And, too, because there has been, and still is to some extent, power in money. So there is no warning in the Scriptures – not to “oppress” or misuse the rich – although, in some cases they have been abused and misused. Today the slogan is to “soak the rich” – take advantage of them in any way you can. We are living in that special period when it is indeed “woe unto the rich”! This is especially true of those who “withholdeth more than is meet” (Prov. 11:24) – that is, those of the Household and those of the world who are miserly with the poor. “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabbath.” (James 5:1, 4) Some of this “crying” has already begun.

Some of the Lord’s people who have had much in this world’s goods have unselfishly ministered it to their brethren, and to others with whom they have had to do; and some have unstintingly supported their sects – the sects of all denominations of Babylon believing they were “giving to the Lord.” And if such were their hearts’ attitude they will be blessed in “due time” with the Truth. And in this they have apparently been “examples of the believers” to many. However, the real examples of the believers are those who like Jesus, gave their all to “bear witness to the Truth” – and they diligently studied God’s Word to know what is Truth. They willingly and gladly accepted the Truth and its responsibilities, and “Through honor and dishonor, through evil report and good report, as deceivers, and yet true; giving no offense in anything, that the ministry be not blamed.” (2 Cor. 6:8, 3)

All who have received the Parousia and Epiphany Truth are much blessed in every way, and it is our hope and prayer they will daily seek to be faithful to that Truth, and be a living (active) “example of the believers.” May the Lord bless all who are endeavoring to “walk in His steps,” and enable them to come off victors, whether they have little or much of this world’s goods.

(Question by Brother Hoefle in Reprint No. 190, April 1971)



Dear Brethren and Sister Emily Hoefle – Precious in the Lord’s Name!

It was a great joy for us to receive your letter of December 29, 1986. Many thanks for all the information which was received with much appreciation, and has added to our knowledge. We understand the situation in America and accept with hearty pleasure the help you have given us.

We are full of confidence that the Youth Center will be joined to the Emek ha Shalom settlement and it is also possible to build the proclamation hall. Herewith will be fulfilled the wonderful visions of our esteemed Brother Charles Taze Russell.

We see it as a great privilege to carry out our common fight together with the brethren in America, which will lead us to the full salvation of Israel, and then also to the liberation of all mankind.

We send you with pleasure the confirmation of your help to us. Connected by hearty love, we are

Your brethren in Israel, Brother ------- (ISRAEL)


Dear Sirs:

I am interested in learning about your Association and its teaching. Please send me information and a list of publications if any are available.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, (TEXAS)


Dear Sister Hoefle:

Thank you so much for the copy of Tabernacle Shadows. Yes, I already have what Pastor Russell wrote for the Overland Monthly.

Thanks again.  In Christ, ------- (MASSACHUSETTS)


Dear Sister Hoefle: Greetings to all in the Name of our Beloved Savior!

I always enjoy your letters. Sorry I failed to put the date on my last letter. Thank you very much for the Bulletin. I don’t see how the Jehovah’s Witnesses can deny that God had a Hand in the Jews returning to their homeland. They are very blind spiritually and want to keep spreading their false doctrines.

I can use another Pastor Russell book for a family that may be interested. We have had the flu and it has been hard to get rid of. I do hope all there are well and happy in Jesus.

With all our love, Brother and Sister ------- (ARIZONA)


Dear Sister Hoefle: Grace and peace!

I must acknowledge your good letter of January 24, which arrived in the same mail with the January‑February circular ‑ quite a coincidence! Also the winter Bulletin received about the same time. I took your letter to the class at Boldon, and they intend writing you in due course.

Enclosed is a 20 lb. note from us. If it is not too much trouble would you order two copies of Brother Russell’s Overland Monthly? The other 20 lb. is from our friend, who wishes to be anonymous, in appreciation of your labor of love on behalf of the brethren.

You will be interested to know that I have started re‑reading your papers from the beginning, and am passing them over to the class each week ‑ four at a time. I have already passed to them the early issue of the ETW as well as our spare volumes of the PTs up to 1951. So they have plenty of spiritual Manna to feed on.

I am glad to say we are much the same here, but at Boldon Grand dad (89) has not been too well. Otherwise we continue to enjoy the fellowship and study each Sunday.

I am wondering if you have any spare copies of the Manna book (1937 edition), which is far superior to the LHMM reprint.

Now, dear Sister, this brings you our Christian love and best wishes for your health – so necessary for your continued labors of love for all the brethren. God bless you.

Yours by His Grace, Brother and Sister ------- (ENGLAND)


Dear Sir:

I am writing because I have heard about your organization from a friend. I have become interested in your organization and wish to find out more information. It would be appreciated if you would send me any books, magazines, or pamphlets that would inform me about the following: history of the organization, global concentrations, and finally your doctrinal beliefs. I would also like to know the location of your headquarters. I thank you for taking time to read this letter and also for the information.

Sincerely, ------- (CANADA)


Dear Sister Hoefle:

I thank you for your recent mailings. Yes, I Would be happy to be placed on your mailing list. I am a 31‑year‑old attorney who studies with a friend. My friend has witnessed the unfolding of the Parousia, Epiphany, and as some suggest, and the Apokalypsis (1954‑1994) periods.

I believe my friend would also like to be on your mailing list. He would be happy to remain in touch with other Bible Students, and would like to be included in your mailing list.

Very sincerely yours, ------- (MICHIGAN)


Dear Sir:

Please let me know the cost of “ABOUT PASTOR CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL.” I need about five (5) copies now. Send them by airmail, please. We’ll pay the expense.

I belong to a group who enjoy your monthly papers. We study everything that you write.

Sincerely yours, ------- (TRINIDAD)


Dear Sister Hoefle:

Thank you so very much for sending the book. I am enclosing a small donation to be used in your service. I have been a Bible Student since 1919. I meet with a small class. Thank you and God bless you!

Sister ------- (MICHIGAN)


Dear Friend David: Greetings from Bethel!

Your mailings of your book on Charles Taze Russell accompanied by copies of your United Israel Bulletin have been received here. I wish to express my sincere appreciation for your kindness in sending this material.

It has been many years since I used to correspond with you, but somehow lost touch after the passing of our beloved Paul Penn. I regret that this occurred but sometimes this happens to people during the twists and turns of life.

I was very much interested in some of your comments in the book on Mr. Russell. Especially was I interested in what you had to say about the Messiah. I would like to discuss your ideas more thoroughly at some future date.

Although I was not raised to observe Yahweh’s Torah Law, I and my family have been observing it now for the past 25 years. Each passing day we learn more and we praise HaShem Yisborach for His kindness toward us in educating us for His Kingdom. I love to study the Word and I love to hear it speaking to me from the pages of the book, especially in the Hebrew tongue. I was blessed to study Hebrew for almost 5 years in a local seminary and then HaShem Yisborach blessed me to study the last two years that studies were held at Dropsie College after the institution moved to West Philadelphia. But, if I live to be 100 I shall not have enough time to learn all I would like in my lifetime.

Friend David, I rarely read a book in which I can emphasize with the author and the story he is telling, as I did by the material in your book. Also, I look forward to your column in the Jewish Press each week.

One of the things I cannot understand is the laxness in the Jewish Community today. For one who is striving to live in harmony with Yahweh’s Torah, I become greatly anxious when the local Jewish people pay little regard for the Laws. Why should Jews want to live as Gentiles? I cannot understand how they can turn their back on their heritage. Did the Holocaust do this much damage?

Well, I have said enough for now. Hope that I haven’t bored you to tears. I look forward to meeting you for lunch in New York sometime.

May the Most High Bless and Keep you in His name. Cordially, ------- (PENNSYLVANIA)


Dear David:

I am grateful to you for sending along a copy of the United Israel Bulletin with a story about Pastor Charles T. Russell. It is a fascinating story and you have set it out very well indeed.

Thank you for making this most interesting article available to me.

With warm personal regards, Sincerely, Maxwell M. Rabb, Ambassador (WASHINGTON)


Dear Mr. Horowitz:

Please accept my sincerest thanks for giving me a copy of your book Pastor Charles Taze Russell. A cursory examination convinced me that you unfold an extremely interesting story.

I hope that this book will have the wide distribution it so deserves and that it will be read by many Americans – especially Christians.

Sincerely yours, Dr. Moshe Yegar, Consul General (NEW YORK)


Dear David,

I hope this finds you and yours well. I’m sorry it took me so long to get around to answering you, and to acknowledging receipt of that fascinating book. We had various preoccupations – my wife wasn’t well (now she’s fine, thank God!); I’ve switched careers (I’m now Judaica editor and chief English editor at Carta); we’ve just married off our youngest son. And now we are getting back on the normal track of life.

The Russell book is, indeed, fascinating, and I hope to write something about it for the Post (with which I have not severed all connections). When I do and it appears, I’ll surely send you a copy.

Shall we see you again soon? Meanwhile, be well and have naches, with best wishes to all.

Cordially, Moshe Kohn (ISRAEL)
